getInstance() public static method

public static getInstance ( CLIFramework\Logger $logger, OptionResult $options, string $downloader = null ) : BaseDownloader
$logger CLIFramework\Logger
$options GetOptionKit\OptionResult
$downloader string
return BaseDownloader
Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function getPackageXml($packageName, $version)
     $channel = new PeclChannel($this->site);
     $baseUrl = $channel->getRestBaseUrl();
     $url = "{$baseUrl}/r/" . strtolower($packageName);
     $downloader = new CurlDownloader();
     $downloader = DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, $this->options);
     // translate version name into numbers
     if (in_array($version, array('stable', 'latest', 'beta'))) {
         $stabilityTxtUrl = $url . '/' . $version . '.txt';
         if ($ret = $downloader->request($stabilityTxtUrl)) {
             $version = (string) $ret;
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Can not translate stability {$version} into exact version name.");
     $xmlUrl = $url . '/' . $version . '.xml';
     if ($ret = $downloader->request($xmlUrl)) {
         $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
         $dom->strictErrorChecking = false;
         $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
         // $dom->resolveExternals = false;
         if (false === $dom->loadXml($ret)) {
             throw new Exception("Error in XMl document: {$url}");
         return $dom;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function download($url, $dir, $md5 = null)
     if (!is_writable($dir)) {
         throw new Exception("Directory is not writable: {$dir}");
     $downloader = DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, $this->options);
     $basename = $downloader->resolveDownloadFileName($url);
     if (!$basename) {
         throw new Exception("Can not parse url: {$url}");
     $targetFilePath = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename;
     if (!$this->options->force && file_exists($targetFilePath)) {
         $this->logger->info('Checking distribution checksum...');
         $md5a = md5_file($targetFilePath);
         if ($md5 && $md5a != $md5) {
             $this->logger->warn("Checksum mismatch: {$md5a} != {$md5}");
             $downloader->download($url, $targetFilePath);
         } else {
             $this->logger->info('Checksum matched: ' . $md5);
     } else {
         $downloader->download($url, $targetFilePath);
     return $targetFilePath;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function execute($branch = 'master')
     global $argv;
     $script = realpath($argv[0]);
     if (!is_writable($script)) {
         throw new Exception("{$script} is not writable.");
     // fetch new version phpbrew
     $this->logger->info("Updating phpbrew {$script} from {$branch}...");
     $url = "{$branch}/phpbrew";
     //download to a tmp file first
     $downloader = DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, $this->options, array(DownloadFactory::METHOD_CURL, DownloadFactory::METHOD_WGET));
     //the phar file is large so we prefer the commands rather than extensions.
     $tempFile = $downloader->download($url);
     if ($tempFile === false) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Update Failed', 1);
     chmod($tempFile, 0755);
     //todo we can check the hash here in order to make sure we have download the phar successfully
     //move the tmp file to executable path
     $code = rename($tempFile, $script);
     if ($code === false) {
         //fallback to system move
         $code = system("mv -f {$tempFile}, {$script}");
         if (!$code == 0) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Update Failed', 3);
     $this->logger->info('Version updated.');
     system($script . ' init');
     system($script . ' --version');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function _test($downloader)
     $instance = DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, new OptionResult(), $downloader);
     if ($instance->hasSupport(false)) {
         $actualFilePath = tempnam(Config::getTempFileDir(), '');
         $instance->download('', $actualFilePath);
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function execute($appName)
     $apps = AppStore::all();
     if (!isset($apps[$appName])) {
         throw new Exception("App {$appName} not found.");
     $app = $apps[$appName];
     $targetDir = Config::getRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bin';
     $target = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app['as'];
     DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, $this->options)->download($app['url'], $target);
     $this->logger->info('Changing permissions to 0755');
     if ($mod = $this->options->chmod) {
         chmod($target, octdec($mod));
     } else {
         chmod($target, 0755);
     $this->logger->info("Downloaded at {$target}");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static function downloadReleaseListFromOfficialSite($version, OptionResult $options = null)
     $max = $options && $options->old ? 1000 : 100;
     $url = "{$version}&max={$max}";
     $file = DownloadFactory::getInstance(Logger::getInstance(), $options)->download($url);
     $json = file_get_contents($file);
     return json_decode($json, true);