Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function _checkOperation()
     $data = $this->_repoBasic->getEntityByPk(Transaction::ENTITY_NAME, [Transaction::ATTR_OPERATION_ID => $this->operationId]);
     $pvAccounted = isset($data[Transaction::ATTR_VALUE]) ? $data[Transaction::ATTR_VALUE] : null;
     $this->assertEquals(self::DATA_PV_TOTAL, $pvAccounted);
     $this->_logger->debug("Total '{$pvAccounted}' PV is accounted for the order #{$this->orderId}.");
  * @param AggWarehouse $data
  * @return null|AggWarehouse
 public function create($data)
     $result = null;
     $def = $this->_manTrans->begin();
     try {
         $stockId = $data->getId();
         if ($stockId) {
             /* lookup for catalog inventory stock by ID */
             $stockData = $this->_repoGeneric->getEntityByPk($tbl, [Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_A_STOCK_ID => $stockId]);
             if (!$stockData) {
                 /* create top level object (catalog inventory stock) */
                 $bind = [Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_A_WEBSITE_ID => $data->getWebsiteId(), Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_A_STOCK_NAME => $data->getCode()];
                 $stockId = $this->_repoGeneric->addEntity($tbl, $bind);
         } else {
             /* create top level object (catalog inventory stock) */
             $bind = [Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_A_WEBSITE_ID => $data->getWebsiteId(), Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_A_STOCK_NAME => $data->getCode()];
             $stockId = $this->_repoGeneric->addEntity($tbl, $bind);
         /* then create next level object (warehouse) */
         $tbl = EntityWarehouse::ENTITY_NAME;
         $bind = [EntityWarehouse::ATTR_STOCK_REF => $stockId, EntityWarehouse::ATTR_CODE => $data->getCode(), EntityWarehouse::ATTR_CURRENCY => $data->getCurrency(), EntityWarehouse::ATTR_COUNTRY_CODE => $data->getCountryCode(), EntityWarehouse::ATTR_NOTE => $data->getNote()];
         $this->_repoGeneric->addEntity($tbl, $bind);
         /* commit changes and compose result data object */
         $result = $data;
     } finally {
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getLotsByProductId($prodId, $stockId)
     /** @var \Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\AdapterInterface $conn */
     $conn = $this->_repoGeneric->getConnection();
     /* aliases and tables */
     $asStockItem = 'csi';
     $asQty = 'pwq';
     $asLot = 'pwl';
     $tblStockItem = [$asStockItem => $this->_resource->getTableName(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_CATALOGINVENTORY_STOCK_ITEM)];
     $tblQty = [$asQty => $this->_resource->getTableName(Quantity::ENTITY_NAME)];
     $tblLot = [$asLot => $this->_resource->getTableName(Lot::ENTITY_NAME)];
     /* SELECT FROM cataloginventory_stock_item */
     $query = $conn->select();
     $cols = [Alias::AS_STOCK_ITEM_ID => Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_ITEM_A_ITEM_ID];
     $query->from($tblStockItem, $cols);
     /* LEFT JOIN prxgt_wrhs_qty pwq */
     $on = $asQty . '.' . Quantity::ATTR_STOCK_ITEM_REF . '=' . $asStockItem . '.' . Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_ITEM_A_ITEM_ID;
     $cols = [Alias::AS_QTY => Quantity::ATTR_TOTAL];
     $query->joinLeft($tblQty, $on, $cols);
     // LEFT JOIN prxgt_wrhs_lot pwl
     $on = $asLot . '.' . Lot::ATTR_ID . '=' . $asQty . '.' . Quantity::ATTR_LOT_REF;
     $cols = [Alias::AS_LOT_ID => Lot::ATTR_ID, Alias::AS_LOT_CODE => Lot::ATTR_CODE, Alias::AS_LOT_EXP_DATE => Lot::ATTR_EXP_DATE];
     $query->joinLeft($tblLot, $on, $cols);
     /* where */
     $where = $asStockItem . '.' . Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_ITEM_A_PROD_ID . '=' . (int) $prodId;
     $where .= ' AND ' . $asStockItem . '.' . Cfg::E_CATINV_STOCK_ITEM_A_STOCK_ID . '=' . (int) $stockId;
     /* order by */
     $order = $asLot . '.' . Lot::ATTR_EXP_DATE . ' ASC';
     /* fetch data */
     $result = $conn->fetchAll($query);
     return $result;
 public function enableForAllStoreViews()
     /* delete all store views data except admin */
     $where = Cfg::E_CATCAT_EAV_INT_STORE_ID . '>' . self::DEF_STORE_VIEW_ID_ADMIN;
     $this->repoGeneric->deleteEntity($entity, $where);
     /* enable all categories */
     $bind = [Cfg::E_CATCAT_EAV_INT_VALUE => 1];
     $where = Cfg::E_CATCAT_EAV_INT_ATTR_ID . '=' . self::DEF_CATEGORY_EAV_ID_IS_ACTIVE;
     $this->repoGeneric->updateEntity($entity, $bind, $where);
 private function _validateWalletsAfterTeam()
     $EXPECT_BALANCE = [1 => 0.0, 2 => 0, 3 => 6.25, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0, 7 => 0, 8 => 0, 9 => 0, 10 => 0, 11 => 0, 12 => 0, 13 => 0];
     /* get Asset Type ID foe WALLET_ACTIVE */
     $assetTypeId = $this->_repoTypeAsset->getIdByCode(Cfg::CODE_TYPE_ASSET_WALLET_ACTIVE);
     /* get representative account for WALLET_ACTIVE */
     $reqRepresAcc = new AccGetRepresentativeRequest();
     $respRepresAcc = $this->_callAccAccount->getRepresentative($reqRepresAcc);
     $represAccId = $respRepresAcc->getData(Account::ATTR_ID);
     /* get data for WALLET_ACTIVE accounts */
     $where = Account::ATTR_ASSET_TYPE_ID . '=' . $assetTypeId;
     $balanceData = $this->_repoBasic->getEntities(Account::ENTITY_NAME, null, $where);
     /* convert balances to form that is relative to customer index (not id) */
     foreach ($balanceData as $one) {
         $accId = $one[Account::ATTR_ID];
         $custId = $one[Account::ATTR_CUST_ID];
         $balance = $one[Account::ATTR_BALANCE];
         if ($accId == $represAccId) {
             $this->assertEquals($EXPECT_REPRES_AMOUNT, $balance);
         } else {
             /* get customer index by customer id */
             $index = $this->_mapCustomerIndexByMageId[$custId];
             $expBalance = $EXPECT_BALANCE[$index];
             $this->assertEquals($expBalance, $balance);
 public function renameGroups()
     /* retail */
     $id = [Cfg::E_CUSTGROUP_A_ID => BusinessCodesManager::M_CUST_GROUP_RETAIL];
     $bind = [Cfg::E_CUSTGROUP_A_CODE => BusinessCodesManager::B_CUST_GROUP_RETAIL];
     $this->_repoGeneric->updateEntityById($entity, $bind, $id);
     /* distributor */
     $id = [Cfg::E_CUSTGROUP_A_ID => BusinessCodesManager::M_CUST_GROUP_DISTRIBUTOR];
     $bind = [Cfg::E_CUSTGROUP_A_CODE => BusinessCodesManager::B_CUST_GROUP_DISTRIBUTOR];
     $this->_repoGeneric->updateEntityById($entity, $bind, $id);
     /* wholesaler */
     $id = [Cfg::E_CUSTGROUP_A_ID => BusinessCodesManager::M_CUST_GROUP_WHOLESALE];
     $bind = [Cfg::E_CUSTGROUP_A_CODE => BusinessCodesManager::B_CUST_GROUP_WHOLESALE];
     $this->_repoGeneric->updateEntityById($entity, $bind, $id);
 private function _createTypeOperation()
     $bind = [TypeOperation::ATTR_CODE => self::DATA_TYPE_OPER_CODE, TypeOperation::ATTR_NOTE => 'Operation for integration tests.'];
     $id = $this->_repoGeneric->addEntity(TypeOperation::ENTITY_NAME, $bind);
     $this->assertTrue($id > 0);
     $this->typeOperId = $id;
     $this->_logger->debug("Operation type is created (#{$id}).");
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Update calculated Team Volumes in compressed data table.
  * @param $data
  * @param $calcId
 public function saveValueTv($data, $calcId)
     foreach ($data as $custId => $tv) {
         $whereByCalcId = PtcCompress::ATTR_CALC_ID . '=' . $calcId;
         $whereByCustId = PtcCompress::ATTR_CUSTOMER_ID . '=' . $custId;
         $this->_repoBasic->updateEntity(PtcCompress::ENTITY_NAME, [PtcCompress::ATTR_TV => $tv], "{$whereByCalcId} AND {$whereByCustId}");
 private function _setRanks()
     $data = [[Rank::ATTR_CODE => 'MANAGER', Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Manager'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => 'SENIOR MANAGER', Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Senior Manager'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => 'SUPERVISOR', Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Supervisor'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => 'DIRECTOR', Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Director'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => 'SENIOR DIRECTOR', Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Senior Director']];
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $id = $this->_repoBasic->addEntity(Rank::ENTITY_NAME, $item);
         $this->_logger->debug("Rank '" . $item[Rank::ATTR_CODE] . "' is added with ID=" . $id . ".");
     $this->_logger->debug("Ranks are set.");
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Create new period record and related calculation record.
  * @param $calcTypeId
  * @param $dsBegin
  * @param $dsEnd
  * @return DataObject
 public function addNewPeriodAndCalc($calcTypeId, $dsBegin, $dsEnd)
     $result = new DataObject();
     /* add new period */
     $periodData = [Period::ATTR_CALC_TYPE_ID => $calcTypeId, Period::ATTR_DSTAMP_BEGIN => $dsBegin, Period::ATTR_DSTAMP_END => $dsEnd];
     $periodId = $this->_repoBasic->addEntity(Period::ENTITY_NAME, $periodData);
     $this->_logger->info("New period #{$periodId} for calculation type #{$calcTypeId} is registered ({$dsBegin}-{$dsEnd}).");
     $periodData[Period::ATTR_ID] = $periodId;
     $result->setData(self::DATA_PERIOD, $periodData);
     /* add related calculation */
     $dateStarted = $this->_toolDate->getUtcNowForDb();
     $calcData = [Calculation::ATTR_PERIOD_ID => $periodId, Calculation::ATTR_DATE_STARTED => $dateStarted, Calculation::ATTR_DATE_ENDED => null, Calculation::ATTR_STATE => Cfg::CALC_STATE_STARTED];
     $calcId = $this->_repoBasic->addEntity(Calculation::ENTITY_NAME, $calcData);
     $this->_logger->info("New calculation #{$calcId} for period #{$periodId} is registered.");
     $calcData[Calculation::ATTR_ID] = $calcId;
     $result->setData(self::DATA_CALC, $calcData);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private function saveTaxRule($code)
     $result = $this->getTaxRuleByCode($code);
     if (!$result) {
         $entity = Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_TAX_CALC_RULE;
         $bind = [EntityTaxRate::KEY_CODE => $code];
         $result = $this->repoGeneric->addEntity($entity, $bind);
     return $result;
  * @param null $code
  * @param null $note
  * @return int ID of the new entity
 private function _createWarehouse($code, $note)
     /* create stock */
     $stock = $this->_createMageStock($code);
     $result = $stock->getStockId();
     /* ... then create warehouse itself */
     $tbl = Warehouse::ENTITY_NAME;
     $bind = [Warehouse::ATTR_STOCK_REF => $result, Warehouse::ATTR_CODE => $code, Warehouse::ATTR_NOTE => $note];
     $this->_repoGeneric->addEntity($tbl, $bind);
     return $result;
 public function saveQualificationParams($updates)
     $def = $this->_manTrans->begin();
     try {
         foreach ($updates as $item) {
             $this->_repoBasic->addEntity(Qualification::ENTITY_NAME, $item);
     } finally {
 private function _validateCompression($calcId)
     $EXP_COUNT = 11;
     $EXP_TREE = [1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 2, 5 => 2, 6 => 3, 8 => 6, 9 => 6, 11 => 3, 12 => 3, 13 => 3];
     $where = Compress::ATTR_CALC_ID . '=' . $calcId;
     $data = $this->_repoCore->getEntities(Compress::ENTITY_NAME, null, $where);
     $this->assertEquals($EXP_COUNT, count($data));
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $custId = $item[Compress::ATTR_CUSTOMER_ID];
         $parentId = $item[Compress::ATTR_PARENT_ID];
         $custNdx = $this->_mapCustomerIndexByMageId[$custId];
         $parentNdx = $this->_mapCustomerIndexByMageId[$parentId];
         $this->assertEquals($EXP_TREE[$custNdx], $parentNdx);
  * IDs for customers with forced qualification.
  * @return array [[Customer::ATTR_CUSTOMER_ID=>..., Customer::ATTR_HUMAN_REF=>...], ...]
 private function _getForcedCustomersIds()
     $mlmIds = array_keys($this->QUALIFIED_CUSTOMERS);
     $where = '';
     foreach ($mlmIds as $one) {
         /* skip first iteration */
         if (strlen($where) > 0) {
             $where .= ' OR ';
         $quoted = $this->_conn->quote($one);
         $where .= Customer::ATTR_HUMAN_REF . "=\"{$quoted}\"";
     $cols = [Customer::ATTR_CUSTOMER_ID, Customer::ATTR_HUMAN_REF];
     $result = $this->_repoBasic->getEntities(Customer::ENTITY_NAME, $cols, $where);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function updateById($id, $data)
     if (is_array($id)) {
         /* probably this is complex PK */
         $where = '';
         foreach ($id as $key => $value) {
             $val = is_int($value) ? $value : $this->_conn->quote($value);
             $where .= "({$key}={$val}) AND ";
         $where .= '1';
         // WHERE ... AND 1;
     } else {
         $val = is_int($id) ? $id : $this->_conn->quote($id);
         $where = $this->_idFieldName . '=' . $val;
     $result = $this->_repoGeneric->updateEntity($this->_entityName, $data, $where);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function getRepresentativeCustomerId()
     if (is_null($this->_cachedRepresCustId)) {
         $conn = $this->_conn;
         /* there is no cached value for the customer ID, select data from DB */
         $where = Cfg::E_CUSTOMER_A_EMAIL . '=' . $conn->quote(self::CUSTOMER_REPRESENTATIVE_EMAIL);
         $data = $this->_repoGeneric->getEntities(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_CUSTOMER, Cfg::E_CUSTOMER_A_ENTITY_ID, $where);
         if (count($data) == 0) {
             $id = $this->_repoGeneric->addEntity(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_CUSTOMER, $bind);
             if ($id > 0) {
                 $this->_cachedRepresCustId = $id;
         } else {
             $first = reset($data);
             $this->_cachedRepresCustId = $first[Cfg::E_CUSTOMER_A_ENTITY_ID];
     return $this->_cachedRepresCustId;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function getSaleOrderCustomerId($saleId)
     $data = $this->_repoGeneric->getEntityByPk(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_SALES_ORDER, [Cfg::E_COMMON_A_ENTITY_ID => $saleId], [Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_CUSTOMER_ID]);
     $result = $data[Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_CUSTOMER_ID];
     return $result;
 private function _setRanks()
     $data = [[Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_MANAGER, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Manager (#01, lowest).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_SEN_MANAGER, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Senior Manager (#02).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_SUPERVISOR, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Supervisor (#3).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_DIRECTOR, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Director (#4).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_SEN_DIRECTOR, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Senior Director (#5).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_EXEC_DIRECTOR, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Executive Director (#6).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_SEN_VICE, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Senior Vice President (#7).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_EXEC_VICE, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'Executive Vice President (#8).'], [Rank::ATTR_CODE => Def::RANK_PRESIDENT, Rank::ATTR_NOTE => 'President Director (#9, highest).']];
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $this->_repoBasic->addEntity(Rank::ENTITY_NAME, $item);
     $this->_logger->debug("Ranks are set.");
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Registry new relation between instances in Odoo & Magento.
  * @param string $entityName
  * @param int $mageId
  * @param int $odooId
 protected function _registerMageIdForOdooId($entityName, $mageId, $odooId)
     $bind = [IOdooEntity::ATTR_MAGE_REF => (int) $mageId, IOdooEntity::ATTR_ODOO_REF => (int) $odooId];
     $this->_repoBasic->addEntity($entityName, $bind);