Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Generates the form to alter the password of the Install Tool
  * @return string HTML of the form
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function alterPasswordForm()
     // Get the template file
     $templateFile = @file_get_contents(PATH_site . $this->templateFilePath . 'AlterPasswordForm.html');
     // Get the template part from the file
     $template = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser::getSubpart($templateFile, '###TEMPLATE###');
     // Define the markers content
     $markers = array('action' => $this->scriptSelf . '?TYPO3_INSTALL[type]=extConfig', 'enterPassword' => 'Enter new password:'******'enterAgain' => 'Enter again:', 'submit' => 'Set new password', 'formToken' => $this->formProtection->generateToken('installToolPassword', 'change'));
     // Fill the markers
     $content = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser::substituteMarkerArray($template, $markers, '###|###', TRUE, FALSE);
     return $content;