Ejemplo n.º 1
function plugin_read_action()
    global $vars, $_read_msg;
    $page = isset($vars['page']) ? Utility::stripBracket($vars['page']) : null;
    $ret = array('msg' => null, 'body' => null);
    $id = isset($vars['id']) ? $vars['id'] : null;
    if (!$page) {
        return $ret;
    // 読み込むことができるページか
    $wiki = Factory::Wiki($page);
    if ($wiki->isReadable(true)) {
        return array('msg' => Utility::htmlsc($page), 'body' => $wiki->render($id));
        //return $ret;
    global $referer;
    $referer = 0;
    // InterWikiNameに含まれるページか?
    // ?adv:FrontPageみたいな感じでアクセス
    if (preg_match('/^' . RendererDefines::INTERWIKINAME_PATTERN . '$/', $page, $match)) {
        $url = InterWikiName::getInterWikiUrl($match[2], $match[3]);
        if ($url == false) {
            return array('msg' => $_read_msg['title_invalied'], 'body' => sprintf($_read_msg['msg_ibvaliediw'], $match[2]));
    // AutoAliasに含まれるページか?
    $realpage = AutoAlias::getAutoAlias($page);
    if (count($realpage) === 1) {
        // AutoAliasの指定先のページを指定
        $a_wiki = Factory::Wiki($realpage);
        if ($a_wiki->isValied()) {
        } else {
            if (Utility::isUri($realpage)) {
    } else {
        if (count($realpage) >= 2) {
            $body = '<p>';
            $body .= $_read_msg['msg_invalidwn'] . '<br />';
            foreach ($realpage as $entry) {
                $link[] = '[[' . $entry . '>' . $entry . ']]&br;';
            $body .= InlineFactory::Wiki(join("\n", $link));
            $body .= '</p>';
            return array('msg' => $_read_msg['title_invalied'], 'body' => $body);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __toString()
     $term = Utility::stripBracket($this->name);
     $wiki = Factory::Wiki($term);
     $glossary = self::getGlossary($term, true);
     if (!$wiki->has()) {
         return '<abbr class="glossary" title="' . $glossary . '">' . $this->name . '</abbr>';
     return '<abbr class="glossary" title="' . $glossary . '"><a href="' . $wiki->uri() . '">' . $this->name . '</a></abbr>';
Ejemplo n.º 3
function plugin_unfreeze_action()
    global $vars, $function_freeze, $_unfreeze_msg;
    $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $wiki = Factory::Wiki($page);
    if (!$function_freeze || !$wiki->isEditable(false, true) || !$wiki->isValied($page)) {
        return array('msg' => $_unfreeze_msg['title_disabled'], 'body' => '<p class="alert alert-danger">You have no permission to unfreeze this page.</p>');
    $pass = isset($vars['pass']) ? $vars['pass'] : NULL;
    $msg = '';
    $body = array();
    if (!$wiki->isFreezed()) {
        // Unfreezed already
        $msg = str_replace('$1', Utility::htmlsc(Utility::stripBracket($page)), $_unfreeze_msg['title_isunfreezed']);
        $body[] = '<p class="alert alert-info">' . $msg . '</p>';
    } else {
        if (!Auth::check_role('role_contents_admin') || $pass !== NULL && Auth::login($pass)) {
            // BugTrack2/255
            // Unfreeze
            $postdata = $wiki->get();
            // Update
            if (PLUGIN_UNFREEZE_EDIT) {
                // BugTrack2/255
                //			$vars['cmd'] = 'read'; // To show 'Freeze' link
                $vars['cmd'] = 'edit';
            } else {
                $vars['cmd'] = 'read';
            $msg = str_replace('$1', Utility::htmlsc(Utility::stripBracket($page)), $_unfreeze_msg['title_unfreezed']);
            $body[] = !IS_AJAX ? '' : '<p class="alert alert-success">' . $msg . '</p>';
            $body[] = '<div class="pull-right"><a href="' . $wiki->uri() . '" class="btn btn-primary">OK</a></div>';
        } else {
            // Show unfreeze form
            $msg = $_unfreeze_msg['title_unfreeze'];
            $body[] = $pass === NULL ? '' : '<p class="alert alert-danger">' . $_unfreeze_msg['msg_invalidpass'] . '</p>' . "\n";
            $body[] = '<fieldset>';
            $body[] = '<legend>' . $_unfreeze_msg['msg_unfreezing'] . '</legend>';
            $body[] = '<form action="' . Router::get_script_uri() . '" method="post" class="form-inline plugin-freeze-form">';
            $body[] = '<input type="hidden"   name="cmd"  value="unfreeze" />';
            $body[] = '<input type="hidden"   name="page" value="' . Utility::htmlsc($page) . '" />';
            $body[] = '<input type="password" name="pass" size="12" class="form-control" />';
            $body[] = '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="ok"><span class="fa fa-lock"></span>' . $_unfreeze_msg['btn_unfreeze'] . '</button>';
            $body[] = '</form>';
            $body[] = '</fieldset>';
    return array('msg' => $msg, 'body' => join("\n", $body));
Ejemplo n.º 4
function plugin_freeze_action()
    global $vars, $function_freeze, $_freeze_msg;
    $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : null;
    if (is_null($page)) {
        return array('msg' => 'Not Found', 'body' => 'Page not found');
    $wiki = Factory::Wiki($page);
    if (!$function_freeze || !$wiki->isEditable(true) || !$wiki->has()) {
        return array('msg' => $_freeze_msg['title_disabled'], 'body' => '<p class="alert alert-danger">You have no permission to freeze this page.</p>');
    $pass = isset($vars['pass']) ? $vars['pass'] : NULL;
    $msg = '';
    $body = array();
    if ($wiki->isFreezed()) {
        // Freezed already
        $msg = str_replace('$1', Utility::htmlsc(Utility::stripBracket($page)), $_freeze_msg['title_isfreezed']);
        $body[] = '<p class="alert alert-info">' . $msg . '</p>';
    } else {
        if (!Auth::check_role('role_contents_admin') || $pass !== NULL && Auth::login($pass)) {
            // Freeze
            $postdata = $wiki->get();
            array_unshift($postdata, "#freeze");
            $wiki->set($postdata, true);
            // Update
            $vars['cmd'] = 'read';
            $msg = str_replace('$1', Utility::htmlsc(Utility::stripBracket($page)), $_freeze_msg['title_freezed']);
            $body[] = !IS_AJAX ? '' : '<p class="alert alert-success">' . $msg . '</p><div class="pull-right"><a href="' . $wiki->uri() . '" class="btn btn-primary">OK</a></div>';
        } else {
            // Show a freeze form
            $msg = $_freeze_msg['title_freeze'];
            $body[] = $pass === NULL ? '' : '<p class="alert alert-warning">' . $_freeze_msg['msg_invalidpass'] . '</p>';
            $body[] = '<fieldset>';
            $body[] = '<legend>' . $_freeze_msg['msg_freezing'] . '</legend>';
            $body[] = '<form action="' . Router::get_script_uri() . '" method="post" class="form-inline plugin-freeze-form">';
            $body[] = '<input type="hidden"   name="cmd"  value="freeze" />';
            $body[] = '<input type="hidden"   name="page" value="' . Utility::htmlsc($page) . '" />';
            $body[] = '<input type="password" name="pass" size="12" class="form-control" />';
            $body[] = '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="ok"><span class="fa fa-lock"></span>' . $_freeze_msg['btn_freeze'] . '</button>';
            $body[] = '</form>';
            $body[] = '</fieldset>';
    return array('msg' => $msg, 'body' => join("\n", $body));
Ejemplo n.º 5
function plugin_tooltip_inline($args)
    $args = func_get_args();
    $glossary = array_pop($args);
    $term = array_shift($args);
    if (empty($glossary)) {
        $glossary = Glossary::getGlossary($term);
        // $debug .= "B=$glossary/";
        if ($glossary === FALSE) {
            $glossary = plugin_tooltip_get_page_title($term);
            if ($glossary === FALSE) {
                $glossary = '';
    $s_glossary = Utility::htmlsc($glossary);
    $page = Utility::stripBracket($term);
    $wiki = Factory::Wiki($page);
    if ($wiki->isValied() && $wiki->isReadable()) {
        return '<abbr class="glossary" title="' . $s_glossary . ' ' . $wiki->passage(false, false) . '"><a href="' . $wiki->uri() . '">' . $term . '</a></abbr>';
    return '<abbr title="' . $s_glossary . '">' . $term . '</abbr>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
function strip_bracket($str)
    return Utility::stripBracket($str);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * 権限をチェック
  * @param string $page ページ名
  * @param string $type チェックする権限(AUTH_TYPE_READ or AUTH_TYPE_EDIT)
  * @param boolean $authenticate 認証画面を出すか?
  * @param string $username ユーザ名(認証状態のユーザ名が優先される)
  * @param string $groupname グループ名(認証状態のユーザのグループが優先される)
  * @return boolean
 public static function auth($page, $type = self::AUTH_TYPE_READ, $authenticate = false, $username = '', $groupname = '')
     global $_title;
     global $auth_method_type, $read_auth_pages, $edit_auth_pages, $read_auth_pages_accept_ip, $edit_auth_pages_accept_ip;
     // マッチさせる文字列
     $target_str = '';
     // 認証の判定条件
     switch ($auth_method_type) {
         case self::AUTH_METHOD_PAGENAME:
             // ページ名で判断
             $target_str = $page;
         case self::AUTH_METHOD_CONTENTS:
             // ページのソースで判断
             $target_str = Factory::Wiki($page)->get(true);
             throw new Exception('Auth::auth() : $auth_method_type = ' . $auth_method_type . ' is invalied or unmounted!.');
     // 認証のタイプによってメッセージを分ける
     switch ($type) {
         case self::AUTH_TYPE_READ:
             // IPをチェック
             if (self::checkAcceptIp($read_auth_pages_accept_ip, $target_str)) {
                 return true;
             $auth_pages = $read_auth_pages;
             $title_cannot = $_title['cannotread'];
         case self::AUTH_TYPE_EDIT:
             if (self::checkAcceptIp($edit_auth_pages_accept_ip, $target_str)) {
                 return true;
             $auth_pages = $edit_auth_pages;
             $title_cannot = $_title['cannotedit'];
             throw new Exception('Auth::auth() : $type = ' . $type . ' is invalied!.');
     $user_list = $group_list = $role = $matched = '';
     // ページから認証条件を読む
     // $auth_pages = array(
     //      'ページ名の正規表現' => array(
     //          'user'  => array(ユーザ名のリスト),
     //          'group' => array(グループのリスト),
     //          'role'  => array(役割のリスト)
     //      ),
     //      ...
     // );
     foreach ($auth_pages as $pattern => $val) {
         if ($matched = preg_match($pattern, $target_str)) {
             // 認証条件に対象文字列がヒットした
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $user_list = empty($val['user']) ? null : explode(',', $val['user']);
                 $group_list = empty($val['group']) ? null : explode(',', $val['group']);
                 $role = empty($val['role']) ? null : $val['role'];
             } else {
                 $user_list = empty($val) ? null : explode(',', $val);
     // 制限対象のページでない場合ここで終了
     if (empty($user_list) && empty($group_list) && empty($role)) {
         return true;
     // マッチしない場合は対象外
     if ($matched === 0) {
         return true;
     if ($authenticate) {
         $ret = self::authenticate();
         if (!$ret === true) {
             // 認証失敗
             Utility::dieMessage(str_replace('$1', Utility::htmlsc(Utility::stripBracket($page)), $title_cannot), 'Not Auth', Response::STATUS_CODE_401);
     // ユーザの情報を取得
     $info = self::get_user_info();
     if (empty($username)) {
         // ユーザ名などが入力されていない場合、ユーザ情報からパラメーターを取得する
         $username = $info['key'];
     if (empty($groupname)) {
         $groupname = $info['group'];
     // 未認証者
     if (empty($username)) {
         return false;
     // ユーザ名検査
     if (!empty($user_list) && in_array($username, $user_list)) {
         return true;
     // グループ検査
     if (!empty($group_list) && !empty($groupname) && in_array($groupname, $group_list)) {
         return true;
     // role 検査
     if (!empty($role) && !self::is_check_role($role)) {
         return true;
     // そうでない場合はナシ
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function plugin_bugtrack_list_pageinfo($page, $no = NULL, $recurse = TRUE)
    global $_plugin_bugtrack;
    if ($no === NULL) {
        $no = preg_match('/\\/([0-9]+)$/', $page, $matches) ? $matches[1] : 0;
    $source = Factory::Wiki($page)->get();
    // Check 'moved' page _just once_
    $regex = '/move\\s*to\\s*(' . RendererDefines::WIKINAME_PATTERN . '|' . RendererDefines::INTERWIKINAME_PATTERN . '|\\[\\[' . RendererDefines::BRACKETNAME_PATTERN . '\\]\\])/';
    $match = array();
    if ($recurse && preg_match($regex, $source[0], $match)) {
        return plugin_bugtrack_list_pageinfo(Utility::stripBracket($match[1]), $no, FALSE);
    $body = join("\n", $source);
    foreach (array('summary', 'name', 'priority', 'state', 'category') as $item) {
        $regex = '/-\\s*' . preg_quote($_plugin_bugtrack[$item], '/') . '\\s*:(.*)/';
        if (preg_match($regex, $body, $matches)) {
            if ($item == 'name') {
                ${$item} = Utility::stripBracket(trim($matches[1]));
            } else {
                ${$item} = trim($matches[1]);
        } else {
            ${$item} = '';
            // Data not found
    if (preg_match("/\\*([^\n]*)/", $body, $matches)) {
        $summary = Rules::removeHeading($matches[0]);
    return array($page, $no, $summary, $name, $priority, $state, $category);
Ejemplo n.º 9
function plugin_ref_body($args)
    global $vars;
    $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $params = array('left' => FALSE, 'center' => FALSE, 'right' => FALSE, 'justify' => FALSE, 'around' => FALSE, 'noicon' => FALSE, 'noimg' => FALSE, 'nolink' => FALSE, 'zoom' => FALSE, 'rounded' => FALSE, 'circle' => FALSE, 'thumbnail' => FALSE, 'novideo' => FALSE, 'noaudio' => FALSE, 'autoplay' => FALSE, '_align' => PLUGIN_REF_DEFAULT_ALIGN, '_size' => True, '_w' => 0, '_h' => 0, '_%' => 0, '_title' => null, '_body' => null, '_error' => null, '_class' => '');
    // [Page_name/maybe-separated-with/slashes/]AttachedFileName.sfx or URI
    $name = array_shift($args);
    // ファイル名
    // 第一引数が InterWiki か
    if (Utility::isInterWiki($name)) {
        preg_match('/^' . RendererDefines::INTERWIKINAME_PATTERN . '$/', $name, $intermatch);
        $intername = $intermatch[2];
        $interparam = $intermatch[3];
        $interurl = InterWikiName::getInterWikiUrl($intername, $interparam);
        if ($interurl !== FALSE) {
            $name = $interurl;
    $is_url = Utility::isUri($name);
    // アドレスか?
    // 画像
    $seems_image = !$params['noimg'] && preg_match(RendererDefines::IMAGE_EXTENTION_PATTERN, $name);
    // ビデオ
    $seems_video = !$params['novideo'] && preg_match(RendererDefines::VIDEO_EXTENTION_PATTERN, $name);
    // 音声
    $seems_audio = !$params['noaudio'] && preg_match(RendererDefines::AUDIO_EXTENTION_PATTERN, $name);
    $file = '';
    // Path to the attached file
    $is_file = FALSE;
    if (!$is_url) {
        if (!is_dir(UPLOAD_DIR)) {
            $params['_error'] = 'UPLOAD_DIR is not found.';
            return $params;
        // ページ名が空の時は処理しない
        if (empty($page)) {
            return '';
        $matches = array();
        if (preg_match('#^(.+)/([^/]+)$#', $name, $matches)) {
            // Page_name/maybe-separated-with/slashes and AttachedFileName.sfx
            // #ref(ページ名/ファイル名) 新形式の表記
            if ($matches[1] === '.' || $matches[1] === '..') {
                // 相対パスでの指定
                $matches[1] .= '/';
                // Restore relative paths
            // ファイル名を取得
            $name = $matches[2];
            // AttachedFileName.sfx
            $page = Utility::getPageName($matches[1], $page);
            // strip is a compat
        } else {
            if (isset($args[0]) && !empty($args[0]) && !isset($params[$args[0]])) {
                // Is the second argument a page-name or a path-name? (compat)
                // #ref(ファイル名,ページ名) 古い形式の表記
                $_page = array_shift($args);
                // 引用元のページ名
                // Looks like WikiName, or double-bracket-inserted pagename? (compat)
                $is_bracket_bracket = preg_match('/^(' . RendererDefines::WIKINAME_PATTERN . '|\\[\\[' . RendererDefines::BRACKETNAME_PATTERN . '\\]\\])$/', $_page);
                $page = Utility::getPageName(Utility::stripBracket($_page), $page);
                // strip is a compat
                $a = new Attach($_page, $name);
                if (!$is_bracket_bracket || !$a->has()) {
                    // Promote new design
                    if ($is_file && is_file(UPLOAD_DIR . encode($page) . '_' . encode($name))) {
                        // Because of race condition NOW
                        $params['_error'] = 'The same file name "' . $name . '" at both page: "' . $page . '" and "' . $_page . '". Try ref(pagename/filename) to specify one of them';
                    } else {
                        // Because of possibility of race condition, in the future
                        $params['_error'] = 'The style &amp;ref(filename,pagename) is ambiguous ' . 'and become obsolete. ' . 'Please try ref(pagename/filename)';
                    return $params;
                $page = $_page;
                // Suppose it
        // Attachオブジェクトを生成
        $a = new Attach($page, $name);
        if (!$a->has()) {
            $params['_error'] = 'File not found: "' . Utility::htmlsc($name) . '" at page "' . Utility::htmlsc($page) . '"';
            return $params;
    // 残りの引数の処理
    if (!empty($args)) {
        $keys = array_keys($params);
        $params['_done'] = false;
        foreach ($args as $val) {
            list($_key, $_val) = array_pad(explode(':', $val, 2), 2, TRUE);
            $_key = trim(strtolower($_key));
            if (is_string($_val)) {
                $_val = trim($_val);
            if (in_array($_key, $keys) && $params['_done'] !== TRUE) {
                $params[$_key] = $_val;
                // Exist keys
            } elseif ($val != '') {
                $params['_args'][] = $val;
                // Not exist keys, in '_args'
    $width = $height = 0;
    $url = $url2 = '';
    if ($is_url) {
        // 外部リンクの場合
        $url = $name;
        $url2 = $name;
            //$params['_error'] = 'PKWK_DISABLE_INLINE_IMAGE_FROM_URI prohibits this';
            //return $params;
            $params['_body'] = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="external">' . $s_url . '</a>';
            return $params;
        $matches = array();
        $params['_title'] = preg_match('#([^/]+)$#', $url, $matches) ? $matches[1] : $url;
    } else {
        // Wikiの添付ファイルの場合
        // Count downloads with attach plugin
        $url = Router::get_cmd_uri('attach', null, null, array('refer' => $page, 'openfile' => $name));
        $url2 = '';
        $params['_title'] = $name;
        if ($seems_image || $seems_video || $seems_audio) {
            // URI for in-line image output
            $url2 = $url;
            // With ref plugin (faster than attach)
            $url = Router::get_cmd_uri('ref', $page, null, array('src' => $name));
            if ($seems_image) {
                // 画像の場合は、getimagesizeでサイズを読み取る
                $size = getimagesize($a->basename);
                if (is_array($size)) {
                    $params['_w'] = $size[0];
                    $params['_h'] = $size[1];
    // 拡張パラメータをチェック
    if (!empty($params['_args'])) {
        $_title = array();
        foreach ($params['_args'] as $arg) {
            if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)$/', $arg, $matches)) {
                $params['_size'] = TRUE;
                $params['_w'] = $matches[1];
                $params['_h'] = $matches[2];
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/^([0-9.]+)%$/', $arg, $matches) && $matches[1] > 0) {
                    $params['_%'] = $matches[1];
                } else {
                    $_title[] = $arg;
    foreach (array('right', 'left', 'center', 'justify') as $align) {
        if (isset($params[$align])) {
            $params['_align'] = $align;
    $s_title = isset($params['_title']) ? Inline::setLineRules(Utility::htmlsc($params['_title'])) : '';
    $s_info = '';
    if ($seems_image || $seems_video) {
        // 指定されたサイズを使用する
        $info = '';
        if ($width === 0 && $height === 0) {
            $width = $params['_w'];
            $height = $params['_h'];
        if ($params['_size']) {
            if ($params['zoom']) {
                $_w = $params['_w'] ? $width / $params['_w'] : 0;
                $_h = $params['_h'] ? $height / $params['_h'] : 0;
                $zoom = max($_w, $_h);
                if ($zoom) {
                    $width = (int) ($width / $zoom);
                    $height = (int) ($height / $zoom);
            } else {
                $width = $params['_w'] ? $params['_w'] : $width;
                $height = $params['_h'] ? $params['_h'] : $height;
        if ($params['_%']) {
            $width = (int) ($width * $params['_%'] / 100);
            $height = (int) ($height * $params['_%'] / 100);
        $info = $width && $height ? 'width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" ' : '';
        if ($seems_image) {
            $body = '<img src="' . $url . '" ' . 'alt="' . $s_title . '" ' . 'title="' . $s_title . '" ' . 'class="' . $params['_class'] . '" ' . $info . '/>';
        } else {
            if ($seems_video) {
                $body = '<video src="' . $url . '" ' . 'alt="' . $s_title . '" ' . 'title="' . $s_title . '" ' . 'class="' . $params['_class'] . '" ' . $s_info . ' controls="controls" preload="auto">';
        if (!isset($params['nolink']) && $url2) {
            $params['_body'] = '<a href="' . $url2 . '" title="' . $s_title . '"' . (IS_MOBILE ? ' data-ajax="false"' : '') . '>' . "\n" . $body . "\n" . '</a>';
        } else {
            $params['_body'] = $body;
    } else {
        if ($seems_audio) {
            // 音声
            $body = '<audio src="' . $url . '" ' . 'alt="' . $s_title . '" ' . 'title="' . $s_title . '" ' . 'class="' . $params['_class'] . '" controls="controls" preload="auto" />';
            if (!isset($params['nolink']) && $url2) {
                $params['_body'] = '<a href="' . $url2 . '" title="' . $s_title . '"' . (IS_MOBILE ? ' data-ajax="false"' : '') . '>' . "\n" . (isset($params['noicon']) ? '' : '<span class="fa fa-music"></span>') . $body . "\n" . '</a>';
            } else {
                $params['_body'] = $body;
        } else {
            // リンクを貼り付ける
            if (!$is_url && $is_file) {
                $s_info = Utility::htmlsc(get_date('Y/m/d H:i:s', filemtime($file)) . ' ' . sprintf('%01.1f', round(filesize($file) / 1024, 1)) . 'KB');
            $params['_body'] = '<a href="' . $url . '" title="' . $s_info . '"' . (IS_MOBILE ? ' data-ajax="false"' : '') . '>' . (isset($params['noicon']) ? '' : '<span class="fa fa-paperclip"></span>') . $s_title . '</a>';
    return $params;
Ejemplo n.º 10
function plugin_pcomment_convert()
    global $vars;
    //	global $_pcmt_messages;
    $_pcmt_messages = array('msg_name' => T_('Name: '), 'btn_comment' => T_('Post Comment'), 'msg_comment' => T_('Comment: '), 'msg_recent' => T_('Show recent %d comments.'), 'msg_all' => T_('Go to the comment page.'), 'msg_none' => T_('No comment.'), 'err_pagename' => T_('[[%s]] : not a valid page name.'));
    $params = array('noname' => FALSE, 'nodate' => FALSE, 'below' => FALSE, 'above' => FALSE, 'reply' => FALSE, '_args' => array());
    $params = PluginRenderer::getPluginOption(func_get_args(), $params);
    //	var_dump($params);
    $vars_page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $page = isset($params['_args'][1]) && !empty($params['_args'][1]) ? $params['_args'][0] : Utility::stripBracket(sprintf(PLUGIN_PCOMMENT_PAGE, $vars_page));
    $count = isset($params['_args'][0]) ? intval($params['_args'][0]) : 0;
    if ($count == 0) {
    $_page = get_fullname(strip_bracket($page), $vars_page);
    $wiki = Factory::Wiki($_page);
    if (!$wiki->isValied()) {
        return sprintf($_pcmt_messages['err_pagename'], Utility::htmlsc($_page));
    if ($params['below']) {
        $dir = 0;
    } elseif ($params['above']) {
        $dir = 1;
    list($comments, $digest) = plugin_pcomment_get_comments($_page, $count, $dir, $params['reply']);
    $form = array();
    // if (PKWK_READONLY) {
    if (!Auth::check_role('readonly') && isset($vars['page'])) {
        // Show a form
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="pcomment" />';
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="digest" value="' . $digest . '" />';
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="refer"  value="' . Utility::htmlsc($vars_page) . '" />';
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="page"   value="' . Utility::htmlsc($page) . '" />';
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="nodate" value="' . Utility::htmlsc($params['nodate']) . '" />';
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="dir"    value="' . $dir . '" />';
        $form[] = '<input type="hidden" name="count"  value="' . $count . '" />';
        $form[] = '<div class="row">';
        if ($params['noname'] === false) {
            $form[] = '<div class="col-md-3">';
            list($nick, $link, $disabled) = plugin_pcomment_get_nick();
            if ($params['reply']) {
                $form[] = '<div class="input-group">';
                $form[] = '<span class="input-group-addon">';
                $form[] = '<input type="radio" name="reply" value="0" tabindex="0" checked="checked" />';
                $form[] = '</span>';
            $form[] = '<input type="text" name="name" value="' . $nick . '" ' . $disabled . ' class="form-control" size="' . PLUGIN_COMMENT_SIZE_NAME . '" placeholder="' . $_pcmt_messages['msg_name'] . '" />';
            if ($params['reply']) {
                $form[] = '</div>';
            $form[] = '</div>';
            $form[] = '<div class="col-md-9">';
            $form[] = '<div class="input-group">';
        } else {
            $form[] = '<div class="col-md-12">';
            $form[] = '<div class="input-group">';
            if ($params['reply']) {
                $form[] = '<span class="input-group-addon">';
                $form[] = '<input type="radio" name="reply" value="0" tabindex="0" checked="checked" />';
                $form[] = '</span>';
        $form[] = '<textarea name="msg" cols="' . PLUGIN_COMMENT_SIZE_MSG . '" rows="1" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $_pcmt_messages['msg_comment'] . '"></textarea>';
        $form[] = '<span class="input-group-btn">';
        $form[] = '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info">' . $_pcmt_messages['btn_comment'] . '</button>';
        $form[] = '</span>';
        $form[] = '</div>';
        $form[] = '</div>';
        $form[] = '</div>';
    if (PKWK_READONLY == Auth::ROLE_AUTH) {
        $form[] = do_plugin_inline('login');
    if (!$wiki->has()) {
        $link = make_pagelink($_page);
        $recent = $_pcmt_messages['msg_none'];
    } else {
        $msg = !empty($_pcmt_messages['msg_all']) ? $_pcmt_messages['msg_all'] : $_page;
        $link = make_pagelink($_page, $msg);
        $recent = !empty($count) ? sprintf($_pcmt_messages['msg_recent'], $count) : '';
    $string = !Auth::check_role('readonly') ? '<form action="' . get_script_uri() . '" method="post" class="plugin-pcomment-form form-inline" data-collision-check="false">' : '';
    $string .= $dir ? '<p>' . $recent . ' ' . $link . '</p>' . "\n" . $comments . "\n" . join("\n", $form) : join("\n", $form) . "\n" . '<p>' . $recent . ' ' . $link . '</p>' . "\n" . $comments . "\n";
    $string .= !Auth::check_role('readonly') ? '</form>' : '';
    return IS_MOBILE ? '<div data-role="collapsible" data-theme="b" data-content-theme="d"><h4>' . $_pcmt_messages['msg_comment'] . '</h4>' . $string . '</div>' : '<div class="pcomment">' . $string . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 11
function plugin_calendar_action()
    global $vars;
    global $_calendar_msg, $_labels;
    $vars['page'] = isset($vars['file']) ? $vars['file'] : '*';
    $page = Utility::stripBracket($vars['page']);
    $date = $vars['date'] ? $vars['date'] : get_date('Ym');
    $mode = $vars['mode'] ? $vars['mode'] : 'view';
    $year = substr($date, 0, 4);
    $month = preg_replace('/^0/', '', substr($date, 4, 2));
    $aryargs = array($vars['page'], $date);
    // $s_page  = '<a href="'.get_page_uri($vars['page']).'">'.Utility::htmlsc($vars['page']).'</a>';
    $s_page = Utility::htmlsc($vars['page']);
    $vars['page'] = $page;
    return array('msg' => sprintf($_calendar_msg['_page_title'], $s_page, $_labels['month'][$month][1], $year), 'body' => call_user_func_array('plugin_calendar_convert', $aryargs));
Ejemplo n.º 12
    // Location で飛ぶようなプラグインの対応のため
    // 上のアクションプラグインの実行後に処理を実施
    die('<var>PLUS_PROTECT_MODE</var> is set.');
// Page output
$auth_key = Auth::get_user_info();
$base = $defaultpage;
if (!empty($auth_key['home']) && isset($vars['page']) && ($vars['page'] == $defaultpage || $vars['page'] == $auth_key['home'])) {
    // ログイン時のホームページを基準とする(実際はあまり使われてないが)
    $base = $defaultpage = $auth_key['home'];
} else {
    $base = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage;
$s_base = Utility::htmlsc(Utility::stripBracket($base));
if (isset($retvars['msg']) && !empty($retvars['msg'])) {
    $title = str_replace('$1', $s_base, $retvars['msg']);
    $page = str_replace('$1', Factory::Wiki($base)->link('related'), $retvars['msg']);
} else {
    $title = $s_base;
    $page = Factory::Wiki($base)->link('related');
$http_code = isset($retvars['http_code']) ? $retvars['http_code'] : 200;
if (isset($retvars['body']) && !empty($retvars['body'])) {
    $body = $retvars['body'];
} else {
    if (!Factory::Wiki($base)->isValied()) {
        $base = $defaultpage;
        $title = $s_base;
        $page = Factory::Wiki($base)->link('related');