Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testRemoveExistingEntity()
     $type = new ArticleType();
     $test_entity = $type->createEntity(['uuid' => '2d10d19a-7aca-4d87-aa34-1ea9a5604138']);
     $map = new EntityMap([$test_entity]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function articleValuePathProvider()
     $article_type = new ArticleType();
     $headline = 'test it';
     $content = 'most sophisticated cmf ever being tested here!';
     $paragraph_title = 'this is an awesome paragraph';
     $paragraph_content = 'and even more awesome content ...';
     $coords = new GeoPoint(['lon' => 12.34, 'lat' => 56.78]);
     $article = $article_type->createEntity(['headline' => $headline, 'content' => $content, 'content_objects' => [['@type' => 'paragraph', 'title' => $paragraph_title, 'content' => $paragraph_content, 'coords' => $coords]]]);
     return [[$article, 'headline', $headline], [$article, 'content_objects.paragraph[0].content', $paragraph_content], [$article, 'content_objects.*[0].title', $paragraph_title], [$article, 'content_objects.*[0].coords', $coords], [$article, 'content_objects.paragraph.content', $paragraph_content]];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function attributePathProvider()
     $article_type = new ArticleType();
     $headline_attribute = $article_type->getAttribute('headline');
     $content_objects_attribute = $article_type->getAttribute('content_objects');
     $paragraph_type = $content_objects_attribute->getEmbeddedTypeByPrefix('paragraph');
     $title_attribute = $paragraph_type->getAttribute('title');
     $workflow_state_attribute = $article_type->getAttribute('workflow_state');
     $workflow_state_type = $workflow_state_attribute->getEmbeddedTypeByPrefix('workflow_state');
     $workflow_step_attribute = $workflow_state_type->getAttribute('workflow_step');
     return [[$headline_attribute, 'headline'], [$title_attribute, 'content_objects.paragraph.title'], [$workflow_step_attribute, 'workflow_state.workflow_state.workflow_step']];
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testCountShouldBeCorrectAfterAddingEntities()
     $type = new ArticleType();
     $test_entity = $type->createEntity();
     $list = new EntityList([]);
     $entity1 = $list[0];
     $entity2 = $list[1];
     $this->assertEquals($test_entity, $entity1);
     $this->assertEquals($test_entity, $entity2);
     $this->assertCount(2, $list);
     $this->assertTrue(count($list) === 2);
     $this->assertTrue($list->getSize() === 2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function provideTestEntity()
     $type = new ArticleType();
     $test_entity = $type->createEntity(array('headline' => 'This is incredible stuff!', 'author' => 'Thorsten Schmitt-Rink', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'content' => 'This is some kind of very valueable and incredible content.', 'enabled' => true, 'click_count' => 23, 'images' => array(5, 23, 42), 'keywords' => array('incredible', 'valueable'), 'meta' => array('state' => 'edit'), 'paragraphs' => array(array('title' => 'This is an amazing paragraph', 'content' => 'Bob! This is just in incredible!', '@type' => '\\Trellis\\Tests\\Runtime\\Fixtures\\Paragraph'))));
     return array(array($test_entity));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function testCollateChildren()
     $article_type = new ArticleType();
     $article = $article_type->createEntity($this->getExampleValues());
     $content_objects = $article->getValue('content_objects');
     $categories = $article->getValue('categories');
     $entity_map = $article->collateChildren(function (EntityInterface $entity) {
         return true;
     $this->assertInstanceOf(EntityMap::CLASS, $entity_map);
     $this->assertEquals(['content_objects.paragraph[0]' => $content_objects->getItem(0), 'content_objects.paragraph[1]' => $content_objects->getItem(1), 'categories.referenced_category[0]' => $categories->getItem(0)], $entity_map->getItems());
Ejemplo n.º 7
#!/usr/bin/env php
use Trellis\Tests\Runtime\Fixtures\ArticleType;
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// same order as in ArticleType definition!
$data = ['uuid' => '7e185d43-f870-46e7-9cea-59800555e970', 'headline' => 'this is a short headline', 'content' => "Like you, I used to think the world was this great place where everybody lived by the same" . " standards I did, then some kid with a nail showed me I was living in his world, a world where chaos rules" . " not order, a world where righteousness is not rewarded. That's Cesar's world, and if you're not willing to" . " play by his rules, then you're gonna have to pay the price. \n\n    Well, the way they make shows is, they" . " make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on" . " the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked" . " and become television programs. Some don't, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became" . "nothing.\n", 'click_count' => 123, 'float' => 123.456, 'coords' => ['lon' => 123.456, 'lat' => 52.34], 'author' => 'Samuel L Ipsum', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'website' => 'http://slipsum.com/lite/', 'birthday' => '2014-12-31T12:34:56.123456+01:00', 'images' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 'keywords' => ['some', 'keywords'], 'enabled' => true, 'content_objects' => [['@type' => 'paragraph', 'title' => 'hello world!', 'text' => " You see? It's curious. Ted did figure it out - time travel. And when we get back, we gonna" . " tell everyone. How it's possible, how it's done, what the dangers are. But then why fifty years" . " in the future when the spacecraft encounters a black hole does the computer call it an 'unknown" . " entry event'? Why don't they know? If they don't know, that means we never told anyone. And if" . " we never told anyone it means we never made it back. Hence we die down here. Just as a matter of" . " deductive logic.\n", 'coords' => ['lon' => 12.34, 'lat' => 56.78]], ['@type' => 'paragraph', 'title' => 'hello world again!', 'text' => " Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense! In" . " a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite" . " of the hero. And most times they're friends, like you and me! I should've known way back when..." . " You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr Glass. ", 'coords' => ['lon' => 23.45, 'lat' => 56.78]]], 'categories' => [['@type' => 'referenced_category', 'identifier' => '1023abf5-f870-46e7-9cea-5980055a523b', 'referenced_identifier' => 'some-category']], 'meta' => ['key' => 'value'], 'workflow_state' => []];
$times = [];
$num = 10;
$repeats = 1000;
$article_type = new ArticleType();
for ($t = 0; $t < $num; $t++) {
    $start = microtime(true);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $repeats; $i++) {
        $article = $article_type->createEntity($data);
    $end = microtime(true);
    $times[$t] = round(($end - $start) * 1000, 3);
    echo $times[$t] . 'ms ';
$sum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
    $sum += $times[$i];
echo PHP_EOL . 'Average time to create ' . $repeats . ' articles: ' . round($sum / $num, 3) . PHP_EOL;
// default: avg=4692ms for 1000 articles, 4668ms, 4709ms
// default w/ bool cast in toBoolean of Rule: avg=4503ms for 1000 articles, 4491ms
// default w/o toBoolean: avg=4355ms for 1000 articles, 4348ms
// default w/o toBoolean and w/ simple trim(): avg=4323ms for 1000 articles, 4356ms
// ~ 7% improvement for 1000 articles when not using toBoolean for getOption()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function testGetAttributeByPath()
     $article_type = new ArticleType();
     $attribute = $article_type->getAttribute('content_objects.paragraph.title');
     $this->assertEquals('title', $attribute->getName());