Ejemplo n.º 1
  * When a message arrives that contains a trigger, this is started
  * @param $msgData
 public function onMessage(stdClass $msgData)
     $message = $msgData->message->message;
     $data = $this->trigger->trigger($message, $this->information()["trigger"]);
     if (isset($data["trigger"])) {
         $channelName = $msgData->channel->name;
         $guildName = $msgData->guild->name;
         // Most EVE players on Discord use their ingame name, so lets support @highlights
         $messageString = stristr($data["messageString"], "@") ? str_replace("<@", "", str_replace(">", "", $data["messageString"])) : $data["messageString"];
         if (is_numeric($messageString)) {
             // The person used @highlighting, so now we got a discord id, lets map that to a name
             $messageString = $this->sluggardDB->queryField("SELECT name FROM usersSeen WHERE id = :id", "name", array(":id" => $messageString));
         $url = "http://rena.karbowiak.dk/api/search/character/{$messageString}/";
         $data = @json_decode($this->curl->getData($url), true)["character"];
         if (empty($msgData)) {
             return $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** no results was returned.");
         if (count($msgData) > 1) {
             $results = array();
             foreach ($msgData as $char) {
                 $results[] = $char["characterName"];
             return $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** more than one result was returned: " . implode(", ", $results));
         // Get stats
         $characterID = $data[0]["characterID"];
         $statsURL = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/api/charInfo/characterID/" . urlencode($characterID) . "/";
         $stats = json_decode($this->curl->getData($statsURL), true);
         if (empty($stats)) {
             return $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** no data available");
         $characterName = @$stats["characterName"];
         $corporationName = @$stats["corporationName"];
         $allianceName = isset($stats["allianceName"]) ? $stats["allianceName"] : "None";
         $factionName = isset($stats["factionName"]) ? $stats["factionName"] : "None";
         $securityStatus = @$stats["securityStatus"];
         $lastSeenSystem = @$stats["lastSeenSystem"];
         $lastSeenRegion = @$stats["lastSeenRegion"];
         $lastSeenShip = @$stats["lastSeenShip"];
         $lastSeenDate = @$stats["lastSeenDate"];
         $corporationActiveArea = @$stats["corporationActiveArea"];
         $allianceActiveArea = @$stats["allianceActiveArea"];
         $soloKills = @$stats["soloKills"];
         $blobKills = @$stats["blobKills"];
         $lifeTimeKills = @$stats["lifeTimeKills"];
         $lifeTimeLosses = @$stats["lifeTimeLosses"];
         $amountOfSoloPVPer = @$stats["percentageSoloPVPer"];
         $ePeenSize = @$stats["ePeenSize"];
         $facepalms = @$stats["facepalms"];
         $lastUpdated = @$stats["lastUpdatedOnBackend"];
         $url = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/character/" . $stats["characterID"] . "/";
         $msg = "```characterName: {$characterName}\r\ncorporationName: {$corporationName}\r\nallianceName: {$allianceName}\r\nfactionName: {$factionName}\r\nsecurityStatus: {$securityStatus}\r\nlastSeenSystem: {$lastSeenSystem}\r\nlastSeenRegion: {$lastSeenRegion}\r\nlastSeenShip: {$lastSeenShip}\r\nlastSeenDate: {$lastSeenDate}\r\ncorporationActiveArea: {$corporationActiveArea}\r\nallianceActiveArea: {$allianceActiveArea}\r\nsoloKills: {$soloKills}\r\nblobKills: {$blobKills}\r\nlifeTimeKills: {$lifeTimeKills}\r\nlifeTimeLosses: {$lifeTimeLosses}\r\npercentageSoloPVPer: {$amountOfSoloPVPer}\r\nePeenSize: {$ePeenSize}\r\nfacepalms: {$facepalms}\r\nlastUpdated: {$lastUpdated}```\r\nFor more info, visit: {$url}";
         $this->log->info("Sending char info to {$channelName} on {$guildName}");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * When a message arrives that contains a trigger, this is started
  * @param $msgData
 public function onMessage($msgData)
     $message = $msgData->message->message;
     $data = $this->trigger->trigger($message, $this->information()["trigger"]);
     if (isset($data["trigger"])) {
         $channelName = $msgData->channel->name;
         $guildName = $msgData->guild->name;
         $crestData = json_decode($this->curl->getData("https://public-crest.eveonline.com/"), true);
         $tqStatus = isset($crestData["serviceStatus"]["eve"]) ? $crestData["serviceStatus"]["eve"] : "offline";
         $tqOnline = (int) $crestData["userCounts"]["eve"];
         $msg = "**TQ Status:** {$tqStatus} with {$tqOnline} users online.";
         $this->log->info("Sending eveStatus info to {$channelName} on {$guildName}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * When a message arrives that contains a trigger, this is started
  * @param $msgData
 public function onMessage(stdClass $msgData)
     $message = $msgData->message->message;
     $data = $this->trigger->trigger($message, $this->information()["trigger"]);
     if (isset($data["trigger"])) {
         $channelName = $msgData->channel->name;
         $guildName = $msgData->guild->name;
         $systemName = $data["trigger"];
         $itemName = $data["messageString"];
         if ($itemName) {
             // Quick lookups
             if (isset($this->quickLookUps[$itemName])) {
                 $single = $this->quickLookUps[$itemName];
                 $multiple = null;
             } else {
                 $single = $this->ccpDB->queryRow("SELECT typeID, typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeName = :item COLLATE NOCASE", array(":item" => ucfirst($itemName)));
                 $multiple = $this->ccpDB->query("SELECT typeID, typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeName LIKE :item COLLATE NOCASE LIMIT 5", array(":item" => "%" . ucfirst($itemName) . "%"));
             // Sometimes the multiple lookup is returning just one
             if (count($multiple) == 1) {
                 $single = $multiple[0];
             // If there are multiple results, and not a single result, it's an error
             if (empty($single) && !empty($multiple)) {
                 $items = array();
                 foreach ($multiple as $item) {
                     $items[] = $item["typeName"];
                 $items = implode(", ", $items);
                 return $msgData->user->reply("**Multiple results found:** {$items}");
             // If there is a single result, we'll get data now!
             if ($single) {
                 $typeID = $single["typeID"];
                 $typeName = $single["typeName"];
                 $solarSystemID = $systemName == "pc" ? "global" : $this->solarSystems[$systemName];
                 // Get pricing data
                 if ($solarSystemID == "global") {
                     $data = new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->getData("https://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?typeid={$typeID}"));
                 } else {
                     $data = new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->getData("https://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?usesystem={$solarSystemID}&typeid={$typeID}"));
                 $lowBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->min, 2);
                 $avgBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->avg, 2);
                 $highBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->max, 2);
                 $lowSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->min, 2);
                 $avgSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->avg, 2);
                 $highSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->max, 2);
                 $this->log->info("Sending pricing info to {$channelName} on {$guildName}");
                 $solarSystemName = $systemName == "pc" ? "Global" : ucfirst($systemName);
                 $messageData = "```\r\ntypeName: {$typeName}\r\nsolarSystemName: {$solarSystemName}\r\nBuy:\r\n  Low: {$lowBuy}\r\n  Avg: {$avgBuy}\r\n  High: {$highBuy}\r\nSell:\r\n  Low: {$lowSell}\r\n  Avg: {$avgSell}\r\n  High: {$highSell}```";
             } else {
                 $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** ***{$itemName}*** not found");
         } else {
             $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** No itemName set..");
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * When a message arrives that contains a trigger, this is started
  * @param $msgData
 public function onMessage(stdClass $msgData)
     $message = $msgData->message->message;
     $data = $this->trigger->trigger($message, $this->information()["trigger"]);
     if (isset($data["trigger"])) {
         $channelName = $msgData->channel->name;
         $guildName = $msgData->guild->name;
         $messageString = $data["messageString"];
         $url = "http://rena.karbowiak.dk/api/search/corporation/{$messageString}/";
         $data = @json_decode($this->curl->getData($url), true)["corporation"];
         if (empty($data)) {
             return $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** no results was returned.");
         if (count($data) > 1) {
             $results = array();
             foreach ($data as $corp) {
                 $results[] = $corp["corporationName"];
             return $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** more than one result was returned: " . implode(", ", $results));
         // Get stats
         $corporationID = $data[0]["corporationID"];
         $statsURL = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/api/corpInfo/corporationID/" . urlencode($corporationID) . "/";
         $stats = json_decode($this->curl->getData($statsURL), true);
         if (empty($stats)) {
             return $msgData->user->reply("**Error:** no data available");
         $corporationName = @$stats["corporationName"];
         $allianceName = isset($stats["allianceName"]) ? $stats["allianceName"] : "None";
         $factionName = isset($stats["factionName"]) ? $stats["factionName"] : "None";
         $ceoName = @$stats["ceoName"];
         $homeStation = @$stats["stationName"];
         $taxRate = @$stats["taxRate"];
         $corporationActiveArea = @$stats["corporationActiveArea"];
         $allianceActiveArea = @$stats["allianceActiveArea"];
         $lifeTimeKills = @$stats["lifeTimeKills"];
         $lifeTimeLosses = @$stats["lifeTimeLosses"];
         $memberCount = @$stats["memberArrayCount"];
         $superCaps = @count($stats["superCaps"]);
         $ePeenSize = @$stats["ePeenSize"];
         $url = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/corporation/" . @$stats["corporationID"] . "/";
         $msg = "```corporationName: {$corporationName}\r\nallianceName: {$allianceName}\r\nfactionName: {$factionName}\r\nceoName: {$ceoName}\r\nhomeStation: {$homeStation}\r\ntaxRate: {$taxRate}\r\ncorporationActiveArea: {$corporationActiveArea}\r\nallianceActiveArea: {$allianceActiveArea}\r\nlifeTimeKills: {$lifeTimeKills}\r\nlifeTimeLosses: {$lifeTimeLosses}\r\nmemberCount: {$memberCount}\r\nsuperCaps: {$superCaps}\r\nePeenSize: {$ePeenSize}\r\n```\r\nFor more info, visit: {$url}";
         $this->log->info("Sending corp info to {$channelName} on {$guildName}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function checkMails($keyID, $vCode, $characterID)
     $updateMaxID = false;
     $url = "https://api.eveonline.com/char/MailMessages.xml.aspx?keyID={$keyID}&vCode={$vCode}&characterID={$characterID}";
     $data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($this->curl->getData($url), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);
     $data = $data["result"]["rowset"]["row"];
     $mails = array();
     // Sometimes there is only ONE notification, so.. yeah..
     if (count($data) > 1) {
         foreach ($data as $getFuckedCCP) {
             $mails[] = $getFuckedCCP["@attributes"];
     } else {
         $mails[] = $data["@attributes"];
     usort($mails, array($this, "sortByDate"));
     foreach ($mails as $mail) {
         if (in_array($mail["toCorpOrAllianceID"], $this->toIDs) && $mail["messageID"] > $this->newestMailID) {
             $sentBy = $mail["senderName"];
             $title = $mail["title"];
             $sentDate = $mail["sentDate"];
             $url = "https://api.eveonline.com/char/MailBodies.xml.aspx?keyID={$keyID}&vCode={$vCode}&characterID={$characterID}&ids=" . $mail["messageID"];
             $content = strip_tags(str_replace("<br>", "\n", json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($this->curl->getData($url), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)))->result->rowset->row));
             $messageSplit = null;
             if (strlen($content) > 1850) {
                 $messageSplit = str_split($content, 1850);
             // Stitch the mail together
             $msg = "**Mail By: **{$sentBy}\n";
             $msg .= "**Sent Date: **{$sentDate}\n";
             $msg .= "**Title: ** {$title}\n";
             $msg .= "**Content: **\n";
             if (!$messageSplit) {
                 $msg .= htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($content));
             // Send the mails to the channel
             $channel = \Discord\Parts\Channel\Channel::find($this->toDiscordChannel);
             if (strlen($content) > 1850 && !empty($longMessage)) {
                 foreach ($longMessage as $msg) {
             } else {
             // Lets sleep for a second, so we don't rage spam
             // Find the maxID so we don't spit this message out ever again
             $this->maxID = max($mail["messageID"], $this->maxID);
             $this->newestMailID = $this->maxID;
             $updateMaxID = true;
             // set the maxID
             if ($updateMaxID) {
                 $this->storage->set("newestCorpMailID", $this->maxID);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function createCCPDB()
     $ccpDataURL = "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/sqlite-latest.sqlite.bz2";
     $ccpDataMD5URL = "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/sqlite-latest.sqlite.bz2.md5";
     $dbLocation = BASEDIR . "/config/database/";
     $md5 = explode(" ", $this->curl->getData($ccpDataMD5URL))[0];
     $lastSeenMd5 = $this->storage->get("ccpDataMd5");
     // If the last seen md5, isn't equal the current seen md5, we'll update!
     if ($lastSeenMd5 !== $md5) {
         try {
             $this->log->notice("Updating CCP SQLite Database");
             $this->log->notice("Downloading bz2 file, and writing it to {$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite.bz2");
             $downloadedData = $this->curl->getLargeData($ccpDataURL, "{$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite.bz2");
             if ($downloadedData == false) {
                 $this->log->warn("Error: File not downloaded successfully!");
             $this->log->notice("Opening bz2 file");
             $sqliteData = bzopen("{$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite.bz2", "r");
             $this->log->notice("Reading from bz2 file");
             $data = "";
             while (!feof($sqliteData)) {
                 $data .= bzread($sqliteData, 4096);
             $this->log->notice("Writing bz2 file contents into .sqlite file");
             file_put_contents("{$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite", $data);
             $this->log->notice("Deleting bz2 file");
             $this->log->notice("Creating mapCelestials view");
             $this->ccpDB->execute("CREATE VIEW mapAllCelestials AS SELECT itemID, itemName, typeName, mapDenormalize.typeID, solarSystemName, mapDenormalize.solarSystemID, mapDenormalize.constellationID, mapDenormalize.regionID, mapRegions.regionName, orbitID, mapDenormalize.x, mapDenormalize.y, mapDenormalize.z FROM mapDenormalize JOIN invTypes ON (mapDenormalize.typeID = invTypes.typeID) JOIN mapSolarSystems ON (mapSolarSystems.solarSystemID = mapDenormalize.solarSystemID) JOIN mapRegions ON (mapDenormalize.regionID = mapRegions.regionID) JOIN mapConstellations ON (mapDenormalize.constellationID = mapConstellations.constellationID)");
             $this->log->notice("CCP Database updated!");
             $this->storage->set("ccpDataMd5", $md5);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->log->warn("Error updating the CCPDatabase. Bot can't run");
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * When the bot's tick hits a specified time, this is started
  * Runtime is defined in $this->information(), timerFrequency
 public function onTimer()
     // Fetch all the characterIDs from the database
     $users = $this->sluggardDB->query("SELECT * FROM authentications");
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $discordID = $user["discordID"];
         $guildID = $user["guildID"];
         $characterID = $user["characterID"];
         $corporationID = $user["corporationID"];
         $allianceID = $user["allianceID"];
         // Get the information for this user from CCP
         try {
             $ccpData = json_decode(json_encode(new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->getData("https://api.eveonline.com/eve/CharacterAffiliation.xml.aspx?ids={$characterID}"))), true);
             $data = $ccpData["result"]["rowset"]["row"]["@attributes"];
             $currentCharacterID = $data["characterID"];
             $currentCorporationID = $data["corporationID"];
             $currentAllianceID = $data["allianceID"];
             // Lets just be sure we're doing this for the correct character.. CCP is weird sometimes
             if ($currentCharacterID == $characterID) {
                 $remove = false;
                 // Remove if the guy switched corp
                 if ($currentCorporationID != $corporationID) {
                     $remove = true;
                 // Remove if the guy switched alliance
                 if ($currentAllianceID != $allianceID) {
                     $remove = true;
                 // Lets remove the groups from this user (Every single role!)
                 if ($remove == true) {
                     $guild = $this->discord->guilds->first();
                     $guildName = $guild->name;
                     $member = $guild->members->get("id", $discordID);
                     $memberName = $member->user->username;
                     $roles = $member->roles;
                     // Remove all roles, we don't care what roles they are, remove them all..
                     // Can't remove server owner tho, so.. mehe..
                     foreach ($roles as $role) {
                     // Delete the auth info from the db
                     $this->sluggardDB->execute("DELETE FROM authentications WHERE discordID = :discordID", array(":discordID" => $discordID));
                     $this->log->info("Deleted all roles for {$memberName} on {$guildName}");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->log->err("Error with character check: " . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param $type
  * @param $typeID
  * @return mixed
 private function apiData($type, $typeID)
     $downloadFrom = "";
     switch ($type) {
         case "char":
             $downloadFrom = $this->charApi;
         case "corp":
             $downloadFrom = $this->corpApi;
         case "alli":
             $downloadFrom = $this->alliApi;
     return json_decode($this->curl->getData($downloadFrom . $typeID . "/"), true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @param $keyID
  * @param $vCode
 private function checkForSiphons($keyID, $vCode)
     try {
         // Seriously CCP.. *sigh*
         $url = "https://api.eveonline.com/corp/AssetList.xml.aspx?keyID={$keyID}&vCode={$vCode}";
         $data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($this->curl->getData($url), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);
         $data = $data["result"]["rowset"]["row"];
         // If there is no data, just quit..
         if (empty($data)) {
         $fixedData = array();
         foreach ($data as $key => $getFuckedCCP) {
             if ($getFuckedCCP["@attributes"]["typeID"] == 14343) {
                 $fixedData[$key] = $getFuckedCCP["@attributes"];
                 $fixedData[$key]["siloContents"] = @$getFuckedCCP["rowset"]["row"]["@attributes"];
         foreach ($fixedData as $silos) {
             $locationID = $silos["locationID"];
             $locationName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $locationID));
             $siloContents = $silos["siloContents"];
             $quantity = $siloContents["quantity"];
             $siloHarvesting = $siloContents["typeID"];
             $siloHarvestingName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = :id", "typeName", array(":id" => $siloHarvesting));
             // Skip this silo if it has no data
             if ($siloContents == null || empty($siloContents)) {
             // If we're being siphoned
             if ($quantity % 100 != 0) {
                 $msg = "**Alert:** Possible Siphon detected in {$locationName}.. What is being siphoned: {$siloHarvestingName}";
                 $channel = \Discord\Parts\Channel\Channel::find($this->toDiscordChannel);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->log->debug("Error: " . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * When a message arrives that contains a trigger, this is started
  * @param $msgData
  * @return mixed
 public function onMessage($msgData)
     $message = $msgData->message->message;
     $data = $this->trigger->trigger($message, $this->information()["trigger"]);
     // If this channel is not in the allowed channels array for this plugin, we'll just quit
     if (!in_array($msgData->message->channelID, $this->channelLimit[get_class($this)])) {
         $channelIDs = array();
         foreach ($this->channelLimit[get_class($this)] as $c) {
             $channelIDs[] = "<#" . $c . "> ";
         $channelsAllowed = implode(" ", $channelIDs);
         $msg = "**Error:** this plugin only works in {$channelsAllowed}";
         return $msgData->user->reply($msg);
     if (isset($data["trigger"])) {
         $urls = array();
         // If it doesn't exist, we'll just make it an empty string..
         if (!isset($data["messageArray"][0])) {
             $data["messageArray"][0] = "";
         switch ($data["messageArray"][0]) {
             case "redheads":
             case "redhead":
             case "red":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/redheads/time/all/", "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/ginger/time/all/", "https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/FireCrotch/time/all/");
             case "blondes":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/blondes/time/all/");
             case "asians":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/AsiansGoneWild/time/all/");
             case "gonewild":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/gonewild/time/all/");
             case "realgirls":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/realgirls/time/all/");
             case "palegirls":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/palegirls/time/all/");
             case "gif":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/NSFW_GIF/time/all/");
             case "lesbians":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/lesbians/time/all/");
             case "tattoos":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/Hotchickswithtattoos/time/all/");
             case "mgw":
             case "militarygonewild":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/MilitaryGoneWild/time/all/");
             case "amateur":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/AmateurArchives/time/all/");
             case "college":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/collegesluts/time/all/");
             case "bondage":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/bondage/time/all/");
             case "milf":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/milf/time/all/");
             case "freckles":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/FreckledGirls/time/all/");
             case "cosplay":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/cosplay/time/all/");
             case "boobs":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/boobs/time/all/");
             case "ass":
                 $urls = array("https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/r/ass/time/all/");
                 $msg = "No endpoint selected. Currently available are: redheads, blondes, asians, gonewild, realgirls, palegirls, gif, lesbians, tattoos, mgw/militarygonewild, amateur, college, bondage, milf, freckles, boobs, ass and cosplay";
         if (!empty($urls)) {
             // Select a random url
             $url = $urls[array_rand($urls)];
             $clientID = $this->config->get("clientID", "imgur");
             $headers = array();
             $headers[] = "Content-type: application/json";
             $headers[] = "Authorization: Client-ID {$clientID}";
             $data = $this->curl->getData($url, $headers);
             if ($data) {
                 $json = json_decode($data, true)["data"];
                 $count = count($json);
                 $img = $json[array_rand($json)];
                 // Get gifv over gif, if it's infact a gif gallery
                 //$imageURL = isset($img["gifv"]) ? $img["gifv"] : $img["link"];
                 $imageURL = $img["link"];
                 // gifv doesn't embed properly in discord, yet..
                 $message = "**Title:** {$img["title"]} | **Section:** {$img["section"]} | **url:** {$imageURL}";