Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @return QueryBuilder
 public function builder()
     $tableName = $this->getTableName();
     $builder = new QueryBuilder($this->connection->getDriver());
     $builder->from("[{$tableName}]", QueryBuilderHelper::getAlias($tableName));
     return $builder;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function escapeIdentifier($value)
     if (!$this->oldDriver) {
         return $this->conn->getDriver()->convertIdentifierToSql($value);
     } else {
         return $this->conn->getDriver()->convertToSql($value, IDriver::TYPE_IDENTIFIER);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Imports & executes queries from sql file.
  * Code taken from Adminer (http://www.adminer.org) & modified,
  * @author   Jakub Vrána
  * @author   Jan Tvrdík
  * @author   Michael Moravec
  * @author   Jan Škrášek
  * @license  Apache License
  * @param  Connection $connection
  * @param  string     $file path to imported file
  * @return int number of executed queries
 public static function executeFile(Connection $connection, $file)
     $query = @file_get_contents($file);
     if ($query === FALSE) {
         throw new IOException("Cannot open file '{$file}'.");
     $delimiter = ';';
     $offset = $queries = 0;
     $space = "(?:\\s|/\\*.*\\*/|(?:#|-- )[^\\n]*\\n|--\\n)";
     $driver = $connection->getDriver();
     if ($driver instanceof MysqliDriver) {
         $parse = '[\'"[]|/\\*|-- |$';
     } elseif ($driver instanceof PgsqlDriver) {
         $parse = '[\'"]|/\\*|-- |$|\\$[^$]*\\$';
     } else {
         // general
         $parse = '[\'"`#]|/\\*|-- |$';
     while ($query != '') {
         if (!$offset && preg_match("~^{$space}*DELIMITER\\s+(\\S+)~i", $query, $match)) {
             $delimiter = $match[1];
             $query = substr($query, strlen($match[0]));
         } else {
             preg_match('(' . preg_quote($delimiter) . "\\s*|{$parse})", $query, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset);
             // should always match
             $found = $match[0][0];
             $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen($found);
             if (!$found && rtrim($query) === '') {
             if (!$found || rtrim($found) == $delimiter) {
                 // end of a query
                 $q = substr($query, 0, $match[0][1]);
                 $connection->query('%raw', $q);
                 $query = substr($query, $offset);
                 $offset = 0;
             } else {
                 // find matching quote or comment end
                 while (preg_match('(' . ($found == '/*' ? '\\*/' : ($found == '[' ? ']' : (preg_match('~^-- |^#~', $found) ? "\n" : preg_quote($found) . "|\\\\."))) . '|$)s', $query, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
                     //! respect sql_mode NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES
                     $s = $match[0][0];
                     $offset = $match[0][1] + strlen($s);
                     if ($s[0] !== '\\') {
     return $queries;