Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function indexAction()
     $checksPHP = array();
     $checksMySQL = array();
     $checksFS = array();
     $checksApps = array();
     // check for memory limit
     $memoryLimit = ini_get("memory_limit");
     $memoryLimit = filesize2bytes($memoryLimit . "B");
     $state = "ok";
     if ($memoryLimit < 67108000) {
         $state = "error";
     } elseif ($memoryLimit < 134217000) {
         $state = "warning";
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "memory_limit (in php.ini)", "link" => "http://www.php.net/memory_limit", "state" => $state);
     // mcrypt
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "mcrypt", "link" => "http://www.php.net/mcrypt", "state" => function_exists("mcrypt_encrypt") ? "ok" : "error");
     // pdo_mysql
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "PDO_Mysql", "link" => "http://www.php.net/pdo_mysql", "state" => @constant("PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS") ? "ok" : "error");
     // pdo_mysql
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Mysqli", "link" => "http://www.php.net/mysqli", "state" => class_exists("mysqli") ? "ok" : "error");
     // iconv
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "iconv", "link" => "http://www.php.net/iconv", "state" => function_exists("iconv") ? "ok" : "error");
     // dom
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "dom", "link" => "http://www.php.net/dom", "state" => class_exists("DOMDocument") ? "ok" : "error");
     // simplexml
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "SimpleXML", "link" => "http://www.php.net/simplexml", "state" => class_exists("SimpleXMLElement") ? "ok" : "error");
     // gd
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "GD", "link" => "http://www.php.net/gd", "state" => function_exists("gd_info") ? "ok" : "error");
     // exif
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "EXIF", "link" => "http://www.php.net/exif", "state" => function_exists("exif_read_data") ? "ok" : "error");
     // multibyte support
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Multibyte String (mbstring)", "link" => "http://www.php.net/mbstring", "state" => function_exists("mb_get_info") ? "ok" : "error");
     // file_info support
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "File Information (file_info)", "link" => "http://www.php.net/file_info", "state" => function_exists("finfo_open") ? "ok" : "error");
     // zip
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zip", "link" => "http://www.php.net/zip", "state" => class_exists("ZipArchive") ? "ok" : "error");
     // gzip
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zlib / gzip", "link" => "http://www.php.net/zlib", "state" => function_exists("gzcompress") ? "ok" : "error");
     // bzip
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Bzip2", "link" => "http://www.php.net/bzip2", "state" => function_exists("bzcompress") ? "ok" : "error");
     // openssl
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OpenSSL", "link" => "http://www.php.net/openssl", "state" => function_exists("openssl_open") ? "ok" : "error");
     // Imagick
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Imagick", "link" => "http://www.php.net/imagick", "state" => class_exists("Imagick") ? "ok" : "warning");
     // OPcache
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OPcache", "link" => "http://www.php.net/opcache", "state" => function_exists("opcache_reset") ? "ok" : "warning");
     // memcache
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Memcache", "link" => "http://www.php.net/memcache", "state" => class_exists("Memcache") ? "ok" : "warning");
     // Redis
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Redis", "link" => "https://pecl.php.net/package/redis", "state" => class_exists("Redis") ? "ok" : "warning");
     // curl for google api sdk
     $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "curl", "link" => "http://www.php.net/curl", "state" => function_exists("curl_init") ? "ok" : "warning");
     $db = null;
     if ($this->getParam("mysql_adapter")) {
         // this is before installing
         try {
             $dbConfig = ['username' => $this->getParam("mysql_username"), 'password' => $this->getParam("mysql_password"), 'dbname' => $this->getParam("mysql_database")];
             $hostSocketValue = $this->getParam("mysql_host_socket");
             if (file_exists($hostSocketValue)) {
                 $dbConfig["unix_socket"] = $hostSocketValue;
             } else {
                 $dbConfig["host"] = $hostSocketValue;
                 $dbConfig["port"] = $this->getParam("mysql_port");
             $db = \Zend_Db::factory($this->getParam("mysql_adapter"), $dbConfig);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $db = null;
     } else {
         // this is after installing, eg. after a migration, ...
         $db = \Pimcore\Db::get();
     if ($db) {
         // storage engines
         $engines = array();
         $enginesRaw = $db->fetchAll("SHOW ENGINES;");
         foreach ($enginesRaw as $engineRaw) {
             $engines[] = strtolower($engineRaw["Engine"]);
         // innodb
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "InnoDB Support", "state" => in_array("innodb", $engines) ? "ok" : "error");
         // myisam
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MyISAM Support", "state" => in_array("myisam", $engines) ? "ok" : "error");
         // memory
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MEMORY Support", "state" => in_array("memory", $engines) ? "ok" : "error");
         // check database charset =>  utf-8 encoding
         $result = $db->fetchRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character\\_set\\_database"');
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Database Charset UTF8", "state" => $result['Value'] == "utf8" ? "ok" : "error");
         // create table
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check (\n                  id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                  field varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n                  PRIMARY KEY (id)\n                ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // alter table
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check ADD COLUMN alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "ALTER TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // Manage indexes
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\n                  CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL,\n                  CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n                  CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n                  ADD KEY field (field),\n                  DROP PRIMARY KEY ,\n                 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
             $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\n                  CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                  CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n                  CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n                  ADD PRIMARY KEY (id) ,\n                 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Manage Indexes", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // insert data
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->insert("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid()));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "INSERT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // update
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->update("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid()));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "UPDATE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // select
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // create view
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view AS SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // select from view
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check_view");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT (from view)", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // delete
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DELETE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // show create view
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("SHOW CREATE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // show create table
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // drop view
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("DROP VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
         // drop table
         $queryCheck = true;
         try {
             $db->query("DROP TABLE __pimcore_req_check");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $queryCheck = false;
         $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error");
     } else {
         die("Not possible... no or wrong database settings given.<br />Please fill out the MySQL Settings in the install form an click again on `Check Requirements´");
     // filesystem checks
     // website/var writable
     $websiteVarWritable = true;
     try {
         $files = $this->rscandir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (!is_writable($file)) {
                 $websiteVarWritable = false;
         $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/website/var/ writeable", "state" => $websiteVarWritable ? "ok" : "error");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/website/var/ (not checked - too many files)", "state" => "warning");
     // pimcore writeable
     $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/pimcore/ writeable", "state" => \Pimcore\Update::isWriteable() ? "ok" : "warning");
     // system & application checks
     // PHP CLI BIN
     try {
         $phpCliBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Tool\Console::getPhpCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $phpCliBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "PHP CLI Binary", "state" => $phpCliBin ? "ok" : "error");
     // FFMPEG BIN
     try {
         $ffmpegBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Video\Adapter\Ffmpeg::getFfmpegCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $ffmpegBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "FFMPEG (CLI)", "state" => $ffmpegBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     try {
         $wkhtmltopdfBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::getWkhtmltoimageBinary();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wkhtmltopdfBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "wkhtmltoimage (CLI)", "state" => $wkhtmltopdfBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     try {
         $html2textBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Mail::determineHtml2TextIsInstalled();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $html2textBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "mbayer html2text (CLI)", "state" => $html2textBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     // ghostscript BIN
     try {
         $ghostscriptBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\Ghostscript::getGhostscriptCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $ghostscriptBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "Ghostscript (CLI)", "state" => $ghostscriptBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     // LibreOffice BIN
     try {
         $libreofficeBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\LibreOffice::getLibreOfficeCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $libreofficeBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "LibreOffice (CLI)", "state" => $libreofficeBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     // PNG optimizer
     try {
         $pngOptimizer = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::getPngOptimizerCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $pngOptimizer = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "PNG Optimizer (pngcrush)", "state" => $pngOptimizer ? "ok" : "warning");
     // JPEG optimizer
     try {
         $jpgOptimizer = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::getJpegOptimizerCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $jpgOptimizer = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "JPEG Optimizer (imgmin, jpegoptim)", "state" => $jpgOptimizer ? "ok" : "warning");
     // timeout binary
     try {
         $timeoutBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Tool\Console::getTimeoutBinary();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $timeoutBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "timeout - (GNU coreutils)", "state" => $timeoutBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     // pdftotext binary
     try {
         $pdftotextBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\Ghostscript::getPdftotextCli();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $pdftotextBin = false;
     $checksApps[] = array("name" => "pdftotext - (part of poppler-utils)", "state" => $pdftotextBin ? "ok" : "warning");
     $this->view->checksApps = $checksApps;
     $this->view->checksPHP = $checksPHP;
     $this->view->checksMySQL = $checksMySQL;
     $this->view->checksFS = $checksFS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        google_maps_api_key: "<?php 
echo $googleMapsApiKey;
        showCloseConfirmation: true,
        debug_admin_translations: <?php 
echo \Zend_Json::encode((bool) $this->config->general->debug_admin_translations);
        document_generatepreviews: <?php 
echo \Zend_Json::encode((bool) $this->config->documents->generatepreview);
        htmltoimage: <?php 
echo \Zend_Json::encode(\Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::isSupported());
        videoconverter: <?php 
echo \Zend_Json::encode(\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable());
        asset_hide_edit: <?php 
echo $this->config->assets->hide_edit_image ? "true" : "false";

// 3rd party libraries
 protected function featureBug()
     $conf = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig();
     $email = $conf->general->contactemail;
     $this->view->contactEmail = $email;
     if (!$this->getParam("submit")) {
         if (HtmlToImage::isSupported()) {
             $file = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/screen-" . uniqid() . ".jpeg";
             HtmlToImage::convert($this->getParam("url"), $file, 1280, "jpeg");
             $this->view->image = str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $file);
     } else {
         // send the request
         $type = $this->view->type;
         $urlParts = parse_url($this->getParam("url"));
         $subject = "Feature Request for ";
         if ($type == "bug") {
             $subject = "Bug Report for ";
         $subject .= $urlParts["host"];
         $mail = \Pimcore\Tool::getMail($email, $subject, "UTF-8");
         $bodyText = "URL: " . $this->getParam("url") . "\n\n";
         $bodyText .= "Description: \n\n" . $this->getParam("description");
         $image = null;
         if (HtmlToImage::isSupported()) {
             $markers = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("markers"));
             $screenFile = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $this->getParam("screenshot");
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($screenFile);
             $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($screenFile);
             $font = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/pimcore/static6/font/vera.ttf";
             $fontSize = 10;
             if ($markers && count($markers) > 0) {
                 foreach ($markers as $marker) {
                     // set up array of points for polygon
                     $x = $marker["position"]["left"] * $width / 100;
                     $y = $marker["position"]["top"] * $height / 100;
                     $bbox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $marker["text"]);
                     $textWidth = $bbox[4] + 10;
                     $values = array($x, $y, $x - 10, $y - 10, $x - 10, $y - 40, $x + $textWidth, $y - 40, $x + $textWidth, $y - 10, $x + 10, $y - 10);
                     $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
                     $bgcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 0, 0, 30);
                     // draw a polygon
                     imagefilledpolygon($im, $values, 6, $bgcolor);
                     imagettftext($im, $fontSize, 0, $x, $y - 20, $textcolor, $font, $marker["text"]);
             imagejpeg($im, $screenFile);
             $image = file_get_contents($screenFile);
         if ($image) {
             $bodyText .= "\n\n\nsee attached file: screen.jpg";
             $at = $mail->createAttachment($image);
             $at->type = 'image/jpeg';
             $at->disposition = \Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
             $at->encoding = \Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64;
             $at->filename = 'screen.jpg';
         if ($type == "bug") {
             $bodyText .= "\n\n";
             $bodyText .= "Details: \n\n";
             foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
                 $bodyText .= $key . " => " . $value . "\n";
 public function generateScreenshotAction()
     $success = false;
     if ($this->getParam("id")) {
         $doc = Document::getById($this->getParam("id"));
         $url = Tool::getHostUrl() . $doc->getRealFullPath() . "?pimcore_preview=true";
         $config = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig();
         if ($config->general->http_auth) {
             $username = $config->general->http_auth->username;
             $password = $config->general->http_auth->password;
             if ($username && $password) {
                 $url = str_replace("://", "://" . $username . ":" . $password . "@", $url);
         $tmpFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/screenshot_tmp_" . $doc->getId() . ".png";
         $file = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/document-page-previews/document-page-screenshot-" . $doc->getId() . ".jpg";
         $dir = dirname($file);
         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         try {
             if (\Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::convert($url, $tmpFile)) {
                 $im = \Pimcore\Image::getInstance();
                 $im->save($file, "jpeg", 85);
                 $success = true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function diffVersionsAction()
     $versionFrom = Version::getById($this->getParam("from"));
     $docFrom = $versionFrom->loadData();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $sessionName = Tool\Session::getOption("name");
     $prefix = $request->getScheme() . "://" . $request->getHttpHost() . $docFrom->getFullPath() . "?pimcore_version=";
     $fromUrl = $prefix . $this->getParam("from") . "&" . $sessionName . "=" . $_COOKIE[$sessionName];
     $toUrl = $prefix . $this->getParam("to") . "&" . $sessionName . "=" . $_COOKIE[$sessionName];
     $fromFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/version-diff-tmp-" . uniqid() . ".png";
     $toFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/version-diff-tmp-" . uniqid() . ".png";
     $diffFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/version-diff-tmp-" . uniqid() . ".png";
     if (\Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::isSupported() && class_exists("Imagick")) {
         \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::convert($fromUrl, $fromFile);
         \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::convert($toUrl, $toFile);
         $image1 = new Imagick($fromFile);
         $image2 = new Imagick($toFile);
         if ($image1->getImageWidth() == $image2->getImageWidth() && $image1->getImageHeight() == $image2->getImageHeight()) {
             $result = $image1->compareImages($image2, Imagick::METRIC_MEANSQUAREERROR);
             $this->view->image = base64_encode(file_get_contents($diffFile));
         } else {
             $this->view->image1 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($fromFile));
             $this->view->image2 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($toFile));
         // cleanup
     } else {