  * Logic for the ubc_template shortcode. Looks for a specific template file
  * that is requested in the shortcode atts, if it exists, fetches it.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param (array) $attr - Attributes passed to the shortcode
  * @return (string) markup for this shortcode
 public function add_shortcode__ubc_template($attr)
     $attr = shortcode_atts(array('department' => '', 'template' => ''), $attr, 'ubc_template');
     // Need both, bail early if not set
     if (empty($attr['department']) || empty($attr['template'])) {
         return __('ubc_template shortcode requires both a department and template', $this->get_text_domain());
     // The root URL
     $path = self::$plugin_path . 'templates/';
     $department = sanitize_title_with_dashes($attr['department']);
     $template = sanitize_title_with_dashes($attr['template']);
     // Form the full path and then check if that template exists
     $path .= trailingslashit($department) . $template . '.php';
     $path = apply_filters('ubc_use_template_path', $path, $department, $template);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return __('Specified template file does not exist', $this->get_text_domain());
     $data = apply_filters('ubc_use_template_data', array(), $department, $template);
     // This allows us to use odd/even counts in templates
     global $usage_id;
     if (!isset($usage_id)) {
         $usage_id = 0;
     // Fetch the content of this template
     $content = \UBC\Helpers::fetch_template_part($path, $data);
     // Run it through a filter so we can modify outside should someone wish to add
     $content = apply_filters('ubc_use_template_content', $content, $data, $department, $template);
     do_action('ubc_use_template_end', $content, $data, $department, $template);
     return wp_kses_post($content);
  * Logic for the ubc_template shortcode. Looks for a specific template file
  * that is requested in the shortcode atts, if it exists, fetches it.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param (array) $attr - Attributes passed to the shortcode
  * @return (string) markup for this shortcode
 public function add_shortcode__ubc_template($attr)
     $attr = shortcode_atts(array('department' => '', 'template' => ''), $attr, 'ubc_template');
     // Need both, bail early if not set
     if (empty($attr['department']) || empty($attr['template'])) {
         return esc_html__('ubc_template shortcode requires both a department and template', $this->get_text_domain());
     $department = sanitize_title_with_dashes($attr['department']);
     $template = sanitize_title_with_dashes($attr['template']);
     $path = $this->generate_path($department, $template);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return esc_html__('Specified template file does not exist', $this->get_text_domain());
     $data = apply_filters('ubc_use_template_data', array(), $department, $template);
     // This allows us to use odd/even counts in templates
     global $usage_id;
     $usage_id = !isset($usage_id) ? 0 : $usage_id;
     // Fetch the content of this template
     $content = \UBC\Helpers::fetch_template_part($path, $data);
     // Run it through a filter so we can modify outside should someone wish to add
     $content = apply_filters('ubc_use_template_content', $content, $data, $department, $template);
     do_action('ubc_use_template_end', $content, $data, $department, $template);
     return wp_kses_post($content);