public function enterScope(NodeTraversal $t)
     $scope = $t->getScope();
     $cfg = $t->getControlFlowGraph();
     $this->liveness = new LiveVariablesAnalysis($cfg, $scope);
     $this->tryRemoveDeadAssignments($t, $cfg);
 public function enterScope(NodeTraversal $t)
     $cfg = $t->getControlFlowGraph();
     $scope = $t->getScope();
     $mayBeAnalysis = new MayBeReachingUseAnalysis($cfg, $scope);
     $mustBeAnalysis = new MustBeReachingDefAnalysis($cfg, $scope);
 public function enterScope(NodeTraversal $traversal)
     $typeInference = new TypeInference($traversal->getControlFlowGraph(), $this->reverseInterpreter, $this->functionInterpreter, $this->methodInterpreter, $this->commentParser, $traversal->getScope(), $this->registry, $this->logger);
     try {
     } catch (MaxIterationsExceededException $ex) {
         $scopeRoot = $traversal->getScopeRoot();
         $this->logger->warning($ex->getMessage() . ' - Scope-Root: ' . get_class($scopeRoot) . ' on line ' . $scopeRoot->getLine() . ' in ' . $this->file->getName());
 public function shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal $t, \PHPParser_Node $node, \PHPParser_Node $parent = null)
     $graphNode = $t->getControlFlowGraph()->getNode($node);
     if (null !== $graphNode && GraphReachability::UNREACHABLE === $graphNode->getAttribute(GraphReachability::ATTR_REACHABILITY)) {
         // Only report error when there are some line number informations.
         // There are synthetic nodes with no line number informations, nodes
         // introduced by other passes (although not likely since this pass should
         // be executed early) or some PHPParser bug.
         if (-1 !== $node->getLine()) {
             $this->file->addComment($node->getLine(), Comment::warning('usage.unreachable_code', '``%unreachable_code%`` is not reachable.', array('unreachable_code' => $this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint(array($node)))));
             // From now on, we are going to assume the user fixed the error and not
             // give more warnings related to code sections reachable from this node.
             $r = new GraphReachability($t->getControlFlowGraph());
             // Saves time by not traversing children.
             return false;
     return true;
 public function enterScope(NodeTraversal $t)
     $root = $t->getScopeRoot();
     if (!$root instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassMethod) {
     if ($root->name !== $this->method) {
     $container = $root->getAttribute('parent')->getAttribute('parent');
     $className = implode("\\", $container->namespacedName->parts);
     if ($this->class !== substr($className, -1 * strlen($this->class))) {
     $this->cfg = $t->getControlFlowGraph();
 public function enterScope(NodeTraversal $t)
     $scope = $t->getScope();
     $root = $scope->getRootNode();
     if (!$root instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Function && !$root instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassMethod) {
     // Bail out on abstract methods.
     if ($root instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassMethod && ($root->type & \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) !== 0) {
     // Bail out on methods defined on interfaces.
     if ($root instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassMethod && $root->getAttribute('parent')->getAttribute('parent') instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Interface) {
     // Bail out on built-in functions marked by the @jms-builtin annotation.
     // For these, we will solely infer types from doc comments.
     if (false !== strpos($root->getDocComment(), '@jms-builtin')) {
     // Same as above, but for methods of classes marked with @jms-builtin.
     if ($root instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassMethod) {
         $maybeClass = $root->getAttribute('parent')->getAttribute('parent');
         if ($maybeClass instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Class && false !== strpos($maybeClass->getDocComment(), '@jms-builtin')) {
     $cfg = $t->getControlFlowGraph();
     $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder($this->typeRegistry);
     foreach ($cfg->getNode(null)->getInEdges() as $edge) {
         $sourceNode = $edge->getSource()->getAstNode();
         if (!$sourceNode instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Return) {
         // If there is no type information available, we cannot make any
         // assumptions for this function/method.
         if (!($type = $sourceNode->getAttribute('type'))) {
     $type = $builder->build();
     if ($type->isUnknownType()) {
     $function = $this->typeRegistry->getFunctionByNode($root);
     if ($function instanceof GlobalFunction) {
         if ($this->hasTypeChanged($type, $function->getReturnType())) {
     } else {
         if ($function instanceof ContainerMethodInterface) {
             $method = $function->getMethod();
             if ($this->hasTypeChanged($type, $method->getReturnType())) {