Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Exports a search condition.
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $condition     The search condition to export
  * @param bool                     $useFieldAlias Use the localized field-alias
  *                                                instead of the actual name (default false)
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return mixed
 public function exportCondition(SearchConditionInterface $condition, $useFieldAlias = false)
     $labelResolver = $this->labelResolver;
     if (!$useFieldAlias && $this->labelResolver instanceof NoopLabelResolver) {
         $this->labelResolver = new NoopLabelResolver();
     $result = $this->exportGroup($condition->getValuesGroup(), $condition->getFieldSet(), true);
     // Restore original resolver.
     $this->labelResolver = $labelResolver;
     return $result;
  * Serialize a search condition.
  * The returned value is an array, you should serialize it yourself.
  * This is not done already because storing a serialized SearchCondition
  * in a php session would serialize the serialized result again.
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException when the FieldSet of the search condition
  *                                  is not registered in the FieldSetRegistry
  * @return array [FieldSet-name, serialized ValuesGroup object]
 public function serialize(SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition)
     $setName = $searchCondition->getFieldSet()->getSetName();
     if (!$this->fieldSetRegistry->has($setName)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('FieldSet "%s" is not registered in the FieldSetRegistry, ' . 'you should register the FieldSet before serializing the search condition.', $setName));
     return [$setName, serialize($searchCondition->getValuesGroup())];
  * Constructor.
  * @param Connection               $connection      Doctrine DBAL Connection object
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition SearchCondition object
  * @throws BadMethodCallException When SearchCondition contains errors
 public function __construct(Connection $connection, SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition)
     if ($searchCondition->getValuesGroup()->hasErrors(true)) {
         throw new BadMethodCallException('Unable to generate the where-clause with a SearchCondition that contains errors.');
     $this->searchCondition = $searchCondition;
     $this->fieldSet = $searchCondition->getFieldSet();
     $this->connection = $connection;
  * Constructor.
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition SearchCondition object
  * @param EntityManagerInterface   $entityManager
 public function __construct(SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
     if ($searchCondition->getValuesGroup()->hasErrors(true)) {
         throw new BadMethodCallException('Unable to generate the where-clause, because the SearchCondition contains errors.');
     $this->searchCondition = $searchCondition;
     $this->fieldset = $searchCondition->getFieldSet();
     $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
     $this->fieldsConfig = new FieldConfigBuilder($entityManager, $this->fieldset);
  * Validate the SearchCondition using the configured validation
  * constraints.
  * If the condition has invalid values the constraintViolations
  * are converted to `Rollerworks\Component\Search\ValuesError` objects
  * and added to the related ValuesBag object.
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $condition
  * @return bool Returns true when the condition is valid
  *              false otherwise
 public function validate(SearchConditionInterface $condition)
     if ($condition->getValuesGroup()->hasErrors(true)) {
     if ($condition->getValuesGroup()->isDataLocked()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to validate locked ValuesGroup.');
     $group = $condition->getValuesGroup();
     $this->validateValuesGroup($group, $condition->getFieldSet());
     return !$group->hasErrors(true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process(SearchConditionInterface $condition)
     $fieldSet = $condition->getFieldSet();
     $supportsRanges = false;
     foreach ($fieldSet->all() as $field) {
         if ($field->supportValueType(ValuesBag::VALUE_TYPE_RANGE)) {
             $supportsRanges = true;
     // None of the fields supports ranges so don't optimize.
     if (!$supportsRanges) {
     $this->normalizeRangesInGroup($condition->getValuesGroup(), $fieldSet);
  * Creates a new WhereBuilder for the SearchCondition.
  * Conversions are applied using the 'doctrine_dbal_conversion' option (when present).
  * @param Connection               $connection      Doctrine DBAL Connection object
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition SearchCondition object
  * @return WhereBuilder
 public function createWhereBuilder(Connection $connection, SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition)
     $whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder($connection, $searchCondition);
     foreach ($searchCondition->getFieldSet()->all() as $name => $field) {
         if (!$field->hasOption('doctrine_dbal_conversion')) {
         $conversion = $field->getOption('doctrine_dbal_conversion');
         // Lazy loaded
         if ($conversion instanceof \Closure) {
             $conversion = $conversion();
         $whereBuilder->setConverter($name, $conversion);
     return $whereBuilder;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Exports the SearchCondition.
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $condition     The SearchCondition to export
  * @param bool                     $useFieldAlias Use the localized field-alias instead
  *                                                of the actual name (default false)
  * @param bool                     $formatOutput  Set whether to format the output (default true)
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function exportCondition(SearchConditionInterface $condition, $useFieldAlias = false, $formatOutput = true)
     $labelResolver = $this->labelResolver;
     if (!$useFieldAlias && $this->labelResolver instanceof NoopLabelResolver) {
         $this->labelResolver = new NoopLabelResolver();
     $this->document = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $this->document->formatOutput = $formatOutput;
     $searchRoot = $this->document->createElement('search');
     $searchRoot->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');
     $searchRoot->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', 'http://rollerworks.github.io/search/input/schema/search http://rollerworks.github.io/schema/search/xml-input-1.0.xsd');
     $searchRoot->setAttribute('logical', $condition->getValuesGroup()->getGroupLogical());
     $this->exportGroupNode($searchRoot, $condition->getValuesGroup(), $condition->getFieldSet());
     $xml = $this->document->saveXML();
     $this->document = null;
     // Restore original resolver.
     $this->labelResolver = $labelResolver;
     return $xml;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process(SearchConditionInterface $condition)
     $fieldSet = $condition->getFieldSet();
     $valuesGroup = $condition->getValuesGroup();
     $optimize = false;
     // Check if the optimization should be performed.
     // And builds the comparators.
     foreach ($fieldSet->all() as $name => $field) {
         $comparison = $field->getValueComparison();
         if ($comparison instanceof ValueIncrementerInterface && $field->supportValueType(ValuesBag::VALUE_TYPE_RANGE)) {
             $this->comparators[$name] = new ValueSortCompare($comparison, $field->getOptions());
             $optimize = true;
     // None of the fields supports ranges or value-increments so don't optimize.
     if (!$optimize) {
     $this->optimizeValuesInGroup($valuesGroup, $fieldSet);
  * Creates a new WhereBuilder for the SearchCondition.
  * Conversions are applied using the 'doctrine_dbal_conversion' option (when present).
  * @param NativeQuery|Query        $query           Doctrine ORM (Native)Query object
  * @param SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition SearchCondition object
  * @return NativeWhereBuilder|WhereBuilder
 public function createWhereBuilder($query, SearchConditionInterface $searchCondition)
     if ($query instanceof NativeQuery) {
         $whereBuilder = new NativeWhereBuilder($query, $searchCondition);
     } elseif ($query instanceof Query) {
         $whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder($query, $searchCondition);
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Query "%s" is not supported by the DoctrineOrmFactory.', get_class($query)));
     foreach ($searchCondition->getFieldSet()->all() as $name => $field) {
         if (!$field->hasOption('doctrine_dbal_conversion')) {
         $conversion = $field->getOption('doctrine_dbal_conversion');
         // Lazy loaded
         if ($conversion instanceof \Closure) {
             $conversion = $conversion();
         $whereBuilder->setConverter($name, $conversion);
     return $whereBuilder;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process(SearchConditionInterface $condition)
     $this->removeDuplicatesInGroup($condition->getValuesGroup(), $condition->getFieldSet());