getFormatDefinition() public static method

Gets the format for a given name.
public static getFormatDefinition ( string $name ) : string | null
$name string The format name
return string | null A format string
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param int $count
  * @param int $minVerbosity
  * @return ProgressBar
 public function createProgressBar($count, $minVerbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL)
     $stream = new NullOutput();
     if ($this->applicationInput->hasOption('progress') && $this->applicationInput->getOption('progress')) {
         if ($this->applicationOutput instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
             if ($this->applicationOutput->getVerbosity() >= $minVerbosity) {
                 $stream = $this->applicationOutput->getErrorOutput();
     $progress = new ProgressBar($stream, $count);
     // add an additional space, in case logging is also enabled
     $progress->setFormat($progress->getFormatDefinition('normal') . ' ');
     return $progress;
  * @param CerberePreActionEvent $event
 public function onCerberePreAction(CerberePreActionEvent $event)
     if ($max = count($event->getProjects())) {
         // Returns and jump new line.
         $format = " Project: %project%\n";
         $format .= ProgressBar::getFormatDefinition('debug');
         $progress = new ProgressBar($this->output, $max);
         $progress->setMessage('Action starts');
         $this->progress = $progress;
 public function main()
     try {
         // check if the proxy flag has been set
         $proxy = $this->getProject()->getUserProperty('proxy');
         $proxy = $proxy !== null ? filter_var($proxy, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) : true;
         // determine the url of the WSDL document
         $wsdlUrl = $this->getProject()->getUserProperty('wsdl.url');
         $wsdlUrl = $wsdlUrl ? $wsdlUrl : static::WSDL_URL;
         // read the proxy configuration from the environment variables
         $proxy = $proxy ? current(array_filter(array(getenv('HTTP_PROXY'), getenv('http_proxy')), 'strlen')) : null;
         // prepare an empty url for the stream context
         $streamContextProxyUrl = null;
         // if the proxy is configured in the system
         if ($proxy) {
             // parse the WSDL url
             $parsedWsdlPath = Url::createFromUrl($wsdlUrl);
             // parse the proxy url
             $proxy = Url::createFromUrl($proxy);
             // if not fetching the wsdl file from filesystem and a proxy has been configured
             if ($parsedWsdlPath->getScheme()->get() !== 'file') {
                 $streamContextProxyUrl = 'tcp://' . $proxy->getAuthority() . $proxy->getRelativeUrl();
                 libxml_set_streams_context(stream_context_get_default(array($proxy->getScheme()->get() => array('proxy' => $streamContextProxyUrl, 'request_fulluri' => true))));
         // prepare the path to the generated code
         $outputDir = $this->project->getBasedir() . '/src';
         $output = new ConsoleOutput();
         $progress = new ProgressBar($output, 100);
         $progress->setFormat(ProgressBar::getFormatDefinition('normal') . ' %message%...');
         $progress->setMessage('Cleaning the environment');
         // clean the output directory
         array_map('unlink', glob($outputDir . '/*'));
          * GENERATION
         // prepare the generator configuration
         $progress->setMessage('Configuring the generator');
         $optionFeatures = array();
         if ($proxy) {
             /* @var \League\Url\UrlInterface $proxy */
             $optionFeatures['proxy_host'] = $proxy->getHost()->get();
             $optionFeatures['proxy_port'] = $proxy->getPort()->get();
         $config = new Config($wsdlUrl, $outputDir);
         // generate the code
         $progress->setMessage('Generating the code');
         $gen = new Generator();
          * FIX
         // the 'optionFeatures' configuration options is misused by the generator:
         // it is correctly used as the default 'features' options of the service (its values are bitwised and put
         // in the service class constructor), but it is also used as the '$options' argument of the \SoapClient
         // class when it connects to the service to inspect it (hence the need to define the 'proxy_host' and
         // 'proxy_port' keys). this makes the generated code clash, so we need to fix it, removing the unneeded
         // values from the bitwise operation.
         $defaultFeatures = array('SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS', 'SOAP_WAIT_ONE_WAY_CALLS');
         // fix the option 'features' management
         $fileContent = file_get_contents("{$outputDir}/ClabService.php");
         $fileContent = preg_replace('/(\\$options\\[\'features\'\\] = ).*/', '$1' . implode(' | ', $defaultFeatures) . ';', $fileContent, -1, $count);
         // if no features option has been found, they must be added manually
         if ($count === 0) {
             $fileContent = preg_replace('/parent::__construct/', "if (isset(\$options['features']) == false) {\n\$options['features'] = " . implode(' | ', $defaultFeatures) . ";\n}\n\nparent::__construct", $fileContent, -1, $count);
         file_put_contents("{$outputDir}/ClabService.php", $fileContent);
         $progress->setMessage('Applying the license to the generated files');
         // read the license header
         $licenseHeader = file_get_contents($this->project->getBasedir() . '/resources/license_header.txt');
         // print the license on top of every file
         foreach (glob($outputDir . '/*.php') as $sourceFile) {
             $fileContent = file_get_contents($sourceFile);
             $fileContent = preg_replace('/^(<\\?php)/', "\$1\n\n" . $licenseHeader, $fileContent);
             file_put_contents($sourceFile, $fileContent);
         // create the coding standards fixer
         $progress->setMessage('Configuring the Coding Standards fixer');
         $fixer = new Fixer();
         $csConfig = new CSConfig();
         // register all the existing fixers
         // register all fixers from all PSR levels
         /* @var $csFixer \Symfony\CS\FixerInterface */
         $fixers = array();
         foreach ($fixer->getFixers() as $csFixer) {
             if ($csFixer->getLevel() === ($csFixer->getLevel() & FixerInterface::PSR2_LEVEL)) {
                 $fixers[] = $csFixer;
         // fix the generated code
         $progress->setMessage('Fixing the generated code');
         $progress->setFormat(ProgressBar::getFormatDefinition('normal') . ' %message%');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->log($e->getMessage(), \Project::MSG_ERR);