Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Query the database
  * if ignore is true, possible failure will not be notified.
  * @param $query
  * @param bool $ignore
  * @return null|\PDOStatement
 public function query($query, $ignore = false)
     if (DEBUG) {
         # time queries to see how slow they are, so they can
         # be optimized
                     # keep track of queries to see which ones to optimize
                     if (function_exists('stripos')) {
                          if (!stripos($query, 'cache')) {
                              $store = $query;
                              $store = preg_replace('/\d+/', 'X', $store);
                              $store = trim($store);
                              $this->_db->query(sprintf('UPDATE querycount SET count = count + 1 WHERE query = "%s" and frontend = %d', $store));
                              if ($this->_db->affected_rows != 2) {
                                  $this->_db->query(sprintf('INSERT INTO querycount SET count = count + 1 , query = "%s",phplist = 1', $store));
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     if (DEBUG) {
         # log time queries take
         $this->query_log[] = ['query' => $query, 'time' => Timer::get('query_timer')->elapsed()];
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function startStats()
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Process campaign queue
  * @param bool $force set true if this one has to cancel running send processes
  * @param bool $reload
  * @param int $cmd_max
  * @return bool
 public function startProcessing($force = false, $reload = false, $cmd_max = 0)
     //initialize the process queue timer
     $commandline = Config::get('commandline', false);
     if ($commandline && $force) {
         # force set, so kill other processes
         phpList::log()->info('Force set, killing other send processes', ['page' => 'processqueue']);
     $this->send_process_id = Process::getPageLock('processqueue', $force);
     if (empty($this->send_process_id)) {
         phpList::log()->debug(s('Unable get lock for processing'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         $this->status = s('Error processing');
         return false;
     #Output::cl_output('page locked on '.$this->send_process_id);
     $this->reload = $reload;
     //TODO: enable plugins
     /*foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
     ## let's make sure all subscribers have a uniqid
     ## only when on CL
     if ($commandline) {
         $num = Subscriber::checkUniqueIds();
         if ($num) {
             phpList::log()->info('Given a Unique ID to ' . $num . ' subscribers, this might have taken a while', ['page' => 'processqueue']);
     $this->num_per_batch = 0;
     $this->batch_period = 0;
     $somesubscribers = 0;
     $restrictions = $this->checkRestrictions($cmd_max);
     # report keeps track of what is going on
     $this->nothingtodo = false;
     register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'shutdown'));
     # we do not want to timeout or abort
     if (!$this->reload) {
         ## only show on first load
         phpList::log()->debug(s('Started'), 0, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if (Config::get('SYSTEM_TIMEZONE') != '') {
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Time now ') . date('Y-m-d H:i'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
     #output('Will process for a maximum of '.$restrictions['max_process_queue_time'].' seconds ');
     if (!$this->reload) {
         ## only show on first load
         if (!empty($restrictions['rules'])) {
             phpList::log()->debug($restrictions['rules'], ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if ($restrictions['locked']) {
             $this->queueProcessError(s('Processing has been suspended by your ISP, please try again later'), 1);
     if ($this->num_per_batch > 0) {
         if ($this->original_num_per_batch != $this->num_per_batch) {
             if (empty($reload)) {
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('Sending in batches of %d campaigns', $this->original_num_per_batch), 0, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             $diff = $this->original_num_per_batch - $this->num_per_batch;
             if ($diff < 0) {
                 $diff = 0;
             phpList::log()->info(s('This batch will be %d emails, because in the last %d seconds %d emails were sent', $this->num_per_batch, $this->batch_period, $diff), ['page' => 'processqueue']);
         } else {
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Sending in batches of %d emails', $this->num_per_batch), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
     } elseif ($this->num_per_batch < 0) {
         phpList::log()->info(s('In the last %d seconds more emails were sent (%d) than is currently allowed per batch (%d)', $this->batch_period, $restrictions['recently_sent'], $this->original_num_per_batch), ['page' => 'processqueue']);
         $this->processed = 0;
         $this->script_stage = 5;
         Config::setRunningConfig('wait', $this->batch_period);
         return false;
     ${$this}->counters['batch_total'] = $this->num_per_batch;
     if (0 && $reload) {
         //TODO: change change this to use running config instead of $_GET
         $lastsent = !empty($_GET['lastsent']) ? sprintf('%d', $_GET['lastsent']) : 0;
         $lastskipped = !empty($_GET['lastskipped']) ? sprintf('%d', $_GET['lastskipped']) : 0;
         phpList::log()->debug(s('Sent in last run') . ": {$lastsent}", ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         phpList::log()->debug(s('Skipped in last run') . ": {$lastskipped}", ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
     $this->script_stage = 1;
     # we are active
     $this->notsent = $this->sent = $this->invalid = $this->unconfirmed = $this->cannotsend = 0;
     ## check for campaigns that need requeuing
     if (Config::VERBOSE) {
         phpList::log()->debug(phpList::DB()->getLastQuery(), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
     $campaigns = Campaign::getCampaignsToQueue();
     $num_campaigns = count($campaigns);
     if ($num_campaigns) {
         if (!$this->reload) {
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Processing has started,') . ' ' . $num_campaigns . ' ' . s('campaign(s) to process.'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if (!$commandline && !$this->reload) {
             if (!$this->safemode) {
                 phpList::log()->info(s('Please leave this window open. You have batch processing enabled, so it will reload several times to send the campaigns. Reports will be sent by email to') . ' ' . Config::get('report_address'));
             } else {
                 phpList::log()->info(s('Your webserver is running in safe_mode. Please keep this window open. It may reload several times to make sure all campaigns are sent.') . ' ' . s('Reports will be sent by email to') . ' ' . Config::get('report_address'));
     $this->script_stage = 2;
     # we know the campaigns to process
     #include_once "footer.inc";
     if (!isset($this->num_per_batch)) {
         $this->num_per_batch = 1000000;
     $output_speed_stats = Config::get('get_speed_stats', false) !== false;
      * @var $campaign Campaign
     foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {
         $this->current_campaign = $campaign;
         $this->failed_sent = 0;
         $throttlecount = 0;
         $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] = 0;
         $this->counters['processed_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] = 0;
         if ($output_speed_stats) {
             phpList::log()->debug('start send ' . $campaign->id, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                      * TODO: enable plugins
                     foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
         if ($campaign->resetstats == 1) {
             ## make sure to reset the resetstats flag, so it doesn't clear it every run
             $campaign->setDataItem('resetstats', 0);
         ## check the end date of the campaign
         //if (!empty($campaign->'finishsending')) {
         $finish_sending_before = $campaign->finishsending->getTimestamp();
         $seconds_to_go = $finish_sending_before - time();
         $stop_sending = $seconds_to_go < 0;
         if (!$this->reload) {
             ### Hmm, this is probably incredibly confusing. It won't finish then
             if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                 phpList::log()->info(sprintf(s('sending of this campaign will stop, if it is still going in %s'), Util::secs2time($seconds_to_go)));
         $subscriberselection = $campaign->subscriberselection;
         ## @@ needs more work
         ## load campaign in cache
         if (!PrepareCampaign::precacheCampaign($campaign)) {
             ## precache may fail on eg invalid remote URL
             ## any reporting needed here?
             # mark the campaign as suspended
             phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET status = "suspended"
                     WHERE id = %d', Config::getTableName('message'), $campaign->id));
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Error loading campaign, please check the eventlog for details'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             if (Config::MANUALLY_PROCESS_QUEUE) {
                 # wait a little, otherwise the campaign won't show
         if ($output_speed_stats) {
             phpList::log()->debug('campaign data loaded ', ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         //if (Config::VERBOSE) {
         //   phpList::log()->debug($msgdata, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if (!empty($campaign->notify_start) && !isset($campaign->start_notified)) {
             $notifications = explode(',', $campaign->notify_start);
             foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                 phpListMailer::sendMail($notification, s('Campaign started'), sprintf(s('phplist has started sending the campaign with subject %s'), $campaign->subject . "\n\n" . sprintf(s('to view the progress of this campaign, go to http://%s'), Config::get('website') . Config::get('adminpages') . '/?page=campaigns&amp;tab=active')));
             $campaign->setDataItem('start_notified', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP');
         if (!$this->reload) {
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Processing campaign') . ' ' . $campaign->id, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if (!$this->reload) {
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Looking for subscribers'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if (phpList::DB()->hasError()) {
         # make selection on attribute, subscribers who at least apply to the attributes
         # lots of ppl seem to use it as a normal mailinglist system, and do not use attributes.
         # Check this and take anyone in that case.
         ## keep an eye on how long it takes to find subscribers, and warn if it's a long time
         $find_subscriber_start = Timer::get('process_queue')->elapsed(true);
         $attribute_count = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s', Config::getTableName('attribute')))->fetchColumn(0);
         $subscriber_attribute_query = '';
         if ($subscriberselection && $attribute_count) {
             $result = phpList::DB()->query($subscriberselection);
             $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign'] = $result->rowCount();
             if (!$this->reload) {
                 phpList::log()->info($this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign'] . ' ' . s('subscribers apply for attributes, now checking lists'), ['page' => 'processqueue']);
             $subscriber_list = '';
             while ($fetched_subscriber = $result->fetchColumn(0)) {
                 $subscriber_list .= $fetched_subscriber . ",";
             $subscriber_list = substr($subscriber_list, 0, -1);
             if ($subscriber_list) {
                 $subscriber_attribute_query = " AND listuser.userid IN ({$subscriber_list})";
             } else {
                 if (!$this->reload) {
                     phpList::log()->debug(s('No subscribers apply for attributes'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                 //finish("info", "Campaign $campaignid: \nNo subscribers apply for attributes, ie nothing to do");
                 $subject = s("Maillist Processing info");
                 if (!$this->nothingtodo) {
                     phpList::log()->debug(s('Finished this run'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                     phpList::log()->info(s('%s of %s done', $this->sent, $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $this->current_campaign->id]), ['page' => 'progress']);
                 //TODO:enable plugins
                 if (!Config::TEST && !$this->nothingtodo && Config::get(('END_QUEUE_PROCESSING_REPORT'))) {
                     foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
                         $plugin->sendReport($subject,"Campaign $campaign->id: \nNo subscribers apply for attributes, ie nothing to do");
                 $this->script_stage = 6;
                 # we should actually continue with the next campaign
                 return true;
         if ($this->script_stage < 3) {
             $this->script_stage = 3;
             # we know the subscribers by attribute
         # when using commandline we need to exclude subscribers who have already received
         # the email
         # we don't do this otherwise because it slows down the process, possibly
         # causing us to not find anything at all
         $exclusion = '';
         /*$donesubscribers = array();
                     $skipsubscribers = array();
                     # 8478, avoid building large array in memory, when sending large amounts of subscribers.
                       $result = Sql_Query("select userid from {$tables['usermessage']} where messageid = $campaignid");
                       $skipped = Sql_Affected_Rows();
                       if ($skipped < 10000) {
                         while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($result)) {
                           $alive = checkLock($this->send_process_id);
                           if ($alive)
                             ProcessError(s('Process Killed by other process'));
                       } else {
                         phpList::log()->debug(s('Warning, disabling exclusion of done subscribers, too many found'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                         logEvent(s('Warning, disabling exclusion of done subscribers, too many found'));
                       # also exclude unconfirmed subscribers, otherwise they'll block the process
                       # will give quite different statistics than when used web based
                     #  $result = Sql_Query("select id from {$tables['user']} where !confirmed");
                     #  while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($result)) {
                     #    array_push($donesubscribers,$row[0]);
                     #  }
                       if (sizeof($donesubscribers))
                         $exclusion = " and listuser.userid not in (".join(",",$donesubscribers).")";
         if (Config::USE_LIST_EXCLUDE) {
             if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('looking for subscribers who can be excluded from this mailing'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             //TODO: change this so it happens automatically when set in the campaign object
             if (!empty($campaign->excludelist)) {
                 /*if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                       phpList::log()->debug('Exclude query ' . phpList::DB()->getLastQuery(), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                       ## 8478
                       $subscriberids_query = sprintf('select distinct user.id from
                         %s as listuser,
                         %s as user,
                         %s as listmessage
                         listmessage.messageid = %d and
                         listmessage.listid = listuser.listid and
                         user.id = listuser.userid %s %s %s',
         $queued = 0;
         if (Config::MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE) {
             $subscriberids_query = sprintf('SELECT userid FROM %s
                 WHERE messageid = %d
                 AND status = "todo"', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $campaign->id);
             $subscriberids_result = phpList::DB()->query($subscriberids_query)->rowCount();
             # if (Config::VERBOSE) {
             phpList::log()->info('found pre-queued subscribers ' . $subscriberids_result, ['page' => 'processqueue']);
         ## if the above didn't find any, run the normal search (again)
         if ($subscriberids_result <= 0) {
             ## remove pre-queued campaigns, otherwise they wouldn't go out
             $removed = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s
                     WHERE messageid = %d
                     AND status = "todo"', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $campaign->id))->rowCount();
             if ($removed > 0) {
                 phpList::log()->info('removed pre-queued subscribers ' . $removed, ['page' => 'processqueue']);
             $subscriberids_query = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT user.id FROM %s AS listuser
                         CROSS JOIN %s AS user
                         CROSS JOIN %s AS listmessage
                         LEFT JOIN %s AS user_message
                           ON (user_message.messageid = %d AND user_message.userid = listuser.userid)
                     WHERE true
                       AND listmessage.messageid = %d
                       AND listmessage.listid = listuser.listid
                       AND user.id = listuser.userid
                       AND user_message.userid IS NULL
                       AND user.confirmed
                       AND !user.blacklisted
                       AND !user.disabled
                     %s %s', Config::getTableName('listuser'), Config::getTableName('user', true), Config::getTableName('listmessage'), Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $exclusion, $subscriber_attribute_query);
             $subscriberids_result = phpList::DB()->query($subscriberids_query);
         if (Config::VERBOSE) {
             phpList::log()->debug('Subscriber select query ' . $subscriberids_query, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         if (phpList::DB()->hasError()) {
         # now we have all our subscribers to send the campaign to
         $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] = $subscriberids_result->rowCount();
         /*if ($skipped >= 10000) {
               $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] -= $skipped;
         $find_subscriber_end = Timer::get('process_queue')->elapsed(true);
         if ($find_subscriber_end - $find_subscriber_start > 300 && $commandline) {
             phpList::log()->info(s('Warning, finding the subscribers to send out to takes a long time, consider changing to commandline sending'));
         if (!$this->reload) {
             phpList::log()->info(s('Found them') . ': ' . $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] . ' ' . s('to process'));
         $campaign->setDataItem('to process', $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id]);
         if (Config::MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE) {
             ## experimental MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE will first mark all campaigns as todo and then work it's way through the todo's
             ## that should save time when running the queue multiple times, which avoids the subscriber search after the first time
             ## only do this first time, ie empty($queued);
             ## the last run will pick up changes
             while ($fetched_subscriber_id = $subscriberids_result->fetchColumn(0)) {
                 ## mark campaign/subscriber combination as "todo"
                 $campaign->updateSubscriberCampaignStatus($fetched_subscriber_id, 'todo');
             ## rerun the initial query, in order to continue as normal
             $subscriberids_query = sprintf('SELECT userid FROM %s
                 WHERE messageid = %d
                 AND status = "todo"', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $campaign->id);
             $subscriberids_result = phpList::DB()->query($subscriberids_query);
             $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] = $subscriberids_result->rowCount();
         if (Config::MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE > 0) {
             ## in case of sending multiple campaigns, reduce batch with "sent"
             $this->num_per_batch -= $this->sent;
             # send in batches of $this->num_per_batch subscribers
             $batch_total = $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id];
             if ($this->num_per_batch > 0) {
                 $subscriberids_query .= sprintf(' LIMIT 0,%d', $this->num_per_batch);
                 if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                     phpList::log()->debug($this->num_per_batch . '  query -> ' . $subscriberids_query, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                 try {
                     $subscriberids_result = phpList::DB()->query($subscriberids_query);
                 } catch (\PDOException $e) {
             } else {
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('No subscribers to process for this batch'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                 //TODO: Can we remove this pointless query (will have to change the while loop below)
                 $subscriberids_result = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = 0', Config::getTableName('user')));
             $affrows = $subscriberids_result->rowCount();
             phpList::log()->debug(s('Processing batch of ') . ': ' . $affrows, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
         while ($subscriberdata = $subscriberids_result->fetch()) {
             $this->counters['processed_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id]++;
             $failure_reason = '';
             if ($this->num_per_batch && $this->sent >= $this->num_per_batch) {
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('batch limit reached') . ": {$this->sent} ({$this->num_per_batch})", ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                 Config::setRunningConfig('wait', $this->batch_period);
                 return false;
             $subscriber = Subscriber::getSubscriber($subscriberdata[0]);
             # id of the subscriber
             if ($output_speed_stats) {
                 phpList::log()->info('-----------------------------------' . "\n" . 'start process subscriber ' . $subscriber->id);
             $some = 1;
             $seconds_to_go = $finish_sending_before - time();
             $stop_sending = $seconds_to_go < 0;
             # check if we have been "killed"
             #   phpList::log()->debug('Process ID '.$this->send_process_id, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             $alive = Process::checkLock($this->send_process_id);
             ## check for max-process-queue-time
             $elapsed = Timer::get('process_queue')->elapsed(true);
             if ($restrictions['max_process_queue_time'] && $elapsed > $restrictions['max_process_queue_time'] && $this->sent > 0) {
                 phpList::log()->info(s('queue processing time has exceeded max processing time ') . $restrictions['max_process_queue_time'], ['page' => 'processqueue']);
             } elseif ($alive && !$stop_sending) {
             } elseif ($stop_sending) {
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('Campaign sending timed out, is past date to process until'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             } else {
                 $this->queueProcessError(s('Process Killed by other process'));
             # check if the campaign we are working on is still there and in process
             $campaign = Campaign::getCampaign($campaign->id);
             if (empty($campaign)) {
                 $this->queueProcessError(s('Campaign I was working on has disappeared'));
             } elseif ($campaign->status != 'inprocess') {
                 $this->queueProcessError(s('Sending of this campaign has been suspended'));
             #Sql_Query_Params(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = ? and messageid = ? and status = "active"',$tables['usermessage']), array($subscriberid,$campaign->id));
             # check whether the subscriber has already received the campaign
             if ($output_speed_stats) {
                 phpList::log()->debug('verify campaign can go out to ' . $subscriber->id, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             $um = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT entered FROM %s
                     WHERE userid = %d
                     AND messageid = %d
                     AND status != "todo"', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $subscriber->id, $campaign->id));
             if ($um->rowCount() <= 0) {
                 ## mark this campaign that we're working on it, so that no other process will take it
                 ## between two lines ago and here, should hopefully be quick enough
                 $campaign->updateSubscriberCampaignStatus($subscriber->id, 'active');
                 //TODO: could this work to make sure no other process is already sending this email?
                 /*if(phpList::DB()->affectedRows() == 0){
                 if ($this->script_stage < 4) {
                     $this->script_stage = 4;
                     # we know a subscriber to send to
                 $somesubscribers = 1;
                 # pick the first one (rather historical from before email was unique)
                 //TODO: since we don't allow invalid email addresses to be set, can we omit this check
                 // or is there a reason to keep it here?
                 if ($subscriber->confirmed && Validation::isEmail($subscriber->getEmailAddress())) {
                     ## Ask plugins if they are ok with sending this campaign to this subscriber
                     /*TODO: enable plugins
                                             if ($output_speed_stats){
                                                 phpList::log()->debug('start check plugins ', ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                                             while ($cansend && $plugin = current($GLOBALS['plugins'])) {
                                                 if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                                     cl_output('Checking plugin ' . $plugin->name());
                                                 $cansend = $plugin->canSend($campaign, $subscriber);
                                                 if (!$cansend) {
                                                     $failure_reason .= 'Sending blocked by plugin ' . $plugin->name;
                                                     $this->counters['send blocked by ' . $plugin->name]++;
                                                     if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                                         cl_output('Sending blocked by plugin ' . $plugin->name);
                                             if ($output_speed_stats){
                                                 phpList::log()->debug('end check plugins ', ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                     # Throttling
                     $throttled = 0;
                     if ($subscriber->allowsReceivingMails() && Config::USE_DOMAIN_THROTTLE) {
                         //TODO: what if we were to put the domain name of the email address in a separate database field
                         //we could even query for the domain then
                         list($mailbox, $domainname) = explode('@', $subscriber->getEmailAddress());
                         $now = time();
                         $interval = $now - $now % Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD;
                         if (!isset($this->domainthrottle[$domainname]) || !is_array($this->domainthrottle[$domainname])) {
                             $this->domainthrottle[$domainname] = array('interval' => '', 'sent' => 0, 'attempted' => 0);
                         } elseif (isset($this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval']) && $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval'] == $interval) {
                             $throttled = $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['sent'] >= Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE;
                             if ($throttled) {
                                 $this->counters['send blocked by domain throttle']++;
                                 if (Config::DOMAIN_AUTO_THROTTLE && $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['attempted'] > 25 && $num_campaigns <= 1 && $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] < 1000) {
                                     $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['attempted'] = 0;
                                     phpList::log()->notice(sprintf(s('There have been more than 10 attempts to send to %s that have been blocked for domain throttling.'), $domainname));
                                     phpList::log()->notice(s('Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures'));
                                     if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                         phpList::log()->info(s('Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures'));
                                     if (!isset($running_throttle_delay)) {
                                         $running_throttle_delay = (int) (Config::MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE + Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD / (Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE * 4));
                                     } else {
                                         $running_throttle_delay += (int) (Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD / (Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE * 4));
                                     #phpList::log()->debug("Running throttle delay: ".$running_throttle_delay, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                                 } elseif (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                     phpList::log()->info(sprintf(s('%s is currently over throttle limit of %d per %d seconds') . ' (' . $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['sent'] . ')', $domainname, Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE, Config::DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD));
                     if ($subscriber->allowsReceivingMails()) {
                         $success = false;
                         if (Config::TEST) {
                             $success = $this->sendEmailTest($campaign->id, $subscriber->getEmailAddress());
                         } else {
                             /*TODO: enable plugins
                               while (!$throttled && $plugin = current($GLOBALS['plugins'])) {
                                   $throttled = $plugin->throttleSend($msgdata, $subscriber);
                                   if ($throttled) {
                                       if (!isset($this->counters['send throttled by plugin ' . $plugin->name])) {
                                           $this->counters['send throttled by plugin ' . $plugin->name] = 0;
                                       $this->counters['send throttled by plugin ' . $plugin->name]++;
                                       $failure_reason .= 'Sending throttled by plugin ' . $plugin->name;
                             if (!$throttled) {
                                 if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                     phpList::log()->info(s('Sending') . ' ' . $campaign->id . ' ' . s('to') . ' ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress());
                                 $success = PrepareCampaign::sendEmail($campaign, $subscriber);
                                 if (!$success) {
                                     $this->counters['sendemail returned false']++;
                                 if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                     phpList::log()->info(s('It took') . ' ' . Timer::get('email_sent_timer')->elapsed(true) . ' ' . s('seconds to send'));
                             } else {
                         # tried to send email , process succes / failure
                         if ($success) {
                             if (Config::USE_DOMAIN_THROTTLE) {
                                 list($mailbox, $domainname) = explode('@', $subscriber->getEmailAddress());
                                 if ($this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval'] != $interval) {
                                     $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval'] = $interval;
                                     $this->domainthrottle[$domainname]['sent'] = 0;
                                 } else {
                             $campaign->updateSubscriberCampaignStatus($subscriber->id, 'sent');
                         } else {
                             ## need to check this, the entry shouldn't be there in the first place, so no need to delete it
                             ## might be a cause for duplicated emails
                             if (Config::MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE) {
                                 phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET status = "todo"
                                         WHERE userid = %d
                                         AND messageid = %d
                                         AND status = "active"', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $subscriber->id, $campaign->id));
                             } else {
                                 phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s
                                         WHERE userid = %d
                                         AND messageid = %d
                                         AND status = "active"', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), $subscriber->id, $campaign->id));
                             if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                 phpList::log()->debug(s('Failed sending to') . ' ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress(), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                                 phpList::log()->notice(sprintf('Failed sending campaign %d to %s', $campaign->id, $subscriber->getEmailAddress()));
                             # make sure it's not because it's an underdeliverable email
                             # unconfirm this subscriber, so they're not included next time
                             //TODO: since we don't allow invalid email addresses to be set, can we omit this check
                             // or is there a reason to keep it here?
                             if (!$throttled && !Validation::validateEmail($subscriber->getEmailAddress())) {
                                 $this->counters['email address invalidated']++;
                                 phpList::log()->notice(sprintf('invalid email address %s subscriber marked unconfirmed', $subscriber->getEmailAddress()));
                                 $subscriber->confirmed = false;
                                           'update %s set confirmed = 0 where email = "%s"',
                         if ($this->script_stage < 5) {
                             $this->script_stage = 5;
                             # we have actually sent one subscriber
                         if (isset($running_throttle_delay)) {
                             if ($this->sent % 5 == 0) {
                                 # retry running faster after some more campaigns, to see if that helps
                         } elseif (Config::MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE) {
                             usleep(Config::MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE * 1000000);
                         } elseif (Config::MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE && Config::MAILQUEUE_AUTOTHROTTLE) {
                             $totaltime = Timer::get('process_queue')->elapsed(true);
                             //$msgperhour = (3600 / $totaltime) * $this->sent;
                             //$msgpersec = $msgperhour / 3600;
                             ##11336 - this may cause "division by 0", but 'secpermsg' isn't used at all
                             #  $secpermsg = $totaltime / $this->sent;
                             $target = Config::MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD / Config::MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE * $this->sent;
                             $delay = $target - $totaltime;
                             #phpList::log()->debug("Sent: $this->sent mph $msgperhour mps $msgpersec secpm $secpermsg target $target actual $actual d $delay", ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                             if ($delay > 0) {
                                 if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                                     /* phpList::log()->info(s('waiting for').' '.$delay.' '.s('seconds').' '.
                                        s('to make sure we don\'t exceed our limit of ').MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE.' '.
                                        s('campaigns in ').' '.MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD.s('seconds')); */
                                     phpList::log()->info(sprintf(s('waiting for %.1f seconds to meet target of %s seconds per campaign'), $delay, Config::MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD / Config::MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE));
                                 usleep($delay * 1000000);
                     } else {
                         # mark it as sent anyway, because otherwise the process will never finish
                         if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                             phpList::log()->debug(s('not sending to ') . $subscriber->getEmailAddress(), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                         $campaign->updateSubscriberCampaignStatus($subscriber->id, 'not sent');
                     # update possible other subscribers matching this email as well,
                     # to avoid duplicate sending when people have subscribed multiple times
                     # bit of legacy code after making email unique in the database
                     #$emails = Sql_query("select * from {$tables['user']} where email =\"$subscriberemail\"");
                     #while ($email = Sql_fetch_row($emails))
                     #Sql_query("replace into {$tables['usermessage']} (userid,messageid) values($email[0],$campaign->id)");
                 } else {
                     # some "invalid emails" are entirely empty, ah, that is because they are unconfirmed
                     ## this is quite old as well, with the preselection that avoids unconfirmed subscribers
                     # it is unlikely this is every processed.
                     if (!$subscriber->confirmed || $subscriber->disabled) {
                         if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                             phpList::log()->info(s('Unconfirmed subscriber') . ': ' . $subscriber->id . ' ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' ' . $subscriber->id);
                         # when running from commandline we mark it as sent, otherwise we might get
                         # stuck when using batch processing
                         # if ($GLOBALS['commandline']) {
                         $campaign->updateSubscriberCampaignStatus($subscriber->id, 'unconfirmed subscriber');
                         # }
                         //TODO: can probably remove below check
                     } elseif ($subscriber->getEmailAddress() || $subscriber->id) {
                         if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                             phpList::log()->debug(s('Invalid email address') . ': ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' ' . $subscriber->id, ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
                         phpList::log()->notice(s('Invalid email address') . ': userid  ' . $subscriber->id . '  email ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress());
                         # mark it as sent anyway
                         if ($subscriber->id > 0) {
                             $campaign->updateSubscriberCampaignStatus($subscriber->id, 'invalid email address');
                             $subscriber->confirmed = 0;
                             $subscriber->addHistory(s('Subscriber marked unconfirmed for invalid email address'), s('Marked unconfirmed while sending campaign %d', $campaign->id), $campaign->id);
             } else {
                 //TODO: remove below
                 ## and this is quite historical, and also unlikely to be every called
                 # because we now exclude subscribers who have received the campaign from the
                 # query to find subscribers to send to
                 ## when trying to send the campaign, it was already marked for this subscriber
                 ## June 2010, with the multiple send process extension, that's quite possible to happen again
                 $um = $um->fetch();
                 if (Config::VERBOSE) {
                     phpList::log()->info(s('Not sending to') . ' ' . $subscriber->id . ', ' . s('already sent') . ' ' . $um[0]);
             $this->processed = $this->notsent + $this->sent + $this->invalid + $this->unconfirmed + $this->cannotsend + $this->failed_sent;
             #if ($this->processed % 10 == 0) {
             if (0) {
                 phpList::log()->info('AR' . $affrows . ' N ' . $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] . ' P' . $this->processed . ' S' . $this->sent . ' N' . $this->notsent . ' I' . $this->invalid . ' U' . $this->unconfirmed . ' C' . $this->cannotsend . ' F' . $this->failed_sent);
                 $rn = $reload * $this->num_per_batch;
                 phpList::log()->info('P ' . $this->processed . ' N' . $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] . ' NB' . $this->num_per_batch . ' BT' . $batch_total . ' R' . $reload . ' RN' . $rn);
              * don't calculate this here, but in the "msgstatus" instead, so that
              * the total speed can be calculated, eg when there are multiple send processes
              * re-added for commandline outputting
             $totaltime = Timer::get('process_queue')->elapsed(true);
             if ($this->sent > 0) {
                 $msgperhour = 3600 / $totaltime * $this->sent;
                 $secpermsg = $totaltime / $this->sent;
                 $timeleft = ($this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] - $this->sent) * $secpermsg;
                 $eta = date('D j M H:i', time() + $timeleft);
             } else {
                 $msgperhour = 0;
                 $secpermsg = 0;
                 $timeleft = 0;
                 $eta = s('unknown');
             $campaign->setDataItem('ETA', $eta);
             $campaign->setDataItem('msg/hr', $msgperhour);
             cl_progress('sent ' . $this->sent . ' ETA ' . $eta . ' sending ' . sprintf('%d', $msgperhour) . ' msg/hr');
             $campaign->setDataItem('to process', $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] - $this->sent);
             $campaign->setDataItem('last msg sent', time());
             #$campaign->setDataItem('totaltime', $this->timer->elapsed(true));
             if ($output_speed_stats) {
                 phpList::log()->info('end process subscriber ' . "\n" . '-----------------------------------' . "\n" . $subscriber->id);
         $this->processed = $this->notsent + $this->sent + $this->invalid + $this->unconfirmed + $this->cannotsend + $this->failed_sent;
         phpList::log()->info(s('Processed %d out of %d subscribers', $this->counters['processed_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id], $this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id]), ['page' => 'processqueue']);
         if ($this->counters['total_subscribers_for_campaign ' . $campaign->id] - $this->sent <= 0 || $stop_sending) {
             # this campaign is done
             if (!$somesubscribers) {
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('Hmmm, No subscribers found to send to'), ['page' => 'porcessqueue']);
             if (!$this->failed_sent) {
                 if (!empty($campaign->notify_end) && !isset($campaign->end_notified)) {
                     $notifications = explode(',', $campaign->notify_end);
                     foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                         phpListMailer::sendMail($notification, s('Campaign campaign finished'), sprintf(s('phpList has finished sending the campaign with subject %s'), $campaign->subject) . "\n\n" . sprintf(s('to view the results of this campaign, go to http://%s'), Config::get('website') . Config::get('adminpages') . '/?page=statsoverview&id=' . $campaign->id));
                     $campaign->setDataItem('end_notified', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP');
                 /*TODO: Do we need to refetch these values from db?
                    * $query
                       = " select sent, sendstart"
                       . " from ${tables['message']}"
                       . " where id = ?";
                   $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($campaign->id));
                   $timetaken = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs);*/
                 phpList::log()->debug(s('It took') . ' ' . Util::timeDiff($campaign->sent, $campaign->sendstart) . ' ' . s('to send this campaign'));
             $cache = Cache::instance();
             ## flush cached campaign track stats to the DB
             if (isset($cache->linktrack_sent_cache[$campaign->id])) {
                 # we're done with $campaign->id, so get rid of the cache
         } else {
             if ($this->script_stage < 5) {
                 $this->script_stage = 5;
     if (!$num_campaigns) {
         $this->script_stage = 6;
         # we are done
     # shutdown will take care of reporting
     return true;