Ejemplo n.º 1

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.15 and 2.4.7 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-08-11 12:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-08-11 12:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.15</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.4.7</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
Ejemplo n.º 2

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-09-12 Dev status update');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-09-12 15:20', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-09-12 15:20', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Zend Framework status update for the weeks of 30 August - 12 September 2011.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
Much has happened since our last update.

<h2 id="toc_3.1">2011-08-31 IRC Meeting</h2>

First, we held our

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.0 Stable Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-05-15 10:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-05-15 10:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.2.0! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

            <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    This is the first <em>stable</em> release in the 2.2 series.
Ejemplo n.º 4

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Announcing the Zend Framework 3 Roadmap');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-01-21 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-01-21 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
  The most often-asked questions we get around the Zend Framework project
  include: Where is Zend Framework heading? When will Zend Framework 3 be
  released? What changes and enhancements should we expect?

  Since inception, our goal for Zend Framework has been to further the art of
  PHP and ensure our users concentrate on the business logic of their
  application rather than wasting time reinventing the plumbing. The plumbing is
  Zend Framework’s job. We have continued to evolve ZF with best-in-class web
  development practices, and have innovated in areas where we saw gaps; as an
  example, we observed developers struggling with API development, which led us
  to create the Apigility project on top of ZF2.

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.4, 2.1.6, and 2.2.6 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-03-06 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-03-06 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.4</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.1.6</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.6</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
Ejemplo n.º 6

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$entry = new EntryEntity();
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->fromArray(array('id' => 'yourusername', 'name' => 'Your Full Name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://your.tld/'));
$entry->setTitle('New site!');
$entry->setTags(array('php', 'personal'));
$body = <<<'EOT'
    This is the principal body of the post, and will be shown everywhere.
$extended = <<<'EOT'
This is the extended portion of the entry, and is only shown in the main entry 
return $entry;
Ejemplo n.º 7

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Announcing Expressive');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-08-26 13:25', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-08-26 13:25', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new project, 
    <a href="https://github.com/zendframework/zend-expressive">Expressive</a>!

    Expressive allows you to write <a href="http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/">PSR-7</a>
    <a href="https://github.com/zendframework/zend-stratigility/blob/master/doc/book/middleware.md">middleware</a>
    applications for the web. It is a simple micro-framework built on top of
    <a href="https://github.com/zendframework/zend-stratigility">Stratigility</a>, providing:


use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Apigility 1.0.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-06-04 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-06-04 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
<p>We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apigility 1.0.2!</p>

    <li><a href="https://apigility.org/download">https://apigility.org/download</a></li>

<p>This is our second maintenance release of Apigility, fixing a number of issues, and providing significant improvements for file upload capabilities.</p>

$extended = <<<'EOC'
<h2>Upload Support</h2>

<p>Uploads were possible before this release, but were difficult to properly enable. Additionally, PATCH and PUT requests required manually handling the file uploads, as PHP does not natively support file uploads for those request methods; the Zend Framework 2 InputFilter component, because it utilizes PHP's native support for validating that an upload completed and for moving an upload file to a new location, also could not deal with these methods.</p>

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Apigility 1.0.0beta1 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-03-23 10:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-03-23 10:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    We are pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Apigility 1.0.0beta1!

        <a href="http://apigility.org/download">http://apigility.org/download</a>

    This is our first beta release of Apigility, marking its initial API 
    stability, and providing a solid preview of what to expect for the first 
Ejemplo n.º 10

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-09 13:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-09 13:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Welcome to the new Zend Framework development blog!
$extended = <<<'EOC'
    This blog is a new effort by the Zend Framework team to keep the ZF 
    community abreast of development as we work towards version 2.0 and beyond.

    In the coming days and weeks, we will be posting updates, including:
Ejemplo n.º 11

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-10-10 Dev status update');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-10-10 14:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-10-10 14:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Status update for the weeks of 27 September - 10 October 2011.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
<h2 id="toc_3.1">2011-09-28 IRC Meeting</h2>

We held our fourth IRC meeting on Wednesday, 28 September 2011. On the agenda

<ul class="ul">

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.7 and 2.3.1 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-04-15 15:05', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-04-15 15:05', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.7</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.3.1</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest#ZF2">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF2</a>
Ejemplo n.º 13

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName('Ralph Schindler');
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend\\Db in ZF 2.1');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-02-01 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-02-01 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'

    <code>Zend\Db</code> just got a little better with the release of Zend 
    Framework 2.1.  All the cool things you could do on Mysql, SQLite, 
    Postgresql and SQL Server can now be done on DB2 and Oracle.  In addition, 
    a number of additions were brought into the <code>Zend\Db\Sql\Select</code> object as 

$extended = <<<'EOC'

<h3>Connecting to DB2 and Oracle</h3>

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.3.9 and 2.4.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-05-11 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-05-11 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.3.9</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.4.2</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
Ejemplo n.º 15

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$markdown = new CommonMarkConverter();
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 3 Update for 2015-12-10');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-12-10 10:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-12-10 10:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
Per our [previous ZF3 update](/blog/zend-framework-3-update-and-roadmap.html), this is the
first in an ongoing series of bi-weekly posts on ZF3 development status.

The highlights:

- &gt;80 pull requests merged
- 28 releases of components
- 9 components updated to zend-servicemanager/zend-eventmanager v3 changes
- 2 release candidates of expressive
Ejemplo n.º 16

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-08-17 IRC Meeting');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-15 13:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-15 13:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is having the first of its bi-weekly IRC 
    meetings this coming Wednesday, 17 August 2011, at 17:00 UTC. Find out what 
    we'll discuss, and how you can participate.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
    The meeting will be held on Freenode IRC, in a new channel "#zf2-meeting". 
    As this is the first meeting, we'll be primarily discussing the structure
    of future meetings, as well as process and milestones for ZF2.
Ejemplo n.º 17

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-08-30 Dev status update');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-30 15:20', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-30 15:20', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Zend Framework status update for the week of 22 - 29 August 2011.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
Since the last community update, we've had a number of successes... as well as

First, completion of the initial HTTP component development took a bit longer
than anticipated. As a team we felt the need to ensure that we had at least the

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.7 and 2.1.0 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-01-30 14:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-01-30 16:55', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of <em>both</em> Zend Framework <strong>2.0.7</strong> and <strong>2.1.0</strong>! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    All existing users of ZF 2.0.x are encouraged to upgrade to 2.1.0; if you prefer 
Ejemplo n.º 19

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.0beta4 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-05-22 15:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-05-22 15:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of Zend Framework 2.0.0beta4. Packages and installation instructions are
available at:

<ul class="ul">
    <a href="http://packages.zendframework.com/">http://packages.zendframework.com/</a>
$extended = <<<'EOC'

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.1.4, 2.0.8, and 1.12.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-03-14 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-03-14 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of three new releases: 2.1.4, 2.0.8, and 1.12.3!  Packages and installation 
    instructions are available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

Ejemplo n.º 21

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.14, 2.4.6 and 2.5.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-08-03 14:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-08-03 14:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.14</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.4.6</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.5.2</strong></li>


use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.9 and 2.3.4 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-01-14 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-01-14 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.9</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.3.4</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
Ejemplo n.º 23

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-08-21 16:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-08-21 16:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.2.3! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    This is the third monthly maintenance release in the 2.2 series. 

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.9, 2.2.8, and 2.3.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-09-17 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-09-17 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.9</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.8</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.3.3</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
Ejemplo n.º 25

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-08-31 IRC Meeting Log');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-31 14:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-31 14:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Today we held our second Zend Framework community IRC meeting. Find out what
    we discussed, and where you can read the transcript.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
    The meeting 
    was held on Freenode IRC in the #zf2-meeting channel, and moderated by 
    Pieter Kokx. The meeting ran long (15 minutes over), had several heated 
    exchanges, but gained general consensus on a variety of topics.
Ejemplo n.º 26

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Apigility 0.9.0 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-02-28 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-03-03 12:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
<p>Today, we're releasing version 0.9.0 of Apigility! You can grab and test it
using one of the following two methods:</p>
        <code>composer create-project zfcampus/zf-apigility-skeleton apigility 0.9.0</code>
    <li>Manual download:
        wget https://github.com/zfcampus/zf-apigility-skeleton/releases/download/0.9.0/zf-apigility-skeleton-0.9.0.zip
        unzip zf-apigility-skeleton-0.9.0.zip
Ejemplo n.º 27

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$markdown = new CommonMarkConverter();
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Expressive 1.0.0RC3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-12-07 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-12-07 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Expressive 1.0.0rc3!

You can install it using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org), using the `create-project` command:

$ composer create-project zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton:1.0.0rc3@rc expressive

If you're already using Expressive, read below for how to update your application!

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.10 and 2.3.5 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-02-18 15:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-02-18 15:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.10</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.3.5</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.11 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-02-11 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-02-11 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.11</strong></li>

<p>You can download Zend Framework at:</p>

        <a href="/downloads/latest#ZF1">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF1</a>
Ejemplo n.º 30

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1 is Migrating to Git!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-03-27 11:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-03-27 11:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Since its inception, Zend Framework 1 has used <a 
    for versioning. However, as we approach its end-of-life (which will occur 
    12-18 months from the time this post is written), and as our experience
    with ZF2 processes becomes more familiar, we -- the Zend team and the Community
    Review team -- feel that we can better support ZF1 via <a href="http://github.com">GitHub</a>.

    As such, we will be migrating the ZF1 Subversion repository to GitHub this 
    week. Please read on for details!