Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function buildUserForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $otherthanstudents = '';
     foreach ($this->definedRoles as $keys => $values) {
         if ($keys == 'ROLE_SISWA' || $keys == 'ROLE_USER') {
         $otherthanstudents .= "'{$keys}', ";
     $otherthanstudents = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $otherthanstudents);
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted([new Expression("hasAnyRole({$otherthanstudents})")])) {
         $builder->add('username', null, ['required' => true]);
     $builder->add('email', 'email', ['required' => true])->add('name', null, ['required' => true, 'label' => 'label.name.full'])->add('nomorPonsel', 'text', ['label' => 'label.nomor.ponsel', 'required' => true]);
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) {
         foreach ($this->definedRoles as $keys => $values) {
             $string = str_replace('ROLE_', ' ', $keys);
             $roles[$keys] = str_replace('_', ' ', $string);
         $builder->add('roles', 'choice', ['choices' => $roles, 'label' => 'label.roles', 'multiple' => true, 'expanded' => true]);
     } elseif ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         foreach ($this->definedRoles as $keys => $values) {
             if ($keys == 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN' || $keys == 'ROLE_USER' || $keys == 'ROLE_SISWA' || $keys == 'ROLE_WALI_KELAS' || $keys == 'ROLE_PANITIA_PSB' || $keys == 'ROLE_KETUA_PANITIA_PSB') {
             $string = str_replace('ROLE_', ' ', $keys);
             $roles[$keys] = str_replace('_', ' ', $string);
         $builder->add('roles', 'choice', ['choices' => $roles, 'label' => 'label.roles', 'multiple' => true, 'expanded' => true]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $builder->add('username', null, ['required' => true, 'label' => 'label.username', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('email', 'email', ['required' => true, 'label' => 'label.email', 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge']])->add('plainPassword', 'repeated', ['type' => 'password', 'invalid_message' => 'fos_user.password.notequal', 'first_options' => ['label' => 'label.password', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']], 'second_options' => ['label' => 'label.repassword', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']]])->add('name', null, ['required' => true, 'label' => 'label.name.full', 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge']]);
     foreach ($options['role_hierarchy'] as $keys => $values) {
         if ($options['mode'] == 1) {
             // registration type 1, no school, only for super admin
             if (!($keys == 'ROLE_USER' || $keys == 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) {
         } else {
             // registration type other than 1, with school
             if ($keys == 'ROLE_USER' || $keys == 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN' || $keys == 'ROLE_SISWA' || $keys == 'ROLE_WALI_KELAS' || $keys == 'ROLE_PANITIA_PSB' || $keys == 'ROLE_KETUA_PANITIA_PSB') {
         $string = str_replace('ROLE_', ' ', $keys);
         $roles[$keys] = str_replace('_', ' ', $string);
     $builder->add('roles', 'choice', ['choices' => $roles, 'label' => 'label.roles', 'multiple' => true, 'expanded' => true])->add('nomorPonsel', 'text', ['required' => false, 'label' => 'label.nomor.ponsel']);
     if ($options['mode'] != 1) {
         if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) {
             $builder->add('sekolah', 'entity', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Sekolah', 'label' => 'label.school', 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'property' => 'nama', 'required' => true]);
         } else {
             $sekolah = $this->getSekolah();
             $builder->addEventSubscriber(new SekolahSubscriber($sekolah));
             $builder->add('sekolah', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['required' => true, 'class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Sekolah', 'data' => $sekolah->getId()]);
     $builder->add('enabled', 'checkbox', ['label' => 'label.enabled', 'required' => false, 'widget_checkbox_label' => 'widget', 'horizontal_input_wrapper_class' => 'col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8 col-md-offset-4 col-md-7 col-lg-offset-3 col-lg-9']);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $sekolah = $this->getSekolah();
     $builder->add('sekolah', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['required' => true, 'class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Sekolah', 'data' => $sekolah->getId()])->add('tahun', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['required' => true, 'class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Tahun', 'data' => $options['tahun_aktif']]);
     if ($options['mode'] == 'new') {
         $builder->add('gelombang', 'entity', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Gelombang', 'label' => 'label.admissiongroup.entry', 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'property' => 'nama', 'placeholder' => false, 'required' => true, 'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $repository) use($sekolah) {
             $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('gelombang')->where('gelombang.sekolah = :sekolah')->orderBy('gelombang.urutan', 'ASC')->setParameter('sekolah', $sekolah);
             return $qb;
         }, 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('namaLengkap', null, ['required' => true, 'attr' => ['class' => 'large'], 'label' => 'label.name.full'])->add('orangtuaWali', 'collection', ['type' => new OrangtuaWaliInitType(), 'by_reference' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'large'], 'label' => 'label.name.parent.or.guardian', 'options' => ['widget_form_group' => false, 'label_render' => false], 'label_render' => false, 'allow_add' => true])->add('adaReferensi', 'checkbox', ['label' => 'label.ada.referensi', 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'referensi-check'], 'widget_checkbox_label' => 'widget', 'horizontal_input_wrapper_class' => 'col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8 col-md-offset-4 col-md-7 col-lg-offset-3 col-lg-9'])->add('referensi', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Referensi', 'label_render' => false, 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'large id-referensi']])->add('namaReferensi', 'text', ['required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge nama-referensi ketik-pilih-tambah', 'placeholder' => 'label.ketik-pilih.atau.ketik-tambah'], 'label' => 'label.perujuk'])->add('tentukanPenjurusan', 'checkbox', ['label' => 'label.tentukan.penjurusan.studi', 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'penjurusan-check'], 'widget_checkbox_label' => 'widget', 'horizontal_input_wrapper_class' => 'col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8 col-md-offset-4 col-md-7 col-lg-offset-3 col-lg-9'])->add('penjurusan', 'entity', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Penjurusan', 'label' => 'label.placement.study', 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'property' => 'optionLabel', 'placeholder' => 'label.tanpa.penjurusan.studi', 'required' => false, 'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $repository) use($sekolah) {
             $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('penjurusan')->where('penjurusan.sekolah = :sekolah')->orderBy('penjurusan.root', 'ASC')->addOrderBy('penjurusan.lft', 'ASC')->setParameter('sekolah', $sekolah);
             return $qb;
         }])->add('dibuatOleh', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['required' => true, 'class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:User', 'data' => $this->getUser()->getId()]);
     } elseif ($options['mode'] == 'editregphoto') {
         $builder->add('fotoPendaftaran', 'hidden', ['attr' => ['class' => 'foto-pendaftaran']])->add('diubahOleh', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['required' => true, 'class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:User', 'data' => $this->getUser()->getId()]);
     } else {
         if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_KETUA_PANITIA_PSB')) {
             $builder->add('gelombang', 'entity', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Gelombang', 'label' => 'label.admissiongroup.entry', 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'property' => 'nama', 'placeholder' => false, 'required' => true, 'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $repository) use($sekolah) {
                 $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('gelombang')->where('gelombang.sekolah = :sekolah')->orderBy('gelombang.urutan', 'ASC')->setParameter('sekolah', $sekolah);
                 return $qb;
             }, 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']]);
         $builder->add('penjurusan', 'entity', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Penjurusan', 'label' => 'label.placement.study', 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'property' => 'optionLabel', 'placeholder' => 'label.tanpa.penjurusan.studi', 'required' => false, 'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $repository) use($sekolah) {
             $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('penjurusan')->where('penjurusan.sekolah = :sekolah')->orderBy('penjurusan.root', 'ASC')->addOrderBy('penjurusan.lft', 'ASC')->setParameter('sekolah', $sekolah);
             return $qb;
         }])->add('namaLengkap', null, ['required' => true, 'attr' => ['class' => 'large'], 'label' => 'label.name.full'])->add('nisn', 'text', ['label' => 'label.nisn'])->add('referensi', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:Referensi', 'label_render' => false, 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'id-referensi']])->add('namaReferensi', 'text', ['required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge nama-referensi ketik-pilih-tambah', 'placeholder' => 'label.ketik-pilih.atau.ketik-tambah'], 'label' => 'label.perujuk'])->add('sekolahAsal', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:SekolahAsal', 'label_render' => false, 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'id-sekolah-asal']])->add('namaSekolahAsal', 'text', ['required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge nama-sekolah-asal ketik-pilih-tambah', 'placeholder' => 'label.ketik-pilih.atau.ketik-tambah'], 'label' => 'label.sekolah.asal'])->add('jenisKelamin', 'choice', ['required' => true, 'choices' => ['L' => 'Laki-laki', 'P' => 'Perempuan'], 'expanded' => true, 'multiple' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium'], 'label' => 'label.gender'])->add('agama', null, ['required' => true, 'label' => 'label.religion', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('alamat', 'textarea', ['label' => 'label.address', 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge'], 'required' => true])->add('keterangan', 'textarea', ['label' => 'label.keterangan', 'attr' => ['class' => 'xlarge'], 'required' => false])->add('file', 'file', ['required' => false, 'label' => 'label.photo'])->add('tempatLahir', null, ['label' => 'label.birthplace', 'attr' => ['class' => 'large']])->add('tanggalLahir', 'birthday', ['label' => 'label.birthday', 'widget' => 'single_text', 'format' => 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'attr' => ['class' => 'date small'], 'required' => false])->add('email', 'email', ['required' => false, 'label' => 'label.email', 'attr' => ['class' => 'large']])->add('namaPanggilan', null, ['label' => 'label.nickname', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('kewarganegaraan', null, ['label' => 'label.nationality', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('anakKe', 'number', ['label' => 'label.childno', 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('jumlahSaudarakandung', 'number', ['label' => 'label.brothers.num', 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('jumlahSaudaratiri', 'number', ['label' => 'label.brothersinlaw.num', 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('statusOrphan', null, ['label' => 'label.orphanstatus', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('bahasaSeharihari', null, ['label' => 'label.dailylanguage', 'attr' => ['class' => 'large']])->add('kodepos', null, ['label' => 'label.postalcode', 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('telepon', null, ['label' => 'label.phone', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('ponselSiswa', null, ['label' => 'label.mobilephone.student', 'attr' => ['class' => 'medium']])->add('sekolahTinggaldi', null, ['label' => 'label.livein.whilestudy', 'attr' => ['class' => 'large']])->add('jarakTempat', null, ['label' => 'label.distance.toschool', 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('caraKesekolah', null, ['label' => 'label.how.toschool', 'attr' => ['class' => 'large']])->add('beratbadan', null, ['label' => 'label.bodyweight', 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('tinggibadan', null, ['label' => 'label.bodyheight', 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('golongandarah', null, ['label' => 'label.bloodtype', 'attr' => ['class' => 'mini']])->add('diubahOleh', 'sisdik_entityhidden', ['required' => true, 'class' => 'LanggasSisdikBundle:User', 'data' => $this->getUser()->getId()]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param string $className
  * @param int    $id
  * @param array  $data
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
 public function patch($className, $id, $data)
     $entity = $this->getEntity($className, $id);
     if (!$this->securityService->isGranted('EDIT', $entity)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     return $this->entityDataManager->update($entity, $data);
  * @param Request $request
  * @param TokenInterface $token
  * @return RedirectResponse
 public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
     if ($this->security->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('admin_index'));
     } else {
         return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('blog_index'));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function orderAction($id)
     $query = new GetOrderByIdQuery($id);
     if (!$this->checker->isGranted('read', $query->getResult())) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     return new Response($this->engine->render(':order:order.html.twig', ['order' => $query->getResult()]));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Check actual status of current user return true if logged false if not.
  * @return bool
 public function getLoggedStatus()
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) {
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Recursively removes all nodes this user's lacking permissions for.
  * @return void
  * @author Marcel Eschmann
 protected function parsePermissions(MenuNode $node)
     foreach ($node->getChildren() as $key => $child) {
         if ($child->role === null || $child->role !== null && $this->security->isGranted($child->role)) {
         } else {
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
  * @param array $options
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $builder->add('firstname', null, ['label' => 'Prénom'])->add('lastname', null, ['label' => 'Nom'])->add('address', null, ['label' => 'Adresse']);
     if ($this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ENTREPRISE')) {
         $builder->add('company', null, ['label' => 'Entreprise']);
     if ($this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_MECENE')) {
         $builder->add('username', null, ['label' => 'Pseudo (facultatif)']);
     $builder->add('email')->add('submit', SubmitType::class, ['label' => 'Valider']);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * BuildForm
  * @param  FormBuilderInterface $builder
  * @param  array $options
  * @return null
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $langs = array_keys($this->languages);
     $langChoices = array_combine($langs, $langs);
     $builder->add('username')->add('email', TextType::class, array('attr' => array('class' => 'width-100')))->add('fullName')->add('locale', ChoiceType::class, array('choices' => $langChoices));
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         $builder->add('enabled', CheckboxType::class, array('required' => false))->add('formRoles', EntityType::class, array('class' => 'BigfootUserBundle:Role', 'multiple' => true));
     $builder->add('plainPassword', RepeatedType::class, array('type' => PasswordType::class, 'required' => false));
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(UserEvent::CREATE_FORM, new GenericEvent($builder));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $builder->add('plainPassword', 'repeated', array('type' => 'password', 'options' => array('translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle'), 'first_options' => array('label' => 'form.new_password'), 'second_options' => array('label' => 'form.new_password_confirmation'), 'invalid_message' => 'fos_user.password.mismatch'));
     if ($this->auth->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         $builder->add('publisher', 'entity', array('class' => 'KingdomHall\\DataBundle\\Entity\\Publisher', 'label' => 'jwkh.entity.publisher.entity', 'expanded' => false, 'multiple' => false, 'property' => 'fullName', 'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $er) {
             return $er->createQueryBuilder('p')->where('p.deleted = false');
         $builder->add('roles', 'collection', array('label' => 'Role', 'type' => 'choice', 'options' => array('choices' => User::$ROLES)));
  * Called when authentication succeeds
  * @param  Request          $request
  * @param  TokenInterface   $token
  * @return Response never null
 public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('dashboard'));
     } elseif ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('dashboard'));
     } elseif ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('fos_user_profile_show'));
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @param string $className
  * @param int    $id
  * @param array  $data
  * @return array
  * @throws AccessDeniedException
 public function patch($className, $id, $data)
     $entity = $this->entityRoutingHelper->getEntity($className, $id);
     if (!$this->securityService->isGranted('EDIT', $entity)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     try {
         return $this->entityDataManager->update($entity, $data);
     } catch (FieldUpdateAccessException $e) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException($e->getMessage(), $e);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function getRedirectResponse(User $user)
     if ($user->isStudent()) {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('student_homepage'));
     } elseif ($this->authChecker->isGranted(User::ROLE_ADMIN)) {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('sonata_admin_dashboard'));
     } elseif ($this->authChecker->isGranted(User::ROLE_GS1_MEMBER)) {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('member_homepage'));
     } else {
         $response = new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('fos_user_security_logout'));
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @param ItemInterface $parent
  * @param null|string $role
  * @param null|string $title
  * @param null|string $route
  * @param null|string $uri
  * @param null|string $iconClass
  * @param \SimpleXMLElement $params
  * @return ItemInterface|null
 protected function menuItem(ItemInterface $parent, $title, $role = null, $route = null, $uri = null, $iconClass = null, \SimpleXMLElement $params)
     $item = null;
     if (is_null($role) || $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted($role)) {
         $options = ['label' => $this->translator->trans($title, [], $this->translationDomain())];
         $name = uniqid();
         $hidden = isset($params['hidden']) && (string) $params['hidden'] === 'true';
         if ($hidden) {
             $options['attributes'] = ['style' => 'display: none;', 'aria-hidden' => 'true'];
         if ($route) {
             $options['route'] = $route;
             $name = $route . '_' . $name;
             $this->addRouteParameters($route, $params, $hidden, $options);
         if (is_null($route) && $uri) {
             $options['uri'] = $uri;
             $name = $uri . '_' . $name;
         $item = $parent->addChild($name, $options);
         $item->setExtra('hidden', $hidden);
         if ($iconClass) {
             $item->setExtra('icon_class', $iconClass);
     return $item;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function __construct(AkismetInterface $akismet, AuthorizationChecker $securityContext)
     $this->akismet = $akismet;
     // On détermine si l'utilisateur courant est identifié
     // Si c'est le cas, on n'utilisera pas akismet
     $this->isAuthenticated = $securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED');
  * Returns logged-in userId or anonymous sessionId.
  * @return int|string
 private function getCurrentUserId()
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') | $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) {
         return $this->repository->getCurrentUser()->id;
     } else {
         return $this->session->get('yc-session-id');
  * Returns logged-in userId or anonymous sessionId.
  * @return int|string
 private function getCurrentUserId()
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') || $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) {
         // user has logged in using remember_me cookie
         return $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUsername();
     } else {
         return $this->session->get('yc-session-id');
  * @param GetResponseEvent $event
  * @return null
 public function onRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
     if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
     $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     if (isset($this->readedTopicRoutes[$request->get('_route')]) && $token && ($user = $token->getUser())) {
         $parameterName = $this->readedTopicRoutes[$request->get('_route')];
         $topic = $this->getTopic($request->get('_route'), $parameterName, $request->get($parameterName));
         if ($this->autheorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
             if ($topic && $user) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function onSecurityInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') | $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) {
         // user has logged in using remember_me cookie
         $notificationUri = sprintf($this->getNotificationEndpoint() . '%s/%s/%s', 'login', $this->session->get('yc-session-id'), $event->getAuthenticationToken()->getUser()->getAPIUser()->id);
         if (isset($this->logger)) {
             $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Send login event notification to YooChoose: %s', $notificationUri));
         try {
             $response = $this->guzzleClient->get($notificationUri);
             if (isset($this->logger)) {
                 $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Got %s from YooChoose login event notification', $response->getStatusCode()));
         } catch (RequestException $e) {
             if (isset($this->logger)) {
                 $this->logger->error(sprintf('YooChoose login event notification error: %s', $e->getMessage()));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Creates the menu for the user (name, profile, logout).
  * @return \Knp\Menu\ItemInterface
 public function createUserMenu()
     $menu = $this->factory->createItem('root');
     $menu->setChildrenAttribute('class', 'nav navbar-nav navbar-right');
     // User Profile
     // Check if user is authenticated
     if (!$this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED') || !$this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) {
         $menu->addChild('users', ['label' => 'Login', 'route' => 'fos_user_security_login']);
         return $menu;
     // User is authenticated
     $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
     $username = $user->getFullname();
     if (true === empty($username)) {
         $username = $user->getUsername();
     $menu->addChild('profile', ['label' => $username, 'route' => 'users']);
     $menu->addChild('logout', ['label' => '', 'route' => 'fos_user_security_logout', 'linkAttributes' => ['title' => 'Se déconnecter']])->setAttribute('icon', 'fa fa-sign-out');
     return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Формирует ответ с доступными действиями для статуса "Ожидают решения"
  * @param Ticket $ticket
  * @return JsonResponse
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \Twig_Error
 private function generatePendingResponse(Ticket $ticket)
     if ($this->authorization_checker->isGranted('ROLE_SECRETARY')) {
         $form = new TicketEditForm('ROLE_SECRETARY');
     if ($this->authorization_checker->isGranted('ROLE_MINISTER')) {
         $form = new TicketEditForm('ROLE_MINISTER');
     $form_factory = $this->form_factory->create($form, $ticket);
     return new JsonResponse(array('success' => true, 'header' => sprintf('Обращение "%s"', $ticket->getTitle()), 'body' => $this->templating->render('AppBundle:Default:edit.html.twig', array('form' => $form_factory->createView(), 'ticket' => $ticket)), 'buttons' => $this->templating->render('AppBundle:Default:edit_buttons.html.twig')));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function testTokenAwareAuthorizationCheckerAndDrupalPermissionVoter()
     // We are in Drupal, user with uid 1 can access everything
     $superUser = new User();
     $superUser->uid = 1;
     $superUser->roles = [1 => 1];
     $superToken = new UserToken();
     $superToken->setUser(new DrupalUser($superUser));
     // And anonymous pretty much nothing
     $dumbUser = new User();
     $dumbUser->uid = 0;
     $dumbUser->roles = [0 => 0];
     $dumbToken = new UserToken();
     $dumbToken->setUser(new DrupalUser($dumbUser));
     // We are working in a fully bootstrapped Drupal, in theory
     // the permission voter is setup, we can send isGranted() calls
     // using permission names: sending a non existing permission
     // will always return false for any user, but always true for
     // the user with uid 1 (Drupal core default behavior)
     $permission = 'a drupal permission that does not exists';
     $tokenStorage = new TokenStorage();
     $authenticationManager = new SecurityNullAuthenticationManager();
     $accessDecisionManager = new AccessDecisionManager([new DrupalPermissionVoter()]);
     $defaultAuthorizationChecker = new AuthorizationChecker($tokenStorage, $authenticationManager, $accessDecisionManager);
     $tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker = new TokenAwareAuthorizationChecker($defaultAuthorizationChecker, $accessDecisionManager);
     // First check results for the current user (should not be allowed)
     // Then the super user (should be allowed)
     $this->assertTrue($defaultAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null));
     $this->assertTrue($tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null));
     $this->assertTrue($tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null, $superUser));
     $this->assertFalse($tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null, $dumbUser));
     // And do the exact opposite
     $this->assertFalse($defaultAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null));
     $this->assertFalse($tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null));
     $this->assertTrue($tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null, $superUser));
     $this->assertFalse($tokenAwareAuthorizationChecker->isGranted($permission, null, $dumbUser));
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function isGranted($name)
     $annotations = $this->getScopeAnnotations();
     if (!isset($annotations[$name])) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Scope is not defined.');
     $annotation = $annotations[$name];
     $role = $annotation->getRole();
     if ($role) {
         return $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted($role);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Create the side menu
  * @return ItemInterface
 public function createSideMenu()
     $menu = $this->factory->createItem('root');
     $menu->setChildrenAttribute('class', 'sidebar-menu');
     $menu->addChild('Projects', array('route' => 'packy_project_overview', 'extras' => array('icon' => 'fa-tasks fa-fw')));
     if ($this->security->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         $menu->addChild('Users', ['route' => 'packy_user_overview', 'extras' => ['icon' => 'fa-users fa-fw']]);
     /*$settingsMenu = $menu->addChild(
                     'childrenAttributes' => array('class' => 'treeview-menu'),
                     'route' => 'packy_settings_overview',
                     'attributes' => array('class' => 'treeview'),
                     'extras' => array(
                         'icon' => 'fa-cogs fa-fw',
     return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * @param $allowedContexts
  * @param $context
  * @param $contextValues
  * @return array
 public function handleContextValues($allowedContexts, $context, $contextValues)
     $nContextValues = array();
     foreach ($contextValues as $key => $contextValue) {
         $nContextValues[$contextValue['value']] = $contextValue['label'];
     if ($allowedContexts) {
         foreach ($nContextValues as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($key, $allowedContexts[$context]) && !$this->securityAuthorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
     return $nContextValues;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * define form fields.
  * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
  * @param array                $options
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
         $view = $event->getData();
         $form = $event->getForm();
         $this->isNew = !$view || null === $view->getId();
         if ($this->isNew) {
             $getAllTemplateWithoutMe = function (EntityRepository $tr) {
                 return $tr->getAll()->getInstance();
         } else {
             $getAllTemplateWithoutMe = function (EntityRepository $tr) use($view) {
                 return $tr->getAll()->getInstance()->andWhere('template.id != :templateId')->setParameter('templateId', $view->getId());
         if (!$form->has('template')) {
             $form->add('template', null, ['label' => 'form.view.type.template.label', 'property' => 'name', 'required' => !$view instanceof Template || $view instanceof BusinessTemplate, 'query_builder' => $getAllTemplateWithoutMe]);
         //If view is an Article BEP, we do not allow to choose parent because it will be set automatically
         if (!$view instanceof ArticleTemplate && ClassUtils::getClass($view) != 'Victoire\\Bundle\\TemplateBundle\\Entity\\Template') {
             if (!$view || null === $view->getId()) {
                 $getAllPageWithoutMe = function (EntityRepository $repo) {
                     return $repo->getAll()->getInstance();
             } else {
                 $getAllPageWithoutMe = function (EntityRepository $repo) use($view) {
                     return $repo->getAll()->getInstance()->andWhere('view.id != :pageId')->setParameter('pageId', $view->getId());
             $form->add('parent', null, ['class' => 'Victoire\\Bundle\\PageBundle\\Entity\\BasePage', 'label' => 'form.view.type.parent.label', 'query_builder' => $getAllPageWithoutMe, 'required' => true]);
         if ($view instanceof BasePage) {
             $translationOptions = ['fields' => ['name' => ['label' => 'form.view.type.name.label']]];
             if ($view->getId() && !$view->isHomepage()) {
                 $translationOptions['fields']['slug'] = ['label' => 'form.page.type.slug.label', 'field_type' => UrlvalidatedType::class];
             $form->add('translations', TranslationsType::class, $translationOptions);
     if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_VICTOIRE_DEVELOPER')) {
         $builder->add('roles', TextType::class, ['label' => 'form.page.type.roles.label', 'vic_help_block' => 'form.page.type.roles.help_block']);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * @param  array                &$criteria
  * @param  QueryBuilder         &$qb
  * @param  AuthorizationChecker|null &$authorizationChecker
  * @return boolean Already Joined Node relation
 protected function filterByAuthorizationChecker(&$criteria, &$qb, AuthorizationChecker &$authorizationChecker = null)
     if (null !== $authorizationChecker && !$authorizationChecker->isGranted(Role::ROLE_BACKEND_USER)) {
          * Forbid unpublished node for anonymous and not backend users.
         $qb->innerJoin('ns.node', 'n', 'WITH', $qb->expr()->eq('n.status', Node::PUBLISHED));
         return true;
     } elseif (null !== $authorizationChecker && $authorizationChecker->isGranted(Role::ROLE_BACKEND_USER)) {
          * Forbid deleted node for backend user when authorizationChecker not null.
         $qb->innerJoin('ns.node', 'n', 'WITH', $qb->expr()->lte('n.status', Node::PUBLISHED));
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Modify DQL query string to support node status
  * according to security context.
  * A not null authorizationChecker will always filter
  * node.status to PUBLISHED or lower.
  * @param  string               &$txtQuery
  * @param  AuthorizationChecker|null $authorizationChecker
  * @return string
 protected function alterQueryWithAuthorizationChecker(&$txtQuery, AuthorizationChecker $authorizationChecker = null)
     if (null !== $authorizationChecker && !$authorizationChecker->isGranted(Role::ROLE_BACKEND_USER)) {
         $txtQuery .= ' AND n.status = :status';
     } elseif (null !== $authorizationChecker && $authorizationChecker->isGranted(Role::ROLE_BACKEND_USER)) {
         $txtQuery .= ' AND n.status <= :status';
     return $txtQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private function generateHash(Widget $widget)
     return sprintf('%s-%s', $widget->generateCacheId(), (string) $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_VICTOIRE'));