  * @inheritdoc
 public function toHtml()
     $this->setVar('value', $this->entity->felder[$this->textfield]->toString());
     $this->setVar('link', Routing::targetLink($this->target));
     $this->defaultSkinFile = __DIR__ . '/LookupLinkControl.template.html';
     return $this->renderBySkin();
 protected function generateTemplate()
     // Sobald das Entity feststeht, steht auch der Edit-Link fest. Dann können wir auch das Template erzeugen
     $class = explode('\\', get_class($this->entity));
     $class = $class[count($class) - 1];
     $link = Routing::appLink($this->entity->getModuleName(), 'edit' . $class, array('id' => '{' . $this->entity->primaryKey . '}'));
     $cssClass = '';
     if ($this->showModal) {
         $cssClass = 'nfs-modal';
     $btnTextBearbeiten = 'Bearbeiten';
     if ($this->small) {
         $btnTextBearbeiten = '';
     $btnTextLoeschen = 'Löschen';
     if ($this->small) {
         $btnTextLoeschen = '';
     $this->template = '
         <a href="' . $link . '" class="btn btn-default btn-xs ' . $cssClass . '" title="Bearbeiten">
             <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' . $btnTextBearbeiten . '
         <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs delete" title="Löschen">
             <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' . $btnTextLoeschen . '
  * @inheritdoc
 public function toHtml()
     if (count(Routing::getBreadcrumbs()) === 0) {
         return '';
     $ul = Html::create($this->tagToUse)->addCssClasses($this->cssClasses)->css('breadcrumb');
     $lastLi = null;
     foreach (Routing::getBreadcrumbs() as $curBreadcrumb) {
         $li = Html::create('li')->addTo($ul);
         $fulllink = $curBreadcrumb['link'];
         if (strpos($fulllink, 'http') === false) {
             $fulllink = Configuration::get('site.scriptUrl') . $fulllink;
         $text = $curBreadcrumb['text'];
         if (mb_strlen($curBreadcrumb['text']) > 20) {
             $text = mb_substr($curBreadcrumb['text'], 0, 20) . '...';
         if ($curBreadcrumb['link'] !== '') {
             Html::create('a')->addTo($li)->attr('href', $fulllink)->attr('title', $curBreadcrumb['text'])->text($text);
         } else {
             Html::create('span')->addTo($li)->attr('title', $curBreadcrumb['text'])->text($text);
         $lastLi = $li;
     return $ul->render();
 public function setButtonLink($text, $module, $action, $param = array(), $icon = '', $btnClass = 'btn-primary', $linkClass = '')
     $this->href = Routing::appLink($module, $action, $param);
     $this->text = $text;
     $this->class .= ' ' . $btnClass . ' ' . $linkClass;
     if ($icon != '') {
         $this->text = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-' . $icon . '"></span> ' . $text;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Führt einen 301 Redirect auf ein Ziel im Framework durch
  * @param $module
  * @param $action
  * @param array $param
  * @param bool $admin Falls true, wird ein Redirect auf die Admin-Seite erzwungen
  * @param string $hash
 public static function redirectTo($module, $action, array $param = array(), $admin = false, $hash = '')
     if ($admin) {
         $url = Configuration::get('site.siteUrl') . "/admin.php/{$module}/{$action}";
         foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
             $url .= "/{$key}/{$value}";
         if ($hash !== '') {
             $url .= '#' . $hash;
     $url = Routing::appLink($module, $action, $param);
     if ($hash !== '') {
         $url .= '#' . $hash;
  * @return string
 public function toHtml()
     if ($this->renderChildren) {
     if ($this->page->pa_link === '') {
         $href = Routing::appLink($this->page->pa_module, $this->page->pa_action);
     } else {
         $href = Routing::appLink($this->page->pa_link);
     $fulllink = Html::create('a')->attr('href', $href)->text($this->page->getDisplayText());
     // Aktiv-Klasse setzen (oder eben nicht)
     if ($this->page->isActive()) {
         $this->setVar('active', 'active');
     } else {
         $this->setVar('active', '');
     // Dropdown einfügen, falls es Kind-Knoten gibt und diese
     // angezeigt werden
     if ($this->renderChildren && $this->page->hasChildren()) {
         $this->setVar('chevron', '<span class="fa arrow"></span>');
         $fulllink->css('dropdown-toggle')->attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown');
         if ($this->getParent() instanceof SiteMenuControl) {
             $fulllink->text(' <b class="caret"></b>');
         } else {
     $this->setVar('text', $this->page->getDisplayText());
     if ($this->page->pa_icon !== '') {
         $this->setVar('icon', '<i class="fa fa-' . $this->page->pa_icon . '"></i>');
     $this->setVar('bezeichnung', $this->page->getCssBezeichnung($this->page->pa_bezeichnung));
     $this->setVar('cssClass', 'class="' . $this->getCssString() . '"');
     $this->setVar('sub', $this->getSubHtml());
     $this->setVar('link', $fulllink->render());
     $this->setVar('href', $fulllink->getAttribute('href'));
     return $this->renderBySkin();
  * @deprecated
  * @param $module
  * @param $action
  * @param $param
  * @return string
 public static function link($module, $action, array $param = [])
     return Routing::appLink($module, $action, $param);
  * Setzt die Metadaten für den Response
  * @param Response $response
 private function setMetadata(Response $response)
     $response->getMetadata()->setHeading((string) $this->resource);
     Routing::addBreadcrumb($this->resource->__toPluralString(), EntityLinks::index($this->resource));
     if ($this->resource->id > 0) {
         Routing::addBreadcrumb((string) $this->resource, EntityLinks::edit($this->resource));
     } else {
         Routing::addBreadcrumb('Neuen Datensatz anlegen');
 public function indexImportprotokoll()
     $this->import = new Import($this->request->import);
     Application::getCurrentResponse()->heading = 'Protokoll für ' . $this->import;
     Routing::addBreadcrumb('Importe', EntityLinks::index($this->import));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Diese Methode setzt die Seitenüberschrift und die Breadcrumbs für den
  * Aufruf eines Entities
  * @param BaseEntity $entity
 public function handleResourceCall(BaseEntity $entity)
     $this->response->getMetadata()->setHeading((string) $entity);
     Routing::addBreadcrumb($entity->__toPluralString(), EntityLinks::index($entity));
     if ($entity->id > 0) {
         Routing::addBreadcrumb((string) $entity, EntityLinks::edit($entity));
     } else {
         Routing::addBreadcrumb('Neuen Datensatz anlegen');
  * @param BaseEntity $entity
  * @return string
 public static function init(BaseEntity $entity)
     return Routing::appLink($entity->getModuleName(), 'new' . $entity->getShortClassName(), array());
 public function berechtigungen()
     $this->current = Modules::getModule($this->request->id);
     $this->aktionen = [];
     Routing::addBreadcrumb('Module', '/ModView/showModules');
     foreach ($this->current->getAllActions() as $action) {
         if ($action->securityLevel === Action::LEVEL_CONFIG) {
             $linkEdit = new HTML('a');
             $linkEdit->addAttribute('href', Routing::appLink('modView', 'berechtigung', array('current' => $this->current->qualifiedName, 'id' => $action->name)));
             $linkEdit->text('Berechtigungen &raquo;');
             $temp = array('name' => $action->name, 'description' => $action->description, 'berechtigung' => $linkEdit->render());
             if ($action->addToMenu) {
                 $temp['menu'] = 'Ja';
             } else {
                 $temp['menu'] = 'Nein';
             $this->aktionen[] = $temp;
 public function username()
     Routing::addBreadcrumb('Bentuzername vergessen', '');
 public function aktivierungslinkSenden()
     $this->user = new User($this->request->id);
     if ($this->user->val('us_aktiv')) {
         FlashMessage::warning('Der Benutzer ist bereits aktiv. Es wurde keine Mail versendet');
     $activationLink = Routing::appLink('User', 'activateUser', ['hash' => $this->user->generateHash()]);
     UserMailer::activate($this->user, 'Ihr Benutzerkonto', $activationLink);
     FlashMessage::success('Aktivierungslink wurde versendet');
 public function setAppLink($module, $action, $parameter = array(), $class = null, $title = null)
     $temp = Routing::appLink($module, $action, $parameter);
     $this->setLink($temp, $class, $title);
 public function toJavascript()
     $url = Routing::appLink($this->module, $this->action);
     $siteurl = Configuration::get('site.url');
     if ($this->showThumbnail) {
         $dir = 'thumbs';
     } else {
         $dir = 'resized';
     $formFieldText = '';
     foreach ($this->formFields as $field) {
         $formFieldText .= ", {$field['name']}: {$field['function']}";
     return "\n            // Define the url to send the image data to\n            var url = '{$url}';\n\n            // Call the fileupload widget and set some parameters\n            \$('#fileupload{$this->id}').fileupload({\n                url: url,\n                dataType: 'json',\n\n                submit: function(e, data) {\n                        data.formData = {\n                            kollektion: {$this->kollektionId},\n                            info: {$this->info},\n                            target: '{$this->targetFilename}',\n                            token: '{$this->token}' {$formFieldText}\n                        };\n\n                        \$('#progress-outer{$this->id}').css('display', 'block');\n                        \$('#progress{$this->id}').addClass('active');\n                        \$('#files{$this->id}').empty();\n\n\n                },\n\n                progressall: function (e, data) {\n                    // Update the progress bar while files are being uploaded\n                    var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);\n                    \$('#progress{$this->id} .bar').css(\n                        'width',\n                        progress + '%'\n                    );\n                },\n\n                done: function (e, data) {\n                    \$.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {\n                        if (file.error){\n                            var html = '<b>'+file.name+'</b>: '+ file.error;\n                            \$('<div/>').addClass('alert alert-danger').html(html).appendTo('#files');\n                        } else {\n                            var html = '<b>'+file.name+'</b>';\n                            \$('<div/>').addClass('alert alert-success').html(html).appendTo('#files');\n                            \$('#{$this->id}').val(file.name);\n\n                            if (\$('#image{$this->id}') != null) {\n                                \$('#image{$this->id}').attr('src', file.url);\n                            }\n\n                        }\n                    });\n                    \$('#progress{$this->id}').removeClass('active');\n                    \$('#progress-outer{$this->id}').css('display', 'none');\n                    \$('#files-outer{$this->id}').css('display', 'block');\n\n                    if ('{$this->notify}' != '')\n                        \$('#{$this->notify}').data('control').update();\n\n\n                }\n            });\n        ";
  * @param $text
  * @param $module
  * @param $action
  * @param array $param
  * @param string $css
  * @return DropdownControl
 public function addAppLink($text, $module, $action, $param = [], $css = '')
     $link = Routing::appLink($module, $action, $param);
     return $this->addLink($text, $link, $css);
 public function editPage()
     $this->page = new Page($this->request->id);
     $this->site = new Site($this->page->pa_site);
     // TODO
     Routing::addBreadcrumb('Struktur', '/site/showSite');
     Routing::addBreadcrumb($this->site->si_bezeichnung, '/site/showPage/site/' . $this->site->id);
 public function toHtml()
     $caption = $this->caption;
     $link = '';
     if ($this->icon !== '' && $this->iconPosition === self::ICON_LEFT) {
         $caption = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-' . $this->icon . '"></span> ' . $caption;
     if ($this->icon !== '' && $this->iconPosition === self::ICON_RIGHT) {
         $caption = $caption . ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-' . $this->icon . '"></span>';
     if (!$this->isSubmit && !isset($this->onClick)) {
         $link = Routing::appLink($this->module, $this->action, $this->parameter);
     // Link
     if ($this->useAnchor) {
         $html = Html::create('a')->attr('role', 'button')->attr('href', $link)->text($caption);
         if ($this->target != null) {
             $html->addAttribute('target', $this->target);
         if ($this->disabled) {
         // Submit
     } elseif ($this->isSubmit) {
         $html = Html::createElement('button');
         $html->addAttribute('type', 'submit')->addInnerHtml($caption);
         if ($this->disabled) {
             $html->addAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
         // Button als Link
     } elseif (!isset($this->onClick)) {
         $html = Html::createElement('button');
         $html->addAttribute('type', 'button')->addAttribute('onClick', "location.href='{$link}'")->addInnerHtml($caption);
         if ($this->disabled) {
             $html->addAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
     } else {
         $html = Html::createElement('button');
         $html->addAttribute('type', 'button')->addAttribute('onClick', $this->onClick)->addInnerHtml($caption);
         if ($this->disabled) {
             $html->addAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
     if (isset($this->dataTarget)) {
         $html->data('target', $this->dataTarget);
     $html->attr('id', $this->id)->attr('title', $this->title)->css($this->cssClasses)->css('btn')->css('btn-' . $this->buttonClass);
     if ($this->size !== self::SIZE_DEFAULT) {
         $html->css('btn-' . $this->size);
     return $html->render() . ' ';