Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function getArchiveIdAndVisits(Site $site, Period $period, Segment $segment, $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC, $requestedPlugin)
     $dateStart = $period->getDateStart();
     $bindSQL = array($site->getId(), $dateStart->toString('Y-m-d'), $period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'), $period->getId());
     $timeStampWhere = '';
     if ($minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC) {
         $timeStampWhere = " AND ts_archived >= ? ";
         $bindSQL[] = Date::factory($minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC)->getDatetime();
     $pluginOrVisitsSummary = array("VisitsSummary", $requestedPlugin);
     $pluginOrVisitsSummary = array_unique($pluginOrVisitsSummary);
     $sqlWhereArchiveName = self::getNameCondition($pluginOrVisitsSummary, $segment);
     $sqlQuery = "\tSELECT idarchive, value, name, date1 as startDate\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($dateStart) . "``\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE idsite = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND date1 = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND date2 = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND period = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ( ({$sqlWhereArchiveName})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  OR name = '" . self::NB_VISITS_RECORD_LOOKED_UP . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  OR name = '" . self::NB_VISITS_CONVERTED_RECORD_LOOKED_UP . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$timeStampWhere}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY idarchive DESC";
     $results = Db::fetchAll($sqlQuery, $bindSQL);
     if (empty($results)) {
         return false;
     $idArchive = self::getMostRecentIdArchiveFromResults($segment, $requestedPlugin, $results);
     $idArchiveVisitsSummary = self::getMostRecentIdArchiveFromResults($segment, "VisitsSummary", $results);
     list($visits, $visitsConverted) = self::getVisitsMetricsFromResults($idArchive, $idArchiveVisitsSummary, $results);
     if ($visits === false && $idArchive === false) {
         return false;
     return array($idArchive, $visits, $visitsConverted);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns true if it is likely that the data for this report has been purged and if the
  * user should be told about that.
  * In order for this function to return true, the following must also be true:
  * - The data table for this report must either be empty or not have been fetched.
  * - The period of this report is not a multiple period.
  * - The date of this report must be older than the delete_reports_older_than config option.
  * @param  DataTableInterface $dataTable
  * @return bool
 public static function hasReportBeenPurged($dataTable)
     $strPeriod = Common::getRequestVar('period', false);
     $strDate = Common::getRequestVar('date', false);
     if (false !== $strPeriod && false !== $strDate && (is_null($dataTable) || !empty($dataTable) && $dataTable->getRowsCount() == 0)) {
         // if range, only look at the first date
         if ($strPeriod == 'range') {
             $idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', '');
             if (intval($idSite) != 0) {
                 $site = new Site($idSite);
                 $timezone = $site->getTimezone();
             } else {
                 $timezone = 'UTC';
             $period = new Range('range', $strDate, $timezone);
             $reportDate = $period->getDateStart();
         } elseif (Period::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $strPeriod)) {
             // if a multiple period, this function is irrelevant
             return false;
         } else {
             // otherwise, use the date as given
             $reportDate = Date::factory($strDate);
         $reportYear = $reportDate->toString('Y');
         $reportMonth = $reportDate->toString('m');
         if (static::shouldReportBePurged($reportYear, $reportMonth)) {
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getRowEvolution($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label = false, $segment = false, $column = false, $language = false, $idGoal = false, $legendAppendMetric = true, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl = true)
     // validation of requested $period & $date
     if ($period == 'range') {
         // load days in the range
         $period = 'day';
     if (!Period::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period)) {
         throw new Exception("Row evolutions can not be processed with this combination of \\'date\\' and \\'period\\' parameters.");
     $label = ResponseBuilder::unsanitizeLabelParameter($label);
     $labels = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($label);
     $metadata = $this->getRowEvolutionMetaData($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $language, $idGoal);
     $dataTable = $this->loadRowEvolutionDataFromAPI($metadata, $idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $segment, $idGoal);
     if (empty($labels)) {
         $labels = $this->getLabelsFromDataTable($dataTable, $labels);
         $dataTable = $this->enrichRowAddMetadataLabelIndex($labels, $dataTable);
     if (count($labels) != 1) {
         $data = $this->getMultiRowEvolution($dataTable, $metadata, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $column, $legendAppendMetric, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl);
     } else {
         $data = $this->getSingleRowEvolution($idSite, $dataTable, $metadata, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels[0], $labelUseAbsoluteUrl);
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Generates the subperiods (one for each day in the month)
 protected function generate()
     if ($this->subperiodsProcessed) {
     $date = $this->date;
     $startMonth = $date->setDay(1)->setTime('00:00:00');
     $endMonth = $startMonth->addPeriod(1, 'month')->setDay(1)->subDay(1);
     $this->processOptimalSubperiods($startMonth, $endMonth);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Generates the subperiods (one for each month of the year)
 protected function generate()
     if ($this->subperiodsProcessed) {
     $year = $this->date->toString("Y");
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
         $this->addSubperiod(new Month(Date::factory("{$year}-{$i}-01")));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Generates the subperiods (one for each day in the month)
 protected function generate()
     if ($this->subperiodsProcessed) {
     $date = $this->date;
     $startMonth = $date->setDay(1);
     $currentDay = clone $startMonth;
     while ($currentDay->compareMonth($startMonth) == 0) {
         $this->addSubperiod(new Day($currentDay));
         $currentDay = $currentDay->addDay(1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Generates the subperiods - one for each day in the week
 protected function generate()
     if ($this->subperiodsProcessed) {
     $date = $this->date;
     if ($date->toString('N') > 1) {
         $date = $date->subDay($date->toString('N') - 1);
     $startWeek = $date;
     $currentDay = clone $startWeek;
     while ($currentDay->compareWeek($startWeek) == 0) {
         $this->addSubperiod(new Day($currentDay));
         $currentDay = $currentDay->addDay(1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * General method to get transitions for an action
  * @param $actionName
  * @param $actionType "url"|"title"
  * @param $idSite
  * @param $period
  * @param $date
  * @param bool $segment
  * @param bool $limitBeforeGrouping
  * @param string $parts
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 public function getTransitionsForAction($actionName, $actionType, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $limitBeforeGrouping = false, $parts = 'all')
     // get idaction of the requested action
     $idaction = $this->deriveIdAction($actionName, $actionType);
     if ($idaction < 0) {
         throw new Exception('NoDataForAction');
     // prepare log aggregator
     $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSite);
     $site = new Site($idSite);
     $period = Period::factory($period, $date);
     $params = new ArchiveProcessor\Parameters($site, $period, $segment);
     $logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params);
     // prepare the report
     $report = array('date' => Period::factory($period->getLabel(), $date)->getLocalizedShortString());
     $partsArray = explode(',', $parts);
     if ($parts == 'all' || in_array('internalReferrers', $partsArray)) {
         $this->addInternalReferrers($logAggregator, $report, $idaction, $actionType, $limitBeforeGrouping);
     if ($parts == 'all' || in_array('followingActions', $partsArray)) {
         $includeLoops = $parts != 'all' && !in_array('internalReferrers', $partsArray);
         $this->addFollowingActions($logAggregator, $report, $idaction, $actionType, $limitBeforeGrouping, $includeLoops);
     if ($parts == 'all' || in_array('externalReferrers', $partsArray)) {
         $this->addExternalReferrers($logAggregator, $report, $idaction, $actionType, $limitBeforeGrouping);
     // derive the number of exits from the other metrics
     if ($parts == 'all') {
         $report['pageMetrics']['exits'] = $report['pageMetrics']['pageviews'] - $this->getTotalTransitionsToFollowingActions() - $report['pageMetrics']['loops'];
     // replace column names in the data tables
     $reportNames = array('previousPages' => true, 'previousSiteSearches' => false, 'followingPages' => true, 'followingSiteSearches' => false, 'outlinks' => true, 'downloads' => true);
     foreach ($reportNames as $reportName => $replaceLabel) {
         if (isset($report[$reportName])) {
             $columnNames = array(Metrics::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS => 'referrals');
             if ($replaceLabel) {
                 $columnNames[Metrics::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS] = 'referrals';
             $report[$reportName]->filter('ReplaceColumnNames', array($columnNames));
     return $report;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Returns datatable describing the number of visits for each day of the week.
  * @param string $idSite The site ID. Cannot refer to multiple sites.
  * @param string $period The period type: day, week, year, range...
  * @param string $date The start date of the period. Cannot refer to multiple dates.
  * @param bool|string $segment The segment.
  * @throws Exception
  * @return DataTable
 public function getByDayOfWeek($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false)
     // metrics to query
     $metrics = Metrics::getVisitsMetricNames();
     // disabled for multiple dates
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period)) {
         throw new Exception("VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek does not support multiple dates.");
     // get metric data for every day within the supplied period
     $oPeriod = Period\Factory::makePeriodFromQueryParams(Site::getTimezoneFor($idSite), $period, $date);
     $dateRange = $oPeriod->getDateStart()->toString() . ',' . $oPeriod->getDateEnd()->toString();
     $archive = Archive::build($idSite, 'day', $dateRange, $segment);
     // disabled for multiple sites
     if (count($archive->getParams()->getIdSites()) > 1) {
         throw new Exception("VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek does not support multiple sites.");
     $dataTable = $archive->getDataTableFromNumeric($metrics)->mergeChildren();
     // if there's no data for this report, don't bother w/ anything else
     if ($dataTable->getRowsCount() == 0) {
         return $dataTable;
     // group by the day of the week (see below for dayOfWeekFromDate function)
     $dataTable->filter('GroupBy', array('label', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\dayOfWeekFromDate'));
     // create new datatable w/ empty rows, then add calculated datatable
     $rows = array();
     foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as $day) {
         $rows[] = array('label' => $day, 'nb_visits' => 0);
     $result = new DataTable();
     // set day of week integer as metadata
     $result->filter('ColumnCallbackAddMetadata', array('label', 'day_of_week'));
     // translate labels
     $result->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', array('label', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\translateDayOfWeek'));
     // set datatable metadata for period start & finish
     $result->setMetadata('date_start', $oPeriod->getDateStart());
     $result->setMetadata('date_end', $oPeriod->getDateEnd());
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Creates a new Period instance with a period ID and {@link Date} instance.
  * _Note: This method cannot create {@link Period\Range} periods._
  * @param string $period `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`, `"year"`, `"range"`.
  * @param Date|string $date A date within the period or the range of dates.
  * @param Date|string $timezone Optional timezone that will be used only when $period is 'range' or $date is 'last|previous'
  * @throws Exception If `$strPeriod` is invalid.
  * @return \Piwik\Period
 public static function build($period, $date, $timezone = 'UTC')
     if (is_string($date)) {
         if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period) || $period == 'range') {
             return new Range($period, $date, $timezone);
         $date = Date::factory($date);
     switch ($period) {
         case 'day':
             return new Day($date);
         case 'week':
             return new Week($date);
         case 'month':
             return new Month($date);
         case 'year':
             return new Year($date);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Adds new subperiods
  * @param Date $startDate
  * @param Date $endDate
  * @param string $period
 protected function fillArraySubPeriods($startDate, $endDate, $period)
     $arrayPeriods = array();
     $endSubperiod = Period::factory($period, $endDate);
     $arrayPeriods[] = $endSubperiod;
     // set end date to start of end period since we're comparing against start date.
     $endDate = $endSubperiod->getDateStart();
     while ($endDate->isLater($startDate)) {
         $endDate = $endDate->addPeriod(-1, $period);
         $subPeriod = Period::factory($period, $endDate);
         $arrayPeriods[] = $subPeriod;
     $arrayPeriods = array_reverse($arrayPeriods);
     foreach ($arrayPeriods as $period) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Returns `true` if this instance will request a single DataTable, `false` if requesting
  * more than one.
  * @return bool
 public function isRequestingSingleDataTable()
     $requestArray = $this->request->getRequestArray() + $_GET + $_POST;
     $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', null, 'string', $requestArray);
     $period = Common::getRequestVar('period', null, 'string', $requestArray);
     $idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', null, 'string', $requestArray);
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period) || strpos($idSite, ',') !== false || $idSite == 'all') {
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @expectedException \Exception
  * @expectedExceptionMessage General_ExceptionInvalidDateFormat
  * @dataProvider getInvalidDateFormats
 public function testValidate_InvalidDates($invalidDateFormat)
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param $archiveGroups
  * @param $site
  * @param $period
 private function prepareArchive(array $archiveGroups, Site $site, Period $period)
     $parameters = new ArchiveProcessor\Parameters($site, $period, $this->params->getSegment(), $this->params->isSkipAggregationOfSubTables());
     $archiveLoader = new ArchiveProcessor\Loader($parameters);
     $periodString = $period->getRangeString();
     // process for each plugin as well
     foreach ($archiveGroups as $plugin) {
         $doneFlag = $this->getDoneStringForPlugin($plugin);
         $idArchive = $archiveLoader->prepareArchive($plugin);
         if ($idArchive) {
             $this->idarchives[$doneFlag][$periodString][] = $idArchive;
 private function makeSureToWorkOnFirstLevelDataTable($table)
     if (!array_key_exists('idSubtable', $this->request)) {
         return $table;
     $firstLevelReport = $this->findFirstLevelReport();
     if (empty($firstLevelReport)) {
         // it is not a subtable report
         $module = $this->apiModule;
         $action = $this->apiMethod;
     } else {
         $module = $firstLevelReport->getModule();
         $action = $firstLevelReport->getAction();
     $request = $this->request;
     /** @var \Piwik\Period $period */
     $period = $table->getMetadata('period');
     if (!empty($period)) {
         // we want a dataTable, not a dataTable\map
         if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($request['date'], $request['period']) || 'range' == $period->getLabel()) {
             $request['date'] = $period->getRangeString();
             $request['period'] = 'range';
         } else {
             $request['date'] = $period->getDateStart()->toString();
             $request['period'] = $period->getLabel();
     $table = $this->callApiAndReturnDataTable($module, $action, $request);
     if ($table instanceof DataTable\Map) {
         $table = $table->mergeChildren();
     return $table;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Returns start & end dates for the range described by a period and optional lastN
  * argument.
  * @param string|bool $date The start date of the period (or the date range of a range
  *                           period).
  * @param string $period The period type ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year' or 'range').
  * @param bool|int $lastN Whether to include the last N periods in the range or not.
  *                         Ignored if period == range.
  * @return Date[]   array of Date objects or array(false, false)
  * @ignore
 public static function getDateRangeForPeriod($date, $period, $lastN = false)
     if ($date === false) {
         return array(false, false);
     // if the range is just a normal period (or the period is a range in which case lastN is ignored)
     if ($lastN === false || $period == 'range') {
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $oPeriod = new Range('day', $date);
         } else {
             $oPeriod = Period::factory($period, Date::factory($date));
         $startDate = $oPeriod->getDateStart();
         $endDate = $oPeriod->getDateEnd();
     } else {
         list($date, $lastN) = EvolutionViz::getDateRangeAndLastN($period, $date, $lastN);
         list($startDate, $endDate) = explode(',', $date);
         $startDate = Date::factory($startDate);
         $endDate = Date::factory($endDate);
     return array($startDate, $endDate);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Returns a prettified date string for use in period selector widget.
  * @param Period $period The period to return a pretty string for.
  * @return string
  * @api
 public static function getCalendarPrettyDate($period)
     if ($period instanceof Month) {
         // show month name when period is for a month
         return $period->getLocalizedLongString();
     } else {
         return $period->getPrettyString();
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Returns a prettified date string for use in period selector widget.
  * @param Period $period The period to return a pretty string for.
  * @return string
  * @api
 public static function getCalendarPrettyDate($period)
     if ($period instanceof Month) {
         return $period->getLocalizedLongString();
     } else {
         return $period->getPrettyString();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function getProcessedReport($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $segment = false, $apiParameters = false, $idGoal = false, $language = false, $showTimer = true, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $idSubtable = false, $showRawMetrics = false)
     $timer = new Timer();
     if (empty($apiParameters)) {
         $apiParameters = array();
     if (!empty($idGoal) && empty($apiParameters['idGoal'])) {
         $apiParameters['idGoal'] = $idGoal;
     // Is this report found in the Metadata available reports?
     $reportMetadata = $this->getMetadata($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $apiParameters, $language, $period, $date, $hideMetricsDoc, $showSubtableReports = true);
     if (empty($reportMetadata)) {
         throw new Exception("Requested report {$apiModule}.{$apiAction} for Website id={$idSite} not found in the list of available reports. \n");
     $reportMetadata = reset($reportMetadata);
     // Generate Api call URL passing custom parameters
     $parameters = array_merge($apiParameters, array('method' => $apiModule . '.' . $apiAction, 'idSite' => $idSite, 'period' => $period, 'date' => $date, 'format' => 'original', 'serialize' => '0', 'language' => $language, 'idSubtable' => $idSubtable));
     if (!empty($segment)) {
         $parameters['segment'] = $segment;
     $url = Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
     $request = new Request($url);
     try {
         /** @var DataTable */
         $dataTable = $request->process();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("API returned an error: " . $e->getMessage() . " at " . basename($e->getFile()) . ":" . $e->getLine() . "\n");
     list($newReport, $columns, $rowsMetadata, $totals) = $this->handleTableReport($idSite, $dataTable, $reportMetadata, $showRawMetrics);
     foreach ($columns as $columnId => &$name) {
         $name = ucfirst($name);
     $website = new Site($idSite);
     $period = Period::factory($period, $date);
     $period = $period->getLocalizedLongString();
     $return = array('website' => $website->getName(), 'prettyDate' => $period, 'metadata' => $reportMetadata, 'columns' => $columns, 'reportData' => $newReport, 'reportMetadata' => $rowsMetadata, 'reportTotal' => $totals);
     if ($showTimer) {
         $return['timerMillis'] = $timer->getTimeMs(0);
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Sends the http headers for csv file
 protected function renderHeader()
     $fileName = 'Piwik ' . Piwik::translate('General_Export');
     $period = Common::getRequestVar('period', false);
     $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', false);
     if ($period || $date) {
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $period = new Range($period, $date);
         } else {
             if (strpos($date, ',') !== false) {
                 $period = new Range('range', $date);
             } else {
                 $period = Period::factory($period, Date::factory($date));
         $prettyDate = $period->getLocalizedLongString();
         $meta = $this->getApiMetaData();
         $fileName .= ' _ ' . $meta['name'] . ' _ ' . $prettyDate . '.csv';
     // silent fail otherwise unit tests fail
     @header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
     @header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * @param array $reports
  * @param array $info
  * @return mixed
 public function getReportMetadata(&$reports, $info)
     $idSites = $info['idSites'];
     // If only one website is selected, we add the Graph URL
     if (count($idSites) != 1) {
     $idSite = reset($idSites);
     // in case API.getReportMetadata was not called with date/period we use sane defaults
     if (empty($info['period'])) {
         $info['period'] = 'day';
     if (empty($info['date'])) {
         $info['date'] = 'today';
     // need two sets of period & date, one for single period graphs, one for multiple periods graphs
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($info['date'], $info['period'])) {
         $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['period'];
         $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
         $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = 'range';
         $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
     } else {
         $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['period'];
         $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
         $piwikSite = new Site($idSite);
         if ($periodForSinglePeriodGraph == 'range') {
             $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = Config::getInstance()->General['graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range'];
             $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph;
         } else {
             $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph;
             $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = Range::getRelativeToEndDate($periodForSinglePeriodGraph, 'last' . self::GRAPH_EVOLUTION_LAST_PERIODS, $dateForSinglePeriodGraph, $piwikSite);
     $token_auth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false);
     $urlPrefix = "index.php?";
     foreach ($reports as &$report) {
         $reportModule = $report['module'];
         $reportAction = $report['action'];
         $reportUniqueId = $reportModule . '_' . $reportAction;
         $parameters = array();
         $parameters['module'] = 'API';
         $parameters['method'] = 'ImageGraph.get';
         $parameters['idSite'] = $idSite;
         $parameters['apiModule'] = $reportModule;
         $parameters['apiAction'] = $reportAction;
         if (!empty($token_auth)) {
             $parameters['token_auth'] = $token_auth;
         // Forward custom Report parameters to the graph URL
         if (!empty($report['parameters'])) {
             $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $report['parameters']);
         if (empty($report['dimension'])) {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph;
         } else {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph;
         // add the idSubtable if it exists
         $idSubtable = Common::getRequestVar('idSubtable', false);
         if ($idSubtable !== false) {
             $parameters['idSubtable'] = $idSubtable;
         if (!empty($_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin']) && TaskScheduler::isTaskBeingExecuted()) {
             $parameters['_restrictSitesToLogin'] = $_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin'];
         $report['imageGraphUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
         // thanks to API.getRowEvolution, reports with dimensions can now be plotted using an evolution graph
         // however, most reports with a fixed set of dimension values are excluded
         // this is done so Piwik Mobile and Scheduled Reports do not display them
         $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution = empty($report['constantRowsCount']) || in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$CONSTANT_ROW_COUNT_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS);
         $reportSupportsEvolution = !in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$REPORTS_DISABLED_EVOLUTION_GRAPH);
         if ($reportSupportsEvolution && $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution) {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $report['imageGraphEvolutionUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function get($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $graphType = false, $outputType = API::GRAPH_OUTPUT_INLINE, $columns = false, $labels = false, $showLegend = true, $width = false, $height = false, $fontSize = API::DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, $legendFontSize = false, $aliasedGraph = true, $idGoal = false, $colors = false, $textColor = API::DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR, $backgroundColor = API::DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, $gridColor = API::DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR, $idSubtable = false, $legendAppendMetric = true, $segment = false)
     // Health check - should we also test for GD2 only?
     if (!SettingsServer::isGdExtensionEnabled()) {
         throw new Exception('Error: To create graphs in Piwik, please enable GD php extension (with Freetype support) in php.ini,
         and restart your web server.');
     $useUnicodeFont = array('am', 'ar', 'el', 'fa', 'fi', 'he', 'ja', 'ka', 'ko', 'te', 'th', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw');
     $languageLoaded = Translate::getLanguageLoaded();
     $font = self::getFontPath(self::DEFAULT_FONT);
     if (in_array($languageLoaded, $useUnicodeFont)) {
         $unicodeFontPath = self::getFontPath(self::UNICODE_FONT);
         $font = file_exists($unicodeFontPath) ? $unicodeFontPath : $font;
     // save original GET to reset after processing. Important for API-in-API-call
     $savedGET = $_GET;
     try {
         $apiParameters = array();
         if (!empty($idGoal)) {
             $apiParameters = array('idGoal' => $idGoal);
         // Fetch the metadata for given api-action
         $metadata = APIMetadata::getInstance()->getMetadata($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $apiParameters, $languageLoaded, $period, $date, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $showSubtableReports = true);
         if (!$metadata) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid API Module and/or API Action');
         $metadata = $metadata[0];
         $reportHasDimension = !empty($metadata['dimension']);
         $constantRowsCount = !empty($metadata['constantRowsCount']);
         $isMultiplePeriod = Period::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period);
         if (!$reportHasDimension && !$isMultiplePeriod) {
             throw new Exception('The graph cannot be drawn for this combination of \'date\' and \'period\' parameters.');
         if (empty($legendFontSize)) {
             $legendFontSize = (int) $fontSize + self::DEFAULT_LEGEND_FONT_SIZE_OFFSET;
         if (empty($graphType)) {
             if ($isMultiplePeriod) {
                 $graphType = StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_BASIC_LINE;
             } else {
                 if ($constantRowsCount) {
                     $graphType = StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_VERTICAL_BAR;
                 } else {
                     $graphType = StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_BAR;
             $reportUniqueId = $metadata['uniqueId'];
             if (isset(self::$DEFAULT_GRAPH_TYPE_OVERRIDE[$reportUniqueId][$isMultiplePeriod])) {
                 $graphType = self::$DEFAULT_GRAPH_TYPE_OVERRIDE[$reportUniqueId][$isMultiplePeriod];
         } else {
             $availableGraphTypes = StaticGraph::getAvailableStaticGraphTypes();
             if (!in_array($graphType, $availableGraphTypes)) {
                 throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType', array($graphType, implode(', ', $availableGraphTypes))));
         $width = (int) $width;
         $height = (int) $height;
         if (empty($width)) {
             $width = self::$DEFAULT_PARAMETERS[$graphType][self::WIDTH_KEY];
         if (empty($height)) {
             $height = self::$DEFAULT_PARAMETERS[$graphType][self::HEIGHT_KEY];
         // Cap width and height to a safe amount
         $width = min($width, self::MAX_WIDTH);
         $height = min($height, self::MAX_HEIGHT);
         $reportColumns = array_merge(!empty($metadata['metrics']) ? $metadata['metrics'] : array(), !empty($metadata['processedMetrics']) ? $metadata['processedMetrics'] : array(), !empty($metadata['metricsGoal']) ? $metadata['metricsGoal'] : array(), !empty($metadata['processedMetricsGoal']) ? $metadata['processedMetricsGoal'] : array());
         $ordinateColumns = array();
         if (empty($columns)) {
             $ordinateColumns[] = empty($reportColumns[self::DEFAULT_ORDINATE_METRIC]) ? key($metadata['metrics']) : self::DEFAULT_ORDINATE_METRIC;
         } else {
             $ordinateColumns = explode(',', $columns);
             foreach ($ordinateColumns as $column) {
                 if (empty($reportColumns[$column])) {
                     throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('ImageGraph_ColumnOrdinateMissing', array($column, implode(',', array_keys($reportColumns)))));
         $ordinateLabels = array();
         foreach ($ordinateColumns as $column) {
             $ordinateLabels[$column] = $reportColumns[$column];
         // sort and truncate filters
         $defaultFilterTruncate = self::$DEFAULT_PARAMETERS[$graphType][self::TRUNCATE_KEY];
         switch ($graphType) {
             case StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_3D_PIE:
             case StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_BASIC_PIE:
                 if (count($ordinateColumns) > 1) {
                     // pChart doesn't support multiple series on pie charts
                     throw new Exception("Pie charts do not currently support multiple series");
                 $_GET['filter_sort_column'] = reset($ordinateColumns);
             case StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_VERTICAL_BAR:
             case StaticGraph::GRAPH_TYPE_BASIC_LINE:
                 if (!$isMultiplePeriod && !$constantRowsCount) {
         $ordinateLogos = array();
         // row evolutions
         if ($isMultiplePeriod && $reportHasDimension) {
             $plottedMetric = reset($ordinateColumns);
             // when no labels are specified, getRowEvolution returns the top N=filter_limit row evolutions
             // rows are sorted using filter_sort_column (see DataTableGenericFilter for more info)
             if (!$labels) {
                 $savedFilterSortColumnValue = Common::getRequestVar('filter_sort_column', '');
                 $_GET['filter_sort_column'] = $plottedMetric;
                 $savedFilterLimitValue = Common::getRequestVar('filter_limit', -1, 'int');
                 if ($savedFilterLimitValue == -1 || $savedFilterLimitValue > self::MAX_NB_ROW_LABELS) {
                     $_GET['filter_limit'] = self::DEFAULT_NB_ROW_EVOLUTIONS;
             $processedReport = APIMetadata::getInstance()->getRowEvolution($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $segment, $plottedMetric, $languageLoaded, $idGoal, $legendAppendMetric, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl = false);
             //@review this test will need to be updated after evaluating the @review comment in API/API.php
             if (!$processedReport) {
                 throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('General_NoDataForGraph'));
             // restoring generic filter parameters
             if (!$labels) {
                 $_GET['filter_sort_column'] = $savedFilterSortColumnValue;
                 if ($savedFilterLimitValue != -1) {
                     $_GET['filter_limit'] = $savedFilterLimitValue;
             // retrieve metric names & labels
             $metrics = $processedReport['metadata']['metrics'];
             $ordinateLabels = array();
             // getRowEvolution returned more than one label
             if (!array_key_exists($plottedMetric, $metrics)) {
                 $ordinateColumns = array();
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($metrics as $metric => $info) {
                     $ordinateColumn = $plottedMetric . '_' . $i++;
                     $ordinateColumns[] = $metric;
                     $ordinateLabels[$ordinateColumn] = $info['name'];
                     if (isset($info['logo'])) {
                         $ordinateLogo = $info['logo'];
                         // @review pChart does not support gifs in graph legends, would it be possible to convert all plugin pictures (cookie.gif, flash.gif, ..) to png files?
                         if (!strstr($ordinateLogo, '.gif')) {
                             $absoluteLogoPath = self::getAbsoluteLogoPath($ordinateLogo);
                             if (file_exists($absoluteLogoPath)) {
                                 $ordinateLogos[$ordinateColumn] = $absoluteLogoPath;
             } else {
                 $ordinateLabels[$plottedMetric] = $processedReport['label'] . ' (' . $metrics[$plottedMetric]['name'] . ')';
         } else {
             $processedReport = APIMetadata::getInstance()->getProcessedReport($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $segment, $apiParameters = false, $idGoal, $languageLoaded, $showTimer = true, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $idSubtable, $showRawMetrics = false);
         // prepare abscissa and ordinate series
         $abscissaSeries = array();
         $abscissaLogos = array();
         $ordinateSeries = array();
         /** @var \Piwik\DataTable\Simple|\Piwik\DataTable\Map $reportData */
         $reportData = $processedReport['reportData'];
         $hasData = false;
         $hasNonZeroValue = false;
         if (!$isMultiplePeriod) {
             $reportMetadata = $processedReport['reportMetadata']->getRows();
             $i = 0;
             // $reportData instanceof DataTable
             foreach ($reportData->getRows() as $row) {
                 // $row instanceof Row
                 $rowData = $row->getColumns();
                 // Associative Array
                 $abscissaSeries[] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($rowData['label']);
                 foreach ($ordinateColumns as $column) {
                     $parsedOrdinateValue = $this->parseOrdinateValue($rowData[$column]);
                     $hasData = true;
                     if ($parsedOrdinateValue != 0) {
                         $hasNonZeroValue = true;
                     $ordinateSeries[$column][] = $parsedOrdinateValue;
                 if (isset($reportMetadata[$i])) {
                     $rowMetadata = $reportMetadata[$i]->getColumns();
                     if (isset($rowMetadata['logo'])) {
                         $absoluteLogoPath = self::getAbsoluteLogoPath($rowMetadata['logo']);
                         if (file_exists($absoluteLogoPath)) {
                             $abscissaLogos[$i] = $absoluteLogoPath;
         } else {
             // $periodsData instanceof Simple[]
             $periodsData = array_values($reportData->getDataTables());
             $periodsCount = count($periodsData);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $periodsCount; $i++) {
                 // $periodsData[$i] instanceof Simple
                 // $rows instanceof Row[]
                 if (empty($periodsData[$i])) {
                 $rows = $periodsData[$i]->getRows();
                 if (array_key_exists(0, $rows)) {
                     $rowData = $rows[0]->getColumns();
                     // associative Array
                     foreach ($ordinateColumns as $column) {
                         $ordinateValue = $rowData[$column];
                         $parsedOrdinateValue = $this->parseOrdinateValue($ordinateValue);
                         $hasData = true;
                         if (!empty($parsedOrdinateValue)) {
                             $hasNonZeroValue = true;
                         $ordinateSeries[$column][] = $parsedOrdinateValue;
                 } else {
                     foreach ($ordinateColumns as $column) {
                         $ordinateSeries[$column][] = 0;
                 $rowId = $periodsData[$i]->getMetadata(DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX)->getLocalizedShortString();
                 $abscissaSeries[] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($rowId);
         if (!$hasData || !$hasNonZeroValue) {
             throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('General_NoDataForGraph'));
         //Setup the graph
         $graph = StaticGraph::factory($graphType);
         $graph->setColors(!empty($colors) ? explode(',', $colors) : array());
         // when requested period is day, x-axis unit is time and all date labels can not be displayed
         // within requested width, force labels to be skipped every 6 days to delimit weeks
         if ($period == 'day' && $isMultiplePeriod) {
         // render graph
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $graph = new \Piwik\Plugins\ImageGraph\StaticGraph\Exception();
     // restoring get parameters
     $_GET = $savedGET;
     switch ($outputType) {
         case self::GRAPH_OUTPUT_FILE:
             if ($idGoal != '') {
                 $idGoal = '_' . $idGoal;
             $fileName = self::$DEFAULT_PARAMETERS[$graphType][self::FILENAME_KEY] . '_' . $apiModule . '_' . $apiAction . $idGoal . ' ' . str_replace(',', '-', $date) . ' ' . $idSite . '.png';
             $fileName = str_replace(array(' ', '/'), '_', $fileName);
             if (!Filesystem::isValidFilename($fileName)) {
                 throw new Exception('Error: Image graph filename ' . $fileName . ' is not valid.');
             return $graph->sendToDisk($fileName);
         case self::GRAPH_OUTPUT_PHP:
             return $graph->getRenderedImage();
         case self::GRAPH_OUTPUT_INLINE:
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function getSitesInfo($isWidgetized = false)
     $displayRevenueColumn = Common::isGoalPluginEnabled();
     $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today');
     $period = Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day');
     $siteIds = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
     list($minDate, $maxDate) = Site::getMinMaxDateAcrossWebsites($siteIds);
     // overwrites the default Date set in the parent controller
     // Instead of the default current website's local date,
     // we set "today" or "yesterday" based on the default Piwik timezone
     $piwikDefaultTimezone = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getDefaultTimezone();
     if ($period != 'range') {
         $date = $this->getDateParameterInTimezone($date, $piwikDefaultTimezone);
         $date = $date->toString();
     $dataTable = APIMultiSites::getInstance()->getAll($period, $date, $segment = false);
     // put data into a form the template will understand better
     $digestableData = array();
     foreach ($siteIds as $idSite) {
         $isEcommerceEnabled = Site::isEcommerceEnabledFor($idSite);
         $digestableData[$idSite] = array('idsite' => $idSite, 'main_url' => Site::getMainUrlFor($idSite), 'name' => Site::getNameFor($idSite), 'visits' => 0, 'pageviews' => 0);
         if ($period != 'range') {
             $digestableData[$idSite]['visits_evolution'] = 0;
             $digestableData[$idSite]['pageviews_evolution'] = 0;
         if ($displayRevenueColumn) {
             $revenueDefault = $isEcommerceEnabled ? 0 : "'-'";
             if ($period != 'range') {
                 $digestableData[$idSite]['revenue_evolution'] = $revenueDefault;
     foreach ($dataTable->getRows() as $row) {
         $idsite = (int) $row->getMetadata('idsite');
         $site =& $digestableData[$idsite];
         $site['visits'] = (int) $row->getColumn('nb_visits');
         $site['pageviews'] = (int) $row->getColumn('nb_pageviews');
         if ($displayRevenueColumn) {
             if ($row->getColumn('revenue') !== false) {
                 $site['revenue'] = $row->getColumn('revenue');
         if ($period != 'range') {
             $site['visits_evolution'] = $row->getColumn('visits_evolution');
             $site['pageviews_evolution'] = $row->getColumn('pageviews_evolution');
             if ($displayRevenueColumn) {
                 $site['revenue_evolution'] = $row->getColumn('revenue_evolution');
     $view = new View("@MultiSites/getSitesInfo");
     $view->isWidgetized = $isWidgetized;
     $view->sitesData = array_values($digestableData);
     $view->evolutionBy = $this->evolutionBy;
     $view->period = $period;
     $view->page = $this->page;
     $view->limit = $this->limit;
     $view->orderBy = $this->orderBy;
     $view->order = $this->order;
     $view->totalVisits = $dataTable->getMetadata('total_nb_visits');
     $view->totalRevenue = $dataTable->getMetadata('total_revenue');
     $view->displayRevenueColumn = $displayRevenueColumn;
     $view->totalPageviews = $dataTable->getMetadata('total_nb_pageviews');
     $view->pastTotalVisits = $dataTable->getMetadata('last_period_total_nb_visits');
     $view->totalVisitsEvolution = $dataTable->getMetadata('total_visits_evolution');
     if ($view->totalVisitsEvolution > 0) {
         $view->totalVisitsEvolution = '+' . $view->totalVisitsEvolution;
     if ($period != 'range') {
         $lastPeriod = Period::factory($period, $dataTable->getMetadata('last_period_date'));
         $view->pastPeriodPretty = self::getCalendarPrettyDate($lastPeriod);
     $params = $this->getGraphParamsModified();
     $view->dateSparkline = $period == 'range' ? $date : $params['date'];
     $view->autoRefreshTodayReport = false;
     // if the current date is today, or yesterday,
     // in case the website is set to UTC-12), or today in UTC+14, we refresh the page every 5min
     if (in_array($date, array('today', date('Y-m-d'), 'yesterday', Date::factory('yesterday')->toString('Y-m-d'), Date::factory('now', 'UTC+14')->toString('Y-m-d')))) {
         $view->autoRefreshTodayReport = Config::getInstance()->General['multisites_refresh_after_seconds'];
     $this->setMinDateView($minDate, $view);
     $this->setMaxDateView($maxDate, $view);
     $view->show_sparklines = Config::getInstance()->General['show_multisites_sparklines'];
     return $view->render();
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Returns the end date of the period.
  * @return null|Date
 public function getDateEnd()
     if (!is_null($this->endDate)) {
         return $this->endDate;
     return parent::getDateEnd();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private function markReportAsSent($report, Period $period)
     $key = self::OPTION_KEY_LAST_SENT_DATERANGE . $report['idreport'];
     Option::set($key, $period->getRangeString());
Ejemplo n.º 26
 protected static function makeLockName($idsite, Period $period, Segment $segment)
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     $lockName = 'piwik.' . $config->database['dbname'] . '.' . $config->database['tables_prefix'] . '/' . $idsite . '/' . (!$segment->isEmpty() ? $segment->getHash() . '/' : '') . $period->getId() . '/' . $period->getDateStart()->toString('Y-m-d') . ',' . $period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d');
     return $lockName . '/' . md5($lockName . SettingsPiwik::getSalt());
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private static function getDateRangeForFooterMessage()
     // get query params
     $idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false);
     $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', false);
     $period = Common::getRequestVar('period', false);
     // create a period instance
     try {
         $oPeriod = Period::makePeriodFromQueryParams(Site::getTimezoneFor($idSite), $period, $date);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return '';
         // if query params are incorrect, forget about the footer message
     // set the footer message using the period start & end date
     $start = $oPeriod->getDateStart()->toString();
     $end = $oPeriod->getDateEnd()->toString();
     if ($start == $end) {
         $dateRange = $start;
     } else {
         $dateRange = $start . " &ndash; " . $end;
     return $dateRange;
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * @param array $reports
  * @param array $info
  * @return mixed
 public function getReportMetadata(&$reports, $info)
     $idSites = $info['idSites'];
     // If only one website is selected, we add the Graph URL
     if (count($idSites) != 1) {
     $idSite = reset($idSites);
     // in case API.getReportMetadata was not called with date/period we use sane defaults
     if (empty($info['period'])) {
         $info['period'] = 'day';
     if (empty($info['date'])) {
         $info['date'] = 'today';
     // need two sets of period & date, one for single period graphs, one for multiple periods graphs
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($info['date'], $info['period'])) {
         $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['period'];
         $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
         $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = 'range';
         $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
     } else {
         $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['period'];
         $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
         $piwikSite = new Site($idSite);
         if ($periodForSinglePeriodGraph == 'range') {
             // for period=range, show the configured sub-periods
             $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = Config::getInstance()->General['graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range'];
             $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph;
         } else {
             if ($info['period'] == 'day' || !Config::getInstance()->General['graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period']) {
                 // for period=day, always show the last n days
                 // if graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period=false, show the last n periods
                 $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph;
                 $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = Range::getRelativeToEndDate($periodForSinglePeriodGraph, 'last' . self::GRAPH_EVOLUTION_LAST_PERIODS, $dateForSinglePeriodGraph, $piwikSite);
             } else {
                 // if graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period=true, show the days within the period
                 // (except if the period is day, see above)
                 $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = 'day';
                 $period = PeriodFactory::build($info['period'], $info['date']);
                 $start = $period->getDateStart()->toString();
                 $end = $period->getDateEnd()->toString();
                 $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $start . ',' . $end;
     $token_auth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false);
     $segment = Request::getRawSegmentFromRequest();
     /** @var Scheduler $scheduler */
     $scheduler = StaticContainer::getContainer()->get('Piwik\\Scheduler\\Scheduler');
     $isRunningTask = $scheduler->isRunningTask();
     // add the idSubtable if it exists
     $idSubtable = Common::getRequestVar('idSubtable', false);
     $urlPrefix = "index.php?";
     foreach ($reports as &$report) {
         $reportModule = $report['module'];
         $reportAction = $report['action'];
         $reportUniqueId = $reportModule . '_' . $reportAction;
         $parameters = array();
         $parameters['module'] = 'API';
         $parameters['method'] = 'ImageGraph.get';
         $parameters['idSite'] = $idSite;
         $parameters['apiModule'] = $reportModule;
         $parameters['apiAction'] = $reportAction;
         if (!empty($token_auth)) {
             $parameters['token_auth'] = $token_auth;
         // Forward custom Report parameters to the graph URL
         if (!empty($report['parameters'])) {
             $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $report['parameters']);
         if (empty($report['dimension'])) {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph;
         } else {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph;
         if ($idSubtable !== false) {
             $parameters['idSubtable'] = $idSubtable;
         if (!empty($_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin']) && $isRunningTask) {
             $parameters['_restrictSitesToLogin'] = $_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin'];
         if (!empty($segment)) {
             $parameters['segment'] = $segment;
         $report['imageGraphUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
         // thanks to API.getRowEvolution, reports with dimensions can now be plotted using an evolution graph
         // however, most reports with a fixed set of dimension values are excluded
         // this is done so Piwik Mobile and Scheduled Reports do not display them
         $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution = empty($report['constantRowsCount']) || in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$CONSTANT_ROW_COUNT_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS);
         $reportSupportsEvolution = !in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$REPORTS_DISABLED_EVOLUTION_GRAPH);
         if ($reportSupportsEvolution && $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution) {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $report['imageGraphEvolutionUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Creates a Period instance using a period, date and timezone.
  * @param string $timezone The timezone of the date. Only used if `$date` is `'now'`, `'today'`,
  *                         `'yesterday'` or `'yesterdaySameTime'`.
  * @param string $period The period string: `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`, `"year"`, `"range"`.
  * @param string $date The date or date range string. Can be a special value including
  *                     `'now'`, `'today'`, `'yesterday'`, `'yesterdaySameTime'`.
  * @return \Piwik\Period
 public static function makePeriodFromQueryParams($timezone, $period, $date)
     if (empty($timezone)) {
         $timezone = 'UTC';
     if ($period == 'range') {
         $oPeriod = new Period\Range('range', $date, $timezone, Date::factory('today', $timezone));
     } else {
         if (!$date instanceof Date) {
             if ($date == 'now' || $date == 'today') {
                 $date = date('Y-m-d', Date::factory('now', $timezone)->getTimestamp());
             } elseif ($date == 'yesterday' || $date == 'yesterdaySameTime') {
                 $date = date('Y-m-d', Date::factory('now', $timezone)->subDay(1)->getTimestamp());
             $date = Date::factory($date);
         $oPeriod = Period::factory($period, $date);
     return $oPeriod;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static function getMinTimeProcessedForTemporaryArchive(Date $dateStart, \Piwik\Period $period, Segment $segment, Site $site)
     $now = time();
     $minimumArchiveTime = $now - Rules::getTodayArchiveTimeToLive();
     $idSites = array($site->getId());
     $isArchivingDisabled = Rules::isArchivingDisabledFor($idSites, $segment, $period->getLabel());
     if ($isArchivingDisabled) {
         if ($period->getNumberOfSubperiods() == 0 && $dateStart->getTimestamp() <= $now) {
             // Today: accept any recent enough archive
             $minimumArchiveTime = false;
         } else {
             // This week, this month, this year:
             // accept any archive that was processed today after 00:00:01 this morning
             $timezone = $site->getTimezone();
             $minimumArchiveTime = Date::factory(Date::factory('now', $timezone)->getDateStartUTC())->setTimezone($timezone)->getTimestamp();
     return $minimumArchiveTime;