getPlayersOfRole() public method

public getPlayersOfRole ( $roleType ) : User[]
return Slack\User[]
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function format(Game $game)
     $msg = ":memo: Werewolf Kill Vote\r\n-----------------------------------------\r\n";
     foreach ($game->getVotes() as $voteForId => $voters) {
         $voteForPlayer = $game->getPlayerById($voteForId);
         $numVoters = count($voters);
         $msg .= ":knife: Kill @{$voteForPlayer->getUsername()}\t\t | ({$numVoters}) | ";
         $voterNames = [];
         foreach ($voters as $voter) {
             $voter = $game->getPlayerById($voter);
             $voterNames[] = '@' . $voter->getUsername();
         $msg .= implode(', ', $voterNames) . "\r\n";
     $msg .= "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n:hourglass: Remaining Voters: ";
     $playerNames = [];
     foreach ($game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         if (!$game->hasPlayerVoted($player->getId())) {
             $playerNames[] = '@' . $player->getUsername();
     if (count($playerNames) > 0) {
         $msg .= implode(', ', $playerNames);
     } else {
         $msg .= "None";
     $msg .= "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
     return $msg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function format(Game $game)
     $msg = ":memo: Самые честные в мире итоги голосования Оборотней\r\n-----------------------------------------\r\n";
     foreach ($game->getVotes() as $voteForId => $voters) {
         $voteForPlayer = $game->getPlayerById($voteForId);
         $numVoters = count($voters);
         $msg .= ":knife: Выпилили @{$voteForPlayer->getUsername()}\t\t | ({$numVoters}) | ";
         $voterNames = [];
         foreach ($voters as $voter) {
             $voter = $game->getPlayerById($voter);
             $voterNames[] = '@' . $voter->getUsername();
         $msg .= implode(', ', $voterNames) . "\r\n";
     $msg .= "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n:hourglass: Еще не опускали бюллетень в урну: ";
     $playerNames = [];
     foreach ($game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         if (!$game->hasPlayerVoted($player->getId())) {
             $playerNames[] = '@' . $player->getUsername();
     if (count($playerNames) > 0) {
         $msg .= implode(', ', $playerNames);
     } else {
         $msg .= "Нет никого";
     $msg .= "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
     return $msg;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function format(Game $game)
     $msg = ":memo: Votes des Loups-Garous\r\n-----------------------------------------\r\n";
     foreach ($game->getVotes() as $voteForId => $voters) {
         $voteForPlayer = $game->getPlayerById($voteForId);
         $numVoters = count($voters);
         $msg .= ":knife: Tuer @{$voteForPlayer->getUsername()}\t\t | ({$numVoters}) | ";
         $voterNames = [];
         foreach ($voters as $voter) {
             $voter = $game->getPlayerById($voter);
             $voterNames[] = '@' . $voter->getUsername();
         $msg .= implode(', ', $voterNames) . "\r\n";
     $msg .= "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n:hourglass: Votes restants: ";
     $playerNames = [];
     foreach ($game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         if (!$game->hasPlayerVoted($player->getId())) {
             $playerNames[] = '@' . $player->getUsername();
     if (count($playerNames) > 0) {
         $msg .= implode(', ', $playerNames);
     } else {
         $msg .= "Aucun";
     $msg .= "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
     return $msg;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function fire()
     $client = $this->client;
     if ($this->game->getState() != GameState::NIGHT) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (Channel $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: You can only kill at night.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Killing occurs only during the night.");
     // Voter should be alive
     if (!$this->game->hasPlayer($this->userId)) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (Channel $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: You aren't alive in the specified channel.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Can't kill if dead.");
     // Person player is voting for should also be alive
     if (!$this->game->hasPlayer($this->args[0])) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (Channel $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Could not find that player.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Voted player not found in game.");
     // Person should be werewolf
     $player = $this->game->getPlayerById($this->userId);
     if ($player->role != Role::WEREWOLF) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (Channel $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: YOu have to be a werewolf to kill.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Only werewolves can kill.");
     if ($this->game->hasPlayerVoted($this->userId)) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (Channel $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: You have already voted.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("You have already voted.");
     $this->game->vote($this->userId, $this->args[1]);
     $msg = KillFormatter::format($this->game);
     foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         $client->getDMByUserID($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client, $msg) {
             $client->send($msg, $channel);
     foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         if (!$this->game->hasPlayerVoted($player->getId())) {
     $votes = $this->game->getVotes();
     if (count($votes) > 1) {
         foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
             $client->getDMByUserID($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client) {
                 $client->send(":warning: The werewolves did not unanimously vote on a member of the town. Vote again.", $channel);
     $this->gameManager->changeGameState($this->game->getId(), GameState::DAY);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function onNight(Game $game)
     $client = $this->client;
     $nightMsg = ":crescent_moon: :zzz: The sun sets and the villagers go to sleep.";
     $this->client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($game->getId())->then(function (Channel $channel) use($client, $nightMsg) {
         $client->send($nightMsg, $channel);
     $wolves = $game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF);
     $wolfMsg = ":crescent_moon: It is night and it is time to hunt. Type !kill #channel @player to make your choice. ";
     foreach ($wolves as $wolf) {
         $this->client->getDMByUserId($wolf->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client, $wolfMsg) {
             $client->send($wolfMsg, $channel);
     $seerMsg = ":mag_right: Seer, select a player by saying !see #channel @username.";
     $seers = $game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::SEER);
     foreach ($seers as $seer) {
         $this->client->getDMByUserId($seer->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client, $seerMsg) {
             $client->send($seerMsg, $channel);
     $bodyGuardMsg = ":muscle: Bodyguard, you may guard someone once per night. That player cannot be eliminated. Type !guard #channel @user";
     $bodyguards = $game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::BODYGUARD);
     foreach ($bodyguards as $bodyguard) {
         $this->client->getDMByUserId($bodyguard->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client, $bodyGuardMsg) {
             $client->send($bodyGuardMsg, $channel);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function onFirstNight(Game $game)
     $client = $this->client;
     foreach ($game->getLivingPlayers() as $player) {
         $client->getDMByUserId($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $dmc) use($client, $player, $game) {
             $client->send("Your role is {$player->role}", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::WEREWOLF) {
                 if ($game->getNumRole(Role::WEREWOLF) > 1) {
                     $werewolves = PlayerListFormatter::format($game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF));
                     $client->send("The werewolves are: {$werewolves}", $dmc);
                 } else {
                     $client->send("You are the only werewolf.", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::SEER) {
                 $client->send("Seer, select a player by saying !see #channel @username.\r\nDO NOT DISCUSS WHAT YOU SEE DURING THE NIGHT, ONLY DISCUSS DURING THE DAY IF YOU ARE NOT DEAD!", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::BEHOLDER) {
                 $seers = $game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::SEER);
                 $seers = PlayerListFormatter::format($seers);
                 $client->send("The seer is: {$seers}", $dmc);
     $playerList = PlayerListFormatter::format($game->getLivingPlayers());
     $roleList = RoleListFormatter::format($game->getLivingPlayers());
     $msg = ":wolf: A new game of Werewolf is starting! For a tutorial, type !help.\r\n\r\n";
     $msg .= "Players: {$playerList}\r\n";
     $msg .= "Possible Roles: {$game->getRoleStrategy()->getRoleListMsg()}\r\n\r\n";
     if ($this->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::role_seer)) {
         $msg .= ":crescent_moon: :zzz: It is the middle of the night and the village is sleeping.";
         $msg .= " The game will begin when the Seer chooses someone.";
     $this->sendMessageToChannel($game, $msg);
     if (!$this->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::role_seer)) {
         $this->changeGameState($game->getId(), GameState::NIGHT);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private function onFirstNight(Game $game)
     $client = $this->client;
     foreach ($game->getLivingPlayers() as $player) {
         $client->getDMByUserId($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $dmc) use($client, $player, $game) {
             $client->send("Vous êtes {$player->role}", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::WEREWOLF) {
                 if ($game->getNumRole(Role::WEREWOLF) > 1) {
                     $werewolves = PlayerListFormatter::format($game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF));
                     $client->send("Les Loups-Garous sont : {$werewolves}", $dmc);
                 } else {
                     $client->send("Vous êtes le seul Loup-Garou.", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::SEER) {
                 $client->send("C'est à votre tour ! Espionnez un joueur en tapant !see #channel @joueur.\r\nNE DITES PAS PENDANT LA NUIT CE QUE VOUS AVEZ VU, PARLEZ UNIQUEMENT PENDANT LE JOUR ET SI VOUS N'ÊTES PAS MORT(E) !", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::BEHOLDER) {
                 $seers = $game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::SEER);
                 $seers = PlayerListFormatter::format($seers);
                 $client->send("La Voyante est: {$seers}", $dmc);
     $playerList = PlayerListFormatter::format($game->getLivingPlayers());
     $roleList = RoleListFormatter::format($game->getLivingPlayers());
     $msg = ":wolf: Une nouvelle partie de Loups-Garous a commencé ! Pour un tutoriel, tapez !help.\r\n\r\n";
     $msg .= "Joueurs: {$playerList}\r\n";
     $msg .= "Rôles possibles: {$game->getRoleStrategy()->getRoleListMsg()}\r\n\r\n";
     if ($this->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::role_seer)) {
         $msg .= ":crescent_moon: :zzz: C'est la nuit, le village dort.";
         $msg .= " La partie commencera quand la Voyante aura sondé quelqu'un.";
     $this->sendMessageToChannel($game, $msg);
     if (!$this->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::role_seer)) {
         $this->changeGameState($game->getId(), GameState::NIGHT);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function fire()
     $client = $this->client;
     if ($this->game->getWolvesVoted()) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Волки уже свое отвыли.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Волки уже свое отвыли.");
     if ($this->game->getState() != GameState::NIGHT) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Ночь утра мудренее. Дождись заката.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Ночь утра мудренее. Дождись заката.");
     // Voter should be alive
     if (!$this->game->isPlayerAlive($this->userId)) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Кажется тебя уже выпилили, наберись терпения и жди следующей игры.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Кажется тебя уже выпилили, наберись терпения и жди следующей игры.");
     // Person player is voting for should also be alive
     if (!$this->game->isPlayerAlive($this->args[1])) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Не вижу такого чела, а он с какого района?", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Не вижу такого чела, а он с какого района?");
     // Person should be werewolf
     $player = $this->game->getPlayerById($this->userId);
     if ($player->role != Role::WEREWOLF) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: А справка, что ты оборотень у тебя есть?", $channel);
         throw new Exception("А справка, что ты оборотень у тебя есть?");
     if ($this->game->hasPlayerVoted($this->userId)) {
         //If changeVote is not enabled and player has already voted, do not allow another vote
         if (!$this->gameManager->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::changevote)) {
             throw new Exception("Ой, все! Нельзя быть таким непостоянным.");
     $this->game->vote($this->userId, $this->args[1]);
     $msg = KillFormatter::format($this->game);
     foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         $client->getDMByUserID($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client, $msg) {
             $client->send($msg, $channel);
     foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         if (!$this->game->hasPlayerVoted($player->getId())) {
     $votes = $this->game->getVotes();
     if (count($votes) > 1) {
         foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
             $client->getDMByUserID($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client) {
                 $client->send(":warning: Никого не убили. Вы уж там между собой разберитесь и проголосуйте снова.", $channel);
     $this->gameManager->changeGameState($this->game->getId(), GameState::DAY);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private function onFirstNight(Game $game)
     $client = $this->client;
     foreach ($game->getLivingPlayers() as $player) {
         $client->getDMByUserId($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $dmc) use($client, $player, $game) {
             $client->send("Ты у нас будешь {$player->role}", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::WEREWOLF) {
                 if ($game->getNumRole(Role::WEREWOLF) > 1) {
                     $werewolves = PlayerListFormatter::format($game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF));
                     $client->send("В этой игре Оборотни: {$werewolves}", $dmc);
                 } else {
                     $client->send("В этой игре ты единственный Оборотень.", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::SEER) {
                 $client->send("Смотритель, выбери игрока !see #channel @username.\r\nВНИМАНИЕ! ДЕРЖИ ЯЗЫК ЗА ЗУБАМИ ДО УТРА, А ЕСЛИ УМЕР ЛУЧШЕ ВООБЩЕ ПОМОЛЧИ!1111", $dmc);
             if ($player->role == Role::BEHOLDER) {
                 $seers = $game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::SEER);
                 $seers = PlayerListFormatter::format($seers);
                 $client->send("Смотрители: {$seers}", $dmc);
     $playerList = PlayerListFormatter::format($game->getLivingPlayers());
     $roleList = RoleListFormatter::format($game->getLivingPlayers());
     $msg = ":wolf: Новая игра в Оборотня начинается! Если не знаешь правил пиши !help.\r\n\r\n";
     $msg .= "ВАЖНО! Главное разобраться какие сообщения писать в общий чат, а какие в личку боту.\r\n\r\n";
     $msg .= "Если кратко: все действия, связанные с ролями идут в личку. Голосование днем и обсуждение - в общий чат. \r\n\r\n";
     $msg .= "Игроки: {$playerList}\r\n";
     $msg .= "Возможные роли: {$game->getRoleStrategy()->getRoleListMsg()}\r\n\r\n";
     if ($this->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::role_seer)) {
         $msg .= ":crescent_moon: :zzz: Наступает ночь, крестьяне выпили чарку, съели шкварку и идут спать. ";
         $msg .= "Игра начнется как только Смотритель выберет кого-то.";
     $this->sendMessageToChannel($game, $msg);
     if (!$this->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::role_seer)) {
         $this->changeGameState($game->getId(), GameState::NIGHT);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function fire()
     $client = $this->client;
     if ($this->game->getWolvesVoted()) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Les Loups-Garous ont déjà voté.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Les Loups-Garous ne peuvent pas voter après la fin du vote.");
     if ($this->game->getState() != GameState::NIGHT) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Vous pouvez tuer uniquement pendant la nuit.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Impossible de tuer en dehors de la nuit.");
     // Voter should be alive
     if (!$this->game->isPlayerAlive($this->userId)) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Vous n'êtes pas vivant dans le channel spécifié.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Impossible de tuer en étant mort.");
     // Person player is voting for should also be alive
     if (!$this->game->isPlayerAlive($this->args[1])) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Impossible de trouver ce joueur.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Joueur voté pas dans la partie.");
     // Person should be werewolf
     $player = $this->game->getPlayerById($this->userId);
     if ($player->role != Role::WEREWOLF) {
         $client->getChannelGroupOrDMByID($this->channel)->then(function (ChannelInterface $channel) use($client) {
             $client->send(":warning: Vous devez être un Loup-Garou pour tuer.", $channel);
         throw new Exception("Seulement les Loups-Garous peuvent tuer");
     if ($this->game->hasPlayerVoted($this->userId)) {
         //If changeVote is not enabled and player has already voted, do not allow another vote
         if (!$this->gameManager->optionsManager->getOptionValue(OptionName::changevote)) {
             throw new Exception("Changement de vote non autorisé.");
     $this->game->vote($this->userId, $this->args[1]);
     $msg = KillFormatter::format($this->game);
     foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         $client->getDMByUserID($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client, $msg) {
             $client->send($msg, $channel);
     foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
         if (!$this->game->hasPlayerVoted($player->getId())) {
     $votes = $this->game->getVotes();
     if (count($votes) > 1) {
         foreach ($this->game->getPlayersOfRole(Role::WEREWOLF) as $player) {
             $client->getDMByUserID($player->getId())->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use($client) {
                 $client->send(":warning: Les Loups-Garous n'ont pas voté à l'unanimité sur un Villageois. Merci de voter à nouveau.", $channel);
     $this->gameManager->changeGameState($this->game->getId(), GameState::DAY);