function get_index($type = null, $object = null) { $object = (int) $object; $parent = $this->in('parent', null); if (!$this->accessible('list', $object, $parent)) { return false; } $rows = Post::with('author')->where('type', '=', $type)->where('object', '=', $object)->order_by('created_at', 'desc'); "{$parent}" === '' or $rows->where('parent', '=', $parent ?: null); $rows = $rows->get(); if ($rows and !$this->can('post.hidefiles')) { $files = File::fromLists('post', prop('id', $rows)); $rows = S($rows, function ($model) use($files) { $attachments = (array) array_get($files, $model->id); return compact('attachments') + $model->withHTML()->to_array(); }); } return compact('rows'); }
return $result; }); // Fired when a new unique File ID (UNSIGNED INT) needs to be generated. // Make it as random as possible. // //= int non-zero Event::listen(VANE_NS . '', function () { do { if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) { $bytes = S(str_split(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(4)), 'ord'); } else { $bytes = array(mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand()); } $bytes[0] %= 4; $id = join($bytes); } while (File::find($id)); return $id; }); // Fired when a new (prepared) File model needs to be inserted into the database. // //= bool Event::listen(VANE_NS . 'file.insert', function (File &$file) { return $file->save(); }); // Fired once a new File has been successfully placed. Event::listen(VANE_NS . 'file.inserted', function (File $file) { }); // Fired when a File instance has been used in another context thus its reference // counter should be updated. // //= bool