editPost() public method

Changes the post using WP-CLI.
public editPost ( $id, $changes )
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @test
  * Creates a post and edits it (compatibly) in both environments. This leads to two different date modified's
  * but they should still merge fine if our merge driver works correctly.
 public function dateModifiedMergesAutomatically()
     $cloneSiteConfig = self::$cloneSiteConfig;
     $internalCommandPath = __DIR__ . '/../../src/Cli/vp-internal.php';
     $wpAutomation = new WpAutomation(self::$siteConfig, self::$testConfig->wpCliVersion);
     $cloneWpAutomation = new WpAutomation(self::$cloneSiteConfig, self::$testConfig->wpCliVersion);
     $post = ["post_type" => "page", "post_status" => "publish", "post_title" => "Test page for menu", "post_date" => "2011-11-11 11:11:11", "post_content" => "Test page", "post_author" => 1];
     $postId = $wpAutomation->createPost($post);
     $postVpId = $wpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('vp-internal', 'get-entity-vpid', ['require' => $internalCommandPath, 'id' => $postId, 'name' => 'posts']);
     $wpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('vp', 'clone', ['name' => self::$cloneSiteConfig->name, 'yes' => null]);
     $wpAutomation->editPost($postId, ['post_title' => 'Some new title']);
     // We need to sleep for at least a second to get different date modified's;
     // WP-CLI / WordPress don't allow setting `post_modified` so we need to use this.
     $clonedPostId = $cloneWpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('vp-internal', 'get-entity-id', ['require' => $internalCommandPath, 'vpid' => $postVpId]);
     $cloneWpAutomation->editPost($clonedPostId, ['post_content' => 'Some new content']);
     $wpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('vp', 'pull', ['from' => self::$cloneSiteConfig->name]);
     $modifiedDate = $wpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('post get', $postId, ['field' => 'post_modified']);
     $clonedModifiedDate = $cloneWpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('post get', $clonedPostId, ['field' => 'post_modified']);
     $modifiedDateGmt = $wpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('post get', $postId, ['field' => 'post_modified_gmt']);
     $clonedModifiedDateGmt = $cloneWpAutomation->runWpCliCommand('post get', $clonedPostId, ['field' => 'post_modified_gmt']);
     $this->assertEquals($clonedModifiedDate, $modifiedDate);
     $this->assertEquals($clonedModifiedDateGmt, $modifiedDateGmt);