public static function execute()
     $OSCOM_Cache = Registry::get('Cache');
     $result = array('entries' => array());
     if ($OSCOM_Cache->read('coreupdate-availablepackages', 360)) {
         $versions = $OSCOM_Cache->getCache();
     } else {
         $versions = HttpRequest::getResponse(array('url' => '', 'method' => 'get'));
     $versions_array = explode("\n", $versions);
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($versions_array as $v) {
         $v_info = explode('|', $v);
         if (version_compare(OSCOM::getVersion(), $v_info[0], '<')) {
             $result['entries'][] = array('key' => $counter, 'version' => $v_info[0], 'date' => DateTime::getShort(DateTime::fromUnixTimestamp(DateTime::getTimestamp($v_info[1], 'Ymd'))), 'announcement' => $v_info[2], 'update_package' => isset($v_info[3]) ? $v_info[3] : null);
     usort($result['entries'], function ($a, $b) {
         return version_compare($a['version'], $b['version'], '>');
     $result['total'] = count($result['entries']);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function execute($search, $pageset = 1)
     if (!is_numeric($pageset) || floor($pageset) != $pageset) {
         $pageset = 1;
     $result = array('entries' => array(), 'total' => ErrorHandler::getTotalFindEntries($search));
     foreach (ErrorHandler::find($search, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $pageset) as $row) {
         $result['entries'][] = array('date' => DateTime::getShort(DateTime::fromUnixTimestamp($row['timestamp']), true), 'message' => $row['message']);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function execute()
     $result = array();
     $db_time = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetTime');
     $db_uptime = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetUptime');
     $db_version = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetVersion');
     @(list($system, $host, $kernel) = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', @exec('uname -a'), 5));
     $data = array(array('key' => 'date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort(null, true)), array('key' => 'system', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_operating_system'), 'value' => $system . ' ' . $kernel), array('key' => 'host', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_host'), 'value' => $host . ' (' . gethostbyname($host) . ')'), array('key' => 'uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_up_time'), 'value' => @exec('uptime')), array('key' => 'http_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_http_server'), 'value' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), array('key' => 'php', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_php_version'), 'value' => 'PHP v' . PHP_VERSION . ' / Zend v' . zend_version()), array('key' => 'db_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_host'), 'value' => DB_SERVER . ' (' . gethostbyname(DB_SERVER) . ')'), array('key' => 'db_version', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_version'), 'value' => $db_version), array('key' => 'db_date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort($db_time, true)), array('key' => 'db_uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_up_time'), 'value' => $db_uptime));
     $result['entries'] = $data;
     $result['total'] = count($data);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Retrieve web server and database server information
  * @access public
 public static function getAll()
     $OSCOM_Database = Registry::get('Database');
     $result = array();
     $Qdate = $OSCOM_Database->query('select now() as datetime');
     $Quptime = $OSCOM_Database->query('show status like "Uptime"');
     @(list($system, $host, $kernel) = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', @exec('uname -a'), 5));
     $db_uptime = intval($Quptime->valueInt('Value') / 3600) . ':' . str_pad(intval($Quptime->valueInt('Value') / 60 % 60), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $data = array(array('key' => 'date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort(null, true)), array('key' => 'system', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_operating_system'), 'value' => $system . ' ' . $kernel), array('key' => 'host', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_host'), 'value' => $host . ' (' . gethostbyname($host) . ')'), array('key' => 'uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_up_time'), 'value' => @exec('uptime')), array('key' => 'http_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_http_server'), 'value' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), array('key' => 'php', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_php_version'), 'value' => 'PHP v' . PHP_VERSION . ' / Zend v' . zend_version()), array('key' => 'db_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_host'), 'value' => DB_SERVER . ' (' . gethostbyname(DB_SERVER) . ')'), array('key' => 'db_version', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_version'), 'value' => 'MySQL v' . $OSCOM_Database->getServerVersion()), array('key' => 'db_date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort($Qdate->value('datetime'), true)), array('key' => 'db_uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_up_time'), 'value' => $db_uptime));
     $result['entries'] = $data;
     $result['total'] = count($data);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function execute()
     $result = array();
     $db_time = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetTime');
     $db_uptime = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetUptime');
     $db_version = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetVersion');
     $uptime = '---';
     if (!in_array('exec', explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', ini_get('disable_functions'))))) {
         $uptime = @exec('uptime');
     $data = array(array('key' => 'date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort(null, true)), array('key' => 'system', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_operating_system'), 'value' => php_uname('s') . ' ' . php_uname('r')), array('key' => 'host', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_host'), 'value' => php_uname('n') . ' (' . gethostbyname(php_uname('n')) . ')'), array('key' => 'uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_up_time'), 'value' => $uptime), array('key' => 'http_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_http_server'), 'value' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), array('key' => 'php', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_php_version'), 'value' => 'PHP v' . PHP_VERSION . ' / Zend v' . zend_version()), array('key' => 'db_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_host'), 'value' => OSCOM::getConfig('db_server') . ' (' . gethostbyname(OSCOM::getConfig('db_server')) . ')'), array('key' => 'db_version', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_version'), 'value' => $db_version), array('key' => 'db_date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort($db_time, true)), array('key' => 'db_uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_up_time'), 'value' => $db_uptime));
     $result['entries'] = $data;
     $result['total'] = count($data);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function execute($log)
     $log = basename($log);
     if (substr($log, 0, -4) != '.txt') {
         $log .= '.txt';
     $result = array('entries' => array());
     foreach (file(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/Logs/' . $log) as $l) {
         if (preg_match('/^\\[([0-9]{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])\\] (.*)$/', $l)) {
             $result['entries'][] = array('date' => DateTime::getShort(DateTime::fromUnixTimestamp(DateTime::getTimestamp(substr($l, 1, 20), 'd-M-Y H:i:s')), true), 'message' => substr($l, 23));
     $result['total'] = count($result['entries']);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function __construct()
     $this->_title = OSCOM::getDef('admin_indexmodules_errorlog_title');
     $this->_title_link = OSCOM::getLink(null, 'ErrorLog');
     if (Access::hasAccess(OSCOM::getSite(), 'ErrorLog')) {
         $this->_data = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="dataTable">' . '  <thead>' . '    <tr>' . '      <th>' . OSCOM::getDef('admin_indexmodules_errorlog_table_heading_date') . '</th>' . '      <th>' . OSCOM::getDef('admin_indexmodules_errorlog_table_heading_message') . '</th>' . '    </tr>' . '  </thead>' . '  <tbody>';
         if (ErrorHandler::getTotalEntries() > 0) {
             $counter = 0;
             foreach (ErrorHandler::getAll(6) as $row) {
                 $this->_data .= '    <tr onmouseover="$(this).addClass(\'mouseOver\');" onmouseout="$(this).removeClass(\'mouseOver\');"' . ($counter % 2 ? ' class="alt"' : '') . '>' . '      <td style="white-space: nowrap;">' . Registry::get('Template')->getIcon(16, 'errorlog.png') . '&nbsp;' . DateTime::getShort(DateTime::fromUnixTimestamp($row['timestamp']), true) . '</td>' . '      <td>' . osc_output_string_protected(substr($row['message'], 0, 60)) . '..</td>' . '    </tr>';
         } else {
             $this->_data .= '    <tr onmouseover="$(this).addClass(\'mouseOver\');" onmouseout="$(this).removeClass(\'mouseOver\');">' . '      <td colspan="2">' . osc_icon('tick.png') . '&nbsp;' . OSCOM::getDef('admin_indexmodules_errorlog_no_errors_found') . '</td>' . '    </tr>';
         $this->_data .= '  </tbody>' . '</table>';
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static function execute()
     if (!isset($_GET['search'])) {
         $_GET['search'] = '';
     if (!isset($_GET['page']) || !is_numeric($_GET['page'])) {
         $_GET['page'] = 1;
     if (!empty($_GET['search'])) {
         $result = Customers::find($_GET['search'], $_GET['page']);
     } else {
         $result = Customers::getAll($_GET['page']);
     foreach ($result['entries'] as &$c) {
         $c['date_account_created'] = DateTime::getShort($c['date_account_created'], true);
     $result['rpcStatus'] = RPC::STATUS_SUCCESS;
     echo json_encode($result);
Ejemplo n.º 9
$status = $Qstatus->fetchAll();
if (count($status) > 0) {

<div class="moduleBox">
    echo OSCOM::getDef('order_history_heading');

  <div class="content">
    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">

    foreach ($status as $s) {
        echo '    <tr>' . "\n" . '      <td valign="top" width="70">' . DateTime::getShort($s['date_added']) . '</td>' . "\n" . '      <td valign="top" width="70">' . $s['orders_status_name'] . '</td>' . "\n" . '      <td valign="top">' . (strlen(HTML::outputProtected($s['comments'])) > 0 ? nl2br(HTML::outputProtected($s['comments'])) : '&nbsp;') . '</td>' . "\n" . '    </tr>' . "\n";


//  if ( DOWNLOAD_ENABLED == '1' ) {
//    include('includes/modules/downloads.php');
//  }
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function add($product_id, $quantity = null)
     $OSCOM_Customer = Registry::get('Customer');
     $OSCOM_PDO = Registry::get('PDO');
     $OSCOM_Language = Registry::get('Language');
     if (!is_numeric($product_id)) {
         return false;
     $OSCOM_Product = new Product($product_id);
     if ($OSCOM_Product->isValid()) {
         if ($this->exists($product_id)) {
             $item_id = $this->getBasketID($product_id);
             if (!is_numeric($quantity)) {
                 $quantity = $this->getQuantity($item_id) + 1;
             $this->_contents[$item_id]['quantity'] = $quantity;
             if ($OSCOM_Customer->isLoggedOn()) {
                 $Qupdate = $OSCOM_PDO->prepare('update :table_shopping_carts set quantity = :quantity where customers_id = :customers_id and item_id = :item_id');
                 $Qupdate->bindInt(':quantity', $quantity);
                 $Qupdate->bindInt(':customers_id', $OSCOM_Customer->getID());
                 $Qupdate->bindInt(':item_id', $item_id);
         } else {
             if (!is_numeric($quantity)) {
                 $quantity = 1;
             if ($OSCOM_Customer->isLoggedOn()) {
                 $Qid = $OSCOM_PDO->prepare('select max(item_id) as item_id from :table_shopping_carts where customers_id = :customers_id');
                 $Qid->bindInt(':customers_id', $OSCOM_Customer->getID());
                 $item_id = $Qid->valueInt('item_id') + 1;
             } else {
                 if (empty($this->_contents)) {
                     $item_id = 1;
                 } else {
                     $item_id = max(array_keys($this->_contents)) + 1;
             $this->_contents[$item_id] = array('item_id' => $item_id, 'id' => $product_id, 'parent_id' => (int) $OSCOM_Product->getData('parent_id'), 'name' => $OSCOM_Product->getTitle(), 'model' => $OSCOM_Product->getModel(), 'keyword' => $OSCOM_Product->getKeyword(), 'image' => $OSCOM_Product->getImage(), 'price' => $OSCOM_Product->getPrice(true), 'quantity' => $quantity, 'weight' => $OSCOM_Product->getData('weight'), 'tax_class_id' => $OSCOM_Product->getData('tax_class_id'), 'date_added' => DateTime::getShort(DateTime::getNow()), 'weight_class_id' => $OSCOM_Product->getData('weight_class_id'));
             if ($OSCOM_Customer->isLoggedOn()) {
                 $Qnew = $OSCOM_PDO->prepare('insert into :table_shopping_carts (customers_id, item_id, products_id, quantity, date_added) values (:customers_id, :item_id, :products_id, :quantity, now())');
                 $Qnew->bindInt(':customers_id', $OSCOM_Customer->getID());
                 $Qnew->bindInt(':item_id', $item_id);
                 $Qnew->bindInt(':products_id', $product_id);
                 $Qnew->bindInt(':quantity', $quantity);
             if ($OSCOM_Product->getData('parent_id') > 0) {
                 $Qvariant = $OSCOM_PDO->prepare('select as group_id, pvg.title as group_title, pvg.module, as value_id, pvv.title as value_title from :table_products_variants pv, :table_products_variants_values pvv, :table_products_variants_groups pvg where pv.products_id = :products_id and pv.products_variants_values_id = and pvv.languages_id = :languages_id_pvv and pvv.products_variants_groups_id = and pvg.languages_id = :languages_id_pvg');
                 $Qvariant->bindInt(':products_id', $product_id);
                 $Qvariant->bindInt(':languages_id_pvv', $OSCOM_Language->getID());
                 $Qvariant->bindInt(':languages_id_pvg', $OSCOM_Language->getID());
                 while ($Qvariant->fetch()) {
                     $group_title = ProductVariants::getGroupTitle($Qvariant->value('module'), $Qvariant->toArray());
                     $value_title = ProductVariants::getValueTitle($Qvariant->value('module'), $Qvariant->toArray());
                     $has_custom_value = ProductVariants::hasCustomValue($Qvariant->value('module'));
                     $this->_contents[$item_id]['variants'][] = array('group_id' => $Qvariant->valueInt('group_id'), 'value_id' => $Qvariant->valueInt('value_id'), 'group_title' => $group_title, 'value_title' => $value_title, 'has_custom_value' => $has_custom_value);
                     if ($OSCOM_Customer->isLoggedOn() && $has_custom_value === true) {
                         $Qnew = $OSCOM_PDO->prepare('insert into :table_shopping_carts_custom_variants_values (shopping_carts_item_id, customers_id, products_id, products_variants_values_id, products_variants_values_text) values (:shopping_carts_item_id, :customers_id, :products_id, :products_variants_values_id, :products_variants_values_text)');
                         $Qnew->bindInt(':shopping_carts_item_id', $item_id);
                         $Qnew->bindInt(':customers_id', $OSCOM_Customer->getID());
                         $Qnew->bindInt(':products_id', $product_id);
                         $Qnew->bindInt(':products_variants_values_id', $Qvariant->valueInt('value_id'));
                         $Qnew->bindValue(':products_variants_values_text', $value_title);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    <td class="productInfoKey">Model:</td>
    <td class="productInfoValue"><span id="productInfoModel"><?php 
echo $OSCOM_Product->getModel();

if ($OSCOM_Product->hasAttribute('date_available')) {
    // HPDL check case

    <td class="productInfoKey">Date Available:</td>
    <td class="productInfoValue"><?php 
    echo DateTime::getShort($OSCOM_Product->getAttribute('date_available'));



if ($OSCOM_Product->hasVariants()) {

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">