getItemHelper() public static method

public static getItemHelper ( CompoundTag $tag ) : Item
$tag pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag
return pocketmine\item\Item
Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function initEntity()
     if (isset($this->namedtag->Age)) {
         $this->age = $this->namedtag["Age"];
     if (isset($this->namedtag->PickupDelay)) {
         $this->pickupDelay = $this->namedtag["PickupDelay"];
     if (isset($this->namedtag->Owner)) {
         $this->owner = $this->namedtag["Owner"];
     if (isset($this->namedtag->Thrower)) {
         $this->thrower = $this->namedtag["Thrower"];
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->Item)) {
     assert($this->namedtag->Item instanceof CompoundTag);
     $this->item = NBT::getItemHelper($this->namedtag->Item);
     $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent(new ItemSpawnEvent($this));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct(Human $player, $contents = null)
     $this->hotbar = range(0, $this->getHotbarSize() - 1, 1);
     parent::__construct($player, InventoryType::get(InventoryType::PLAYER));
     if ($contents !== null) {
         if ($contents instanceof ListTag) {
             //Saved data to be loaded into the inventory
             foreach ($contents as $item) {
                 if ($item["Slot"] >= 0 and $item["Slot"] < $this->getHotbarSize()) {
                     if (isset($item["TrueSlot"])) {
                         //Valid slot was found, change the linkage to this slot
                         if (0 <= $item["TrueSlot"] and $item["TrueSlot"] < $this->getSize()) {
                             $this->hotbar[$item["Slot"]] = $item["TrueSlot"];
                         } elseif ($item["TrueSlot"] < 0) {
                             //Link to an empty slot (empty hand)
                             $this->hotbar[$item["Slot"]] = -1;
                     /* If TrueSlot is not set, leave the slot index as its default which was filled in above
                      * This only overwrites slot indexes for valid links */
                 } elseif ($item["Slot"] >= 100 and $item["Slot"] < 104) {
                     $this->setItem($this->getSize() + $item["Slot"] - 100, NBT::getItemHelper($item), false);
                 } else {
                     $this->setItem($item["Slot"] - $this->getHotbarSize(), NBT::getItemHelper($item), false);
         } else {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Expecting ListTag, received " . gettype($contents));
  * This method should not be used by plugins, use the Inventory
  * @param int $index
  * @return Item
 public function getItem($index)
     $i = $this->getSlotIndex($index);
     if ($i < 0) {
         return Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
     } else {
         return NBT::getItemHelper($this->namedtag->Items[$i]);
 public function place(Item $item, Block $block, Block $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz, Player $player = null)
     if ($face > 1) {
         $faces = [2 => 3, 3 => 2, 4 => 1, 5 => 4];
         $itemTag = NBT::putItemHelper(Item::get(Item::AIR));
         $nbt = new CompoundTag("", [new StringTag("id", MainClass::TILE_ITEM_FRAME), new IntTag("x", $block->x), new IntTag("y", $block->y), new IntTag("z", $block->z), new CompoundTag("Item", $itemTag->getValue()), new FloatTag("ItemDropChance", 1.0), new ByteTag("ItemRotation", 0)]);
         if ($item->hasCustomBlockData()) {
             foreach ($item->getCustomBlockData() as $key => $value) {
                 //Reformat: support "Item" tag by give command
                 if ($key === "Item" and $value instanceof CompoundTag) {
                     $value = NBT::putItemHelper(NBT::getItemHelper($value));
                 $nbt->{$key} = $value;
         Tile::createTile("ItemFrame", $this->getLevel()->getChunk($this->x >> 4, $this->z >> 4), $nbt);
         $this->getLevel()->setBlock($block, Block::get(MainClass::BLOCK_ITEM_FRAME, $faces[$face]), true, true);
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function initEntity()
     $this->setDataFlag(self::DATA_PLAYER_FLAGS, self::DATA_PLAYER_FLAG_SLEEP, false);
     $this->setDataProperty(self::DATA_PLAYER_BED_POSITION, self::DATA_TYPE_POS, [0, 0, 0]);
     $this->inventory = new PlayerInventory($this);
     if ($this instanceof Player) {
         $this->addWindow($this->inventory, 0);
     if (!$this instanceof Player) {
         if (isset($this->namedtag->NameTag)) {
         if (isset($this->namedtag->Skin) and $this->namedtag->Skin instanceof Compound) {
             $this->setSkin($this->namedtag->Skin["Data"], $this->namedtag->Skin["Slim"] > 0, $this->namedtag->Skin["Transparent"] > 0);
         $this->uuid = UUID::fromData($this->getId(), $this->getSkinData(), $this->getNameTag());
     if (isset($this->namedtag->Inventory) and $this->namedtag->Inventory instanceof Enum) {
         foreach ($this->namedtag->Inventory as $item) {
             if ($item["Slot"] >= 0 and $item["Slot"] < 9) {
                 $this->inventory->setHotbarSlotIndex($item["Slot"], isset($item["TrueSlot"]) ? $item["TrueSlot"] : -1);
             } elseif ($item["Slot"] >= 100 and $item["Slot"] < 104) {
                 $this->inventory->setItem($this->inventory->getSize() + $item["Slot"] - 100, NBT::getItemHelper($item));
             } else {
                 $this->inventory->setItem($item["Slot"] - 9, NBT::getItemHelper($item));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function getItem()
     return NBT::getItemHelper($this->namedtag->Item);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected function initEntity()
     $this->setDataFlag(self::DATA_PLAYER_FLAGS, self::DATA_PLAYER_FLAG_SLEEP, false);
     $this->setDataProperty(self::DATA_PLAYER_BED_POSITION, self::DATA_TYPE_POS, [0, 0, 0], false);
     $this->inventory = new PlayerInventory($this);
     if ($this instanceof Player) {
         $this->addWindow($this->inventory, 0);
     } else {
         if (isset($this->namedtag->NameTag)) {
         if (isset($this->namedtag->Skin) and $this->namedtag->Skin instanceof CompoundTag) {
             $this->setSkin($this->namedtag->Skin["Data"], $this->namedtag->Skin["Name"]);
         $this->uuid = UUID::fromData($this->getId(), $this->getSkinData(), $this->getNameTag());
     if (isset($this->namedtag->Inventory) and $this->namedtag->Inventory instanceof ListTag) {
         foreach ($this->namedtag->Inventory as $item) {
             if ($item["Slot"] >= 0 and $item["Slot"] < 9) {
                 $this->inventory->setHotbarSlotIndex($item["Slot"], isset($item["TrueSlot"]) ? $item["TrueSlot"] : -1);
             } elseif ($item["Slot"] >= 100 and $item["Slot"] < 104) {
                 $this->inventory->setItem($this->inventory->getSize() + $item["Slot"] - 100, NBT::getItemHelper($item));
             } else {
                 $this->inventory->setItem($item["Slot"] - 9, NBT::getItemHelper($item));
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->foodLevel) or !$this->namedtag->foodLevel instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->foodLevel = new IntTag("foodLevel", $this->getFood());
     } else {
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->foodExhaustionLevel) or !$this->namedtag->foodExhaustionLevel instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->foodExhaustionLevel = new FloatTag("foodExhaustionLevel", $this->getExhaustion());
     } else {
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->foodSaturationLevel) or !$this->namedtag->foodSaturationLevel instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->foodSaturationLevel = new FloatTag("foodSaturationLevel", $this->getSaturation());
     } else {
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->foodTickTimer) or !$this->namedtag->foodTickTimer instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->foodTickTimer = new IntTag("foodTickTimer", $this->foodTickTimer);
     } else {
         $this->foodTickTimer = $this->namedtag["foodTickTimer"];
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->XpLevel) or !$this->namedtag->XpLevel instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->XpLevel = new IntTag("XpLevel", $this->getXpLevel());
     } else {
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->XpP) or !$this->namedtag->XpP instanceof FloatTag) {
         $this->namedtag->XpP = new FloatTag("XpP", $this->getXpProgress());
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->XpTotal) or !$this->namedtag->XpTotal instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->XpTotal = new IntTag("XpTotal", $this->totalXp);
     } else {
         $this->totalXp = $this->namedtag["XpTotal"];
     if (!isset($this->namedtag->XpSeed) or !$this->namedtag->XpSeed instanceof IntTag) {
         $this->namedtag->XpSeed = new IntTag("XpSeed", $this->xpSeed ?? ($this->xpSeed = mt_rand(PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX)));
     } else {
         $this->xpSeed = $this->namedtag["XpSeed"];