Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function run()
     $crestData = json_decode($this->curl->get("https://crest-tq.eveonline.com/"), true);
     $tqStatus = isset($crestData["serviceStatus"]["eve"]) ? $crestData["serviceStatus"]["eve"] : "offline";
     $tqOnline = (int) $crestData["userCounts"]["eve"];
     $msg = "**TQ Status:** {$tqStatus} with {$tqOnline} users online.";
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function run()
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $query = urlencode(implode(" ", $explode));
     $appID = urlencode($this->config->get("appID", "wolframalpha"));
     // WTB JSON endpoint...
     $data = json_decode(json_encode(new \SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->get("http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?appid={$appID}&input={$query}"))), true);
     $result = $data["pod"][1]["subpod"];
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $image = $result["img"]["@attributes"]["src"];
         $text = $result["plaintext"];
         if (strlen($image) > 0) {
             $this->message->reply("{$text}\r\n {$image}");
             $wolfFileName = md5($query);
             file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../../cache/image/{$wolfFileName}.gif", $image);
             $this->message->getChannelAttribute()->sendFile(__DIR__ . "/../../../cache/image/{$wolfFileName}.gif", "{$wolfFileName}.gif");
         } else {
             $this->message->reply("Result: {$image}");
     } else {
         $this->message->reply("WolframAlpha did not have an answer to your query..");
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function run()
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $prefix = $this->channelConfig->prefix;
     $system = isset($explode[0]) ? $explode[0] == "{$prefix}pc" ? "global" : str_replace($prefix, "", $explode[0]) : "global";
     $item = implode(" ", $explode);
     // Stuff that doesn't need a db lookup
     $quickLookUps = ["plex" => array("typeName" => "30 Day Pilot's License Extension (PLEX)", "typeID" => 29668), "injector" => array("typeName" => "Skill Injector", "typeID" => 40520), "extractor" => array("typeName" => "Skill Extractor", "typeID" => 40519)];
     if ($system && $item) {
         if (isset($quickLookUps[$item])) {
             $single = $quickLookUps[$item];
             $multiple = null;
         } else {
             $single = $this->db->queryRow("SELECT typeID, typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeName = :item", array(":item" => $item));
             $multiple = $this->db->query("SELECT typeID, typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeName LIKE :item LIMIT 5", array(":item" => $item));
         if (count($multiple) == 1) {
             $single = $multiple[0];
         if (empty($single) && !empty($multiple)) {
             $items = array();
             foreach ($multiple as $item) {
                 $items[] = $item["typeName"];
             $items = implode(", ", $items);
             return $this->message->reply("**Multiple results found:** {$items}");
         // If there is a single result, we'll get data now!
         if ($single) {
             $typeID = $single["typeID"];
             $typeName = $single["typeName"];
             if ($system == "global") {
                 $system = "global";
                 $data = new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->get("https://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?typeid={$typeID}"));
             } else {
                 $solarSystemID = $this->db->queryField("SELECT solarSystemID FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemName = :system", "solarSystemID", array(":system" => $system));
                 $data = new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->get("https://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?usesystem={$solarSystemID}&typeid={$typeID}"));
             $lowBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->min, 2);
             $avgBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->avg, 2);
             $highBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->max, 2);
             $lowSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->min, 2);
             $avgSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->avg, 2);
             $highSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->max, 2);
             $solarSystemName = $system == "pc" ? "Global" : ucfirst($system);
             $messageData = "```\ntypeName: {$typeName}\nsolarSystemName: {$solarSystemName}\nBuy:\n  Low: {$lowBuy}\n  Avg: {$avgBuy}\n  High: {$highBuy}\nSell:\n  Low: {$lowSell}\n  Avg: {$avgSell}\n  High: {$highSell}```";
         } else {
             $this->message->reply("**Error:** ***{$item}*** not found");
     } else {
         $this->message->reply("**Error:** No itemName set..");
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function run()
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $name = implode(" ", $explode);
     $url = "https://evedata.xyz/api/search/corporation/" . urlencode($name) . "/";
     $data = @json_decode($this->curl->get($url), true)["corporation"];
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** no results was returned.");
     if (count($data) > 1) {
         $results = array();
         foreach ($data as $corp) {
             $results[] = $corp["corporationName"];
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** more than one result was returned: " . implode(", ", $results));
     // Get stats
     $corporationID = $data[0]["corporationID"];
     $statsURL = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/api/corpInfo/corporationID/" . urlencode($corporationID) . "/";
     $stats = json_decode($this->curl->get($statsURL), true);
     if (empty($stats)) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** no data available");
     $corporationName = @$stats["corporationName"];
     $allianceName = isset($stats["allianceName"]) ? $stats["allianceName"] : "None";
     $factionName = isset($stats["factionName"]) ? $stats["factionName"] : "None";
     $ceoName = @$stats["ceoName"];
     $homeStation = @$stats["stationName"];
     $taxRate = @$stats["taxRate"];
     $corporationActiveArea = @$stats["corporationActiveArea"];
     $allianceActiveArea = @$stats["allianceActiveArea"];
     $lifeTimeKills = @$stats["lifeTimeKills"];
     $lifeTimeLosses = @$stats["lifeTimeLosses"];
     $memberCount = @$stats["memberArrayCount"];
     $superCaps = @count($stats["superCaps"]);
     $ePeenSize = @$stats["ePeenSize"];
     $url = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/corporation/" . @$stats["corporationID"] . "/";
     $msg = "```corporationName: {$corporationName}\nallianceName: {$allianceName}\nfactionName: {$factionName}\nceoName: {$ceoName}\nhomeStation: {$homeStation}\ntaxRate: {$taxRate}\ncorporationActiveArea: {$corporationActiveArea}\nallianceActiveArea: {$allianceActiveArea}\nlifeTimeKills: {$lifeTimeKills}\nlifeTimeLosses: {$lifeTimeLosses}\nmemberCount: {$memberCount}\nsuperCaps: {$superCaps}\nePeenSize: {$ePeenSize}\n```\nFor more info, visit: {$url}";
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function run()
     $pornConfig = @$this->channelConfig->p**n;
     // This is one of those plugins that need to be allowed before it works
     if (isset($pornConfig->allowedChannels) && in_array($this->message->channel_id, $pornConfig->allowedChannels)) {
         $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
         $type = implode(" ", $explode);
         $categoryNames = array();
         $url = "";
         $categories = array("redheads" => array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/redheads/time/all/", "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/ginger/time/all/", "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/FireCrotch/time/all/"), "blondes" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/blondes/time/all/", "asians" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/AsiansGoneWild/time/all/", "gonewild" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/gonewild/time/all/", "realgirls" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/realgirls/time/all/", "palegirls" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/palegirls/time/all/", "gif" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/NSFW_GIF/time/all/", "lesbians" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/lesbians/time/all/", "tattoos" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/Hotchickswithtattoos/time/all/", "mgw" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/MilitaryGoneWild/time/all/", "amateur" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/AmateurArchives/time/all/", "college" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/collegesluts/time/all/", "bondage" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/bondage/time/all/", "milf" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/milf/time/all/", "freckles" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/FreckledGirls/time/all/", "cosplay" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/cosplay/time/all/", "t**s" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/boobs/time/all/", "ass" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/ass/time/all/", "food" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/foodporn/time/all/", "gifrecipes" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/gifrecipes/time/all/", "bbw" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/bbw/time/all/", "dongs" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/penis/time/all/", "innie" => "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/innie/time/all/");
         foreach ($categories as $catName => $catURL) {
             $categoryNames[] = ucfirst($catName);
             if (strtolower($type) == strtolower($catName)) {
                 if (is_array($catURL)) {
                     $url = $catURL[array_rand($catURL)];
                 } else {
                     $url = $catURL;
         if (!empty($url)) {
             // Select a random url
             $clientID = $this->config->get("clientID", "imgur");
             $headers = array();
             $headers[] = "Content-type: application/json";
             $headers[] = "Authorization: Client-ID {$clientID}";
             $data = $this->curl->get($url, $headers);
             if ($data) {
                 $json = json_decode($data, true)["data"];
                 $img = $json[array_rand($json)];
                 $imageURL = $img["link"];
                 // gifv doesn't embed properly in discord, yet..
                 $msg = "**Title:** {$img["title"]} | **Section:** {$img["section"]} | **url:** {$imageURL}";
         } else {
             $msg = "No endpoint selected. Currently available are: " . implode(", ", $categoryNames);
     } else {
         $this->message->reply("Sorry, this plugin is not allowed in this channel, speak to your admin to get it allowed (To enable, use {$this->channelConfig->prefix}config enablePorn)");
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function run()
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $authString = isset($explode[1]) ? $explode[1] : "";
     if ($this->message->getChannelAttribute()->is_private) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error** You are trying to send your auth token in private. This won't work because i need the guild information, which i can only get if you post it in a public channel on the server you want to get authed on.");
     $authData = $this->db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM authRegs WHERE authString = :authString AND active = 1", array(":authString" => $authString));
     if ($authData) {
         $groups = json_decode($authData["groups"], true);
         $characterID = $authData["characterID"];
         /** @var Role $roles */
         $roles = $this->message->getFullChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->getRolesAttribute();
         /** @var Member $member */
         $member = $this->message->getFullChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->getMembersAttribute()->get("id", $this->message->author->id);
         $username = $this->message->author->username;
         $discordID = $this->message->author->id;
         // @todo Force ingame name
         $characterName = json_decode($this->curl->get("https://evedata.xyz/api/character/shortinformation/{$characterID}/"))->characterName;
         // Doesn't work yet, but it should be something like $member->nick($characterName);
         //$member->user->setAttribute("username", $characterName);
         /** @var Role $role */
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             $roleName = $role->name;
             if (in_array($roleName, $groups)) {
         // Save the member object, so all the roles are set
         $this->db->execute("UPDATE authRegs SET discordID = :discordID, active = 0 WHERE authString = :authString", array(":discordID" => $discordID, ":authString" => $authString));
         $this->log->addInfo("{$username} authenticated in {$this->message->getChannelAttribute()->name} on {$this->message->getChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->name}");
         $this->message->reply("You have now been added to the following groups: " . implode(", ", $groups));
     } else {
         $this->message->reply("**Error** You are trying to authenticate with an already used (or not existing) auth token..");
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function run()
     // Most EVE players on Discord use their ingame name, so lets support @highlights
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $name = implode(" ", $explode);
     $name = stristr($name, "@") ? str_replace("<@", "", str_replace(">", "", $name)) : $name;
     if (is_numeric($name)) {
         // The person used @highlighting, so now we got a discord id, lets map that to a name
         $name = $this->db->queryField("SELECT nickName FROM users WHERE discordID = :id", "nickName", array(":id" => $name));
     $url = "https://evedata.xyz/api/search/character/" . urlencode($name) . "/";
     $data = @json_decode($this->curl->get($url), true)["character"];
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** no results was returned.");
     $exists = false;
     if (count($data) > 1) {
         $results = array();
         foreach ($data as $char) {
             if (strtolower($char["characterName"]) == strtolower($name)) {
                 $data[0]["characterID"] = $char["characterID"];
                 $exists = true;
             $results[] = $char["characterName"];
         if ($exists == false) {
             return $this->message->reply("**Error:** more than one result was returned: " . implode(", ", $results));
     // Get stats
     $characterID = $data[0]["characterID"];
     $statsURL = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/api/charInfo/characterID/" . urlencode($characterID) . "/";
     $stats = json_decode($this->curl->get($statsURL), true);
     if (empty($stats)) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** no data available");
     $characterName = @$stats["characterName"];
     $corporationName = @$stats["corporationName"];
     $allianceName = isset($stats["allianceName"]) ? $stats["allianceName"] : "None";
     $factionName = isset($stats["factionName"]) ? $stats["factionName"] : "None";
     $securityStatus = @$stats["securityStatus"];
     $lastSeenSystem = @$stats["lastSeenSystem"];
     $lastSeenRegion = @$stats["lastSeenRegion"];
     $lastSeenShip = @$stats["lastSeenShip"];
     $lastSeenDate = @$stats["lastSeenDate"];
     $corporationActiveArea = @$stats["corporationActiveArea"];
     $allianceActiveArea = @$stats["allianceActiveArea"];
     $soloKills = @$stats["soloKills"];
     $blobKills = @$stats["blobKills"];
     $lifeTimeKills = @$stats["lifeTimeKills"];
     $lifeTimeLosses = @$stats["lifeTimeLosses"];
     $amountOfSoloPVPer = @$stats["percentageSoloPVPer"];
     $ePeenSize = @$stats["ePeenSize"];
     $facepalms = @$stats["facepalms"];
     $lastUpdated = @$stats["lastUpdatedOnBackend"];
     $url = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/character/" . $stats["characterID"] . "/";
     $msg = "```characterName: {$characterName}\ncorporationName: {$corporationName}\nallianceName: {$allianceName}\nfactionName: {$factionName}\nsecurityStatus: {$securityStatus}\nlastSeenSystem: {$lastSeenSystem}\nlastSeenRegion: {$lastSeenRegion}\nlastSeenShip: {$lastSeenShip}\nlastSeenDate: {$lastSeenDate}\ncorporationActiveArea: {$corporationActiveArea}\nallianceActiveArea: {$allianceActiveArea}\nsoloKills: {$soloKills}\nblobKills: {$blobKills}\nlifeTimeKills: {$lifeTimeKills}\nlifeTimeLosses: {$lifeTimeLosses}\npercentageSoloPVPer: {$amountOfSoloPVPer}\nePeenSize: {$ePeenSize}\nfacepalms: {$facepalms}\nlastUpdated: {$lastUpdated}```\nFor more info, visit: {$url}";
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function run()
     $guildID = $this->message->full_channel->guild->id;
     $input = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $type = isset($input[1]) ? $input[1] : "";
     // Defaults
     $channelID = $this->message->channel_id;
     $msg = "";
     // Config options
     switch (trim($type)) {
         case "setTrigger":
             $trigger = $input[2];
             $orgTrigger = $this->serverConfig->get($guildID, "prefix") ? $this->serverConfig->get($guildID, "prefix") : $this->channelConfig->prefix;
             $this->serverConfig->set($guildID, "prefix", $trigger);
             $msg = "Trigger has been changed from {$orgTrigger} to {$trigger}";
         case "enablePorn":
             $pornArray = $this->serverConfig->getAll($guildID)->p**n->allowedChannels;
             if (!in_array($channelID, $pornArray)) {
                 $pornArray[] = $channelID;
             $this->serverConfig->set($guildID, "p**n", array("allowedChannels" => $pornArray));
             $msg = "P**n has now been enabled on this channel, enjoy, you perv ;)";
         case "disablePorn":
             $pornArray = $this->serverConfig->getAll($guildID)->p**n->allowedChannels;
             foreach ($pornArray as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value == $channelID) {
             $this->serverConfig->set($guildID, "p**n", array("allowedChannels" => $pornArray));
             $msg = "P**n has now been disabled on this channel. :(";
         case "addKillmails":
             // %config addKillmails character characterID
             $typeName = trim($input[2]);
             $typeID = trim($input[3]);
             switch ($typeName) {
                 case "character":
                     // Check said char exists on the killboard..
                     $exists = json_decode($this->curl->get("https://evedata.xyz/api/character/information/{$typeID}/"));
                     if (isset($exists->characterID)) {
                         $this->db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO killmailPosting (channelID, typeName, typeID) VALUES (:channelID, :typeName, :typeID)", array(":channelID" => $channelID, ":typeName" => $typeName, ":typeID" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "**Success** killmails should start getting posted for {$exists->characterName} to this channel";
                     } else {
                         $msg = "**Error** characterID is not valid";
                 case "corporation":
                     // Check said char exists on the killboard..
                     $exists = json_decode($this->curl->get("https://evedata.xyz/api/corporation/information/{$typeID}/"));
                     if (isset($exists->corporationID)) {
                         $this->db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO killmailPosting (channelID, typeName, typeID) VALUES (:channelID, :typeName, :typeID)", array(":channelID" => $channelID, ":typeName" => $typeName, ":typeID" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "**Success** killmails should start getting posted for {$exists->corporationName} to this channel";
                     } else {
                         $msg = "**Error** corporationID is not valid";
                 case "alliance":
                     // Check said char exists on the killboard..
                     $exists = json_decode($this->curl->get("https://evedata.xyz/api/alliance/information/{$typeID}/"));
                     if (isset($exists->allianceID)) {
                         $this->db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO killmailPosting (channelID, typeName, typeID) VALUES (:channelID, :typeName, :typeID)", array(":channelID" => $channelID, ":typeName" => $typeName, ":typeID" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "**Success** killmails should start getting posted for {$exists->allianceName} to this channel";
                     } else {
                         $msg = "**Error** allianceID is not valid";
         case "removeKillmails":
         case "listKillmails":
         case "addTwitterOauth":
             // Add oauth settings for twitter, and send twitter messages to the channel it was enabled in, unless channelID was passed along
         case "removeTwitterOauth":
             // Disable twitter, and remove the oauth keys
         case "addSiphonKey":
             // Add an apikey used for checking for siphons, output to the channel it was enabled in, unless a channelID was passed along
         case "removeSiphonKey":
         case "addMailKey":
             // same as add siphon
         case "removeMailKey":
         case "addNotificationKey":
             // same as add siphon
         case "removeNotificationKey":
         case "addAuth":
             // Enable authentication for a characterID, corporationID or allianceID - have multiple, and let them map 1:1 to groups on Discord (if group doesn't exist, create it)
         case "removeAuth":
         case "addJabberReader":
             // Setup a socket to listen for messages, make them prepend a key for the channel it was enabled in (unless a channelID was specified)
         case "removeJabberReader":
             $msg = "Error, no configuration option picked. Available configuration options are: setTrigger, enablePorn, disablePorn, addTwitterOauth, removeTwitterOauth, addSiphonKey, removeSiphonKey, addMailKey, removeMailKey, addNotificationKey, removeNotificationKey, addJabberReader, removeJabberReader, addAuth, removeAuth";
     // Mark this as garbage
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function run()
     $channels = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM killmailPosting");
     foreach ($channels as $channel) {
         $rowID = $channel["id"];
         $type = $channel["typeName"];
         $id = $channel["typeID"];
         $latest = $channel["latestKillID"];
         $channelID = $channel["channelID"];
         // Get the killdata
         $killData = json_decode($this->curl->get("https://evedata.xyz/api/killlist/latest/"));
         if (!empty($killData)) {
             foreach ($killData as $kill) {
                 if (isset($kill->killID) && $kill->killID > $latest) {
                     switch ($type) {
                         case "character":
                             if ($kill->victim->characterID == $id) {
                                 $msg = "{$kill->victim->characterName} ({$kill->victim->corporationName} / {$kill->victim->allianceName}) lost {$kill->victim->shipTypeName} in {$kill->solarSystemName} ({$kill->regionName}) with a total value of {$kill->totalValue}isk | https://beta.eve-kill.net/kill/{$kill->killID}/";
                                 $this->db->execute("UPDATE killmailPosting SET latestKillID = :killID WHERE id = :rowID", array(":killID" => $kill->killID, ":rowID" => $rowID));
                             foreach ($kill->attackers as $attacker) {
                                 if ($attacker->characterID == $id && $attacker->finalBlow == 1) {
                                     $msg = "{$attacker->characterName} participated in killing {$kill->victim->characterName} ({$kill->victim->corporationName} / {$kill->victim->allianceName} / {$kill->victim->shipTypeName}) in a {$attacker->shipTypeName} doing a total of {$attacker->damageDone} damage, and helped destroy {$kill->totalValue}isk | https://beta.eve-kill.net/kill/{$kill->killID}/";
                                     $this->db->execute("UPDATE killmailPosting SET latestKillID = :killID WHERE id = :rowID", array(":killID" => $kill->killID, ":rowID" => $rowID));
                         case "corporation":
                             if ($kill->victim->corporationID == $id) {
                                 $msg = "{$kill->victim->characterName} ({$kill->victim->corporationName} / {$kill->victim->allianceName}) lost {$kill->victim->shipTypeName} in {$kill->solarSystemName} ({$kill->regionName}) with a total value of {$kill->totalValue}isk";
                                 $this->db->execute("UPDATE killmailPosting SET latestKillID = :killID WHERE id = :rowID", array(":killID" => $kill->killID, ":rowID" => $rowID));
                             foreach ($kill->attackers as $attacker) {
                                 if ($attacker->corporationID == $id && $attacker->finalBlow == 1) {
                                     $msg = "{$attacker->characterName} participated in killing {$kill->victim->characterName} ({$kill->victim->corporationName} / {$kill->victim->allianceName} / {$kill->victim->shipTypeName}) in a {$attacker->shipTypeName} doing a total of {$attacker->damageDone} damage, and helped destroy {$kill->totalValue}isk | https://beta.eve-kill.net/kill/{$kill->killID}/";
                                     $this->db->execute("UPDATE killmailPosting SET latestKillID = :killID WHERE id = :rowID", array(":killID" => $kill->killID, ":rowID" => $rowID));
                         case "alliance":
                             if ($kill->victim->allianceID == $id) {
                                 $msg = "{$kill->victim->characterName} ({$kill->victim->corporationName} / {$kill->victim->allianceName}) lost {$kill->victim->shipTypeName} in {$kill->solarSystemName} ({$kill->regionName}) with a total value of {$kill->totalValue}isk";
                                 $this->db->execute("UPDATE killmailPosting SET latestKillID = :killID WHERE id = :rowID", array(":killID" => $kill->killID, ":rowID" => $rowID));
                             foreach ($kill->attackers as $attacker) {
                                 if ($attacker->allianceID == $id && $attacker->finalBlow == 1) {
                                     $msg = "{$attacker->characterName} participated in killing {$kill->victim->characterName} ({$kill->victim->corporationName} / {$kill->victim->allianceName} / {$kill->victim->shipTypeName}) in a {$attacker->shipTypeName} doing a total of {$attacker->damageDone} damage, and helped destroy {$kill->totalValue}isk | https://beta.eve-kill.net/kill/{$kill->killID}/";
                                     $this->db->execute("UPDATE killmailPosting SET latestKillID = :killID WHERE id = :rowID", array(":killID" => $kill->killID, ":rowID" => $rowID));
             if (!empty($msg)) {
                 /** @var Channel $chan */
                 $chan = Channel::find($channelID);