Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function setup(PWECore $pwe, array &$registerData)
     if (!is_dir(self::getHTMLDirectory($pwe))) {
         PWELogger::info("Creating HTML directory: %s", self::getHTMLDirectory($pwe));
         mkdir(self::getHTMLDirectory($pwe), null, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function getPypiInfo()
     $fname = $this->PWE->getTempDirectory() . "/bzt-pypi.json";
     if (!file_exists($fname) || time() - filemtime($fname) > 60 * 60) {
         $url = "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bzt/json";
         \PWE\Core\PWELogger::info("Refresh PyPi cache: %s", $url);
         file_put_contents($fname, fopen($url, 'r'));
     return json_decode(file_get_contents($fname), true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function __construct($message, $code = HTTP3xxException::REDIRECT)
     parent::__construct($message, $code);
     PWELogger::info("Redirect to address %s: %s", $message, $this);
     if ($code == 301 || $code == 302) {
         if (!headers_sent()) {
             // TODO: use full URI since http 1.1 require it
             header("Location: {$message}");
         } else {
             PWELogger::warn("Cannot send headers to redirect to %s", $message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param \PWE\Core\PWECore $pwe
  * @return PWEUserAuthController
 public static function getAuthControllerInstance(PWECore $pwe)
     try {
         $node = $pwe->getNode();
     } catch (HTTP5xxException $e) {
         PWELogger::warn('Failed to get pwe node in auth controller: %s', $e);
     if (!isset($node['!i']['authController']) || $node['!i']['authController'] == 'none') {
         return new NoneAuthController($pwe);
     if ($node['!i']['authController'] != NoneAuthController::getClassName()) {
         PWELogger::info('Page requires auth: %s', $node['!i']['authController']);
     return new $node['!i']['authController']($pwe);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function test_directory_sorted()
     $pwe = new UnitTestPWECore();
     $tmp = $pwe->getTempDirectory();
     PWELogger::info("Create dir " . $tmp);
     file_put_contents($tmp . '/first', time());
     file_put_contents($tmp . '/second', time());
     PWELogger::debug("File 1 " . file_get_contents($tmp . '/first'));
     PWELogger::debug("File 2 " . file_get_contents($tmp . '/second'));
     $node =& $pwe->getNode();
     $node['!a']['files_base'] = '.';
     $obj = new FileDownloads($pwe);
     $res = $obj->getDirectoryBlock('.');
     PWELogger::debug("DIR: " . $res);
     $this->assertGreaterThan(strpos($res, 'second'), strpos($res, 'first'));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function preprocess_file_gen($filename, $dst, $tagType, $ext)
     $startTag = "<{$tagType} ";
     $endTag = "</{$tagType}>";
     $orig = file_get_contents($filename);
     $origSize = strlen($orig);
     $result = "";
     $pos = 0;
     $prevPos = 0;
     while (($pos = strpos($orig, $startTag, $pos)) !== false) {
         $pos_end = strpos($orig, $endTag, $pos);
         if ($pos_end !== FALSE) {
             $result .= substr($orig, $prevPos, $pos - $prevPos);
             $cand = substr($orig, $pos, $pos_end - $pos + strlen($endTag));
             $marker = $this->getPreprocessMarker($cand, $tagType);
             if ($marker) {
                 PWELogger::info("Found block to write into: %s%s", $marker, $ext);
                 $dst_file = $dst . '/' . $marker . $ext;
                 $inner = $this->getInner($cand, $filename);
                 if ($inner) {
                     file_put_contents($dst_file, "/* {$filename} */\n" . $inner . "\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
                 $pos += strlen($cand);
         $prevPos = $pos;
         if ($pos > $origSize) {
     $result .= substr($orig, $prevPos, strlen($orig) - $prevPos);
     if ($result != $orig) {
         copy($filename, $filename . $ext . ".bak");
         file_put_contents($filename, $result);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected function saveRegistry()
     if (!$this->registryFile) {
         PWELogger::warn("No registry file set, won't try to save registry");
     try {
     } catch (PHPFatalException $e) {
         PWELogger::warn("Failed cleaning empty nodes: %s", $e);
     PWELogger::info("Saving registry file: %s", $this->registryFile);
     $XML = new PWEXML($this->PWE->getTempDirectory());
     $XML->ArrayToFile($this->registryArray, $this->registryFile);
     $XML->FileToArray($this->registryFile, $this->registryArray);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function soakFile(Connection $DB, $filename)
     PWELogger::info('Processing SQL-file: %s', $filename);
     $sql = file_get_contents($filename);
     $splitter = strstr($sql, ";\r\n") ? ";\r\n" : ";\n";
     $sqls = explode($splitter, $sql);
     foreach ($sqls as $sql) {
         if (strlen(trim($sql))) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function testInfo()
Ejemplo n.º 10
  *  Jump to first child feature
 private function jumpToFirstChild()
     $eg_node = $this->getNode();
     if (isset($eg_node['!a']['class']) || sizeof($this->URL->getParamsAsArray()) || !isset($eg_node['!c']['url'])) {
     foreach ($eg_node['!c']['url'] as $v) {
         PWELogger::info('Jump To First Сhild: %s', $v['!a']['link']);
         $jumpTo = $v['!a']['link'] . '/';
         if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && strlen($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
             $jumpTo .= '?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
         throw new HTTP3xxException($jumpTo, HTTP3xxException::REDIRECT);
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: index.php Proyecto: undera/pwe
    $PWECore = new PWECore();
    $started = microtime(true);
    try {
        require_once dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/cfg.php';
        echo $PWECore->process($uri);
        PWELogger::debug('Response headers: %s', headers_list());
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        try {
            if ($e->getCode() >= 500 || $e->getCode() <= 100) {
                PWELogger::error('Exception occured at page %s: %s', $uri, $e);
            } elseif ($e->getCode() >= 400) {
                PWELogger::info('Exception occured at page %s: %s', $uri, $e);
            $PWECore->sendHTTPHeader("Content-Type: text/html");
            echo $PWECore->getErrorPage($e);
        } catch (\Exception $e2) {
            echo "<textarea cols='100' rows='25' readonly='readonly'>";
            echo $e2->__toString();
            echo "</textarea><br>";
            echo "<p>Caused by:</p>";
            echo "<textarea cols='100' rows='25' readonly='readonly'>";
            echo $e->__toString();
            echo "</textarea><br>";
    PWELogger::info('Done %s %s in %s', php_sapi_name(), $uri, microtime(true) - $started);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @param $args
  * @param $ext
  * @param $dir
  * @return string
 private function getRenderedPage($args, $ext, $dir)
     if (pathinfo($args[0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != $ext) {
         $args[0] .= '.' . $ext;
     } else {
         throw new HTTP3xxException(substr($args[0], 0, strlen($args[0]) - strlen($ext) - 1));
     $file = $dir . '/' . str_replace(':', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $args[0]);
     $real_file = realpath($file);
     $pos = strpos($real_file, realpath($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     PWELogger::debug("Test path for sanity: %s ; %s ; %s", $file, $real_file, $pos);
     if ($pos === false) {
         PWELogger::warn("Possible injection attempt: %s", $file);
         throw new HTTP4xxException("Wrong wiki page specified", HTTP4xxException::NOT_FOUND);
     PWELogger::info("Wiki file to show: %s", $file);
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         PWELogger::error("Not found wiki file: %s", $file);
         throw new HTTP4xxException("Wiki page not found", HTTP4xxException::NOT_FOUND);
     $contents = $this->renderPage($file);
     return $contents;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function fsys_copydir($from, $to, $is_deep = true, $move = false)
     if (!is_dir($from)) {
         PWELogger::warn("Source directory not exists for copy: %s", $from);
         return false;
     PWELogger::debug("Copying %s to %s", $from, $to);
     if (strrchr($from, '/') != '/') {
         $from .= '/';
     if (strrchr($to, '/') != '/') {
         $to .= '/';
     $files = self::fsys_readdir($from, $is_deep);
     if (!is_dir($to)) {
         if (!self::fsys_mkdir($to)) {
             PWELogger::error("Unable to create destination directory: %s", $to);
             return false;
         if (!is_dir(preg_replace('!/\\w+/$!', '/', $to))) {
             PWELogger::error("Unable to use destination directory: %s", $to);
             return false;
     if (!is_writable($to)) {
         PWELogger::error("Destination dir '%s' is not writable", $to);
         return false;
     foreach ($files as $file => $is_dir) {
         if (!is_readable($from . $file)) {
             PWELogger::error("Source '%s.%s' is not readable", $from, $file);
             return false;
         if ($move && !is_writable($from . $file)) {
             PWELogger::error("Source '%s.%s' is not writable for move", $from, $file);
             return false;
     $existed_files = self::fsys_readdir($to);
     $copied = true;
     foreach ($files as $path => $is_dir) {
         $newpath = $to . $path;
         $oldpath = $from . $path;
         if ($is_dir) {
             if ($is_deep && !is_dir($newpath)) {
                 $copied = self::fsys_mkdir($newpath);
                 if (!$copied) {
         } else {
             $copied = copy($oldpath, $newpath);
             PWELogger::debug("Copy file %s %s -> %s", $copied ? 'success' : 'FAILED', $oldpath, $newpath);
             if (!$copied && (!file_exists($newpath) || filesize($oldpath) > 0)) {
     if (!$copied) {
         PWELogger::info("Rolling back...");
         self::fsys_removedir($to, $is_deep, $existed_files);
         return false;
     if ($move && !self::fsys_removedir($from, $is_deep)) {
         return false;
     return true;