Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Send a Security Alert Login Attempts email.
  * @param integer $iMaxAttempts
  * @param integer $iAttemptTime
  * @param string $sIp IP address
  * @param string $sTo Email address to send the message.
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Layout\Tpl\Engine\PH7Tpl\PH7Tpl $oView
  * @param string $sTable Default 'Members'
  * @return void
 public function sendAlertLoginAttemptsExceeded($iMaxAttempts, $iAttemptTime, $sIp, $sTo, PH7Tpl $oView, $sTable = 'Members')
     $sForgotPwdLink = Uri::get('lost-password', 'main', 'forgot', Various::convertTableToMod($sTable));
     $oView->content = t('Dear, %0%', (new UserCoreModel())->getUsername($sTo, $sTable)) . '<br />' . t('Somebody tried to connect more %0% times with the IP address: "%1%".', $iMaxAttempts, $sIp) . '<br />' . t('For safety reasons we have blocked access to this person for a delay of %1% minutes.', $iAttemptTime) . '<br /><ol><li>' . t('If it is you who have made ​​the connection attempts, we suggest you request a new password <a href="%0%">here</a> in %1% minutes.', $iAttemptTime, $sForgotPwdLink) . '</li><li>' . t('If you do not know the person who made ​​the connection attempts, you should be very careful and change your password to a password more complicated.') . '<br />' . t('We also recommend that you change the password for your mailbox, because it is in this box email we send a potential new password in case you forget.') . '</li></ol><br /><hr />' . t('Have a nice day!');
     $sMessageHtml = $oView->parseMail(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'global/' . PH7_VIEWS . PH7_TPL_NAME . '/mail/sys/core/alert_login_attempt.tpl', $sTo);
     $aInfo = ['to' => $sTo, 'subject' => t('Security Alert : Login Attempts - %site_name%')];
     (new Mail())->send($aInfo, $sMessageHtml);