Ejemplo n.º 1
  * This method is called to process any request and dispatches
  * it to on of the do* -methods of the scriptlet. It will also
  * call the `doCreateSession()` method if necessary.
  * @param   scriptlet.HttpScriptletRequest request 
  * @param   scriptlet.HttpScriptletResponse response 
  * @throws  scriptlet.ScriptletException indicating fatal errors
 public function service(HttpScriptletRequest $request, HttpScriptletResponse $response)
     $host = $request->getHeader('X-Forwarded-Host', $request->getEnvValue('HTTP_HOST'));
     $request->setURL($this->_url(('on' == $request->getEnvValue('HTTPS') ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . substr($host, 0, strcspn($host, ',')) . $request->getEnvValue('REQUEST_URI')));
     // Check if this method can be handled. In case it can't, throw a
     // ScriptletException with the HTTP status code 501 ("Method not
     // implemented"). The request object will already have all headers
     // and the request method set when this method is called.
     if (!($method = $this->handleMethod($request))) {
         throw new ScriptletException('HTTP method "' . $request->method . '" not supported', HttpConstants::STATUS_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
     // Call the request's initialization method
     // Create response object. Answer with the same protocol version that the
     // user agent sends us with the request. The only versions we should be
     // getting are 1.0 (some proxies or do this) or 1.1 (any current browser).
     // Answer with a "HTTP Version Not Supported" statuscode (#505) for any
     // other protocol version.
     if (2 != sscanf($proto = $request->getEnvValue('SERVER_PROTOCOL'), 'HTTP/%[1].%[01]', $major, $minor)) {
         throw new ScriptletException('Unsupported HTTP protocol version "' . $proto . '" - expected HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1', HttpConstants::STATUS_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED);
     $response->version = '1.' . $minor;
     // Check if a session is present. This is either the case when a session
     // is already in the URL or if the scriptlet explicetly states it needs
     // one (by returning TRUE from needsSession()).
     if ($this->needsSession($request) || $request->getSessionId()) {
         $valid = false;
         try {
             $valid = $request->session->isValid();
         } catch (\lang\XPException $e) {
             // Check if session initialization errors can be handled gracefully
             // (default: no). If not, throw a HttpSessionInvalidException with
             // the HTTP status code 503 ("Service temporarily unavailable").
             if (!$this->handleSessionInitializationError($request, $response)) {
                 throw new HttpSessionInvalidException('Session initialization failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), HttpConstants::STATUS_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, $e);
             // Fall through, otherwise
         // Check if invalid sessions can be handled gracefully (default: no).
         // If not, throw a HttpSessionInvalidException with the HTTP status
         // code 400 ("Bad request").
         if (!$valid) {
             if (!$this->handleInvalidSession($request, $response)) {
                 throw new HttpSessionInvalidException('Session is invalid', HttpConstants::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);
             // Fall through, otherwise
         // Call doCreateSession() in case the session is new
         if ($request->session->isNew()) {
             $method = 'doCreateSession';
     // If this scriptlet has an authenticator, run its authenticate()
     // method. This method may return FALSE to indicate no further
     // processing is to be done (e.g., in case it redirects to a login
     // site). Exceptions thrown are wrapped in a ScriptletException
     // with status code 403 ("Forbidden").
     if ($auth = $this->getAuthenticator($request)) {
         array_unshift($this->filters, new AuthenticationFilter($auth));
     // Call method handler and, in case the method handler returns anything
     // else than FALSE, the response processor. Exceptions thrown from any of
     // the two methods will result in a ScriptletException with the HTTP
     // status code 500 ("Internal Server Error") being thrown.
     try {
         $r = (new Invocation([$this, $method], $this->filters))->proceed($request, $response);
         if (false !== $r) {
     } catch (ScriptletException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (\lang\SystemExit $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // PHP 5
         throw new ScriptletException('Request processing failed [' . $method . ']: ' . $e->getMessage(), HttpConstants::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $e);
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
         // PHP 7
         throw new ScriptletException('Request processing failed [' . $method . ']: ' . $e->getMessage(), HttpConstants::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $e);
  * Overwritten method from parent class
  * @param   string content Content
  * @throws  lang.IllegalAccessException
 public function setContent($content)
     if ($this->_processed) {
         throw new \lang\IllegalAccessException('Cannot write directly');