Ejemplo n.º 1
  * get session id
  * @return string
 public static function getSessId()
     if (empty($_COOKIE[self::SessionIdName])) {
         $_COOKIE[self::SessionIdName] = md5(microtime(true) . \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP());
         $cookieDomain = \Sooh\Base\Ini::getInstance()->cookieDomain();
         setcookie(self::SessionIdName, $_COOKIE[self::SessionIdName], time() + 315360000, '/', $cookieDomain);
     return $_COOKIE[self::SessionIdName];
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * $guidtype 在构造时使用一次
  *   a 180组服务器,30几年后溢出,(每个请求需要一个进程处理至少1个毫秒,)
  *   b 18组服务器, 300年后溢出, (每个请求需要一个进程处理至少1个毫秒,)
  *   c 18组服务器, 30年后溢出,  (每个请求需要一个进程处理至少0.1个毫秒,)
  * @param string $guidtype 
  * @return \Sooh\Base\Log\Data
 public static function getInstance($guidtype = 'c')
     if (self::$_instance == null) {
         self::$_instance = new Data();
         $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance();
         self::$_instance->ymd = $dt->YmdFull;
         self::$_instance->hhiiss = $dt->his;
         self::$_instance->ip = \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP();
         self::$_instance->logGuid = self::$_instance->newLogId($guidtype);
         \Sooh\Base\Ini::registerShutdown(get_called_class() . '::onShutdown', 'logOnShutdown');
     return self::$_instance;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @return Ctrl
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$_instance === null) {
         $cc = get_called_class();
         self::$_instance = new $cc();
         self::$_instance->allMenu = self::$_instance->initMenu();
         foreach (self::$_instance->allMenu as $k => $r) {
             if (is_array($r[3])) {
                 self::$_instance->allMenu[$k][3] = \Sooh\Base\Tools::uri($r[3], $r[2], $r[1], $r[0]);
     return self::$_instance;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function _frame()
     $acl = \Sooh\DB\Acl\Acl::getInstance();
     if ($this->_request->get('__LOGOUT__') == 1) {
         $this->_view->assign('useTpl', 'logout');
     $isLogined = $acl->isLogined();
     $username = $this->_request->get('u');
     $password = $this->_request->get('p');
     //$returnUrl = $this->_request->get('returnUrl',$_SESSION['returnUrl']);
     //if(empty($returnUrl))	$returnUrl=\Sooh\Base\Tools::uri();
     $this->_view->assign('returnUrl', \Sooh\Base\Tools::uri());
     if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) {
         try {
             $camefrom = $this->_request->get('camefrom', 'Jym');
             $acl->login($username, $password, 3600, $camefrom);
             $account = $acl->getAclManager()->getAccount($username, $camefrom);
             $acl->setSessionVal('nickname', $account['nickname']);
             //				if($this->_request->get('__ONLY__')!=='body'){
             //					$this->_view->assign ('statusCode', '200');
             ////					$this->_view->assign ('callbackType', 'forward');
             //					return;
             //				}else{
             $this->_view->assign('statusCode', '200');
             //					return;
             //				}
         } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
             $this->_view->assign('statusCode', '300');
             $this->_view->assign('message', '登入失败:' . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         if ($isLogined) {
             $menu = $acl->menu();
             $this->_view->assign('menuleft', $menu);
             $this->_view->assign('useTpl', 'frame');
         } else {
             $this->_view->assign('useTpl', $this->_request->get('__ONLY__') === 'body' ? 'login_withouthead' : 'login_withhead');
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * 实际发送请求到server,默认http-get
  * @return mixed or null 
 public function _send($host, $service, $cmd, $args, $dt, $sign)
     $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance()->timestamp();
     if (is_string($args)) {
         $url = $host . '&service=' . $service . '&cmd=' . $cmd . '&args=' . urlencode($args) . '&dt=' . ($dt - 0) . '&sign=' . urlencode($sign);
     } else {
         $url = $host . '&service=' . $service . '&cmd=' . $cmd . '&args=' . urlencode(json_encode($args)) . '&dt=' . ($dt - 0) . '&sign=' . urlencode($sign);
     if ('rpcservices' != $service) {
         error_log("[RPC@" . getmypid() . "]" . $url);
     $ret = \Sooh\Base\Tools::httpGet($url);
     if ('rpcservices' != $service) {
         error_log("[RPC@" . getmypid() . "]" . $ret);
     if (200 == \Sooh\Base\Tools::httpCodeLast()) {
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * 锁定一条记录(TODO: 分散设计后,应该没有很多的冲突几率,考虑加个冲突日志并酌情报警)
  * @param string $msg msg describe the reason
  * @param int $secExpire default 3year
  * @return boolean 
  * @throws ErrorException when record is locked already
 public function lock($msg, $secExpire = 94608000)
     $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance();
     if ($this->lock !== null) {
         error_log('locked already:' . get_called_class() . ' ' . json_encode($this->pkey));
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->lock = new \Sooh\DB\Base\KVObjV2Lock();
         $this->lock->create = $dt->timestamp();
         $this->lock->expire = $this->lock->create + $secExpire;
         $this->lock->msg = $msg;
         $this->lock->ip = \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP();
         $this->lock->lockedByThisProcess = true;
         $dbDisk = $this->db();
         $tbDisk = $this->tbname();
         if ($this->cacheWhenVerIDIs) {
             $dbCache = $this->db(true);
             $tbCache = $this->tbname(true);
         $where = $this->pkey;
         $where[$this->fieldName_verid] = $this->r[$this->fieldName_verid];
         $nextId = \Sooh\DB\Base\SQLDefine::nextCircledInt($this->r[$this->fieldName_verid]);
         $tmp = $this->lock->toString();
         if ($this->cacheWhenVerIDIs == 0) {
             $ret = $dbDisk->updRecords($tbDisk, array($this->fieldName_verid => $nextId, $this->fieldName_lockmsg => $tmp), $where);
             $locked = $ret == 1;
         } elseif ($this->cacheWhenVerIDIs == 1) {
             $ret = $dbCache->updRecords($tbCache, array($this->fieldName_verid => $nextId, $this->fieldName_lockmsg => $tmp), $where);
             $locked = $ret == 1;
             if ($locked) {
                 $dbDisk->updRecords($tbDisk, array($this->fieldName_verid => $nextId, $this->fieldName_lockmsg => $tmp), $where);
         } else {
             $ret = $dbCache->updRecords($tbCache, array($this->fieldName_verid => $nextId, $this->fieldName_lockmsg => $tmp), $where);
             $locked = $ret == 1;
         if ($locked) {
             $this->r[$this->fieldName_verid] = $nextId;
             $this->r[$this->fieldName_lockmsg] = $tmp;
             return true;
         } else {
             error_log('locked failed:' . implode("\n", \Sooh\DB\Broker::lastCmd(false)));
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @return string
 public function urlLogin()
     return \Sooh\Base\Tools::uri(null, 'login', 'index');
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected function forkTask($task)
     $cmd = \Sooh\Base\Tools::runBackground($this->_router . '&task=' . $task . '&type=crond');
     //$this->_log->writeCrondLog(null, __FUNCTION__."($task) with cmd=$cmd");
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @param string $type [idfa|imei|md5|mac]
  * @param string $sn
  * @param string $phone
  * @param string $userIdentifier
  * @param string $contractId
  * @param array $extraData
  * @return \PrjLib\DataDig\Log\Device
 public static function ensureOne($type, $sn, $phone = null, $userIdentifier = null, $contractId = null, $extraData = null)
     $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance();
     $deviceId = self::guidMaker($type, $sn);
     $ddd = \Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRequest();
     error_log("trace device->ensure(" . $ddd->getModuleName() . '/' . $ddd->getControllerName() . '/' . $ddd->getActionName() . ") " . $deviceId . "  phone:{$phone}  user:{$userIdentifier}");
     $sys = parent::getCopy(array('deviceId' => $deviceId));
     try {
     } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
         if (\Sooh\DB\Broker::errorIs($e, \Sooh\DB\Error::tableNotExists)) {
     $fields = array('ip' => \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP(), 'ymd' => $dt->YmdFull, 'hhiiss' => $dt->his);
     try {
         if ($sys->exists() === false) {
             foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
                 $sys->setField($k, $v);
             $sys->setField('phone', empty($phone) ? '0' : $phone);
             $sys->setField('userIdentifier', empty($userIdentifier) ? '' : $userIdentifier);
             $sys->setField('extraData', empty($extraData) ? '' : json_encode($extraData));
             $sys->setField('extraRet', '');
             $sys->setField('contractId', empty($contractId) ? '0' : $contractId);
             try {
                 $sys->flgNewCreate = true;
                 return $sys;
             } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
                 if ($sys->exists() === false) {
                     error_log('error create new device log:' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
                     return $sys;
         $oldPhone = $sys->getField('phone', true);
         $oldUser = $sys->getField('userIdentifier', true);
         $oldContractId = $sys->getField('contractId', true);
         if (!empty($phone) && !empty($oldPhone) && $phone != $oldPhone || !empty($oldUser) && !empty($userIdentifier) && $oldUser != $userIdentifier || !empty($oldContractId) && !empty($contractId) && $oldContractId != $contractId) {
             $extraDataOld = $sys->getField('extraData', true);
             $extraRetOld = $sys->getField('extraRet', true);
             $extraRetOld = is_scalar($extraRetOld) === false ? json_encode($extraRetOld) : $extraRetOld;
             \Sooh\DB\Broker::getInstance(\PrjLib\Tbname::db_rpt)->addRecord(\PrjLib\Tbname::tb_device_log, array('deviceId' => $deviceId, 'dtChange' => $dt->YmdFull . sprintf('%06d', $dt->his), 'phoneOld' => $oldPhone, 'userIdentifierOld' => $oldUser, 'extraDataOld' => is_scalar($extraDataOld) === false ? json_encode($extraDataOld) : $extraDataOld, 'extraRetOld' => $extraRetOld, 'contractIdOld' => $oldContractId, 'phoneNew' => $phone, 'userIdentifierNew' => $userIdentifier, 'extraDataNew' => empty($extraData) ? '' : json_encode($extraData), 'extraRetNew' => $extraRetOld, 'contractIdNew' => empty($contractId) ? '0' : $contractId, 'ipOld' => $sys->getField('ip', true), 'ipNew' => $fields['ip']));
         foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
             $sys->setField($k, $v);
         if (!empty($extraData)) {
             $sys->setField('extraData', empty($extraData) ? '' : json_encode($extraData));
         if (!empty($phone)) {
             $sys->setField('phone', $phone);
         if (!empty($userIdentifier)) {
             $sys->setField('userIdentifier', $userIdentifier);
         //$sys->setField('extraRet', '');
         if (!empty($contractId)) {
             $sys->setField('contractId', $contractId);
         //var_log($sys->dump(),'======================log->filled for '.$sys->tbname());
     } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
         error_log("error: on ensure-device:" . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
     return $sys;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected function onLogin($accountInfo)
     $sess = \Sooh\Base\Session\Data::getInstance();
     $sess->set('accountId', $accountInfo['accountId']);
     $sess->set('nickname', $accountInfo['nickname']);
     $this->_view->assign('account', array('accountId' => $accountInfo['accountId'], 'nickname' => $accountInfo['nickname']));
     		$userOrAccountId = $this->user;
     		$checkinBook = \Lib\Services\CheckinBook::getInstance();
     $userOrAccountId = $accountInfo['accountId'];
     $checkinBook = \Lib\Services\CheckinBook::getInstance($this->getRpcDefault('CheckinBook'));
     $this->_view->assign('checkinBook', $checkinBook->doGetTodayStatus(1, $userOrAccountId)['data']);
     $this->_view->assign('shopPoints', array('nleft' => 'todo', 'history' => array('todo')));
     $user = \Prj\Data\User::getCopy($userOrAccountId);
     setcookie('nickname', $accountInfo['nickname'], 0, '/', \Sooh\Base\Ini::getInstance()->cookieDomain());
     $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance();
     if ($user->exists() === false) {
         $user->setField('nickname', $accountInfo['nickname']);
         $user->setField('contractId', $accountInfo['contractId']);
         $user->setField('regYmd', $dt->YmdFull);
         $user->setField('regHHiiss', $dt->his);
         $user->setField('regClient', self::tmp_clientType);
         $user->setField('regIP', \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP());
         //$user->setField(self::fieldUser, array());
     } else {
         $user->setField('nickname', $accountInfo['nickname']);
         $user->setField('lastDt', $dt->timestamp());
         $user->setField('lastIP', \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP());
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * 账号登入, 失败抛出异常(密码错误,账号找不到等等)
  * @param $loginName
  * @param $cameFrom
  * @param $password
  * @param array $customArgs
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \ErrorException
  * @throws \Sooh\Base\ErrException
  * @throws array
 public function login($loginName, $cameFrom, $password, $customArgs = ['contractId'])
     if ($this->rpc !== null) {
         return $this->rpc->initArgs(['loginName' => $loginName, 'cameFrom' => $cameFrom, 'password' => $password, 'customArgs' => $customArgs])->send(__FUNCTION__);
     } else {
         $objLogin = \Sooh\DB\Cases\AccountAlias::getCopy($loginName, $cameFrom);
         if ($objLogin->exists()) {
             $accountId = $objLogin->getField('accountId');
             if ($this->account->exists()) {
                 $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance();
                 $cmp = md5($password . $this->account->getField('passwdSalt'));
                 $loginFailed = $this->account->getField('loginFailed');
                 if ($loginFailed) {
                     $cd = new \Sooh\Base\CD($loginFailed, 750, 3600);
                     if ($cd->isRed()) {
                         throw new \Sooh\Base\ErrException(self::errAccountOrPasswordError);
                 } else {
                     $cd = new \Sooh\Base\CD(0, 750, 3600);
                 $ymdhForbidden = $this->account->getField('dtForbidden');
                 if ($ymdhForbidden) {
                     if ($dt->YmdH <= $ymdhForbidden) {
                         throw new \Sooh\Base\ErrException(self::errAccountLock, 404);
                 if ($cmp != $this->account->getField('passwd')) {
                     $ret = new \Sooh\Base\ErrException(self::errAccountOrPasswordError, 404);
                 } else {
                     $nickname = $this->account->getField('nickname');
                     $ret = array('accountId' => $this->account->getField('accountId'), 'nickname' => $nickname);
                     if (!empty($customArgs)) {
                         if (is_string($customArgs)) {
                             $customArgs = explode(',', $customArgs);
                         foreach ($customArgs as $k) {
                             $ret[$k] = $this->account->getField('contractId');
                 $this->account->setField('lastIP', \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP());
                 $this->account->setField('lastDt', $dt->timestamp());
                 $this->account->setField('loginFailed', $cd->toString());
                 try {
                 } catch (\ErrorException $ex) {
                     \Sooh\Base\Log\Data::error("error on update account when login:"******"\n" . \Sooh\DB\Broker::lastCmd() . "\n" . $ex->getTraceAsString());
                 if (is_array($ret)) {
                     return $ret;
                 } else {
                     throw $ret;
             } else {
                 throw new \Sooh\Base\ErrException(self::errAccountOrPasswordError, 400);
         } else {
             throw new \Sooh\Base\ErrException(self::errAccountOrPasswordError, 400);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * 锁定一条记录(TODO: 分散设计后,应该没有很多的冲突几率,考虑加个冲突日志并酌情报警)
  * @param string $msg msg describe the reason
  * @param int $secExpire default 3year
  * @return boolean 
  * @throws ErrorException when record is locked already
 public function lock($msg, $secExpire = 94608000)
     $dt = \Sooh\Base\Time::getInstance();
     if ('' !== ($lockMsg = $this->isLocked())) {
         error_log('locked already:' . get_called_class() . ' ' . json_encode($this->pkey));
         return false;
     } else {
         //			$err= new \ErrorException('record lock:'.$this->r[$this->fieldName_verid]);
         //			error_log($err->getMessage()."\n".$err->getTraceAsString());
         $tmp = 'expire=' . ($dt->timestamp() + $secExpire) . '&msg=' . $msg . '&ymd=' . $dt->YmdFull . '&ip=' . \Sooh\Base\Tools::remoteIP();
         $where = $this->pkey;
         $where[$this->fieldName_verid] = $this->r[$this->fieldName_verid];
         $ret = $this->db()->updRecords($this->tbname(), array($this->fieldName_verid => $this->r[$this->fieldName_verid] + 1, $this->fieldName_lockmsg => $tmp), $where);
         if ($ret === 1) {
             $this->r[$this->fieldName_lockmsg] = $tmp;
             $this->lockedByMe = true;
             return true;
         } else {
             error_log('locked failed');
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * 重置某账号密码
 public function pwdresetAction()
     $frm = \Sooh\Base\Form\Broker::getCopy('default')->init(\Sooh\Base\Tools::uri(), 'post', \Sooh\Base\Form\Broker::type_c);
     //$frm->addItem('camefrom', form_def::factory('', 'local', form_def::constval));
     $frm->addItem('loginname', form_def::factory('账号', '', form_def::constval));
     $frm->addItem('nickname', form_def::factory('昵称', '', form_def::text));
     $frm->addItem('passwd', form_def::factory('新密码', '', form_def::text));
     $this->_view->assign('FormOp', $op = '修改');
     $frm->addItem('_pkey_val', '');
     $where = \Lib\Misc\DWZ::decodePkey($this->_request->get('_pkey_val'));
     if ($frm->flgIsThisForm) {
         try {
             $fields = $frm->getFields();
             $manager = \Prj\Data\Manager::getCopy($where['loginname'], $where['camefrom']);
             $ret = $manager->resetPWD($fields['passwd'], array('nickname' => $fields['nickname']));
             if ($ret) {
                 $this->returnOK('密码已重置为: ' . $fields['passwd']);
             } else {
         } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
             $this->returnError('密码重置失败:' . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         //show form
         if (!empty($where)) {
             $manager = \Prj\Data\Manager::getCopy($where['loginname'], $where['camefrom']);
             $fields = $manager->dump();
             $ks = array('loginname', 'nickname');
             foreach ($ks as $k) {
                 if (isset($fields[$k]) && is_object($frm->items[$k])) {
                     $frm->item($k)->value = $fields[$k];
             $frm->items['_pkey_val'] = \Lib\Misc\DWZ::encodePkey(array('camefrom' => $where['camefrom'], 'loginname' => $where['loginname']));
         } else {
             $this->returnError('unknown manager');