Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Returns the timezone for an IP address.
 * @param string $ip IP address to check (defaults to <get_ip_address>)
 * @return string Timezone identifier or false on error
function get_timezone_by_ip($ip = false)
    if ($ip === false) {
        $ip = $GLOBALS['current_ip_addr'];
    if (starts_with($ip, "1.1 ") || starts_with($ip, "192.168.")) {
        return false;
    $key = "get_timezone_by_ip." . getAppVersion('nc') . "-" . $ip;
    $ret = cache_get($key);
    if ($ret) {
        return $ret;
    	// new url with api key:
    	$url = "https://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-city/?key=ae4dea477cd8a36cc678c582c3f990fb57a5aae696f878b4e0eee70afa53bf1e&ip=".$GLOBALS['current_ip_addr']."&format=xml";
    		$xml = downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2);
    	}catch(Exception $ex){ WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for ".$ip." ($url)",$ex); return false; }
    	if( preg_match_all('/<timeZone>([^<]*)<\/timeZone>/', $xml, $zone, PREG_SET_ORDER) )
    		$zone = $zone[0];
    		if($zone[1] != "")
                cache_set($key,$zone[1], 24 * 60 * 60);
    			return $zone[1];
    //	log_error("No timezone found for ".$GLOBALS['current_ip_addr']." via ipinfodb.com");
    $url = "http://ip-api.com/php/" . $ip;
    try {
        $data = @unserialize(downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2));
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for " . $ip . " ({$url}) " . $ex->getMessage(), $ex);
        return false;
    if ($data && $data['status'] == 'success') {
        $zone = $data['timezone'];
        cache_set($key, $zone, 24 * 60 * 60);
        return $zone;
    log_error("No timezone found for " . $ip . " via ip-api.com");
    $coords = get_coordinates_by_ip($ip);
    if ($coords === false) {
        log_error("No timezone found for IP " . $ip . " (missing coordinates)");
        // disaster-fallback: use our timezone:
        return "Etc/GMT+2";
    //	ws.geonames.org had only timeouts on 2/10/2010...
    //	$url = "http://ws.geonames.org/timezone?lat=".$coords['latitude'].'&lng='.$coords['longitude'];
    $url = "http://api.geonames.org/timezone?lat=" . $coords['latitude'] . '&lng=' . $coords['longitude'] . "&username=scavix";
    try {
        $xml = downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for " . $ip . " ({$url}) " . $ex->getMessage(), $ex);
        return false;
    if (preg_match_all('/<timezoneId>([^<]*)<\\/timezoneId>/', $xml, $zone, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        $zone = $zone[0];
        cache_set($key, $zone[1], 24 * 60 * 60);
        return $zone[1];
    log_error("No timezone found for " . $ip . " via geonames.org");
    $url = "http://www.earthtools.org/timezone/" . $coords['latitude'] . '/' . $coords['longitude'];
    try {
        $xml = downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for " . $ip . " ({$url})", $ex);
        return false;
    if (preg_match_all('/<offset>([^<]*)<\\/offset>/', $xml, $zone, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        $zone = $zone[0];
        $zone[1] = round($zone[1], 0);
        $ret = "Etc/GMT" . ($zone[1] < 0 ? $zone[1] : "+" . $zone[1]);
        cache_set($key, $ret, 24 * 60 * 60);
        return $ret;
    log_error("No timezone found for " . $ip . " via earthtools.org");
    // disaster-fallback: use our timezone:
    return "Etc/GMT+2";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private function Unser_Inner()
     $orig_line = array_shift($this->Lines);
     if ($orig_line == "") {
         return null;
     $type = $orig_line[0];
     $line = substr($orig_line, 2);
     if ($type == 'k' || $type == 'f' || $type == 'v') {
         $type = $line[0];
         $line = substr($line, 2);
     try {
         switch ($type) {
             case 's':
                 return str_replace("\\n", "\n", $line);
             case 'i':
                 return intval($line);
             case 'a':
                 $res = array();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) {
                     $key = $this->Unser_Inner();
                     $res[$key] = $this->Unser_Inner();
                 return $res;
             case 'd':
                 if (!$line) {
                     return null;
                 return new DateTime($line);
             case 'x':
                 if (!$line) {
                     return null;
                 return new DateTimeEx($line);
             case 'y':
                 return new WdfReflector($line);
             case 'z':
                 return simplexml_load_string(stripcslashes($line));
             case 'o':
                 list($id, $len, $type, $alias) = explode(':', $line);
                 $datasource = $alias ? model_datasource($alias) : null;
                 $this->Stack[$id] = new $type($datasource);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                     $field = $this->Unser_Inner();
                     if ($field == "") {
                     $this->Stack[$id]->{$field} = $this->Unser_Inner();
                 if (system_method_exists($this->Stack[$id], '__wakeup')) {
                 return $this->Stack[$id];
             case 'r':
                 if (!isset($this->Stack[intval($line)])) {
                     WdfException::Raise("Trying to reference unknown object.");
                 if ($this->Stack[intval($line)] instanceof DataSource) {
                     return model_datasource($this->Stack[intval($line)]->_storage_id);
                 return $this->Stack[intval($line)];
             case 'm':
                 return model_datasource($line);
             case 'n':
                 return null;
             case 'f':
                 return floatval($line);
             case 'b':
                 return $line == 1;
                 WdfException::Raise("Unserialize found unknown datatype '{$type}'. Line was {$orig_line}");
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Ensures object validity
  * Calls <store_object> for every <Renderable> object in the object store to ensure that the stored 
  * objects really match the serialized ones. This is needed because fields/properties can change after
  * the initial save and our caching will hide that from system.
  * No need to call this manually, ScavixWDF will do!
  * @return void
 function Update()
     global $CONFIG;
     $_SESSION[$CONFIG['session']['prefix'] . "session_lastaccess"] = time();
     foreach ($GLOBALS['object_storage'] as $id => &$obj) {
         try {
             if ($obj instanceof Renderable) {
                 store_object($obj, $id);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             WdfException::Log("updating session storage for object {$id} [" . get_class($obj) . "]", $ex);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @internal Performs JavaScript minifying
function minify_js($paths, $target_file)
    require_once __DIR__ . "/minify/jsmin.php";
    $files = minify_collect_files($paths, 'js');
    log_debug("JS files to minify: ", $files);
    $code = "";
    foreach ($files as $f) {
        if (starts_with($f, "/") && !starts_with($f, "//")) {
            $f = (isSSL() ? "https" : "http") . "://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}" . $f;
        $js = sendHTTPRequest($f, false, false, $response_header);
        if (mb_detect_encoding($js) != "UTF-8") {
            $js = mb_convert_encoding($js, "UTF-8");
        if (stripos($response_header, "404 Not Found") !== false) {
        $js = "/* FILE: {$f} */\n{$js}";
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['nominify'])) {
            try {
                $code .= jsmin::minify($js) . "\n";
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
                WdfException::Log("EXCEPTION occured in jsmin::minify ({$js})", $ex);
                $code .= $js . "\n";
        } else {
            $code .= $js . "\n";
    global $ext_resources;
    foreach (array_unique($ext_resources) as $ext) {
        $code .= "\$.getScript('{$ext}', function(){ wdf.debug('external script loaded:','{$ext}'); });";
    file_put_contents($target_file, $code);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Sends an email.
 * @param mixed $recipient Email recipient as string. If $recipient is <PHPMailer> will ignore all other arguments and use this.
 * @param string $subject The subject
 * @param string $message The message (may be HTML formatted)
 * @param string $plainmessage Optional plain message (may differ from $message)
 * @param array $attachments Array of filenames to attach
 * @return boolean true on success or string on error
function mail_send($recipient, $subject = "", $message = "", $plainmessage = "", $attachments = array())
    if (is_object($recipient) && $recipient instanceof PHPMailer) {
        $mail = $recipient;
    } else {
        $mail = mail_prepare($recipient, $subject, $message, $plainmessage, $attachments);
    $res = false;
    try {
        $res = $mail->Send();
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        $res = false;
    if (!$res) {
        log_trace("mail_send({$subject},{$message}): " . $mail->ErrorInfo, $recipient);
        return $mail->ErrorInfo;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Gets a list of all keys in the cache.
 * @return array list of all keys
function globalcache_list_keys()
    if (!hook_already_fired(HOOK_POST_INIT)) {
        return array();
    global $CONFIG;
    switch ($CONFIG['globalcache']['CACHE']) {
        case globalcache_CACHE_DB:
            $ds = model_datasource($CONFIG['globalcache']['datasource']);
            try {
                $rs = $ds->ExecuteSql("SELECT full_key FROM wdf_cache WHERE (valid_until IS NULL OR valid_until>=" . $ds->Driver->Now() . ")");
                return $rs->Enumerate('full_key');
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
            return array();
        case globalcache_CACHE_APC:
            $ret = array();
            $cacheinfo = apc_cache_info('user');
            $keyprefixlen = strlen($GLOBALS["globalcache_key_prefix"]);
            foreach ($cacheinfo['cache_list'] as $cacheentry) {
                $ret[] = substr($cacheentry['info'], $keyprefixlen);
            return $ret;
            WdfException::Log("globalcache_list_keys not implemented for handler {$CONFIG['globalcache']['CACHE']}");
    return array();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Called whenever a class shall be instanciated but there's no definition found
 * See http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.spl-autoload-register.php
 * @param string $class_name Name of the class to load
 * @return void
function system_spl_autoload($class_name)
    if ($class_name == "" || $class_name[0] == "<") {
    // it's html
    try {
        if (strpos($class_name, '\\') !== false) {
            $orig = $class_name;
            $class_name = array_pop(explode('\\', $class_name));
        $file = __search_file_for_class($class_name);
        if ($file && is_readable($file)) {
            $pre = get_declared_classes();
            require_once $file;
            $post = array_unique(array_diff(get_declared_classes(), $pre));
            foreach ($post as $cd) {
                $d = explode("\\", $cd);
                if (count($d) > 1) {
                    create_class_alias($cd, array_pop($d));
            $def = array_pop($post);
            if (!isset($orig) && !$def) {
                foreach (array_reverse($pre) as $c) {
                    if (!ends_with($c, $class_name)) {
                    log_info("Aliasing previously included class '{$c}' to '{$class_name}'. To avoid this check the use statements or use a qualified classname.");
                    create_class_alias($c, $class_name, true);
            } else {
                $class_name = isset($orig) ? $orig : $class_name;
                if (strtolower($def) != strtolower($class_name) && ends_iwith($def, $class_name)) {
                    log_info("Aliasing class '{$def}' to '{$class_name}'. To avoid this check the use statements or use a qualified classname.");
                    create_class_alias($def, $class_name, true);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("system_spl_autoload", $ex);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Converts a datetime value to this objects timezone
  * @param mixed $date Date as string, integer or <DateTime>
  * @return int Converted time
 function GetTimezoneDate($date)
     $date = $this->_ensureTimeStamp($date);
     if (!isset($this->TimeZone) || !$this->TimeZone) {
         return $date;
     $dt = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date));
     try {
         $tz = new DateTimeZone($this->TimeZone);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->TimeZone = "";
     return strtotime($dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private function __toTypedValue($column_name, $value)
     if (isset(self::$_typeMap[$this->_cacheKey][$column_name])) {
         $t = self::$_typeMap[$this->_cacheKey][$column_name];
     } else {
         $t = $this->__typeOf($column_name);
     switch ($t) {
         case 'int':
         case 'integer':
             return intval($value);
         case 'float':
         case 'double':
             return floatval($value);
         case 'date':
         case 'time':
         case 'datetime':
         case 'timestamp':
             try {
                 return Model::EnsureDateTime($value);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 WdfException::Log("date/time error with value '{$value}'", $ex);
     return $value;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Get a value/object from the global cache.
 * @param string $key the key of the value
 * @param mixed $default a default return value if the key can not be found in the cache
 * @return mixed The object from the cache or `$default`
function globalcache_get($key, $default = false)
    if (!hook_already_fired(HOOK_POST_INIT)) {
        return $default;
    global $CONFIG;
    try {
        if (!isset($CONFIG['globalcache']) || !isset($CONFIG['globalcache']['CACHE'])) {
            return $default;
        switch ($CONFIG['globalcache']['CACHE']) {
            case globalcache_CACHE_OFF:
                return $default;
            case globalcache_CACHE_APC:
                $ret = apc_fetch($GLOBALS["globalcache_key_prefix"] . $key, $success);
                return $success ? $ret : $default;
            case globalcache_CACHE_ZEND:
                $ret = $GLOBALS["zend_cache_object"]->load(globalcache_cleanupkey($GLOBALS["globalcache_key_prefix"] . $key));
                return $ret === false ? $default : $ret;
            case globalcache_CACHE_EACCELERATOR:
                $ret = eaccelerator_get($GLOBALS["globalcache_key_prefix"] . md5($key));
                return is_null($ret) ? $default : $ret;
            case globalcache_CACHE_MEMCACHE:
                $ret = $GLOBALS["memcache_object"]->get($GLOBALS["globalcache_key_prefix"] . md5($key));
                return $ret === false ? $default : $ret;
            case globalcache_CACHE_DB:
                $ds = model_datasource($CONFIG['globalcache']['datasource']);
                try {
                    $ret = $ds->ExecuteScalar("SELECT cvalue FROM wdf_cache WHERE ckey=? AND (valid_until IS NULL OR valid_until>=" . $ds->Driver->Now() . ")", array(md5($key)));
                } catch (Exception $ex) {
                    return $default;
                if ($ret === false) {
                    return $default;
                return session_unserialize($ret);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
    return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Returns the timezone for an IP address.
 * @param string $ip IP address to check (defaults to <get_ip_address>)
 * @return string Timezone identifier or false on error
function get_timezone_by_ip($ip = false)
    if ($ip === false) {
        $ip = $GLOBALS['current_ip_addr'];
    if (starts_with($ip, "1.1 ") || starts_with($ip, "192.168.1.")) {
        return false;
    $key = "get_timezone_by_ip." . getAppVersion('nc') . "-" . $ip;
    $ret = cache_get($key);
    if ($ret) {
        return $ret;
    // new url with api key:
    $url = "http://api.ipinfodb.com/v2/ip_query.php?key=6a6ef9d4d82491036a4f3dbd465d52d2e2d5253d1285a3dda02b65752b5474f8&ip=" . $GLOBALS['current_ip_addr'] . "&timezone=true";
    try {
        $xml = downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for " . $ip . " ({$url})", $ex);
        return false;
    if (preg_match_all('/<TimezoneName>([^<]*)<\\/TimezoneName>/', $xml, $zone, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        $zone = $zone[0];
        if ($zone[1] != "") {
            cache_set($key, $zone[1], 24 * 60 * 60);
            return $zone[1];
    //	log_error("No timezone found for ".$GLOBALS['current_ip_addr']." via ipinfodb.com");
    $coords = get_coordinates_by_ip($ip);
    if ($coords === false) {
        log_error("No timezone found for IP " . $ip . " (missing coordinates)");
        // disaster-fallback: use our timezone:
        return "Etc/GMT+2";
    //	ws.geonames.org had only timeouts on 2/10/2010...
    //	$url = "http://ws.geonames.org/timezone?lat=".$coords['latitude'].'&lng='.$coords['longitude'];
    $url = "http://api.geonames.org/timezone?lat=" . $coords['latitude'] . '&lng=' . $coords['longitude'] . "&username=scendix";
    try {
        $xml = downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for " . $ip . " ({$url}) " . $ex->getMessage(), $ex);
        return false;
    if (preg_match_all('/<timezoneId>([^<]*)<\\/timezoneId>/', $xml, $zone, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        $zone = $zone[0];
        cache_set($key, $zone[1], 24 * 60 * 60);
        return $zone[1];
    log_error("No timezone found for " . $ip . " via geonames.org");
    $url = "http://www.earthtools.org/timezone/" . $coords['latitude'] . '/' . $coords['longitude'];
    try {
        $xml = downloadData($url, false, false, 60 * 60, 2);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        WdfException::Log("Unable to get Timezone for " . $ip . " ({$url})", $ex);
        return false;
    if (preg_match_all('/<offset>([^<]*)<\\/offset>/', $xml, $zone, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        $zone = $zone[0];
        $zone[1] = round($zone[1], 0);
        $ret = "Etc/GMT" . ($zone[1] < 0 ? $zone[1] : "+" . $zone[1]);
        cache_set($key, $ret, 24 * 60 * 60);
        return $ret;
    log_error("No timezone found for " . $ip . " via earthtools.org");
    // disaster-fallback: use our timezone:
    return "Etc/GMT+2";
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Checks if a vat number is valid
 * @param type $vat_number VAT number to be checked
 * @return bool true if valid, else false
function check_vat_number($vat_number)
    $vat = strtoupper(str_replace(array(" ", "-", ",", ".", "/", "\\"), "", $vat_number));
    if (preg_match("/^(AT|BE|BG|CY|CZ|DE|DK|EE|EL|ES|FI|FR|GB|HU|IE|IT|LT|LU|LV|MT|NL|PL|PT|RO|SE|SI|SK)(.*)/i", $vat, $matches)) {
        $country_code = strtoupper($matches[1]);
        $vat = $matches[2];
    if (!isset($country_code)) {
        return false;
    $regex = array('AT' => '/(U[0-9]{8})/i', 'BE' => '/(0[0-9]{9})/i', 'BG' => '/([0-9]{9,10})/i', 'CY' => '/([0-9]{8}[a-z])/i', 'CZ' => '/([0-9]{8}|[0-9]{9}|[0-9]{10})/i', 'DE' => '/([0-9]{9})/i', 'DK' => '/([0-9]{8})/i', 'EE' => '/([0-9]{9})/i', 'EL' => '/([0-9]{9})/i', 'ES' => '/([a-z][0-9]{8}|[0-9]{8}[a-z]|[a-z][0-9]{7}[a-z])/i', 'FI' => '/([0-9]{8})/i', 'FR' => '/([a-z0-9]{2}[0-9]{9})/i', 'GB' => '/([0-9]{9}|[0-9]{12}|GD[0-9]{3}|HA[0-9]{3})/i', 'HU' => '/([0-9]{8})/i', 'IE' => '/([0-9][a-z0-9\\+\\*][0-9]{5}[a-z])/i', 'IT' => '/([0-9]{11})/i', 'LT' => '/([0-9]{9}|[0-9]{12})/i', 'LU' => '/([0-9]{8})/i', 'LV' => '/([0-9]{11})/i', 'MT' => '/([0-9]{8})/i', 'NL' => '/([0-9]{9}B[0-9]{2})/i', 'PL' => '/([0-9]{10})/i', 'PT' => '/([0-9]{9})/i', 'RO' => '/([0-9]{2,10})/i', 'SE' => '/([0-9]{12})/i', 'SI' => '/([0-9]{8})/i', 'SK' => '/([0-9]{10})/i');
    if (!isset($regex[$country_code])) {
        return false;
    if (!preg_match($regex[$country_code], $vat, $m)) {
        return false;
    // only ask service is syntax-check is ok
    if ($m[1] == $vat) {
        try {
            $res = cache_get("vat_check_{$country_code}_{$vat}");
            if (!$res) {
                $sc = new SoapClient("http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/checkVatService.wsdl");
                $test = $sc->checkVat(array('countryCode' => $country_code, 'vatNumber' => $vat));
                if (!$test->valid) {
                    log_debug("VAT syntax ok, but SOAP says not", $vat_number, $country_code, $vat, $test);
                $res = $test->valid ? "valid" : "invalid";
                cache_set("vat_check_{$country_code}_{$vat}", $res);
            } elseif ($res != "valid") {
                log_debug("VAT syntax ok, but CACHE says not", $vat_number, $country_code, $vat);
            return $res == "valid";
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
        return true;
        // ignore service exceptions
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Converts a string to a unix timestamp.
  * Tries all KnownDateTimePatterns() and uses the best match.
  * Known Bugs:
  * - Culture cs-CZ Format dd MMMM
  * - Culture mt-MT Format dddd, d' ta\' 'MMMM yyyy
  * - Culture mt-MT Format dddd, d' ta\' 'MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
  * - Culture vi-VN Format dd MMMM
  * @param string $str Input string in one of the KnownDateTimePatterns()
  * @return int The timestamp or FALSE on error
 public function StringToTime($str)
     $apm1 = substr($this->AM, 0, 1) . '|' . substr($this->PM, 0, 1);
     $regex_data = array("d5" => '(\\d(|st|nd|rd))', "d4" => '(' . $this->_regexEscapeArray($this->DayNames) . ')', "d3" => '(' . $this->_regexEscapeArray($this->ShortDayNames) . ')', "d2" => '(\\d\\d)', "d1" => '(\\d|\\d\\d)', "h2" => '(\\d|\\d\\d)', "h1" => '(\\d|\\d\\d)', "H2" => '(\\d\\d)', "H1" => '(\\d|\\d\\d)', "m2" => '(\\d\\d)', "m1" => '(\\d\\d)', "M4" => '(' . $this->_regexEscapeArray($this->MonthNames) . ')', "M3" => '(' . $this->_regexEscapeArray($this->ShortMonthNames) . ')', "M2" => '(\\d\\d)', "M1" => '(\\d|\\d\\d)', "s2" => '(\\d\\d)', "s1" => '(\\d\\d)', "y4" => '(\\d{4})', "y3" => '(\\d{4})', "y2" => '(\\d\\d)', "y1" => '(\\d\\d)', "t2" => '(' . $this->AM . '|' . $this->PM . ')', "t1" => '(' . $apm1 . ')');
     $replacements = array_values($regex_data);
     $rep_keys = array_keys($regex_data);
     $pattern = self::$PatternPlaceholders;
     $formats = $this->KnownDateTimePatterns();
     $found = array();
     $semantics = array();
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         $tmp_s = array();
         for ($iter = 0; $iter < strlen($format); $iter++) {
             foreach ($pattern as $k => $p) {
                 if (substr($format, $iter, strlen($p)) == $p) {
                     $tmp_s[] = $rep_keys[$k];
                     $format = substr_replace($format, $replacements[$k], $iter, strlen($p));
                     $iter += strlen($replacements[$k]);
         $format = str_replace('.', '\\.', $format);
         $format = str_replace('/', '\\/', $format);
         $format = str_replace(' ', '\\s', $format);
         $format = '/' . $format . '/iU';
         try {
             if (preg_match($format, $str, $match)) {
                 if (count($found) < count($match)) {
                     $found = $match;
                     $semantics = $tmp_s;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             WdfException::Log("Invalid RegEx: {$format}", $ex);
     if (count($found) < 1) {
         return false;
     $d = 1;
     // because 0 would mktime return the last day of the previous month, so patterns like MMMM, YYYY would return prev month
     $m = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $h = 0;
     $i = 0;
     $s = 0;
     $apm = $this->AM;
     $fcnt = count($found);
     for ($iter = 1; $iter < $fcnt; $iter++) {
         switch ($semantics[$iter - 1]) {
             case "d5":
             case "d4":
             case "d3":
             case "M4":
                 for ($mn = 0; $mn < count($this->MonthNames); $mn++) {
                     if ($this->MonthNames[$mn] == $found[$iter]) {
                         $m = $mn + 1;
             case "M3":
                 $m = array_search($found[$iter], $this->ShortMonthNames);
             case "d2":
             case "d1":
                 $d = $found[$iter];
             case "h1":
             case "h1":
                 $h2 = $found[$iter];
             case "H2":
             case "H1":
                 $h = $found[$iter];
             case "m2":
             case "m1":
                 $i = $found[$iter];
             case "M2":
             case "M1":
                 $m = $found[$iter];
             case "s2":
             case "s1":
                 $s = $found[$iter];
             case "y4":
             case "y3":
                 $y = $found[$iter];
             case "y2":
             case "y1":
                 $y2 = $found[$iter];
             case "t2":
             case "t1":
                 $apm = $found[$iter];
                 log_debug("Unknown semantic for {$iter} -> " . $semantics[$iter - 1]);
     if ($h == 0 && isset($h2)) {
         $add = $apm == $this->AM ? 0 : ($apm == substr($this->AM, 0, 1) ? 0 : 12);
         $h = intval($h2) + intval($add);
     if ($y == 0 && isset($y2)) {
         $y = intval(substr(date("Y"), 0, 2) . $y2);
     return mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y);