public function test_reversing() { $cfg = \System\Settings::get('domains'); $list = array_keys($cfg); $host = $list[0]; $this->assertEquals(\System\Router::get_url($host, 'system_resource', array('static', 'a', 'b')), '/static/a/b'); }
public function send_mail() { if (!$this->sent_report) { $users = \System\User\Group::find(self::ID_GROUP_REPORT)->users->fetch(); $rcpt = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $contacts = $user->contacts->where(array('type' => \System\User\Contact::STD_EMAIL, 'spam' => true))->fetch(); $mails = collect(array('attr', 'ident'), $contacts); $rcpt = array_merge($rcpt, $mails); } $data = $this->get_data(); $locales = new \System\Locales(); $subject = 'mail-subject-new-feedback'; $body = 'mail-body-new-feedback'; $from = $this->email; $mail = \Helper\Offcom\Mail::create($subject, $body); $locales->set_locale(); $subject = stprintf($locales->trans($subject), $data); $body = stprintf($locales->trans($body), $data); // Prepend tag to subject of all alerts $subject = '[Impro][Feedback ' . $this->id . '] ' . $subject; $body .= "\n\nTento e-mail byl automaticky vygenerován uživatelskou interakcí webu Improligy. Pokud tento e-mail neměl přijít vám, obraťte se na kontakty Improligy.\n"; $mail->rcpt = $rcpt; $this->sent_report = $mail->send(); if ($from) { $mail->from = \System\Settings::get('offcom', 'default', 'sender'); $mail->rcpt = array($from); $this->sent_copy = $mail->send(); } $this->save(); } return $this; }
public function construct($attrs) { \System\Directory::check(BASE_DIR . self::DIR_CACHE); $cache = \System\Settings::getSafe(array('cache', 'templates'), true); if (class_exists('Jade\\Jade')) { $this->jade = new \Jade\Jade(array('cache' => $cache ? BASE_DIR . self::DIR_CACHE : null)); } else { throw new \System\Error\MissingDependency('Could not find jade template compiler.', 'Please install ronan-gloo/jadephp'); } }
public function send_notif(\System\Http\Response $res) { $ren = \System\Template\Renderer\Txt::from_response($res); $ren->reset_layout(); $ren->partial('mail/car/offer', array("admin" => $res->url_full('carshare.admin', array($this->ident)))); $mail = new \Helper\Offcom\Mail(array('rcpt' => array($this->email), 'subject' => 'Improtřesk 2016 - Sdílení auta', 'reply_to' => \System\Settings::get('offcom', 'default', 'reply_to'), 'message' => $ren->render_content())); $mail->send(); $this->sent_notif = true; $this->save(); }
public static function build_config() { self::$menu = \System\Settings::read(self::DIR_ADMIN); self::$routes = \System\Settings::read(self::DIR_ROUTES); self::$cfg = array(); $prefix = cfg('godmode', 'path_prefix'); // Add godmode path prefix foreach (self::$routes as &$route) { $route['url'] = $prefix . $route['url']; } self::save(); }
public static function query($query, $db_ident = null) { if (($db = self::get_db($db_ident)) !== null) { $start = microtime(true); $res = $db->query($query); self::$queries++; if (\System\Settings::get('dev', 'debug', 'backend')) { $trace = debug_backtrace(); $tres = count($trace > 2) ? 2 : 1; self::$query_record[] = array("trace" => $trace[$tres], "time" => microtime(true) - $start, "query" => $query); } return $res; } else { throw new \System\Error\Database('Not connected to database "' . $db_ident . '"'); } }
/** Initialize all scripts for this request and domain * @return void */ public function init() { if ($this->get('lang')) { $this->lang = $this->get('lang'); } else { if ($this->cookie('lang')) { $this->lang = $this->cookie('lang'); } } try { $login = \System\Settings::get('policies', 'auto_login'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $login = true; } if ($login) { $this->relogin(); } \System\Init::run($this->init, array("request" => $this)); return $this; }
public function cmd_pair() { \System\Init::full(); $token = \System\Settings::get('bank', 'token'); $from = \System\Settings::get('bank', 'from'); $to = date('Y-m-d'); $url = str_replace('{token}', $token, self::URL_TRANSACTIONS); $url = str_replace('{from}', $from, $url); $url = str_replace('{to}', $to, $url); $res = \Helper\Offcom\Request::get($url); if (!$res->ok()) { if ($res->status == 409) { \Helper\Cli::out('Please wait 30 seconds and try again.'); exit(4); } else { \Helper\Cli::out('Unknown error during transaction scrape.'); exit(5); } } $feed = \System\Json::decode($res->content); \Workshop\Payment::pair_with_feed($feed); }
public function run() { $rq = $this->request; $res = $this->response; $ren = $res->renderer; $userClass = \System\Loader::get_class_from_model(\System\Settings::get('godmode', 'userClass')); if ($rq->logged_in()) { $this->flow->redirect($ren->url('god_home')); } else { $f = $res->form(array("id" => 'core-user-login')); $f->input(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'login', 'label' => $ren->trans("gm-login-name"), 'required' => true)); $f->input(array('type' => 'password', 'name' => 'password', 'label' => $ren->trans("gm-password"), 'required' => true)); $f->submit($ren->trans('Log in')); if ($f->passed()) { $p = $f->get_data(); if ($userClass::startSession($rq, $p['login'], $p['password'])) { $this->flow->redirect($ren->url('god_home')); } } $f->out($this); } }
public function run() { $rq = $this->request; $res = $this->response; $page = 0; $per_page = 1; $model = $this->req('model'); $cname = \System\Loader::get_class_from_model($model); $exists = class_exists($cname) && is_subclass_of($cname, '\\System\\Model\\Perm'); $send = array('status' => 404, 'message' => 'schema-not-found'); if ($exists) { try { $schema = $cname::get_visible_schema($rq->user); } catch (\System\Error\AccessDenied $e) { $send['status'] = 403; $send['message'] = 'access-denied'; } if ($schema) { $send['status'] = 200; $send['message'] = 'ok'; $send['data'] = $schema; } } try { $debug = \System\Settings::get('dev', 'debug', 'backend'); } catch (\System\Error $e) { $debug = true; } if (!$debug) { $max_age = \System\Settings::get('cache', 'resource', 'max-age'); $res->header('Pragma', 'public,max-age=' . $max_age); $res->header('Cache-Control', 'public'); $res->header('Expires', date(\DateTime::RFC1123, time() + $max_age + rand(0, 60))); $res->header('Age', '0'); } $this->partial(null, $send); }
public static function cmd_database() { \System\Init::full(); $db_list = \System\Settings::get('database', 'list'); foreach ($db_list as $db_ident => $db_cfg) { $size = \System\Database::query("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(data_length + index_length) 'size',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum( data_free ) 'free'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM information_schema.TABLES\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE table_schema = '" . $db_cfg['database'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY table_schema;\n\t\t\t\t")->fetch(); $mlast_date = false; $mcount = 0; try { $mig = \System\Database\Migration::get_new(); $mcount = count($mig); $stat = "Ok"; $mlast = \System\Database\Migration::get_first()->where(array("status" => 'ok'))->sort_by("updated_at DESC")->fetch(); if ($mlast) { $mlast_date = $mlast->updated_at; } } catch (System\Error $e) { $stat = "Migrating database is necessary."; } \Helper\Cli::out('Database ' . $db_ident); \Helper\Cli::sep(); \Helper\Cli::out_flist(array("list" => array("Driver" => $db_cfg['driver'], "Host name" => $db_cfg['host'], "Database name" => $db_cfg['database'], "User" => $db_cfg['username'], "Used charset" => $db_cfg['charset'], "Lazy driver" => $db_cfg['lazy'] ? 'yes' : 'no', "Size" => \System\Template::convert_value('information', $size['size']), "Free space" => \System\Template::convert_value('information', $size['free']), "Structure" => $stat, "Last migrated" => $mlast_date ? $mlast_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : 'never', "New migrations" => $mcount))); } }
public function run() { $id = $this->id; $new = $this->new; def($id); def($new, false); $model = $this->req('model'); $rq = $this->request; $cname = \System\Loader::get_class_from_model($model); $response = array('message' => 'not-found', 'status' => 404); if (class_exists($cname) && is_subclass_of($cname, '\\System\\Model\\Perm')) { if ($item = $new ? new $cname() : $cname::find($id)) { $data = $rq->post(); foreach ($data as $attr_name => $val) { if ($item::has_attr($attr_name)) { $def = $cname::get_attr($attr_name); if (is_string($val)) { if (preg_match('/^[\\{\\[].*[\\}\\]]$/', $val)) { $val = \System\Json::decode(html_entity_decode($val)); } } if (in_array($def['type'], array('file', 'image'))) { $helper_cname = '\\System\\File'; if ($def['type'] == 'image') { $helper_cname = '\\System\\Image'; } if (is_array($val)) { if (any($val['method']) && any($val[$val['method']])) { $data = $rq->post($val[$val['method']]); if ($data) { $item->{$attr_name} = $helper_cname::from_tmp($data['tmp_name'], $data['name']); } } } } else { if ($def['type'] == 'password') { $item->{$attr_name} = hash_passwd($val); } else { if ($def['type'] == 'bool') { if ($val == 'false') { $val = false; } $item->{$attr_name} = $val; } else { if ($def['type'] == 'date') { $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $val); if ($date) { $tz = new \DateTimeZone(\System\Settings::get('locales', 'timezone')); $date->setTimeZone($tz); } else { $date = null; } $item->{$attr_name} = $date; } else { if ($def['type'] == 'datetime') { $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $val); if ($date) { $tz = new \DateTimeZone(\System\Settings::get('locales', 'timezone')); $date->setTimeZone($tz); } else { $date = null; } $item->{$attr_name} = $date; } else { $item->{$attr_name} = $val; } } } } } } } $item->request = $rq; if ($item::has_attr('author') && $rq->user) { $item->author = $rq->user; } try { $item->save(); } catch (\System\Error $e) { $response['status'] = 500; $response['message'] = $e->get_explanation(); } if ($response['status'] != 500) { $response['message'] = $new ? 'created' : 'saved'; $response['status'] = 200; } $response['data'] = $item->to_object(); } } $this->partial(null, $response); }
public static function init() { $whoops = new \Whoops\Run(); if (static::on_cli()) { $whoops->pushHandler(new \Whoops\Handler\PlainTextHandler()); } else { $whoops->pushHandler(new \Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler()); } $whoops->pushHandler(function ($exc, $inspector, $run) { $debug = \System\Settings::getSafe(array('dev', 'debug', 'backend'), true); static::filterException($exc, $debug); static::report('error', static::getExceptionMessage($exc)); }); $whoops->register(); }
$static_domain = \System\Settings::get('resources', 'domain'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $static_domain = null; } try { $locales_url = ($static_domain ? '//' . $static_domain : '') . $res->url("system_resource", array('static', 'locale', '{lang}.' . $serial . '.json')); } catch (\System\Error\NotFound $e) { $locales_url = ''; } try { $autoload = \System\Settings::get('locales', 'autoload'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $autoload = false; } try { $debug = \System\Settings::get('dev', 'debug'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $debug = array('frontend' => true, 'backend' => true); } $now = new \DateTime(); $tz = new \DateTimeZone(\System\Settings::get('locales', 'timezone')); $now->setTimeZone($tz); $cont = array("locales" => array("url" => $locales_url, "lang" => $res->locales->get_lang(), "autoload" => $autoload, "tz" => -$tz->getOffset($now) / 60, "now" => $now->format('c')), "comm" => array("blank" => '/share/html/blank.html'), "debug" => $debug, "proxy" => array('url' => '/proxy/head/?url={url}')); try { $frontend = \System\Settings::get('frontend'); } catch (\System\Error $e) { $frontend = array(); } $rq->fconfig = array_merge_recursive($cont, $frontend); return true; };
public function slot_check($name) { try { $debug = \System\Settings::get('dev', 'debug', 'backend'); } catch (\System\Error $e) { $debug = true; } if (!isset($this->content['slots'][$name])) { $this->content['slots'][$name] = array(); if ($debug && strpos($this->format, 'html') !== false && !\System\Status::on_cli()) { $this->content['slots'][$name][] = '<!-- Slot: "' . $name . '" -->'; } } }
public static function build_locales() { $cfg = \System\Settings::get('locales', 'allowed'); $loc = new \System\Locales(); foreach ($cfg as $lang) { $loc->load_messages($lang); \System\File::put(BASE_DIR . \System\Locales::DIR_CACHE . '/' . $lang . '.json', json_encode($loc->get_messages($lang))); } }
/** * Find named route and translate it with args * * @param string $host * @param string $name * @param array $args * @return string */ public static function get_url($host, $name, array $args = array()) { $route = self::get_route($host, $name); if ($route) { $attrs = self::get_pattern_attrs($route['url']); $c = count($attrs); if ($c != count($args)) { throw new \System\Error\Argument(sprintf("Named route called '%s' accepts %s arguments. %s were given.", $name, count($attrs), count($args))); } $str = self::get_pattern_simplified($route['url']); if ($c > 0) { $num = 0; foreach ($attrs as $num => $attr) { $val = null; if (isset($args[$attr['name']])) { $val = $args[$attr['name']]; } else { if (isset($args[$num])) { $val = $args[$num]; } } if (is_object($val)) { if ($val instanceof \System\Model\Database) { $val = $val->get_seoname(); } else { throw new \System\Error\Argument(sprintf("Argument '%s' passed to reverse build route '%s' must be string or instance of System::Model::Database", $num, $name), sprintf("Instance of '%s' was given.", get_class($arg))); } } if (is_null($val) && $attr['required']) { throw new \System\Error\Argument('Argument must be supplied to build route', $name, $attr); } $str = str_replace('{' . $attr['name'] . '}', $val, $str); } } if (self::is_domain($host)) { $domain = $host; } else { $domain = self::get_domain($host); } $dns = \System\Settings::get('domains', $domain); if (!array_key_exists('htaccess', $dns) || $dns['htaccess']) { return $str; } return '?path=' . urlencode($str); } else { throw new \System\Error\Config(sprintf("Named route called '%s' was not found for domain '%s'", $name, $host)); } return false; }
public function cmd_lostAndFound() { \System\Init::full(); $users = \Workshop\SignUp::get_all()->where(array("solved" => true, "newsletter" => true, "sentLostAndFound" => false))->fetch(); \Helper\Cli::do_over($users, function ($key, $user) { $ren = new \System\Template\Renderer\Txt(); $ren->reset_layout(); $ren->partial('mail/notif/lost-and-found', array("user" => $user, "symvar" => $user->check->symvar)); $mail = new \Helper\Offcom\Mail(array('rcpt' => array($user->email), 'subject' => 'Improtřesk 2016 - Ztráty a nálezy, pozvánka', 'reply_to' => \System\Settings::get('offcom', 'default', 'reply_to'), 'message' => $ren->render_content())); $mail->send(); $user->sentLostAndFound = true; $user->save(); }); }
public function to_object() { if (!$this->mime) { $this->read_meta(); } $path = str_replace(\System\File::DIR, '', $this->get_path_relative()); $src = 'media'; $cname = $this::RESOURCE_CNAME; $stat = $cname::DIR_STATIC; try { $cache = \System\Settings::get('cache', 'resources'); } catch (\System\Error $e) { $cache = false; } if ($cache) { $dirs = array($stat); } else { $dirs = \System\Composer::list_dirs($stat); array_unshift($dirs, $stat); } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (strpos($path, $dir) === 0 || strpos($path, $dir = substr($dir, 1)) === 0) { $path = substr($path, strlen($dir)); $src = 'static'; break; } } $url = \System\Resource::get_url($src, self::RESOURCE_TYPE, preg_replace("/^\\//", '', $path)); return array("url" => $url, "path" => $path, "name" => $this->name, "mime" => $this->mime, "size" => $this->size, "method" => $this->method ? $this->method : 'save'); }
public static function cmd_seed(array $params = array()) { \System\Init::full(); \Helper\Cli::out('Seeding initial system data ..'); \System\Database::seed_initial_data(); $data = \System\Settings::read(\System\Database::DIR_INITIAL_DATA, true); if ($data) { \Helper\Cli::out("Injecting initial data .."); foreach ($data as $data_set_name => $data_set_models) { self::seed_data($data_set_name, $data_set_models); } } }
public function mail_payment_update() { $check = $this->check; if (!$check) { return; } $payments = $check->payments->fetch(); $paid = 0; foreach ($payments as $p) { $paid += $p->amount; } $ren = new \System\Template\Renderer\Txt(); $ren->reset_layout(); $ren->partial('mail/signup/payment-update', array("item" => $this, "check" => $check, "paid" => $paid, "payments" => $payments)); $mail = new \Helper\Offcom\Mail(array('rcpt' => array($this->email), 'subject' => 'Improtřesk 2016 - Přihláška, platební aktualizace', 'reply_to' => \System\Settings::getSafe(array('offcom', 'default', 'reply_to'), null), 'message' => $ren->render_content())); $mail->send(); $this->sent_notif = true; $this->save(); }
/** Load all messages by language * @param string $lang * @return void */ public function load_messages($locale = null) { if (is_null($locale)) { $locale = $this->locale; } if (!isset($this->messages[$locale])) { $list = $this::get_available(); if (in_array($locale, $list)) { $file = BASE_DIR . self::DIR_CACHE . '/' . $locale . '.json'; if (file_exists($file)) { $this->messages[$locale] = \System\Json::read($file); } else { $this->messages[$locale] = \System\Settings::read(self::DIR . '/' . $locale, false, $this->files); } } else { throw new \System\Error\Locales(sprintf('Unknown language %s', $locale)); } } return $this; }
/** * Prepare data of a kind to be saved, mostly conversions * * @param string $attr Name of attribute * @param mixed $val Value to check and fix * @return mixed Fixed value */ public static function convert_attr_val($attr, $val = null) { $attr_data = static::get_attr($attr); if (isset($attr_data['is_null']) && $attr_data['is_null'] && is_null($val)) { return $val = null; } switch ($attr_data['type']) { case 'int': $val = filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); break; case 'float': $val = filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); break; case 'bool': $val = is_null($val) ? false : !!$val; break; case 'password': case 'text': case 'time': case 'varchar': $val = mb_substr(strval($val), 0, isset($attr_data['length']) ? $attr_data['length'] : 255); break; case 'date': case 'datetime': $is_null = isset($attr_data['is_null']) && $attr_data['is_null']; if (!$val instanceof \DateTime) { if (any($val)) { if ($val == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $val = null; } else { $val = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val, new \DateTimeZone(\System\Settings::get('locales', 'timezone'))); } } if (!$is_null && !$val) { $val = new \DateTime(); } } break; case 'image': case 'file': if ($attr_data['type'] == 'image') { $cname = '\\System\\Image'; } else { $cname = '\\System\\File'; } if (any($val)) { if (is_object($val)) { if (!$val instanceof $cname) { throw new \System\Error\Model(sprintf('Value for attribute "%s" of model "%s" should be instance of "%s". Instance of "%s" was given.', $attr, get_called_class(), $cname, get_class($val))); } } elseif (is_array($val)) { $val = new $cname($val); } elseif (is_string($val)) { $val_json = str_replace("\\", "", $val); if ($j = \System\Json::decode($val_json, true)) { $val = new $cname($j); } else { $val = $cname::from_path($val); } } } else { $val = null; } break; case 'object': if ($val) { if (isset($attr_data['model'])) { if (!$val instanceof $attr_data['model']) { throw new \System\Error\Argument(sprintf("Value must be instance of '%s'", $attr_data['model']), get_called_class(), $attr, is_object($val) ? get_class($val) : gettype($val)); } } else { throw new \System\Error\Argument(sprintf("Attribute '%s' of model '%s' must have model defined!", $attr, get_called_class())); } } break; case 'json': if (any($val) && is_string($val)) { $val = array_filter((array) \System\Json::decode($val)); } break; case 'int_set': if (any($val)) { if (is_array($val)) { $val = array_map('intval', array_filter($val)); } else { $val = array_map('intval', explode(',', $val)); } } else { $val = array(); } break; case 'point': if (any($val) && !$val instanceof \System\Gps) { if (is_array($val)) { $val = \System\Gps::from_array($val); } elseif (strpos($val, 'POINT(') === 0) { $val = \System\Gps::from_sql($val); } else { $val = new \System\Gps(); } } break; case 'video_youtube': if (any($val) && !$val instanceof \System\Video\Youtube) { if (is_string($val)) { ($vid = \System\Video\Youtube::from_url($val)) || ($vid = \System\Video\Youtube::from_id($val)); $val = $vid; } else { throw new \System\Error\Format('Cannot create Youtube video object from "' . gettype($val) . '".'); } } case 'list': if (!is_array($val)) { $val = (array) $val; } } return $val; }
/** Get list of available files from user input * @param string $type * @param list $modules * @return array */ public function get_file_list($modules) { $found = array(); $missing = array(); try { $use_cache = \System\Settings::get('cache', 'resources'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $use_cache = false; } if ($use_cache) { $dirs = array(BASE_DIR . $this::DIR_CACHE); } else { if ($this->src == 'static') { $src = $this::DIR_STATIC; } else { $src = $this::DIR_MEDIA; } $dirs = \System\Composer::list_dirs($src); } foreach ($modules as $module) { $mod_found = false; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach ($this::$postfixes as $postfix) { $path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $module; if (file_exists($p = $path . '.list')) { $list = $this->get_file_list(array_map('trim', array_filter(explode("\n", \System\File::read($p))))); $found = array_merge($found, $list[self::KEY_FOUND]); $missing = array_merge($missing, $list[self::KEY_MISSING]); $mod_found = true; break; } else { if (is_file($p = $path) || is_file($p = $path . '.' . $postfix)) { $found[] = $p; $mod_found = true; } } if (is_dir($path)) { $json = null; $meta = self::get_meta($path, 'bower.json'); if (!$meta) { $meta = self::get_meta($path, 'package.json'); } if ($meta) { $files = array(); foreach ($meta as $file) { $files[] = str_replace($dir . '/', '', $path . '/' . $file); } $list = $this->get_file_list($files); $found = array_merge($found, $list[self::KEY_FOUND]); $mod_found = true; break; } else { $files = \System\Directory::find_all_files($path); foreach ($files as $key => $tmp_file) { $files[$key] = str_replace($dir . '/', '', $files[$key]); } $list = $this->get_file_list($files); $found = array_merge($found, $list[self::KEY_FOUND]); $missing = array_merge($missing, $list[self::KEY_MISSING]); $mod_found = true; break; } } } if ($mod_found) { break; } } if (!$mod_found) { $missing[] = $module; } } $this->sum = self::get_module_sum_from_list($modules); return array(self::KEY_FOUND => array_unique(array_filter($found)), self::KEY_MISSING => array_unique(array_filter($missing)), self::KEY_SUM => $this->sum); }
public function set_headers() { $headers = array(); $res = $this->response; if ($this->mime) { $res->header('Content-Type', $this->mime); } else { if ($this::MIME_TYPE) { $res->header('Content-Type', $this::MIME_TYPE); } } $res->header('Content-Length', strlen($this->content)); $res->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); if (!$this->debug) { $max_age = \System\Settings::get('cache', 'resource', 'max-age'); $res->header('Pragma', 'public, max-age=' . $max_age); $res->header('Cache-Control', 'public'); $res->header('Expires', date(\DateTime::RFC1123, time() + $max_age + rand(0, 60))); $res->header('Age', '0'); } }
/** Send email message object * @return int */ public function send() { try { $disable = \System\Settings::get('dev', 'disable', 'offcom'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $disable = false; } try { $fallback_to = \System\Settings::get('offcom', 'mail_to'); } catch (\System\Error\Config $e) { $fallback_to = null; } $this->validate(); $body = array(); $headers_str = array(); if ($fallback_to) { $rcpt = $fallback_to; } else { $rcpt = implode(', ', $this->rcpt); } $headers = $this->get_default_headers(); $headers['From'] = $this->get_sender(); $headers['Subject'] = $this->get_encoded_subject(); if ($this->reply_to) { if (self::is_addr_valid($this->reply_to)) { $headers['Reply-To'] = $this->reply_to; } else { throw new \System\Error\Format(sprintf('Reply-To "%s" is not formatted according to RFC 2822.', $this->reply_to)); } } foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { $headers_str[] = ucfirsts($header, '-', '-') . ": " . $value; } $body[] = implode("\n", $headers_str) . "\n"; $body[] = strip_tags($this->message); $body = implode("\n", $body); $this->status = self::STATUS_SENDING; if (!$disable) { if (mail($rcpt, $this->get_encoded_subject(), '', $body)) { $this->status = self::STATUS_SENT; } else { $this->status = self::STATUS_FAILED; } } return $this->status; }
public function cmd_retire() { if (\System\Settings::get('dev', 'debug', 'backend') || \System\Settings::get('dev', 'disable', 'serial')) { return; } $serial = \System\Settings::get('cache', 'resource', 'serial'); \System\Settings::set(array('cache', 'resource', 'serial'), $serial + 1); \System\Settings::save('cache'); }
/** Run low level debug - Include a PHP file just after init and before module flow * @return void */ public function exec_lld() { if (!$this->no_debug && \System\Settings::get('dev', 'debug', 'backend')) { if (file_exists(ROOT . '/lib/include/devel.php')) { $response = $this; $request = $this->request; $renderer = $this->renderer; $locales = $this->locales; $flow = $this->flow; $ren =& $renderer; include ROOT . '/lib/include/devel.php'; } } return $this; }