pipe() public method

public pipe ( React\Stream\WritableStreamInterface $dest, array $options = [] )
$dest React\Stream\WritableStreamInterface
$options array
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function postInstall()
     $loop = Factory::create();
     $file = Config::getBinFile();
     $url = 'https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl';
     $readStream = fopen($url, 'r');
     $writeStream = fopen($file, 'w');
     stream_set_blocking($readStream, 0);
     stream_set_blocking($writeStream, 0);
     $read = new Stream($readStream, $loop);
     $write = new Stream($writeStream, $loop);
     $read->on('end', function () use($file) {
         chmod($file, 0777);
         echo "Finished downloading {$file}\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Handle http request
  * @param HttpRequestEvent $event
 public function onRequest(HttpRequestEvent $event)
     $filePath = $event->getRequest()->getPath();
     foreach ($this->application->getMetadata() as $name => $metadata) {
         /* @var $metadata \PhpCollection\Map */
         if ($metadata->containsKey('assets')) {
             $assumedFilePath = $metadata->get('application_path')->get() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $metadata->get('assets')->get() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filePath;
             $assumedFilePath = realpath($assumedFilePath);
             if (file_exists($assumedFilePath) && is_file($assumedFilePath)) {
                 $fileStream = new Stream(fopen($assumedFilePath, 'r'), $this->serverLoop);
                 $event->getResponse()->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', MimeTypeGuesser::getMimeType($assumedFilePath));
                 $fileStream->on('end', 'gc_collect_cycles');
Ejemplo n.º 3
use Clue\React\Tar\Decoder;
use React\Stream\BufferedSink;
use Clue\Hexdump\Hexdump;
use React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$in = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : __DIR__ . '/../tests/fixtures/alice-bob.tar';
echo 'Reading file "' . $in . '" (pass as argument to example)' . PHP_EOL;
// using the default loop does *not* work for file I/O
//$loop = Factory::create();
$loop = new StreamSelectLoop();
$stream = new Stream(fopen($in, 'r'), $loop);
$decoder = new Decoder();
$decoder->on('entry', function ($header, $file) {
    static $i = 0;
    echo 'FILE #' . ++$i . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Received entry headers:' . PHP_EOL;
    BufferedSink::createPromise($file)->then(function ($contents) {
        echo 'Received entry contents (' . strlen($contents) . ' bytes)' . PHP_EOL;
        $d = new Hexdump();
        echo $d->dump($contents) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$decoder->on('error', function ($error) {
    echo 'ERROR: ' . $error . PHP_EOL;
$decoder->on('close', function () {
    echo 'CLOSED' . PHP_EOL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** @test */
 public function pipeShouldPipeDataIntoTheRequestBody()
     $requestData = new RequestData('POST', 'http://www.example.com');
     $request = new Request($this->loop, $this->connector, $requestData);
     $this->stream->expects($this->at(4))->method('write')->with($this->matchesRegularExpression("#^POST / HTTP/1\\.0\r\nHost: www.example.com\r\nUser-Agent:.*\r\n\r\n\$#"));
     $factory = $this->createCallableMock();
     $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
     $stream = new Stream($stream, $this->loop);
     $stream->emit('data', array('some'));
     $stream->emit('data', array('post'));
     $stream->emit('data', array('data'));
     $request->handleData("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
     $request->handleData("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function connectTarget(Stream $stream, array $target)
     $stream->emit('target', $target);
     $that = $this;
     return $this->connector->create($target[0], $target[1])->then(function (Stream $remote) use($stream, $that) {
         if (!$stream->isWritable()) {
             throw new UnexpectedValueException('Remote connection successfully established after client connection closed');
         $stream->pipe($remote, array('end' => false));
         $remote->pipe($stream, array('end' => false));
         // remote end closes connection => stop reading from local end, try to flush buffer to local and disconnect local
         $remote->on('end', function () use($stream, $that) {
             $stream->emit('shutdown', array('remote', null));
         // local end closes connection => stop reading from remote end, try to flush buffer to remote and disconnect remote
         $stream->on('end', function () use($remote, $that) {
         // set bigger buffer size of 100k to improve performance
         $stream->bufferSize = $remote->bufferSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
         return $remote;
     }, function (Exception $error) {
         throw new UnexpectedValueException('Unable to connect to remote target', 0, $error);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Processing one URL, opens pair of read-write streams and piping them
  * @param AMQPClosure $closure A closure of message with another URL
  * @param EventLoop\LoopInterface $loop A loop, worker is run on
  * @return bool Success flag
  * @throws \Exception
 private function processURL(AMQPClosure $closure, EventLoop\LoopInterface $loop)
     $readStream = @fopen($closure->get(), 'r');
     if (!$readStream) {
         return $this->error($closure);
     $tmpdir = \Bot::config('tmpdir');
     if (!file_exists($tmpdir)) {
         if (!mkdir($tmpdir, 0777, true)) {
             throw new \Exception('Cannot create downloading dirname ' . $tmpdir);
     $fWritePath = $tmpdir . "/" . md5($closure->get());
     $writeStream = fopen($fWritePath, 'w');
     if (!$writeStream) {
         throw new \Exception('Cannot open downloading file ' . $fWritePath);
     $this->files[$fWritePath] = true;
     $read = new Stream($readStream, $loop);
     $write = new Stream($writeStream, $loop);
     $write->on('end', function () use($closure, $fWritePath) {
     $read->on('error', function () use($closure, $fWritePath) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
use React\EventLoop;
use React\Stream\Stream;
const KEY = 'GLADOS';
$loop = EventLoop\Factory::create();
// create stdin/stdout streams
$in = new Stream(STDIN, $loop);
$out = new Stream(STDOUT, $loop);
$err = new Stream(STDERR, $loop);
$accessLog = new Stream(fopen('access.log', 'a'), $loop);
$debugLog = new Stream(fopen('debug.log', 'a'), $loop);
$errorLog = new Stream(fopen('error.log', 'a'), $loop);
// create encryption streams
$encryptor = new EncryptStream(KEY);
$decryptor = new DecryptStream(KEY);
// shutdown on "exit" command input
$quitter = new QuitterStream($loop);
// logs piped input to stdout
$logger = new LoggerStream(LoggerStream::DEBUG);
// simple socket server (because why not)
// access via 'telnet 1337'
$socket = new Server($loop, new DecryptStream(KEY), $accessLog);