  * @throws ReportException
 protected function throwInverseSideDefaultGetterMustReturnCollection()
     $message = $this->getInverseSideClassName() . '::' . $this->getInverseSideGetter() . '()';
     $message .= ' must return an instance of ' . Collection::class;
     $errorReport = new ErrorReport($message);
     $helpCollection = 'You should call $this->$' . $this->getInverseSideProperty();
     $helpCollection .= ' = new ' . ArrayCollection::class . '() in ';
     $helpCollection .= $this->getInverseSideClassName() . '::__construct().';
     $helpReturn = $this->getInverseSideClassName() . '::' . $this->getInverseSideGetter() . '() should return ';
     $helpReturn .= $this->getInverseSideClassName() . '::$' . $this->getInverseSideProperty() . '.';
     $errorReport->addMethodCode($this->getInverseSideClassName(), '__construct');
     $errorReport->addMethodCode($this->getInverseSideClassName(), $this->getInverseSideGetter());
     throw new ReportException($this->getReport(), $errorReport);
  * @param ErrorReport $errorReport
  * @return $this
 protected function inverseSideAdderAddInverseSideEntityPersistError(ErrorReport $errorReport)
     $propertyMetadata = $this->getManager()->getClassMetadata($this->getInverseSideClassName())->associationMappings[$this->getInverseSideProperty()];
     if (in_array('persist', $propertyMetadata['cascade']) === false) {
         $help = 'You have to set "cascade: persist" on your mapping, ';
         $help .= 'or explicitly call ' . get_class($this->getManager()) . '::persist().';
     return $this;
  * @param NotNullConstraintViolationException $exception
  * @throws ReportException
 protected function throwExceptionOccuredWhileRemovingRightEntity(NotNullConstraintViolationException $exception)
     $message = get_class($exception) . ' occurend while removing ' . $this->rightEntityClass . '.';
     $errorReport = new ErrorReport($message);
     $help = 'You have to set "orphanRemoval: true" on your mapping, ';
     $help .= 'or explicitly call ' . $this->managerClass . '::remove().';
     $errorReport->addCodeLinePreview($exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine());
     $errorReport->addMethodCode($this->leftEntity, $this->leftEntityRemover);
     throw new ReportException($this->getReport(), $errorReport);
  * @throws ReportException
 protected function inverseSideSetterThrowDoesntSetProperty()
     $message = $this->getInverseSideClassName() . '::' . $this->getInverseSideSetter() . '() doest not set ';
     $message .= $this->getInverseSideClassName() . '::$' . $this->getInverseSideProperty();
     $errorReport = new ErrorReport($message);
     $help = 'This method should call $this->' . $this->getInverseSideClearer() . '(), ';
     $help .= $this->getInverseSideAdder() . '() for each ' . $this->getOwningSideClassName() . ' passed ';
     $help .= 'then ' . $this->getInverseSideProperty() . '->clear() to reset Collection keys.';
     $errorReport->addMethodCode($this->getInverseSideClassName(), $this->getInverseSideSetter());
     throw new ReportException($this->getReport(), $errorReport);
  * @param string $className
  * @param string $method
  * @param array $parameters
  * @throws ReportException
 protected function throwMethodSignatureIsWrong($className, $method, array $parameters)
     $message = $className . '::' . $method . '() signature is wrong.';
     $errorReport = new ErrorReport($message);
     $help = $className . '::' . $method . '() must have at least this ';
     $help .= count($parameters) === 1 ? 'parameter: ' : 'parameters: ';
     $helpParameters = [];
     foreach ($parameters as $name => $types) {
         switch (count($types)) {
             case 0:
                 $helpParameters[] = '$' . $name;
             case 1:
                 $helpParameters[] = $types[0] . ' $' . $name;
             case 2:
                 $helpParameters[] = $types[0] . ' $' . $name . ' = ' . $types[1];
     $help .= implode(', ', $helpParameters) . '.';
     $errorReport->addMethodCode($className, $method);
     throw new ReportException($this->getReport(), $errorReport);