The methods in this class are able to deal with both UNIX and Windows paths with both forward and backward slashes. All methods return normalized parts containing only forward slashes and no excess "." and ".." segments.
Since: 1.0
Author: Bernhard Schussek (
Author: Thomas Schulz (
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['serialize-strings'], 'The "serialize-strings" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['serialize-arrays'], 'The "serialize-arrays" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['escape-slash'], 'The "escape-slash" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['pretty-print'], 'The "pretty-print" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $flags = array();
     if (!$options['serialize-strings']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::NO_SERIALIZE_STRINGS';
     if (!$options['serialize-arrays']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::NO_SERIALIZE_ARRAYS';
     if (!$options['serialize-arrays']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::NO_ESCAPE_SLASH';
     if ($options['pretty-print']) {
         $flags[] = 'JsonFileStore::PRETTY_PRINT';
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Webmozart\\KeyValueStore\\JsonFileStore'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new JsonFileStore(%s%s%s);', $varName, $flags ? "\n    " : '', '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true), $flags ? ",\n    " . implode("\n        | ", $flags) . "\n" : ''));
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Assure that matching version-specific command files are loaded and others are ignored.
    function testCommandVersionSpecific()
        $path = Path::join(UNISH_SANDBOX, 'commandUnitCase');
        $major = $this->drush_major_version();
        $major_plus1 = $major + 1;
        // Write matched and unmatched files to the system search path.
        $files = array(Path::join($path, "{$major}.drush{$major}.inc"), Path::join($path, "drush{$major}/drush{$major}"), Path::join($path, "{$major_plus1}.drush{$major_plus1}.inc"), Path::join($path, "drush{$major_plus1}/drush{$major_plus1}"));
        $this->mkdir(Path::join($path, 'drush' . $major));
        $this->mkdir(Path::join($path, 'drush' . $major_plus1));
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $contents = <<<EOD
// Written by Unish. This file is safe to delete.
\$GLOBALS['unish_foo'][] = '{$file}';
            $return = file_put_contents($file, $contents);
        drush_set_context('DRUSH_INCLUDE', array($path));
        $loaded = drush_commandfile_list();
        $this->assertContains($files[0], $loaded);
        //Loaded a version-specific command file.
        $this->assertContains($files[1], $loaded);
        //Loaded a version-specific command directory.
        $this->assertNotContains($files[2], $loaded);
        //Did not load a mismatched version-specific command file.
        $this->assertNotContains($files[3], $loaded);
        //Did not load a a mismatched version-specific command directory.
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Creates the environment.
  * @param string|null              $homeDir         The path to the home
  *                                                  directory or `null` if
  *                                                  none exists.
  * @param string                   $rootDir         The path to the project's
  *                                                  root directory.
  * @param Config                   $config          The configuration.
  * @param RootPackageFile          $rootPackageFile The root package file.
  * @param ConfigFile               $configFile      The configuration file or
  *                                                  `null` if none exists.
  * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher      The event dispatcher.
 public function __construct($homeDir, $rootDir, Config $config, RootPackageFile $rootPackageFile, ConfigFile $configFile = null, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null)
     Assert::directory($rootDir, 'The root directory %s is not a directory.');
     parent::__construct($homeDir, $config, $configFile, $dispatcher);
     $this->rootDir = Path::canonicalize($rootDir);
     $this->rootPackageFile = $rootPackageFile;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @throws BadMethodCallException
 public function load($resource, $type = null)
     $path = $this->locator->locate($resource);
     $this->container->addResource(new FileResource($path));
     $file = new JsonFile($path);
     $content = $file->read();
     $extension = pathinfo($resource, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     if (array_key_exists('parameters', $content)) {
         foreach ($content['parameters'] as $name => $parameter) {
             $this->container->setParameter($name, $parameter);
     if (array_key_exists('imports', $content)) {
         foreach ($content['imports'] as $import) {
             $importFilename = $import;
             if (!Path::isAbsolute($importFilename)) {
                 $importFilename = Path::join([dirname($path), $import]);
             $this->import($importFilename, null, false, $file);
     $this->container->loadFromExtension($extension, $content);
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
        Assert::keyExists($options, 'rootDir', 'The "rootDir" option is missing.');
        $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
        if (!isset($options['path'])) {
            $options['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/repository';
        Assert::string($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a string. Got: %s');
        Assert::string($options['rootDir'], 'The "rootDir" option should be a string. Got: %s');
        Assert::boolean($options['symlink'], 'The "symlink" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
        $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['rootDir']);
        $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
        $escPath = $relPath ? '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true) : '__DIR__';
        if ($relPath) {
if (!file_exists({$escPath})) {
    mkdir({$escPath}, 0777, true);

        $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\FilesystemRepository'));
        $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new FilesystemRepository(%s, %s);', $varName, $escPath, var_export($options['symlink'], true)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
     $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
     $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('nanando');
     $rootNode->children()->scalarNode('name')->defaultValue('nanbando')->end()->arrayNode('application')->addDefaultsIfNotSet()->children()->scalarNode('name')->defaultNull()->end()->scalarNode('version')->defaultNull()->end()->arrayNode('options')->prototype('scalar')->end()->end()->end()->end()->scalarNode('temp')->defaultValue(sys_get_temp_dir())->end()->arrayNode('backup')->useAttributeAsKey('name')->prototype('array')->children()->scalarNode('plugin')->end()->arrayNode('parameter')->prototype('variable')->end()->end()->end()->end()->end()->arrayNode('storage')->addDefaultsIfNotSet()->children()->scalarNode('local_directory')->defaultValue(Path::join([Path::getHomeDirectory(), 'nanbando']))->end()->scalarNode('remote_service')->end()->end()->end()->arrayNode('require')->prototype('variable')->end()->end()->arrayNode('presets')->prototype('array')->children()->scalarNode('application')->end()->scalarNode('version')->end()->arrayNode('options')->prototype('scalar')->end()->end()->arrayNode('backup')->prototype('array')->children()->scalarNode('plugin')->end()->arrayNode('parameter')->prototype('variable')->end()->end()->end()->end()->end()->end()->end()->end()->end();
     return $treeBuilder;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Rebuild the puli dependencies for symfony container.
 protected function rebuild(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $puli = new Puli(Path::join([getcwd(), NANBANDO_DIR]));
     /** @var EmbeddedComposerInterface $embeddedComposer */
     $embeddedComposer = $this->getApplication()->getEmbeddedComposer();
     $packageManager = $puli->getPackageManager();
     $io = new ConsoleIO($input, $output, $this->getApplication()->getHelperSet());
     $composer = $embeddedComposer->createComposer($io);
     $installationManager = $composer->getInstallationManager();
     $rootPackage = $composer->getPackage();
     $repository = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
     $packages = [];
     foreach ($repository->getPackages() as $package) {
         $packages[$package->getName()] = $package;
     foreach ($rootPackage->getRequires() as $require) {
         if (!array_key_exists($require->getTarget(), $packages)) {
         $packageManager->installPackage(Path::normalize($installationManager->getInstallPath($packages[$require->getTarget()])), $require->getTarget(), 'nanbando');
     $filesystem = new Filesystem();
     $filesystem->remove(Path::join([getcwd(), NANBANDO_DIR, '.puli']));
     $discoveryManager = $puli->getDiscoveryManager();
     if (!$discoveryManager->hasRootTypeDescriptor('nanbando/bundle')) {
         $discoveryManager->addRootTypeDescriptor(new BindingTypeDescriptor(new BindingType('nanbando/bundle')), 0);
     $filesystem = new Filesystem();
     $filesystem->remove(Path::join([getcwd(), NANBANDO_DIR, 'app', 'cache']));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function installResource(Resource $resource, InstallationParams $params)
     $targetPath = Path::makeAbsolute($params->getTargetLocation(), $params->getRootDirectory());
     if (!file_exists($targetPath)) {
         mkdir($targetPath, 0777, true);
     $repoPath = $params->getWebPathForResource($resource);
     $parameterValues = $params->getParameterValues();
     $relative = !isset($parameterValues['relative']) || $parameterValues['relative'];
     $filesystemRepo = new FilesystemRepository($targetPath, $this->symlinks, $relative);
     if ('/' === $repoPath) {
         foreach ($resource->listChildren() as $child) {
             $name = $child->getName();
             // If the resource is not attached, the name is empty
             if (!$name && $child instanceof FilesystemResource) {
                 $name = Path::getFilename($child->getFilesystemPath());
             if ($name) {
                 $filesystemRepo->remove($repoPath . '/' . $name);
     } else {
     $filesystemRepo->add($repoPath, $resource);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'root-dir', 'The "root-dir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace_recursive(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     if (!isset($options['path'])) {
         $options['path'] = $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory() . '/path-mappings.json';
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['path'], 'The "path" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($options['root-dir'], 'The "root-dir" option should be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::boolean($options['optimize'], 'The "optimize" option should be a boolean. Got: %s');
     Assert::isArray($options['change-stream'], 'The "change-stream" option should be an array. Got: %s');
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['root-dir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $relBaseDir = Path::makeRelative($options['root-dir'], $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $escPath = '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true);
     $escBaseDir = $relBaseDir ? '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relBaseDir, true) : '__DIR__';
     if ($options['optimize']) {
         $streamGenerator = $generatorRegistry->getServiceGenerator(GeneratorRegistry::CHANGE_STREAM, $options['change-stream']['type']);
         $streamOptions = $options['change-stream'];
         $streamOptions['root-dir'] = $options['root-dir'];
         $streamGenerator->generateNewInstance('stream', $targetMethod, $generatorRegistry, $streamOptions);
         $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\OptimizedJsonRepository'));
         $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new OptimizedJsonRepository(%s, %s, false, $stream);', $varName, $escPath, $escBaseDir));
     } else {
         $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Puli\\Repository\\JsonRepository'));
         $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new JsonRepository(%s, %s, true);', $varName, $escPath, $escBaseDir));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Creates a new runner.
  * @param string|null $binDir The path to Composer's "bin-dir".
 public function __construct($binDir = null)
     $phpFinder = new PhpExecutableFinder();
     if (!($php = $phpFinder->find())) {
         throw new RuntimeException('The "php" command could not be found.');
     $puliFinder = new ExecutableFinder();
     // Search:
     // 1. in the current working directory
     // 2. in Composer's "bin-dir"
     // 3. in the system path
     $searchPath = array_merge(array(getcwd()), (array) $binDir);
     // Search "puli.phar" in the PATH and the current directory
     if (!($puli = $puliFinder->find('puli.phar', null, $searchPath))) {
         // Search "puli" in the PATH and Composer's "bin-dir"
         if (!($puli = $puliFinder->find('puli', null, $searchPath))) {
             throw new RuntimeException('The "puli"/"puli.phar" command could not be found.');
     if (Path::hasExtension($puli, '.bat', true)) {
         $this->puli = $puli;
     } else {
         $this->puli = $php . ' ' . $puli;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function installResource(PuliResource $resource, InstallationParams $params)
     $documentRoot = Path::makeAbsolute($params->getDocumentRoot(), $params->getRootDirectory());
     if (!file_exists($documentRoot)) {
         mkdir($documentRoot, 0777, true);
     $serverPath = $params->getServerPathForResource($resource);
     $parameterValues = $params->getParameterValues();
     $relative = !isset($parameterValues['relative']) || $parameterValues['relative'];
     $filesystemRepo = new FilesystemRepository($documentRoot, $this->symlinks, $relative);
     if ('/' === $serverPath) {
         foreach ($resource->listChildren() as $child) {
             $name = $child->getName();
             // If the resource is not attached, the name is empty
             if (!$name && $child instanceof FilesystemResource) {
                 $name = Path::getFilename($child->getFilesystemPath());
             if ($name) {
                 $filesystemRepo->remove($serverPath . '/' . $name);
     } else {
     // Don't attach the original resource to the repository we just created
     $filesystemRepo->add($serverPath, clone $resource);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Concat two path member only if the second is not absolute
  * and make the result relative to the last parameter.
 public static function makeConfigPathRelative($config_path, $option_path, $current_path = null)
     $current_path = $current_path === null ? getcwd() : $current_path;
     $config_path = Path::makeAbsolute($config_path, $current_path);
     $absolute_path = Path::makeAbsolute($option_path, $config_path);
     $relative_path = Path::makeRelative($absolute_path, $current_path);
     return $relative_path === '' ? '.' : $relative_path;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Creates the context.
  * @param string|null              $homeDir    The path to the home directory
  *                                             or `null` if none exists.
  * @param Config                   $config     The configuration.
  * @param ConfigFile               $configFile The configuration file or
  *                                             `null` if none exists.
  * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher The event dispatcher.
 public function __construct($homeDir, Config $config, ConfigFile $configFile = null, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null)
     Assert::nullOrDirectory($homeDir, 'The home directory %s is not a directory.');
     $this->homeDir = $homeDir ? Path::canonicalize($homeDir) : null;
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher ?: new EventDispatcher();
     $this->configFile = $configFile;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function guess($path)
     $ext = Path::getExtension($path, true);
     if ('' == trim($ext)) {
         return null;
     return isset($this->mimes[$ext]) ? $this->mimes[$ext] : null;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Handles the "package --add" command.
  * @param Args $args The console arguments.
  * @return int The status code.
 public function handleAdd(Args $args)
     $packageName = $args->getArgument('name');
     $installPath = Path::makeAbsolute($args->getArgument('path'), getcwd());
     $installer = $args->getOption('installer');
     $this->packageManager->installPackage($installPath, $packageName, $installer);
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Creates the context.
  * @param string|null                   $homeDir        The path to the
  *                                                      home directory or
  *                                                      `null` if none
  *                                                      exists.
  * @param string                        $rootDir        The path to the
  *                                                      project's root
  *                                                      directory.
  * @param Config                        $config         The configuration.
  * @param RootModuleFile                $rootModuleFile The root module
  *                                                      file.
  * @param ConfigFile|null               $configFile     The configuration
  *                                                      file or `null` if
  *                                                      none exists.
  * @param EventDispatcherInterface|null $dispatcher     The event
  *                                                      dispatcher.
  * @param string                        $env            The environment
  *                                                      that Puli is
  *                                                      running in.
 public function __construct($homeDir, $rootDir, Config $config, RootModuleFile $rootModuleFile, ConfigFile $configFile = null, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null, $env = Environment::DEV)
     Assert::directory($rootDir, 'The root directory %s is not a directory.');
     Assert::oneOf($env, Environment::all(), 'The environment must be one of: %2$s. Got: %s');
     parent::__construct($homeDir, $config, $configFile, $dispatcher);
     $this->rootDir = Path::canonicalize($rootDir);
     $this->rootModuleFile = $rootModuleFile;
     $this->env = $env;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Handles the "package --install" command.
  * @param Args $args The console arguments.
  * @return int The status code.
 public function handleInstall(Args $args)
     $packageName = $args->getArgument('name');
     $installPath = Path::makeAbsolute($args->getArgument('path'), getcwd());
     $installer = $args->getOption('installer');
     $env = $args->isOptionSet('dev') ? Environment::DEV : Environment::PROD;
     $this->packageManager->installPackage($installPath, $packageName, $installer, $env);
     return 0;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function collect() : AssetCollection
     $templates = [];
     $this->finder->files()->ignoreDotFiles(false)->in((string) $this->srcDir)->name('/\\.twig$/')->sortByType();
     foreach ($this->finder as $template) {
         $templates[] = new TwigTemplateFile(Path::makeRelative($template->getPathname(), (string) $this->srcDir), $this->twigData, $this->twig, $this->filesystem);
     return new AssetCollection($templates);
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function collect() : AssetCollection
     $files = [];
     $this->finder->files()->ignoreDotFiles(false)->in((string) $this->srcDir)->name('/\\.txt$/')->sortByType();
     foreach ($this->finder as $file) {
         $files[] = new TextFile(new File($file->getPathname()), $this->filesystem, dirname(Path::makeRelative($file->getPathname(), (string) $this->srcDir)));
     return new AssetCollection($files);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateNewInstance($varName, Method $targetMethod, GeneratorRegistry $generatorRegistry, array $options = array())
     Assert::keyExists($options, 'rootDir', 'The "rootDir" option is missing.');
     $options = array_replace(self::$defaultOptions, $options);
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($options['path'], $options['rootDir']);
     $relPath = Path::makeRelative($path, $targetMethod->getClass()->getDirectory());
     $targetMethod->getClass()->addImport(new Import('Webmozart\\KeyValueStore\\JsonFileStore'));
     $targetMethod->addBody(sprintf('$%s = new JsonFileStore(%s, %s);', $varName, '__DIR__.' . var_export('/' . $relPath, true), $options['cache'] ? 'true' : 'false'));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * @param string $path
  * @param string|null $configFile
  * @param AbstractLogger $logger
  * @return Result
 public function analyse($path, $configFile = null, AbstractLogger $logger = null)
     $logger = $logger ?: new NullLogger();
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($path, getcwd());
     if (!$configFile) {
         $configFile = Path::join([$path, '.simpspector.yml']);
     $config = $this->loader->load($configFile);
     return $this->executor->run($path, $config, $logger);
  * Return the path with the basePath prefix
  * if it has been set.
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
 protected function resolvePath($path)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($path, 'The path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::startsWith($path, '/', 'The path %s is not absolute.');
     if ($this->basePath) {
         $path = $this->basePath . $path;
     $path = Path::canonicalize($path);
     return $path;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private function toAssetPath($filePath, $rootDirectory)
     $canonicalRootDir = Path::canonicalize($rootDirectory);
     $asset = str_replace($canonicalRootDir, "", $filePath);
     // Strip leading slash
     if (substr($asset, 0, 1) === "/") {
         $asset = substr($asset, 1);
     return $asset;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * @param GadgetResultEvent $event
 public function onGadgetResult(GadgetResultEvent $event)
     $result = $event->getResult();
     $path = $event->getPath();
     foreach ($result->getIssues() as $issue) {
         if (!$issue->getFile()) {
         $issue->setFile(Path::makeRelative($issue->getFile(), $path));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private function phpunitConfig(array $argv)
     if (count($argv) > 0) {
         $original = file_get_contents($argv[0]);
         $fix = Path::canonicalize('../' . $this->fs->relativePath(dirname($argv[0])));
     } else {
         $original = '<phpunit />';
         $fix = null;
     return $this->phpunit_config_generator->generate($original, $fix);
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * @param string $path
  * @param Issue $issue
  * @param int $around
  * @param bool $attr
  * @return string
 public static function createCodeSnippet($path, Issue $issue, $around = 5, $attr = false)
     $snippet = SnippetHelper::createSnippetByFile(Path::join($path, $issue->getFile()), $issue->getLine(), $around);
     $extension = pathinfo($issue->getFile(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $offset = max($issue->getLine() - $around, 1);
     $options = [];
     if ($attr) {
         $options = ['file' => $issue->getFile(), 'line' => $issue->getLine(), 'offset' => $offset];
     return (new MarkdownBuilder())->code($snippet, $extension, $options)->getMarkdown();
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function testParameters()
     $path = Path::join([DATAFIXTURES_DIR, 'config', 'test-parameters.json']);
     $this->container->addResource(Argument::that(function (FileResource $resource) use($path) {
         return $resource->getResource() === $path;
     $this->container->loadFromExtension('test-parameters', ['name' => 'test'])->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->container->setParameter('test', 'value')->shouldBeCalled();
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function testRestore()
     $path = Path::join([DATAFIXTURES_DIR, 'backups', '']);
     $nanbando = $this->getNanbando(['uploads' => ['plugin' => 'directory', 'parameter' => ['directory' => 'uploads']]]);
     $filesystem = new Filesystem(new ZipArchiveAdapter($path));
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(Events::PRE_RESTORE_EVENT, Argument::type(PreRestoreEvent::class))->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(Events::RESTORE_EVENT, Argument::type(RestoreEvent::class))->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(Events::POST_RESTORE_EVENT, Argument::type(Event::class))->shouldBeCalled();
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Handles the "tree" command.
  * @param Args $args The console arguments.
  * @param IO   $io   The I/O.
  * @return int The status code.
 public function handle(Args $args, IO $io)
     $path = Path::makeAbsolute($args->getArgument('path'), $this->currentPath);
     $resource = $this->repo->get($path);
     $total = 0;
     $io->writeLine('<c1>' . $resource->getPath() . '</c1>');
     $this->printTree($io, $resource, $total);
     $io->writeLine($total . ' resources');
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
     $configuration = new Configuration();
     $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);
     $loader = new Loader\XmlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/config'));
     $container->setParameter('acme_php.domains_configurations', (array) $config['domains']);
     $container->setParameter('acme_php.certificate_dir', Path::canonicalize($config['certificate_dir']));
     $container->setParameter('acme_php.certificate_authority', $config['certificate_authority']);
     $container->setParameter('acme_php.contact_email', $config['contact_email']);