Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     array_unshift($parameters, new Import($class_name));
     $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'importForm';
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_IMPORT);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param $object     object|string object or class name
  * @param $parameters string[] parameters
  * @return Button[]
 protected function getGeneralButtons($object, $parameters)
     $buttons = parent::getGeneralButtons($object, $parameters);
     $close_link = View::link(Names::classToSet(get_class($object)));
     list($close_link) = $this->prepareThen($object, $parameters, $close_link);
     return array_merge($buttons, [Feature::F_CLOSE => new Button('Close', $close_link, Feature::F_CLOSE, [new Color('close'), Target::MAIN])]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $current = User::current();
     if ($current) {
     $parameters = $this->getViewParameters($parameters, $form, User::class);
     if (isset($form['login']) && isset($form['password'])) {
         $user = null;
         $errors_messages = Authentication::controlRegisterFormParameters($form);
         if (!$errors_messages && empty($errors_messages)) {
             if (Authentication::controlNameNotUsed($form['login'])) {
                 $user = Authentication::register($form);
         if ($user) {
             $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'confirm';
             return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, User::class, 'register');
         } else {
             $parameters['errors'] = $errors_messages;
             $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'error';
             return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, User::class, 'register');
     } else {
         $parameters['inputs'] = Authentication::getRegisterInputs();
         return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, User::class, 'register');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param $view_name     string   the view name is the associated data class name
  * @param $feature_names string[] feature and inherited feature which view will be searched
  * @param $template      string   if a specific template is set, the view named with it will be
  *                       searched into the view / feature namespace first
  * @return callable
 private static function getView($view_name, $feature_names, $template = null)
     $view_engine_name = get_class(View::current());
     $view_engine_name = Namespaces::shortClassName(Namespaces::of($view_engine_name));
     if (isset($template)) {
         foreach ([$view_engine_name . '_View', 'View'] as $suffix) {
             foreach ($feature_names as $feature_name) {
                 list($class, $method) = Getter::get($view_name, $feature_name, Names::methodToClass($template) . '_' . $suffix, 'php');
                 if (isset($class)) {
                     break 2;
     if (!isset($class)) {
         foreach ([$view_engine_name . '_View', 'View'] as $suffix) {
             foreach ($feature_names as $feature_name) {
                 list($class, $method) = Getter::get($view_name, $feature_name, $suffix, 'php');
                 if (isset($class)) {
                     break 2;
     if (!isset($class)) {
         list($class, $method) = [__CLASS__ . BS . $view_engine_name . BS . 'Default_View', 'run'];
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection if $class is set, then $method is set too */
     return [$class, $method];
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param $object     object|string object or class name
  * @param $parameters string[] parameters
  * @return Button[]
 protected function getGeneralButtons($object, $parameters)
     list($close_link, $follows) = $this->prepareThen($object, $parameters, View::link($object));
     $buttons = parent::getGeneralButtons($object, $parameters);
     $fill_combo = isset($parameters['fill_combo']) ? ['fill_combo' => $parameters['fill_combo']] : [];
     return array_merge($buttons, [Feature::F_CLOSE => new Button('Close', $close_link, Feature::F_CLOSE, [new Color(Feature::F_CLOSE), Target::MAIN]), Feature::F_WRITE => new Button('Write', View::link($object, Feature::F_WRITE, null, array_merge($fill_combo, $follows)), Feature::F_WRITE, [new Color(Color::GREEN), Target::MESSAGES, '.submit'])]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     if (!reset($parameters) instanceof Menu) {
         array_unshift($parameters, Session::current()->plugins->get(Menu::class));
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, Menu::class, Feature::F_OUTPUT);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $sub_feature = $parameters->shiftUnnamed();
     if (!$sub_feature) {
         $sub_feature = 'form';
     $get = $parameters->toGet();
     return (new Main())->runController(View::link($class_name, Feature::F_IMPORT), $get, $form, $files, 'import' . ucfirst($sub_feature));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Default run method for the class controller, when no runFeatureName() method was found in it.
  * Class controllers must implement this method if you want the controller to work.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $object = $parameters->getMainObject();
     $parameters = $parameters->getRawParameters();
     $validator = new Object_Validator();
     $parameters['validator'] = $validator;
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, get_class($object), Validate::FEATURE);
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $element_class_name = Set::elementClassNameOf($class_name);
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $list_controller = new Data_List_Controller();
     $data_list_settings = Data_List_Settings::current($element_class_name);
     $list_controller->applyParametersToListSettings($data_list_settings, $parameters, $form);
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, 'dataListSetting');
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Default run method for default 'view-typed' controller
  * Loads data from objects given as parameters, then run the view associated to the first parameter class.
  * This is called when no other controller was found for the first parameter object.
  * @param $parameters   Parameters
  * @param $form         array
  * @param $files        array
  * @param $class_name   string
  * @param $feature_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, $feature_name)
     $constructor = (new Reflection_Class($class_name))->getConstructor();
     if (!$constructor || !$constructor->getMandatoryParameters()) {
     } else {
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, $feature_name);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     if ($user = User::current()) {
         array_unshift($parameters, $user);
         return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, get_class($user), 'display');
     } else {
         $user = new User();
         array_unshift($parameters, $user);
         return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, get_class($user), 'login');
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @param Parameters $parameters
  * @param array                 $form
  * @param array                 $files
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $current_user = User::current();
     if (!isset($current_user)) {
         $current_user = new User();
     array_unshift($parameters, $current_user);
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, get_class($current_user), 'disconnect');
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Call this to remove an element from a given class + feature context
  * @param $parameters Parameters removal parameters
  * - key 0 : context class name (ie a business class)
  * - key 1 : context feature name (ie Feature::F_OUTPUT, Feature::F_LIST)
  * - keys 2 and more : the identifiers of the removed elements (ie property names)
  * @param $form       array not used
  * @param $files      array not used
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $parameters['class_name'] = array_shift($objects);
     $parameters['feature_name'] = array_shift($objects);
     array_unshift($objects, new StdClass());
      * $objects for the view :
      * - first : an empty class object (ie Property)
      * - key 'class_name' : the context class name (ie a business class)
      * - key 'feature_name' : the context feature name (ie Feature::F_OUTPUT, Feature::F_LIST)
     $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'remove_unavailable';
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, get_class(reset($objects)), Feature::F_REMOVE);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * This will be called for this controller, always.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $import = Import_Builder_Form::build($form, Session::current()->get(Files::class)->files);
     $import->class_name = $class_name;
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     foreach ($import->worksheets as $worksheet) {
         $array = $worksheet->file->getCsvContent();
         $import_array = new Import_Array($worksheet->settings, $import->class_name);
     $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'importDone';
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_IMPORT);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Call this to add an element into a given class + feature context
  * @param $parameters Parameters removal parameters
  * - key 0 : context class name (ie a business class)
  * - key 1 : context feature name (ie 'output', 'list')
  * - keys 2 and more : the identifiers of the removed elements (ie property names)
  * @param $form       array not used
  * @param $files      array not used
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $parameters['class_name'] = array_shift($parameters);
     $parameters['feature_name'] = array_shift($parameters);
     $parameters['property_path'] = array_shift($parameters);
     array_unshift($parameters, new Property());
     if ($parameters['feature_name'] == Feature::F_LIST) {
         $this->addPropertyToList($parameters['class_name'], $parameters['property_path']);
     if ($parameters['feature_name'] == 'form') {
         // ...
     $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'added';
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, Property::class, Feature::F_ADD);
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $replaced = $parameters->getMainObject();
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     if ($id_replace_with = $parameters->getRawParameter('id_replace_with')) {
         $objects['replace_with'] = $replacement = Dao::read($id_replace_with, $class_name);
         if ((new Delete_And_Replace())->deleteAndReplace($replaced, $replacement)) {
             $objects['done'] = true;
         } else {
             $objects['error'] = true;
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, $class_name, 'deleteAndReplace');
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $deleted = 0;
     foreach ($parameters as $object) {
         if (is_object($object)) {
             if (!Dao::delete($object)) {
                 $deleted = 0;
     $parameters['deleted'] = $deleted ? true : false;
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_DELETE);
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * This will be called for this controller, always.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $environment = Session::current()->get(Environment::class, true);
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     $set_value = isset($objects['']) ? $objects[''] : (isset($objects[1]) ? $objects[1] : null);
     $name = $objects[0];
     $this->property = (new Reflection_Class($environment))->getProperty($name);
     if ($set_value) {
         $type = $this->property->getType();
         $environment->{$name} = $type->isClass() ? Dao::read($set_value, $type->asString()) : $set_value;
         $parameters->set('selected', true);
         return (new Output_Controller())->run($parameters, $form, $files);
     } else {
         $objects['controller'] = $this;
         $objects['name'] = $name;
         $objects = array_merge([get_class($environment) => $environment], $objects);
         return View::run($objects, $form, $files, get_class($environment), Feature::F_SELECT);
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters->set(Parameter::CONTAINER, 'inside_tree');
     $search = $parameters->getRawParameter('search');
     if (empty($search)) {
         return parent::run($parameters, $form, $files);
     $search = strtolower(str_replace([DOT, '*', '?'], [BS . DOT, '.*', '.?'], strSimplify($search, '.*? ' . BS)));
     $class_name = Names::setToClass($parameters->shift());
     $properties = $this->searchProperties($class_name, $search);
     $top_property = new Property();
     $top_property->class = $class_name;
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     array_unshift($objects, $top_property);
     $objects['class_name'] = $class_name;
     $objects['properties'] = $properties;
     $objects['display_full_path'] = true;
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, Property::class, 'select');
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @param $template_file string
  * @param $parameters    array
  * @param $feature_name string
  * @return string
 protected function executeTemplate($template_file, $parameters, $feature_name)
     if (isset($parameters[Template::TEMPLATE])) {
     if (isset($parameters[Template::TEMPLATE_CLASS])) {
         $template_class = $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE_CLASS];
     } elseif (isset($parameters[Template::TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE])) {
         $template_class = $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE] . BS . 'Html_Template';
     } else {
         $template_class = Template::class;
     /** @var $template Template */
     $template = Builder::create($template_class, [reset($parameters), $template_file, $feature_name]);
     $current = Framework\View::current();
     if ($current instanceof Engine && ($css = $current->getCss())) {
     return $template->parse();
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * This will be called for this controller, always.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $environment = Session::current()->get(Environment::class, true);
     $parameters = array_merge([get_class($environment) => $environment], $parameters->getObjects());
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, get_class($environment), Feature::F_OUTPUT);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * @param $parameters   Parameters
  * @param $form         array
  * @param $files        array
  * @return mixed
 public function runFilesToDatabase(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $maintainer = new Maintainer();
     return View::run($parameters->getObjects(), $form, $files, Plugin::class, 'filesToDatabase');
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
  * @todo factorize
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     // convert form files to worksheets and session files
     if ($files) {
         /** @var $import Import */
         $import = $parameters->getMainObject(Import::class);
         $import->class_name = $class_name;
         $form = (new Post_Files())->appendToForm($form, $files);
         foreach ($form as $file) {
             if ($file instanceof File) {
                 if (!isset($session_files)) {
                     /** @var $session_files Files */
                     $session_files = Builder::create(Files::class);
                 $excel = Spreadsheet_File::fileToArray($file->temporary_file_name, $errors);
                 $worksheet_number = 0;
                 foreach ($excel as $temporary_file_name => $worksheet) {
                     if (filesize($temporary_file_name) > 1) {
                         $import_worksheet = Builder::create(Import_Worksheet::class, [$worksheet_number++, Import_Settings_Builder::buildArray($worksheet, $class_name), $csv_file = Builder::create(File::class, [$temporary_file_name])]);
                         $import_worksheet->errors = $errors;
                         $session_files->files[] = $csv_file;
                         $import->worksheets[] = $import_worksheet;
                 // only one file once
         if (isset($session_files)) {
     } else {
         /** @var $files File[] */
         $files = Session::current()->get(Files::class)->files;
         $parameters->unshift($import = Import_Builder_Form::build($form, $files));
         $import->class_name = $class_name;
     // prepare parameters
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $general_buttons = $this->getGeneralButtons($class_name);
     if (isset($parameters['constant_remove']) && strtoupper($parameters['constant_remove'][0]) === $parameters['constant_remove'][0]) {
         $parameters['constant_remove'] = rParse($parameters['constant_remove'], DOT);
     foreach ($import->worksheets as $worksheet) {
         // apply controller parameters
         if (isset($parameters['constant_add']) && isset($worksheet->settings->classes[$parameters['constant_add']])) {
         if (isset($parameters['constant_remove']) && isset($worksheet->settings->classes[lLastParse($parameters['constant_remove'], DOT, 1, false)])) {
             $worksheet->settings->classes[lLastParse($parameters['constant_remove'], DOT, 1, false)]->removeConstant(rLastParse($parameters['constant_remove'], DOT, 1, true));
         Custom_Settings_Controller::applyParametersToCustomSettings($worksheet->settings, array_merge($form, $parameters));
     // recover empty Import_Settings (after loading empty one)
     /** @var $files File[] */
     $files = Session::current()->get(Files::class)->files;
     foreach ($import->worksheets as $worksheet_number => $worksheet) {
         if (empty($worksheet->settings->classes)) {
             $file = $files[$worksheet_number];
             $array = $file->getCsvContent();
             $import->worksheets[$worksheet_number] = new Import_Worksheet($worksheet_number, Import_Settings_Builder::buildArray($array, $class_name), $file);
     // get general buttons and customized import settings
     foreach ($import->worksheets as $worksheet_number => $worksheet) {
         $customized_import_settings = $worksheet->settings->getCustomSettings();
         $worksheet_general_buttons = $general_buttons;
         if (!isset($customized_import_settings[$worksheet->settings->name])) {
         $parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number] = new StdClass();
         $parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number]->customized_lists = $customized_import_settings;
         $parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number]->general_buttons = $worksheet_general_buttons;
         $parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number]->settings = $worksheet->settings;
         $parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number]->aliases_property = Import_Array::getPropertiesAlias($worksheet->settings->getClassName());
         $parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number]->properties_alias = array_flip($parameters['custom'][$worksheet_number]->aliases_property);
     // view
     $parameters[Template::TEMPLATE] = 'importPreview';
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_IMPORT);
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     $objects['link'] = SL . str_replace(BS, SL, Session_File::class) . '/output/' . reset($objects);
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, Session_File::class, 'image');
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Default run method for default 'write-typed' controller
  * Save data from the posted form into the first parameter object using standard method.
  * Create a new instance of this object if no identifier was given.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $object = $parameters->getMainObject($class_name);
     try {
         $builder = new Post_Files();
         $form = $builder->appendToForm($form, $files);
         $builder = new Object_Builder_Array();
         $builder->null_if_empty_sub_objects = true;
         $builder->build($form, $object);
         $write_objects = [];
         foreach ($builder->getBuiltObjects() as $write_object) {
             if ($write_object == $object || Dao::getObjectIdentifier($write_object)) {
                 $write_objects[] = $write_object;
         $write_error = false;
         foreach ($write_objects as $write_object) {
             if (!Dao::write($write_object)) {
                 $write_error = true;
         $write_error ? Dao::rollback() : Dao::commit();
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     $parameters = $this->getViewParameters($parameters, $class_name, $write_error);
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_WRITE);
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * @param $conditions string[] the key is the name of the condition, the value is the name of the
  *   value that enables the condition
  * @param $filters string[] the key is the name of the filter, the value is the name of the form
  *   element containing its value
  * @return string
 public function buildObject($conditions = null, $filters = null)
     $class_name = $this->type->asString();
     // visible input
     $input = new Input(null, strval($this->value));
     $input->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
     $input->setAttribute('data-combo-class', Names::classToSet($class_name));
     if (!$this->readonly) {
         if ($filters) {
             $html_filters = [];
             $old_name = $this->name;
             foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $filter_value) {
                 $this->name = $filter_value;
                 $name = $this->getFieldName('', false);
                 $html_filters[] = $filter_name . '=' . $name;
             $this->name = $old_name;
             $input->setAttribute('data-combo-filters', join(',', $html_filters));
         if ($conditions) {
             $html_conditions = [];
             $old_name = $this->name;
             foreach ($conditions as $condition_name => $condition_value) {
                 $this->name = $condition_name;
                 $name = $this->getFieldName('', false);
                 $html_conditions[] = $name . '=' . $condition_value;
             $this->name = $old_name;
             $input->setAttribute('data-conditions', join(';', $html_conditions));
         // id input
         $id_input = new Input($this->getFieldName('id_'), $this->value ? Dao::getObjectIdentifier($this->value) : '');
         $id_input->setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
         // 'add' / 'edit' anchor
         $fill_combo = isset($this->template) ? ['fill_combo' => $this->template->getFormId() . DOT . $this->getFieldName('id_', false)] : '';
         $edit = new Anchor(View::current()->link($this->value ? get_class($this->value) : $class_name, Feature::F_ADD, null, $fill_combo), 'edit');
         $edit->setAttribute('target', Target::BLANK);
         $edit->setAttribute('title', '|Edit ¦' . Names::classToDisplay($class_name) . '¦|');
         // 'more' button
         $more = new Button('more');
         $more->setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
         return $id_input . $input . $more . $edit;
     return $input;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Default run method for default 'list-typed' view controller
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $this->getViewParameters($parameters, $form, $class_name);
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_LIST);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * This will be called for this controller, always.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters = $this->getViewParameters($parameters);
     return View::run($parameters, $files, $form, Article::class, 'show');
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     return View::run($parameters->getObjects(), $form, $files, get_class(Application::current()), 'home');
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Property select controller, starting from a given root class
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * - first : the root reference class name (ie a business object)
  * - second : if set, the selected property path into the root reference class name
  * @param $form array  not used
  * @param $files array not used
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $class_name = Set::elementClassNameOf($parameters->shiftUnnamed());
     $property_path = $parameters->shiftUnnamed();
     if (empty($property_path)) {
         $top_property = new Property();
         $top_property->class = $class_name;
         $properties = $this->getProperties(new Reflection_Class($class_name));
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             $property->path = $property->name;
     } else {
         $top_property = new Reflection_Property($class_name, $property_path);
         $properties = $this->getProperties(new Reflection_Class($top_property->getType()->getElementTypeAsString()), $top_property->final_class);
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             $property->path = $property_path . DOT . $property->name;
         if (!$parameters->getRawParameter(Parameter::CONTAINER)) {
             $parameters->set(Parameter::CONTAINER, 'subtree');
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     array_unshift($objects, $top_property);
     $objects['properties'] = $properties;
     $objects['class_name'] = $class_name;
     $objects['display_full_path'] = false;
      * Objects for the view :
      * first        Property the property object (with selected property name, or not)
      * 'properties' Reflection_Property[] all properties from the reference class
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, Property::class, 'select');