protected function addDeleteDescendants(&$script)
     $objectClassName = $this->builder->getObjectClassName();
     $queryClassName = $this->builder->getQueryClassName();
     $tableMapClass = $this->builder->getTableMapClass();
     $useScope = $this->behavior->useScope();
     $script .= "\n/**\n * Deletes all descendants for the given node\n * Instance pooling is wiped out by this command,\n * so existing {$objectClassName} instances are probably invalid (except for the current one)\n *\n * @param      ConnectionInterface \$con Connection to use.\n *\n * @return     int         number of deleted nodes\n */\npublic function deleteDescendants(ConnectionInterface \$con = null)\n{\n    if (\$this->isLeaf()) {\n        // save one query\n        return;\n    }\n    if (null === \$con) {\n        \$con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getReadConnection({$tableMapClass}::DATABASE_NAME);\n    }\n    \$left = \$this->getLeftValue();\n    \$right = \$this->getRightValue();";
     if ($useScope) {
         $script .= "\n    \$scope = \$this->getScopeValue();";
     $script .= "\n\n    return \$con->transaction(function () use (\$con, \$left, \$right" . ($useScope ? ", \$scope" : "") . ") {\n        // delete descendant nodes (will empty the instance pool)\n        \$ret = {$queryClassName}::create()\n            ->descendantsOf(\$this)\n            ->delete(\$con);\n\n        // fill up the room that was used by descendants\n        {$queryClassName}::shiftRLValues(\$left - \$right + 1, \$right, null" . ($useScope ? ", \$scope" : "") . ", \$con);\n\n        // fix the right value for the current node, which is now a leaf\n        \$this->setRightValue(\$left + 1);\n\n        return \$ret;\n    });\n}\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function addFilterBySlug(&$script)
     $script .= "\n/**\n * Filter the query on the slug column\n *\n * @param     string \$slug The value to use as filter.\n *\n * @return    \$this|" . $this->builder->getQueryClassName() . " The current query, for fluid interface\n */\npublic function filterBySlug(\$slug)\n{\n    return \$this->addUsingAlias(" . $this->builder->getColumnConstant($this->getColumnForParameter('slug_column')) . ", \$slug, Criteria::EQUAL);\n}\n";