Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Verbose write line
  * @param string $area Area
  * @param string $line Line
 public static function verboseWriteln($area, $line)
     if (self::$output->isVerbose()) {
         // Special stuff if line is exception
         if ($line instanceof \Exception) {
             /** @var \Exception $e */
             $e = $line;
             $line = array();
             $line[] = '--- EXCEPTION ---';
             $line[] = $e->getMessage();
             $line[] = ' FILE: ' . $e->getFile();
             $line[] = ' LINE: ' . $e->getLine();
             $line = implode("\n", $line);
         // Process lines
         $lineList = explode("\n", $line);
         if (count($lineList) >= 1) {
             foreach ($lineList as &$line) {
                 $line = '   ' . ltrim($line);
             $line = implode("\n", $lineList);
         $line = sprintf("<info>[VERBOSE %s]</info>\n<comment>%s</comment>\n", $area, $line);
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('[incidents:reports]: Starting.');
     $output->write('[incidents:reports]: Getting reports...');
     try {
         $report_files = glob($this->getContainer()->getParameter('cert_unlp.ngen.incident.report.markdown.path') . '/*');
         // get all file names
         $common_report_files = glob($this->getContainer()->getParameter('cert_unlp.ngen.incident.report.markdown.path') . '/common/*');
         foreach ($report_files as $file) {
             // iterate files
             $filename = basename($file);
             if (!in_array($filename, ['TODO.md', 'template.md', 'common'])) {
                 if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                     $output->writeln('[incidents:reports]: parsing ' . $filename);
                 $html = $this->getContainer()->get('markdown.parser')->transformMarkdown(file_get_contents($file));
                 file_put_contents($this->getContainer()->getParameter('cert_unlp.ngen.incident.report.twig.path') . "/" . str_replace(".md", "Report.html.twig", basename($file)), $html);
         foreach ($common_report_files as $file) {
             // iterate files
             $filename = basename($file);
             if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                 $output->writeln('[incidents:reports]: parsing ' . $filename);
             $html = $this->getContainer()->get('markdown.parser')->transformMarkdown(file_get_contents($file), false);
             file_put_contents($this->getContainer()->getParameter('cert_unlp.ngen.incident.report.twig.path') . "/BaseReport/" . str_replace(".md", "Report.html.twig", basename($file)), $html);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $output->writeln('[incidents:reports]: Something is wrong.');
     $output->writeln('[incidents:reports]: Done.');
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $range = $input->getArgument('range') ?: (isset($_SERVER['TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE']) ? $_SERVER['TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE'] : '');
     if (!$range) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("No git range given via argument or TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE environment variable.");
     exec('git diff --name-only ' . escapeshellarg($range), $result);
     $build = new Build(new ConsoleIO($input, $output, $this->getHelperSet()));
     $this->packages = $build->loadPackages(getcwd());
     $changePackageName = rtrim($input->getArgument('package'), '/');
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln('Checking for changes in the following directories:');
         foreach ($this->checkPaths as $checkPath) {
             $output->writeln('- ' . $checkPath);
         $output->writeln(sprintf('Iterating the changed files in git commit range %s', $range));
     $found = false;
     foreach ($result as $changedFile) {
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf("- %s", $changedFile));
         foreach ($this->checkPaths as $checkPath) {
             if (strpos(trim($changedFile), $checkPath) !== false) {
                 if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                     $output->writeln(sprintf('  Matches check path %s', $checkPath));
                 $found = true;
     exit($found ? 0 : 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /* Get requests in the desired time frame. */
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     $date = new \DateTime($input->getOption('time_frame'));
     $requests = $em->getRepository('SwdAnalyzerBundle:Request')->findByDate($date)->getResult();
     if (empty($requests)) {
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln('No requests found');
     /* Send e-mails to all users that have specified an address. */
     $users = $em->getRepository('SwdAnalyzerBundle:User')->findByEmail()->getResult();
     if (empty($users)) {
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln('No e-mail addresses found');
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln('Send email to ' . $user->getEmail());
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject('Shadow Daemon Report')->setFrom('*****@*****.**')->setTo($user->getEmail())->setBody($this->getContainer()->get('templating')->render('SwdAnalyzerBundle:Report:email.txt.twig', array('requests' => $requests)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param $message
 public function write($message)
     if ($this->output instanceof Output && !$this->output->isVerbose()) {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $config = $input->getArgument('config');
     if ($config) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if (!$output->isQuiet()) {
                 $output->writeln(sprintf("Failed to load config: %s", $e->getMessage()));
     if (empty($this->config)) {
         if (!$output->isQuiet()) {
             $output->writeln("No configuration found.");
     try {
         $params = array('version' => $this->config->getVersion(), 'region' => $this->config->getRegion(), 'credentials' => array('key' => $this->config->getCredentials()->getKey(), 'secret' => $this->config->getCredentials()->getSecret()));
         if ($this->config->getTimeout() !== NULL) {
             $params['http']['timeout'] = $this->config->getTimeout();
         $client = new S3Client($params);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (!$output->isQuiet()) {
             $output->writeln("Failed to connect to AWS.");
     foreach ($this->config->getBuckets() as $bucket) {
         // Make sure the Bucket's destination is writable.
         $destination = $bucket->getDestination();
         if (!is_writable($destination)) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('Failed to write to destination "%s".', $destination));
         if ($bucket->getObjects()) {
             try {
                 $this->fetchBucketByObjects($bucket, $client);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                     $output->writeln(sprintf('An error occured fetching Bucket "%s": %s', $bucket->getName(), $e->getMessage()));
         } else {
             try {
                 $this->fetchBucketByLimit($bucket, $client);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                     $output->writeln(sprintf('An error occured fetching Bucket "%s": %s', $bucket->getName(), $e->getMessage()));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected function log($message, $verbosity = 1)
     if (!$this->output instanceof OutputInterface) {
         return $this;
     if (1 == $verbosity && $this->output->isVerbose()) {
     if (2 == $verbosity && $this->output->isVeryVerbose()) {
         $this->output->writeln('    ' . $message);
     return $this;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $args = [];
     $out = $input->getOption('out');
     $psr4 = $input->getOption('psr4');
     $protoc = $input->getOption('protoc');
     $protos = $input->getArgument('protos');
     $include = $input->getOption('include') ?: [];
     $builder = $this->createProcessBuilder($this->plugin, $protoc);
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $args['verbose'] = 1;
     if ($input->getOption('generate-imported')) {
         $args['generate-imported'] = 1;
     if ($psr4) {
         $args['psr4'] = $psr4;
     if ($input->getOption('include-descriptors')) {
         $builder->setDescriptorPaths([__DIR__ . '/../../../google-protobuf-proto/src', __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/protobuf-php/google-protobuf-proto/src']);
     $process = $builder->createProcess($out, $protos, $include, $args);
     $command = $process->getCommandLine();
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("Generating protos with protoc -- {$command}");
     // Run command
     $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($output) {
         if (!$output->isVerbose() || !$buffer) {
     $return = $process->getExitCode();
     $result = $process->getOutput();
     if ($return === 0) {
         $output->writeln("<info>PHP classes successfully generate.</info>");
         return $return;
     $output->writeln('<error>protoc exited with an error (' . $return . ') when executed with: </error>');
     $output->writeln('  ' . $command);
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function compare()
     if (empty($this->stack)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Stack not set');
     if (empty($this->blueprint)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Blueprint not set');
     $tmp = [];
     try {
         // parameters
         if ($this->output->isVerbose()) {
             $this->output->writeln($this->stack->getName() . ': Comparing parameters');
         $parametersStack = $this->stack->getParameters();
         $parametersBlueprint = $this->blueprint->getParameters(true);
         $parametersBlueprint = Div::flatten($parametersBlueprint, 'ParameterKey', 'ParameterValue');
         if ($this->parametersAreEqual($parametersStack, $parametersBlueprint)) {
             $tmp['parameters'] = "<fg=green>equal</>";
         } else {
             $tmp['parameters'] = "<fg=red>different</>";
             $tmp['error'] = true;
         // template
         if ($this->output->isVerbose()) {
             $this->output->writeln($this->stack->getName() . ': Comparing template');
         $templateStack = trim($this->stack->getTemplate());
         $templateBlueprint = trim($this->blueprint->getPreprocessedTemplate());
         $templateStack = $this->normalizeJson($templateStack);
         $templateBlueprint = $this->normalizeJson($templateBlueprint);
         if ($templateStack === $templateBlueprint) {
             $tmp['template'] = "<fg=green>equal</>";
         } else {
             $tmp['template'] = "<fg=red>different</>";
             $tmp['error'] = true;
     } catch (CloudFormationException $e) {
         $tmp['parameters'] = 'Stack not found';
         $tmp['template'] = 'Stack not found';
         $tmp['error'] = true;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $tmp['parameters'] = '<fg=red>EXCEPTION: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</>';
         $tmp['template'] = 'EXCEPTION';
         $tmp['error'] = true;
     return $tmp;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $realCacheDir = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir');
     // the old cache dir name must not be longer than the real one to avoid exceeding
     // the maximum length of a directory or file path within it (esp. Windows MAX_PATH)
     $oldCacheDir = substr($realCacheDir, 0, -1) . ('~' === substr($realCacheDir, -1) ? '+' : '~');
     $filesystem = $this->getContainer()->get('filesystem');
     if (!is_writable($realCacheDir)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to write in the "%s" directory', $realCacheDir));
     if ($filesystem->exists($oldCacheDir)) {
     $kernel = $this->getContainer()->get('kernel');
     $output->writeln(sprintf('Clearing the cache for the <info>%s</info> environment with debug <info>%s</info>', $kernel->getEnvironment(), var_export($kernel->isDebug(), true)));
     if ($input->getOption('no-warmup')) {
         $filesystem->rename($realCacheDir, $oldCacheDir);
     } else {
         // the warmup cache dir name must have the same length than the real one
         // to avoid the many problems in serialized resources files
         $realCacheDir = realpath($realCacheDir);
         $warmupDir = substr($realCacheDir, 0, -1) . ('_' === substr($realCacheDir, -1) ? '-' : '_');
         if ($filesystem->exists($warmupDir)) {
             if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                 $output->writeln('  Clearing outdated warmup directory');
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln('  Warming up cache');
         $this->warmup($warmupDir, $realCacheDir, !$input->getOption('no-optional-warmers'));
         $filesystem->rename($realCacheDir, $oldCacheDir);
         if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
             // workaround for Windows PHP rename bug
         $filesystem->rename($warmupDir, $realCacheDir);
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln('  Removing old cache directory');
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln('  Done');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected function _execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $group = $input->getArgument('group');
     $name = $input->getArgument('name');
     $isDefault = $input->getOption('default');
     if (!$name) {
         $name = $group;
     $cnx = \jDb::getConnection('jacl2_profile');
     try {
         $sql = "INSERT into " . $cnx->prefixTable('jacl2_group') . " (id_aclgrp, name, grouptype, ownerlogin) VALUES (";
         $sql .= $cnx->quote($group) . ',';
         $sql .= $cnx->quote($name) . ',';
         if ($isDefault) {
             $sql .= '1, NULL)';
         } else {
             $sql .= '0, NULL)';
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception("this group already exists");
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("Group '" . $group . "' is created");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $limit = intval($input->getOption('limit'));
     if ($limit <= 0) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('"limit" number must be positive');
     foreach ($this->numberGenerator($limit) as $i) {
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->write("{$i}: ");
         if ($i % 3 === 0) {
             if ($i % 5 === 0) {
             } else {
         } else {
             if ($i % 5 === 0) {
             } else {
                 $this->showNumber($output, $i);
  * @return int
 protected function listAttendants()
     $attendants = array_map(function (CacheAttendantInterface $a) {
         return ClassInfo::getClassNameByInstance($a);
     }, $this->getCacheAttendants([], true));
     $header = ['Cache Registrar Name', 'Enabled', 'Initialized'];
     if ($this->output->isVerbose()) {
         $header = array_merge($header, ['TTL', 'Key Prefix', 'Hash Algo', 'Item Count']);
     $rows = [];
     foreach ($attendants as $i => $name) {
         $instance = $this->getCacheAttendants([$name])[0];
         $rows[$i] = [$name, $instance->isEnabled() ? 'Yes' : '<fg=white>No</>', $instance->isInitialized() ? 'Yes' : '<fg=white>No</>'];
         if (!$this->output->isVerbose()) {
         $ttl = $this->getAttendantTtl($instance);
         $gen = $this->getAttendantKeyGenerator($instance);
         try {
             $num = count($instance->listKeys());
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $num = '<fg=white>n/a</>';
         $rows[$i] = array_merge($rows[$i], [$ttl === 0 ? '<fg=white>0</>' : $ttl, $gen->getPrefix(), $gen->getAlgorithm(), $num]);
     $this->io->section('Cache Registry Attendant Listing');
     $this->io->table($header, $rows);
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Runs local command.
  * @param  string $commandLine
  * @param  OutputInterface|null $output
  * @param null|string $cwd The working directory
  * @return string
 public function run($commandLine, OutputInterface $output = null, $cwd = null)
     $previousCwd = getcwd();
     if ($cwd) {
         !$this->logger ?: $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Changed CWD to %s', $cwd));
     !$this->logger ?: $this->logger->debug($commandLine);
     passthru($commandLine, $returnStatus);
     if ($output instanceof OutputInterface) {
         if ($returnStatus != 0) {
             // execute with error
             $output->writeln('<error>' . trim(ob_get_contents()) . '</error>');
         } elseif ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln(ob_get_contents(), OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);
     } elseif ($returnStatus != 0) {
         // execute with error
         if (!$this->logger) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(trim(ob_get_contents()));
         } else {
     $this->lastReturnStatus = $returnStatus;
     !$previousCwd ?: chdir($previousCwd);
     return ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $every = $this->validateDuration($input->getOption('every'));
     $needle = $input->getOption('search');
     $timeout = $this->validateDuration($input->getOption('timeout'));
     $urls = $this->validateURLs($input->getOption('urls'));
     if (!$needle) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Needle must be provided');
     $cycle = new MonitorCycle($urls, $timeout, $needle);
     while (true) {
         $last = new DateTimeImmutable();
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<bg=green>%s</>', $last->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
         list($success, $failed) = $cycle->run();
         if ($output->isVerbose() && count($failed) > 0) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=red>Failed URLs:</> %s', implode("\n             ", $failed)));
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=green>%d</> successful; <fg=red>%d</> failed', count($success), count($failed)));
         $next = $last->add(new DateInterval("PT{$every}S"));
         do {
         } while (new DateTimeImmutable() < $next);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $start = new \DateTime();
     if ($input->getOption("discard-results")) {
         $this->_em = new FakeEntityManager();
     $tests = $this->testRepo->findTests($input->getOption("test"));
     if (empty($tests)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not find any tests to run.");
     $output->writeln($this->getApplication()->getLongVersion() . ", running <info>" . count($tests) . "</info> tests");
     foreach ($tests as $test) {
         $result = $this->expectations->run($test);
         //Don't output if we're not running verbosely and the test passes.
         if ($result->getStatus() !== ResultStatus::PASSED || $output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln(" > " . $test->getName() . " : " . $this->getColouredStatus($result->getStatus()) . " - " . $result->getInfo());
     //Exit with status code equal to the number of tests that didn't pass
     return count($tests) - $this->results[ResultStatus::PASSED];
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("Application is opened.");
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $sugarEP = $this->getService('sugarcrm.entrypoint');
     $output->writeln('<comment>Reparation</comment>: ');
     $progress = new ProgressIndicator($output);
     $sugarSystem = new SugarSystem($sugarEP);
     $messages = $sugarSystem->repairAll($input->getOption('force'));
     $progress->finish('<info>Repair Done.</info>');
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln(PHP_EOL . '<comment>General Messages</comment>: ');
     if ($input->getOption('no-database') === true) {
     $output->writeln(PHP_EOL . '<comment>Database Messages</comment>: ');
     // We have something to sync
     if (strpos($messages[1], 'Database tables are synced with vardefs') !== 0) {
         if ($input->getOption('force') === false) {
             $output->writeln(PHP_EOL . '<error>You need to use --force to run the queries</error>');
         } else {
             $output->writeln('<info>Queries run, try another repair to verify</info>');
         // Nothing to sync, default sugar message
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected function _execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $group = $input->getArgument('group');
     $labelkey = $input->getArgument('labelkey');
     $label = $input->getArgument('label');
     $cnx = \jDb::getConnection('jacl2_profile');
     $sql = "SELECT id_aclsbjgrp FROM " . $cnx->prefixTable('jacl2_subject_group') . " WHERE id_aclsbjgrp=" . $cnx->quote($group);
     $rs = $cnx->query($sql);
     if ($rs->fetch()) {
         throw new \Exception("This subject group already exists");
     $sql = "INSERT into " . $cnx->prefixTable('jacl2_subject_group') . " (id_aclsbjgrp, label_key) VALUES (";
     $sql .= $cnx->quote($group) . ',';
     $sql .= $cnx->quote($labelkey);
     $sql .= ')';
     if ($this->verbose()) {
         $ouput->writeln("Rights: group of subjects '" . $group . "' is created");
     if ($label && preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)~([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)\$/", $labelkey, $m)) {
         $localestring = "\n" . $m[3] . '=' . $label;
         $path = $this->getModulePath($m[1]);
         $file = $path . 'locales/' . \jApp::config()->locale . '/' . $m[2] . '.' . \jApp::config()->charset . '.properties';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $localestring = file_get_contents($file) . $localestring;
         file_put_contents($file, $localestring);
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln("locale string " . $m[3] . " is created into " . $file);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("Application is closed.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
     $this->process = new ProgressIndicator($output);
     $this->verbose = $output->isVerbose();
     $this->output = $output;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $file = $input->getOption('file');
     $noVerification = $input->getOption('no-verification');
     if (!$file) {
         $file = 'php://stdin';
     } else {
         if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Could not read from file: %s", $file));
     $dump = file_get_contents($file);
     $flags = 0;
     if (!$noVerification) {
         $flags = APC_BIN_VERIFY_MD5 | APC_BIN_VERIFY_CRC32;
     $success = $this->getCacheTool()->apc_bin_load($dump, $flags);
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         if ($success) {
             $output->writeln("<comment>Load was successful</comment>");
         } else {
             $output->writeln("<comment>Load was unsuccessful</comment>");
     return $success ? 0 : 1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected function _execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $cnx = \jDb::getConnection('jacl2_profile');
     $group = $cnx->quote($this->_getGrpId($input));
     $subject = $cnx->quote($input->getArgument('subject'));
     $resource = $cnx->quote($input->getArgument('resource'));
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $cnx->prefixTable('jacl2_rights') . "\n                WHERE id_aclgrp=" . $group . "\n                AND id_aclsbj=" . $subject . "\n                AND id_aclres=" . $resource;
     $rs = $cnx->query($sql);
     if ($rs->fetch()) {
         throw new \Exception("right already set");
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $cnx->prefixTable('jacl2_subject') . " WHERE id_aclsbj=" . $subject;
     $rs = $cnx->query($sql);
     if (!($sbj = $rs->fetch())) {
         throw new \Exception("subject is unknown");
     $sql = "INSERT into " . $cnx->prefixTable('jacl2_rights') . " (id_aclgrp, id_aclsbj, id_aclres) VALUES (";
     $sql .= $group . ',';
     $sql .= $subject . ',';
     $sql .= $resource . ')';
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("Right is added on subject {$subject} with group {$group} and resource {$resource}");
 public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $feed = $this->blogFeedConsumer->refreshFeed();
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln(print_r($feed, true));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 protected function newEnv(OutputInterface $output, $name, $overwrite = false)
     $name = strtolower($name);
     $file = $this->getRootDirectory() . 'config/env/' . $name . '.yml';
     if (file_exists($file) && !$overwrite) {
         throw new FileException("{$file} already exists");
     $values = ['routing.root_url' => 'myapp.dev/', 'database.main.driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'database.main.dbname' => 'sandbox', 'database.main.user' => 'root', 'database.main.pass' => '', 'database.main.logger' => 'logger'];
     $config = new Config();
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $config->set($key, $value);
         if (!$output->isVerbose()) {
         if (is_string($value) && !empty($value)) {
             $msg = sprintf("Config: Setting <info>%s</info> to <info>%s</info>", $key, $value);
         } else {
             $msg = sprintf("Config: Setting <info>%s</info>", $key);
     $yaml = Yaml::dump($config->get(), 100, 2);
     file_put_contents($file, $yaml);
     $output->writeln("Created <info>{$file}</info>");
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Runs the command.
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // load modResource dependency
     $partitions = $input->getArgument('partitions');
     if (!$partitions || empty($partitions)) {
         $partitions = array_keys($this->config['data']);
     foreach ($this->config['data'] as $folder => $options) {
         if (!in_array($folder, $partitions, true)) {
             if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                 $output->writeln('Skipping ' . $folder);
         $options['folder'] = $folder;
         switch (true) {
             case !empty($options['type']) && $options['type'] == 'content':
                 // "content" is a shorthand for contexts + resources
                 $this->extractContent(GITIFY_WORKING_DIR . $this->config['data_directory'] . $folder, $options);
             case !empty($options['class']):
                 if (isset($options['package'])) {
                     $this->getPackage($options['package'], $options);
                 $this->extractObjects(GITIFY_WORKING_DIR . $this->config['data_directory'] . $folder, $options);
     $output->writeln('Done! ' . $this->getRunStats());
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('Sending pending notification and response emails to enabled users');
     $this->notificationService->setOutput($output->isVerbose() ? $output : NULL);
     $em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
     /**@var NotificationRepository $notificationRepository*/
     $notificationRepository = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Notification');
     //Send all pending notification
     $notifications = $notificationRepository->findBy(['status' => 'pending', 'emailed' => NULL]);
     if (!empty($notifications)) {
         $output->writeln('Sending new notifications');
         $this->sendEmails($notifications, $output);
     //Send all reminders
     $date = new \DateTime();
     $date->sub(new \DateInterval($this->notificationPendingTimeout));
     $notifications = $notificationRepository->findReminders($date);
     if (!empty($notifications)) {
         $output->writeln('Sending reminders');
         $this->sendEmails($notifications, $output);
     //Send all response
     $notifications = $notificationRepository->findResponses();
     if (!empty($notifications)) {
         $output->writeln('Sending responses');
         $this->sendEmails($notifications, $output);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface|Output $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $poll = $this->getContainer()->get('sonata.admin.pool');
     $translator = $this->getContainer()->get('translator');
     $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $repository = $manager->getRepository('OctavaAdminMenuBundle:AdminMenu');
     $translation = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')->getRepository('GedmoTranslatable:Translation');
     foreach ($poll->getAdminGroups() as $name => $group) {
         $title = $translator->trans($group['label'], [], $group['label_catalogue']);
         $parent = $repository->findOneBy(['title' => $title, 'type' => AdminMenu::TYPE_FOLDER]);
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('Folder "%s"', $title));
         if (!$parent) {
             $parent = new AdminMenu();
             if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('Generate "%s" folder', $title));
             $translation->translate($parent, 'title', 'en', $title);
         foreach ($group['items'] as $item) {
             if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('Module "%s"', $item['admin']));
             $serviceId = $item['admin'];
             $title = $translator->trans($item['label'], [], $group['label_catalogue']);
             $menu = $repository->findOneBy(['serviceId' => $serviceId]);
             if (!$menu) {
                 $menu = new AdminMenu();
                 $translation->translate($menu, 'title', 'en', $title);
                 if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                     $output->writeln(sprintf('Generate "%s" item', $title));
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface|Output $output
  * @return void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $helper = $this->getContainer()->get('octava_mui.translation_manager');
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Translation clear cache completed</info>");
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private function getConfig()
     $configPath = $this->input->getArgument(self::ARG_CONFIG);
     if ($this->output->isVerbose()) {
         $this->output->writeLn('Reading config file: ' . $configPath);
     $this->config = $this->yaml->parse($this->filesystem->get($configPath));