Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Add new files for a release ID.
     * @param int    $id          The ID of the release.
     * @param string $name        Name of the file.
     * @param int    $size        Size of the file.
     * @param int    $createdTime Unix time the file was created.
     * @param int    $hasPassword Does it have a password (see Releases class constants)?
     * @return mixed
    public function add($id, $name, $size, $createdTime, $hasPassword)
        $insert = 0;
        $duplicateCheck = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('
				SELECT id
				FROM releasefiles
				WHERE releaseid = %d AND name = %s', $id, $this->pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode($name))));
        if ($duplicateCheck === false) {
            $insert = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO releasefiles\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(releaseid, name, size, createddate, passworded)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(%d, %s, %s, %s, %d)", $id, $this->pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode($name)), $this->pdo->escapeString($size), $this->pdo->from_unixtime($createdTime), $hasPassword));
        return $insert;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Add a forum post.
 public function add($parentid, $userid, $subject, $message, $locked = 0, $sticky = 0, $replies = 0)
     if ($message == "") {
         return -1;
     if ($parentid != 0) {
         $par = $this->getParent($parentid);
         if ($par == false) {
             return -1;
         $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf("update forumpost set replies = replies + 1, updateddate = now() where id = %d", $parentid));
     $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO forumpost (forumid, parentid, userid, subject, message, locked, sticky, replies, createddate, updateddate) VALUES ( 1,  %d, %d,  %s,  %s, %d, %d, %d,NOW(),  NOW())", $parentid, $userid, $this->pdo->escapeString($subject), $this->pdo->escapeString($message), $locked, $sticky, $replies));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Update the list of newsgroups from nntp provider matching a regex and return an array of messages.
 function addBulk($groupList, $active = 1, $backfill = 1)
     $ret = array();
     if ($groupList == "") {
         $ret[] = "No group list provided.";
     } else {
         $nntp = new NNTP(['Echo' => false]);
         if (!$nntp->doConnect()) {
             $ret[] = "Failed to get NNTP connection";
             return $ret;
         $groups = $nntp->getGroups();
         $regfilter = "/(" . str_replace(array('.', '*'), array('\\.', '.*?'), $groupList) . ")\$/";
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             if (preg_match($regfilter, $group['group']) > 0) {
                 $res = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s ", $this->pdo->escapeString($group['group'])));
                 if ($res) {
                     $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf("update groups SET active = %d where id = %d", $active, $res["id"]));
                     $ret[] = array('group' => $group['group'], 'msg' => 'Updated');
                 } else {
                     $desc = "";
                     $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO groups (name, description, active, backfill) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %s)", $this->pdo->escapeString($group['group']), $this->pdo->escapeString($desc), $active, $backfill));
                     $ret[] = array('group' => $group['group'], 'msg' => 'Created');
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function addMovie($uid, $imdbid, $catid = array())
     $db = new Settings();
     $catid = !empty($catid) ? $db->escapeString(implode('|', $catid)) : "null";
     $sql = sprintf("insert into usermovies (userid, imdbid, categoryid, createddate) values (%d, %d, %s, now())", $uid, $imdbid, $catid);
     return $db->queryInsert($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function addFull($id, $xml)
     $row = $this->getFull($id);
     if ($row) {
         return -1;
     return $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO releaseextrafull (releaseid, mediainfo) VALUES (%d, %s)", $id, $this->pdo->escapeString($xml)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Inserts Genre and returns last affected row (Genre id)
  * @param $genre
  * @return bool
 private function insertGenre($genre)
     $res = '';
     if (isset($genre)) {
         $res = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO genres (title, type, disabled) VALUES (%s ,%d ,%d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genre), 6000, 0));
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 7
     * Inserts new anime info from AniDB to anidb table
     * @param array $episodeArr
    private function insertAniDBEpisodes(array $episodeArr = [])
        if (!empty($episodeArr)) {
            foreach ($episodeArr as $episode) {
								INSERT IGNORE INTO anidb_episodes (anidbid, episodeid, episode_no, episode_title, airdate)
								VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %s, %s)', $this->anidbId, $episode['episode_id'], $episode['episode_no'], $this->pdo->escapeString($episode['episode_title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($episode['airdate'])));
Ejemplo n.º 8
     * Retrieve alternate release with same or similar searchname
     * @param string $guid
     * @param string $searchname
     * @param string $userid
     * @return string
    public function getAlternate($guid, $searchname, $userid)
        //status values
        // 0/false 	= successfully downloaded
        // 1/true 	= failed download
        $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT IGNORE INTO dnzb_failures (userid, guid) VALUES (%d, %s)", $userid, $this->pdo->escapeString($guid)));
        $alternate = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT * FROM releases r
			WHERE r.searchname %s
			AND r.guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM failed_downloads WHERE userid = %d)', $this->pdo->likeString($searchname), $userid));
        return $alternate;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Add a release_comments row.
 public function addComment($id, $gid, $text, $userid, $host)
     if (strlen(trim($text)) == 0) {
         return false;
     if ($this->pdo->getSetting('storeuserips') != "1") {
         $host = "";
     $comid = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO release_comments (releaseid, gid, text, userid, createddate, host) VALUES (%d, %s, %s, %d, now(), %s)", $id, $this->pdo->escapeString($gid), $this->pdo->escapeString($text), $userid, $this->pdo->escapeString($host)));
     return $comid;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Insert or update a musicinfo row.
 public function addUpdateMusicInfo($title, $asin, $url, $salesrank, $artist, $publisher, $releasedate, $review, $year, $genreID, $tracks, $cover)
     if (strlen($year) > 4) {
         if (preg_match("/\\d{4}/", $year, $matches)) {
             $year = $this->pdo->escapeString($matches[0]);
         } else {
             $year = "null";
     } else {
         $year = $this->pdo->escapeString($year);
     $sql = sprintf("\n\t\tINSERT INTO musicinfo  (title, asin, url, salesrank,  artist, publisher, releasedate, review, year, genreID, tracks, cover, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s,  %s,  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,   %s, %s, %d, now(), now())\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  title = %s,  asin = %s,  url = %s,  salesrank = %s,  artist = %s,  publisher = %s,  releasedate = %s,  review = %s,  year = %s,  genreID = %s,  tracks = %s,  cover = %d,  createddate = now(),  updateddate = now()", $this->pdo->escapeString($title), $this->pdo->escapeString($asin), $this->pdo->escapeString($url), $salesrank, $this->pdo->escapeString($artist), $this->pdo->escapeString($publisher), $releasedate, $this->pdo->escapeString($review), $year, $genreID == -1 ? "null" : $genreID, $this->pdo->escapeString($tracks), $cover, $this->pdo->escapeString($title), $this->pdo->escapeString($asin), $this->pdo->escapeString($url), $salesrank, $this->pdo->escapeString($artist), $this->pdo->escapeString($publisher), $releasedate, $this->pdo->escapeString($review), $this->pdo->escapeString($year), $genreID == -1 ? "null" : $genreID, $this->pdo->escapeString($tracks), $cover);
     $musicId = $this->pdo->queryInsert($sql);
     return $musicId;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Add a releaseregex row.
  * @param $regex
  * @return bool|int
 public function add($regex)
     $groupname = $regex["groupname"];
     if ($groupname == "") {
         $groupname = "null";
     } else {
         $groupname = sprintf("%s", $this->pdo->escapeString($regex["groupname"]));
     $catid = $regex["category"];
     if ($catid == "-1") {
         $catid = "null";
     } else {
         $catid = sprintf("%d", $regex["category"]);
     return $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("insert into releaseregex (groupname, regex, ordinal, status, description, categoryid) values (%s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s) ", $groupname, $this->pdo->escapeString($regex["regex"]), $regex["ordinal"], $regex["status"], $this->pdo->escapeString($regex["description"]), $catid));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Insert or update a bookinfo row.
 public function addUpdateBookInfo($title, $asin, $url, $author, $publisher, $publishdate, $review, $cover, $dewey, $ean, $isbn, $pages)
     if ($pages == 0) {
         $pages = "null";
     } else {
         $pages = $pages + 0;
     if ($publishdate == "") {
         $publishdate = "null";
     } elseif (strlen($publishdate) == 4) {
         $publishdate = $this->pdo->escapeString($publishdate . "-01-01");
     } elseif (strlen($publishdate) == 7) {
         $publishdate = $this->pdo->escapeString($publishdate . "-01");
     } else {
         $publishdate = $this->pdo->escapeString($publishdate);
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO bookinfo  (title, asin, url, author, publisher, publishdate, review, cover, createddate, updateddate, dewey, ean, isbn, pages)\n\t\tVALUES (%s,  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,  %s, %d, now(), now(), %s, %s, %s, %s)\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  title = %s,  asin = %s,  url = %s,   author = %s,  publisher = %s,  publishdate = %s,  review = %s, cover = %d,  createddate = now(),  updateddate = now(), dewey = %s, ean = %s, isbn = %s, pages = %s", $this->pdo->escapeString($title), $this->pdo->escapeString($asin), $this->pdo->escapeString($url), $this->pdo->escapeString($author), $this->pdo->escapeString($publisher), $publishdate, $this->pdo->escapeString($review), $cover, $this->pdo->escapeString($dewey), $this->pdo->escapeString($ean), $this->pdo->escapeString($isbn), $pages, $this->pdo->escapeString($title), $this->pdo->escapeString($asin), $this->pdo->escapeString($url), $this->pdo->escapeString($author), $this->pdo->escapeString($publisher), $this->pdo->escapeString($publishdate), $this->pdo->escapeString($review), $cover, $this->pdo->escapeString($dewey), $this->pdo->escapeString($ean), $this->pdo->escapeString($isbn), $pages);
     $bookId = $this->pdo->queryInsert($sql);
     return $bookId;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    protected function _updateConsoleTable($con = [])
        $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo);
        $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('
							SELECT id
							FROM consoleinfo
							WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin'])));
        if ($check === false) {
            $consoleId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO consoleinfo (title, asin, url, salesrank, platform, publisher, genreid, esrb, releasedate, review, cover, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, NOW(), NOW())", $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $con['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['platform']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['consolegenreid'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['consolegenreid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'] != "" ? $this->pdo->escapeString($con['releasedate']) : "null", $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($con['review'], 0, 3000)), $con['cover']));
            if ($con['cover'] === 1) {
                $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($consoleId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250);
        } else {
            $consoleId = $check['id'];
            if ($con['cover'] === 1) {
                $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($consoleId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250);
            $this->update($consoleId, $con['title'], $con['asin'], $con['url'], $con['salesrank'], $con['platform'], $con['publisher'], isset($con['releasedate']) ? $con['releasedate'] : null, $con['esrb'], $con['cover'], $con['consolegenreid'], isset($con['review']) ? $con['review'] : null);
        return $consoleId;
Ejemplo n.º 14
     * Attempt to find NFO files inside the NZB's of releases.
     * @param object $nntp           Instance of class NNTP.
     * @param string $groupID        (optional) Group id.
     * @param string $guidChar       (optional) First character of the release GUID (used for multi-processing).
     * @param int    $processImdb    (optional) Attempt to find IMDB id's in the NZB?
     * @param int    $processTvrage  (optional) Attempt to find TvRage id's in the NZB?
     * @return int                   How many NFO's were processed?
     * @access public
    public function processNfoFiles($nntp, $groupID = '', $guidChar = '', $processImdb = 1, $processTvrage = 1)
        $ret = 0;
        $guidCharQuery = $guidChar === '' ? '' : 'AND r.guid ' . $this->pdo->likeString($guidChar, false, true);
        $groupIDQuery = $groupID === '' ? '' : 'AND r.groupid = ' . $groupID;
        $optionsQuery = self::NfoQueryString($this->pdo);
        $res = $this->pdo->query(sprintf('
				SELECT r.id, r.guid, r.groupid, r.name
				FROM releases r
				WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
				ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC, r.postdate DESC
				LIMIT %d', $optionsQuery, $guidCharQuery, $groupIDQuery, $this->nzbs));
        $nfoCount = count($res);
        if ($nfoCount > 0) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(PHP_EOL . ($guidChar === '' ? '' : '[' . $guidChar . '] ') . ($groupID === '' ? '' : '[' . $groupID . '] ') . 'Processing ' . $nfoCount . ' NFO(s), starting at ' . $this->nzbs . ' * = hidden NFO, + = NFO, - = no NFO, f = download failed.'));
            if ($this->echo) {
                // Get count of releases per nfo status
                $nfoStats = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
						SELECT r.nfostatus AS status, COUNT(*) AS count
						FROM releases r
						WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
						GROUP BY r.nfostatus
						ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC', $optionsQuery, $guidCharQuery, $groupIDQuery));
                if ($nfoStats instanceof Traversable) {
                    $outString = PHP_EOL . 'Available to process';
                    foreach ($nfoStats as $row) {
                        $outString .= ', ' . $row['status'] . ' = ' . number_format($row['count']);
                    $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header($outString . '.'));
            $groups = new Groups(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            $nzbContents = new NZBContents(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'NNTP' => $nntp, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo, 'PostProcess' => new PostProcess(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo])]);
            $movie = new Movie(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            $tvRage = new TvRage(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            foreach ($res as $arr) {
                $fetchedBinary = $nzbContents->getNFOfromNZB($arr['guid'], $arr['id'], $arr['groupid'], $groups->getByNameByID($arr['groupid']));
                if ($fetchedBinary !== false) {
                    // Insert nfo into database.
                    $cp = 'COMPRESS(%s)';
                    $nc = $this->pdo->escapeString($fetchedBinary);
                    $ckreleaseid = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM releasenfo WHERE releaseid = %d', $arr['id']));
                    if (!isset($ckreleaseid['id'])) {
                        $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO releasenfo (nfo, releaseid) VALUES (' . $cp . ', %d)', $nc, $arr['id']));
                    $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = %d WHERE id = %d', self::NFO_FOUND, $arr['id']));
                    $movie->doMovieUpdate($fetchedBinary, 'nfo', $arr['id'], $processImdb);
                    // If set scan for tvrage info.
                    if ($processTvrage == 1) {
                        $rageId = $this->parseRageId($fetchedBinary);
                        if ($rageId !== false) {
                            $show = $tvRage->parseNameEpSeason($arr['name']);
                            if (is_array($show) && $show['name'] != '') {
                                // Update release with season, ep, and air date info (if available) from release title.
                                $tvRage->updateEpInfo($show, $arr['id']);
                                $rid = $tvRage->getByRageID($rageId);
                                if (!$rid) {
                                    $tvrShow = $tvRage->getRageInfoFromService($rageId);
                                    $tvRage->updateRageInfo($rageId, $show, $tvrShow, $arr['id']);
        // Remove nfo that we cant fetch after 5 attempts.
        $releases = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT r.id
				FROM releases r
				WHERE r.nzbstatus = %d
				AND r.nfostatus < %d %s %s', NZB::NZB_ADDED, $this->maxRetries, $groupIDQuery, $guidCharQuery));
        if ($releases instanceof Traversable) {
            foreach ($releases as $release) {
                $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('DELETE FROM releasenfo WHERE nfo IS NULL AND releaseid = %d', $release['id']));
        // Set releases with no NFO.
				UPDATE releases r
				SET r.nfostatus = %d
				WHERE r.nzbstatus = %d
				AND r.nfostatus < %d %s %s', self::NFO_FAILED, NZB::NZB_ADDED, $this->maxRetries, $groupIDQuery, $guidCharQuery));
        if ($this->echo) {
            if ($nfoCount > 0) {
                echo PHP_EOL;
            if ($ret > 0) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($ret . ' NFO file(s) found/processed.', true);
        return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function addSource($description, $username, $usermail, $usenetgroup, $publickey)
     $db = new Settings();
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO spotnabsources " . "(description, username, useremail," . " usenetgroup, publickey, active) " . "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0)", $db->escapeString($description), $db->escapeString($username), $db->escapeString($usermail), $db->escapeString($usenetgroup), $db->escapeString($publickey));
     return $db->queryInsert($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 16
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/config.php';
use newznab\db\Settings;
$pdo = new Settings();
if (!isset($argv[1]) || $argv[1] != 'true') {
    exit($pdo->log->error("\nThis script will download all tvrage shows and insert into the db.\n\n" . "php {$argv['0']} true    ...: To run.\n"));
$newnames = $updated = 0;
echo "Attempting to fetch data file from TVRage...\n";
$tvshows = @simplexml_load_file('http://services.tvrage.com/feeds/show_list.php');
if ($tvshows !== false) {
    echo "Starting to process file entries...\n";
    foreach ($tvshows->show as $rage) {
        echo "RageID: " . $rage->id . ", name: " . $rage->name . " - ";
        $dupecheck = $pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM tvrage WHERE id = %s', $pdo->escapeString($rage->id)));
        if (isset($rage->id) && isset($rage->name) && !empty($rage->id) && !empty($rage->name) && $dupecheck !== false && $dupecheck['count'] == 0) {
            $pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO tvrage (rageid, releasetitle, country) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', $pdo->escapeString($rage->id), $pdo->escapeString($rage->name), $pdo->escapeString($rage->country)));
            echo "added\n";
        } elseif (isset($rage->id) && isset($rage->name) && !empty($rage->id) && !empty($rage->name) && $dupecheck !== false && $dupecheck['count'] > 0) {
            echo "Up to date\n";
        } else {
            echo "FAILED\n";
} else {
    exit($pdo->log->info("TVRage site has a hard limit of 400 concurrent API requests. At the moment, they have reached that limit. Please wait before retrying\n"));
if ($updated != 0) {
    echo $pdo->log->info("Inserted " . $updated . " new shows into the TvRage table.  To fill out the newly populated TvRage table\n" . "php misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/lib/testing/PostProc/updateTvRage.php\n");
} else {
    echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Add a releasefiles row.
 public function add($id, $name, $size, $createddate, $passworded)
     $db = new Settings();
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO releasefiles  (releaseid,   name,   size,   createddate,   passworded) VALUES (%d, %s, %s, from_unixtime(%d), %d)", $id, $db->escapeString($name), $db->escapeString($size), $createddate, $passworded);
     return $db->queryInsert($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 $binary['date'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['date']);
 $binary['binaryhash'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['binarynhash']);
 $binary['dateadded'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['dateadded']);
 $binary['xref'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['xref']);
 $binary['releaseid'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['releaseid']);
 $binary['categoryid'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['categoryid']);
 $binary['totalparts'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['totalparts']);
 $binary['relpart'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['relpart']);
 $binary['reltotalpart'] = $pdo->escapeString($binary['reltotalpart']);
 $oldbid = array_shift($binary);
 if ($debug) {
     echo "\n\nBinaries insert:\n";
     echo sprintf("\nINSERT INTO binaries_%d (name, fromname, date, xref, groupid,  dateadded, releaseid, categoryid, totalparts, binaryhash, relpart, reltotalpart) VALUES (%s)\n\n", $binary['groupid'], implode(', ', $binary));
 $newbid = array('binaryid' => $pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO binaries_%d (NAME, fromname, date, xref, groupid, dateadded, releaseid, categoryid, totalparts,  binaryhash, relpart, reltotalpart) VALUES (%s);', $binary['groupid'], implode(', ', $binarynew))));
 //Get parts and split to correct group tables.
 $parts = $pdo->queryAssoc('SELECT * FROM parts WHERE binaryid = ' . $oldbid . ';');
 if ($parts instanceof \Traversable) {
     $firstpart = true;
     $partsnew = '';
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         $oldpid = array_shift($part);
         $partnew = array_replace($part, $newbid);
         $partsnew .= '(\'' . implode('\', \'', $partnew) . '\'), ';
     $partsnew = substr($partsnew, 0, -2);
     if ($debug) {
         echo "\n\nParts insert:\n";
         echo sprintf("\nINSERT INTO parts_%d (binaryid, messageid, number, partnumber, size) VALUES %s;\n\n", $binary['groupid'], $partsnew);
Ejemplo n.º 19
     * Process each game, updating game information from Giantbomb
     * @param $gameInfo
     * @return bool
    public function updateGamesInfo($gameInfo)
        $gen = new \Genres(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
        $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo);
        $con = array();
        // Process Steam first before giantbomb
        // Steam has more details
        $this->_gameResults = [];
        $this->_getGame = new \Steam();
        $this->_classUsed = "steam";
        $this->_getGame->cookie = $this->cookie;
        $this->_getGame->searchTerm = $gameInfo['title'];
        if ($this->_getGame->search() !== false) {
            $this->_gameResults = $this->_getGame->getAll();
        if (count($this->_gameResults) < 1) {
            $this->_getGame = new \Desura();
            $this->_classUsed = "desura";
            $this->_getGame->cookie = $this->cookie;
            $this->_getGame->searchTerm = $gameInfo['title'];
            if ($this->_getGame->search() !== false) {
                $this->_gameResults = $this->_getGame->getAll();
        if (count($this->_gameResults) < 1) {
            $this->_getGame = new \Greenlight();
            $this->_classUsed = "gl";
            $this->_getGame->cookie = $this->cookie;
            $this->_getGame->searchTerm = $gameInfo['title'];
            if ($this->_getGame->search() !== false) {
                $this->_gameResults = $this->_getGame->getAll();
        if (count($this->_gameResults) < 1) {
            $this->_gameResults = (array) $this->fetchGiantBombID($gameInfo['title']);
            if ($this->maxHitRequest === true) {
                return false;
        if (empty($this->_gameResults['title'])) {
            return false;
        if (!is_array($this->_gameResults)) {
            return false;
        if (count($this->_gameResults) > 1) {
            $genreName = '';
            switch ($this->_classUsed) {
                case "desura":
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['cover'])) {
                        $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['cover'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['backdrop'])) {
                        $con['backdropurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['backdrop'];
                    $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['title'];
                    $con['asin'] = $this->_gameResults['desuragameid'];
                    $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['directurl'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher'])) {
                        $con['publisher'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher'];
                    } else {
                        $con['publisher'] = "Unknown";
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['rating'])) {
                        $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['rating'];
                    } else {
                        $con['esrb'] = "Not Rated";
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) {
                        $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description']));
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['trailer'])) {
                        $con['trailer'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['trailer'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'])) {
                        $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'];
                        $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres);
                case "gb":
                    $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['image']['super_url'];
                    $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['name'];
                    $con['asin'] = $this->_gameID;
                    $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['site_detail_url'];
                    if (is_array($this->_gameResults['publishers'])) {
                        while (list($key) = each($this->_gameResults['publishers'])) {
                            if ($key == 0) {
                                $con['publisher'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['publishers'][$key]['name'];
                    } else {
                        $con['publisher'] = "Unknown";
                    if (is_array($this->_gameResults['original_game_rating'])) {
                        $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['original_game_rating'][0]['name'];
                    } else {
                        $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['original_game_rating']['name'];
                    $con['releasedate'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['original_release_date'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) {
                        $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description']));
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['genres'][0]['name'])) {
                        $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['genres'][0]['name'];
                        $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres);
                case "gl":
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['cover'])) {
                        $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['cover'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['backdrop'])) {
                        $con['backdropurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['backdrop'];
                    $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['title'];
                    $con['asin'] = $this->_gameResults['greenlightgameid'];
                    $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['directurl'];
                    $con['publisher'] = "Unknown";
                    $con['esrb'] = "Not Rated";
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) {
                        $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description']));
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['trailer'])) {
                        $con['trailer'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['trailer'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'])) {
                        $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'];
                        $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres);
                case "steam":
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['cover'])) {
                        $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['cover'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['backdrop'])) {
                        $con['backdropurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['backdrop'];
                    $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['title'];
                    $con['asin'] = $this->_gameResults['steamgameid'];
                    $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['directurl'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher'])) {
                        $con['publisher'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher'];
                    } else {
                        $con['publisher'] = "Unknown";
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['rating'])) {
                        $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['rating'];
                    } else {
                        $con['esrb'] = "Not Rated";
                    if (!empty($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Release Date'])) {
                        $dateReleased = $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Release Date'];
                        if (!preg_match('#^\\s*(?P<month>\\w+)\\s+(?P<day>\\d{1,2}),?\\s+(?P<year>\\d{4})\\s*$#', $dateReleased)) {
                            if (preg_match('#^\\s*(?P<month>\\w+)\\s+(?P<year>\\d{4})\\s*$#', $dateReleased, $matches)) {
                                $dateReleased = "{$matches['month']} 1, {$matches['year']}";
                        $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('M/j/Y', $dateReleased);
                        if ($date instanceof \DateTime) {
                            $con['releasedate'] = (string) $date->format('Y-m-d');
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) {
                        $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description']));
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['trailer'])) {
                        $con['trailer'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['trailer'];
                    if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'])) {
                        $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'];
                        $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres);
                    return false;
        } else {
            return false;
        // Load genres.
        $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(\Genres::GAME_TYPE);
        $genreassoc = array();
        foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) {
            $genreassoc[$dg['id']] = strtolower($dg['title']);
        // Prepare database values.
        if (isset($con['coverurl'])) {
            $con['cover'] = 1;
        } else {
            $con['cover'] = 0;
        if (isset($con['backdropurl'])) {
            $con['backdrop'] = 1;
        } else {
            $con['backdrop'] = 0;
        if (!isset($con['trailer'])) {
            $con['trailer'] = 0;
        if (empty($con['title'])) {
            $con['title'] = $gameInfo['title'];
        if (!isset($con['releasedate'])) {
            $con['releasedate'] = "";
        if ($con['releasedate'] == "''") {
            $con['releasedate'] = "";
        if (!isset($con['review'])) {
            $con['review'] = 'No Review';
        $con['classused'] = $this->_classUsed;
        if (empty($genreName)) {
            $genreName = 'Unknown';
        if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) {
            $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc);
        } else {
            $genreKey = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO genres (title, type)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genreName), \Genres::GAME_TYPE));
        $con['gamesgenre'] = $genreName;
        $con['gamesgenreID'] = $genreKey;
        $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('
				SELECT id
				FROM gamesinfo
				WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin'])));
        if ($check === false) {
            $gamesId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO gamesinfo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(title, asin, url, publisher, genre_id, esrb, releasedate, review, cover, backdrop, trailer, classused, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, NOW(), NOW())", $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['gamesgenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['gamesgenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'] != "" ? $this->pdo->escapeString($con['releasedate']) : "null", $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($con['review'], 0, 3000)), $con['cover'], $con['backdrop'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['trailer']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['classused'])));
        } else {
            $gamesId = $check['id'];
					UPDATE gamesinfo
						title = %s, asin = %s, url = %s, publisher = %s, genre_id = %s,
						esrb = %s, releasedate = %s, review = %s, cover = %d, backdrop = %d, trailer = %s, classused = %s, updateddate = NOW()
					WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['gamesgenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['gamesgenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'] != "" ? $this->pdo->escapeString($con['releasedate']) : "null", $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($con['review'], 0, 3000)), $con['cover'], $con['backdrop'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['trailer']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['classused']), $gamesId));
        if ($gamesId) {
            if ($this->echoOutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Added/updated game: ") . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Title:    ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($con['title']));
            if ($con['cover'] === 1) {
                $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($gamesId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250);
            if ($con['backdrop'] === 1) {
                $con['backdrop'] = $ri->saveImage($gamesId . '-backdrop', $con['backdropurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024);
        } else {
            if ($this->echoOutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver("Nothing to update: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($con['title'] . ' (PC)'));
        return $gamesId;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 $binaryId = 0;
 $groupRegexes = $releaseRegex->getForGroup($groupName);
 foreach ($nzbInfo->nzb as $postFile) {
     $regexMatches = [];
     foreach ($groupRegexes as $groupRegex) {
         $regexCheck = $releaseRegex->performMatch($groupRegex, $postFile["subject"]);
         if ($regexCheck !== false) {
             $regexMatches = $regexCheck;
     if (!empty($regexMatches)) {
         $relparts = explode("/", $regexMatches['parts']);
         $regexMatches['regcatid'] = $categoryoverride != -1 ? $categoryoverride : $regexMatches['regcatid'];
         $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO binaries (name, fromname, date, xref, totalParts, groupid, binaryhash, dateadded,\n                        categoryid, regexid, reqid, procstat, relpart, reltotalpart, relname)\n                        values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, NOW(), %s, %d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %s )", $db->escapeString($postFile["subject"]), $db->escapeString($postFile["poster"]), $db->escapeString(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $postFile["posted"])), $db->escapeString(implode(': ', $nzbInfo->groups) . ':'), $postFile["segmenttotal"], $groupID, $db->escapeString(md5($postFile["subject"] . $postFile["poster"] . $groupID)), $regexMatches['regcatid'], $regexMatches['regexid'], $db->escapeString($regexMatches['reqid']), \Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $relparts[0], $relparts[1], $db->escapeString(str_replace('_', ' ', $regexMatches['name'])));
         $binaryId = $db->queryInsert($sql);
         if (count($postFile['segments']) > 0) {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO parts (binaryid, messageid, number, partnumber, size) values ";
             foreach ($postFile['segments'] as $fileSegmentNum => $fileSegment) {
                 $sql .= sprintf("(%d, %s, 0, %d, %d),", $binaryId, $db->escapeString($fileSegment), $fileSegmentNum, $postFile['segmentbytes'][$fileSegmentNum]);
             $db->queryInsert(substr($sql, 0, -1));
 if ($binaryId != 0) {
     echo sprintf("%0" . $digits . "d %.2f%% Imported %s (%d:%s-%d/%d)\n", $items - $num, $num / $items * 100, basename($nzbFile), $regexMatches['regcatid'], $regexMatches['regexid'], $numbins, $numparts);
     if ($movefiles) {
         if (!file_exists($importedpath)) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
$nntp = new \NNTP(['Settings' => $pdo]);
if ($nntp->doConnect() !== true) {
    exit($pdo->log->error("Unable to connect to usenet."));
echo $pdo->log->header("Getting first/last for all your active groups.");
$data = $nntp->getGroups();
if ($nntp->isError($data)) {
    exit($pdo->log->error("Failed to getGroups() from nntp server."));
echo $pdo->log->header("Inserting new values into shortgroups table.");
$pdo->queryExec('TRUNCATE TABLE shortgroups');
// Put into an array all active groups
$res = $pdo->query('SELECT name FROM groups WHERE active = 1 OR backfill = 1');
foreach ($data as $newgroup) {
    if (myInArray($res, $newgroup['group'], 'name')) {
        $pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO shortgroups (name, first_record, last_record, updated) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NOW())', $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['group']), $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['first']), $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['last'])));
        echo $pdo->log->primary('Updated ' . $newgroup['group']);
echo $pdo->log->header('Running time: ' . $consoleTools->convertTimer(TIME() - $start));
function myInArray($array, $value, $key)
    //loop through the array
    foreach ($array as $val) {
        //if $val is an array cal myInArray again with $val as array input
        if (is_array($val)) {
            if (myInArray($val, $value, $key)) {
                return true;
        } else {
            //else check if the given key has $value as value
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * @param      $title
  * @param      $year
  * @param null $amazdata
  * @return bool
 public function updateMusicInfo($title, $year, $amazdata = null)
     $gen = new \Genres(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
     $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo);
     $titlepercent = 0;
     $mus = [];
     if ($title != '') {
         $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($title);
     } else {
         if ($amazdata != null) {
             $amaz = $amazdata;
         } else {
             $amaz = false;
     if (!$amaz) {
         return false;
     if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title)) {
         $mus['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title;
         if (empty($mus['title'])) {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     // Load genres.
     $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(\Genres::MUSIC_TYPE);
     $genreassoc = [];
     foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) {
         $genreassoc[$dg['id']] = strtolower($dg['title']);
     // Get album properties.
     $mus['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL;
     if ($mus['coverurl'] != "") {
         $mus['cover'] = 1;
     } else {
         $mus['cover'] = 0;
     $mus['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN;
     $mus['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL;
     $mus['url'] = str_replace("%26tag%3Dws", "%26tag%3Dopensourceins%2D21", $mus['url']);
     $mus['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank;
     if ($mus['salesrank'] == "") {
         $mus['salesrank'] = 'null';
     $mus['artist'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Artist;
     if (empty($mus['artist'])) {
         $mus['artist'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Creator;
         if (empty($mus['artist'])) {
             $mus['artist'] = "";
     $mus['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher;
     $mus['releasedate'] = $this->pdo->escapeString((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate);
     if ($mus['releasedate'] == "''") {
         $mus['releasedate'] = 'null';
     $mus['review'] = "";
     if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) {
         $mus['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content));
     $mus['year'] = $year;
     if ($mus['year'] == "") {
         $mus['year'] = $mus['releasedate'] != 'null' ? substr($mus['releasedate'], 1, 4) : date("Y");
     $mus['tracks'] = "";
     if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->Tracks)) {
         $tmpTracks = (array) $amaz->Items->Item->Tracks->Disc;
         $tracks = $tmpTracks['Track'];
         $mus['tracks'] = is_array($tracks) && !empty($tracks) ? implode('|', $tracks) : '';
     similar_text($mus['artist'] . " " . $mus['title'], $title, $titlepercent);
     if ($titlepercent < 60) {
         return false;
     $genreKey = -1;
     $genreName = '';
     if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes)) {
         // Had issues getting this out of the browsenodes obj.
         // Workaround is to get the xml and load that into its own obj.
         $amazGenresXml = $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->asXml();
         $amazGenresObj = simplexml_load_string($amazGenresXml);
         $amazGenres = $amazGenresObj->xpath("//BrowseNodeId");
         foreach ($amazGenres as $amazGenre) {
             $currNode = trim($amazGenre[0]);
             if (empty($genreName)) {
                 $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode($currNode);
                 if ($genreMatch !== false) {
                     $genreName = $genreMatch;
         if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) {
             $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc);
         } else {
             $genreKey = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO genres (title, type)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genreName), \Genres::MUSIC_TYPE));
     $mus['musicgenre'] = $genreName;
     $mus['musicgenreid'] = $genreKey;
     $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM musicinfo WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['asin'])));
     if ($check === false) {
         $musicId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO musicinfo (title, asin, url, salesrank, artist, publisher, " . "releasedate, review, year, genreID, tracks, cover, createddate, updateddate) VALUES " . "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())", $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['url']), $mus['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['artist']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['publisher']), $mus['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['review']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['year']), $mus['musicgenreid'] == -1 ? "null" : $mus['musicgenreid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['tracks']), $mus['cover']));
     } else {
         $musicId = $check['id'];
         $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE musicinfo SET title = %s, asin = %s, url = %s, salesrank = %s, artist = %s, ' . 'publisher = %s, releasedate = %s, review = %s, year = %s, genreID = %s, tracks = %s, cover = %s, ' . 'updateddate = NOW() WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['url']), $mus['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['artist']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['publisher']), $mus['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['review']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['year']), $mus['musicgenreid'] == -1 ? "null" : $mus['musicgenreid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['tracks']), $mus['cover'], $musicId));
     if ($musicId) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("\nAdded/updated album: ") . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Artist: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($mus['artist']) . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Title:  ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($mus['title']) . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Year:   ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($mus['year']));
         $mus['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($musicId, $mus['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250);
     } else {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             if ($mus["artist"] == "") {
                 $artist = "";
             } else {
                 $artist = "Artist: " . $mus['artist'] . ", Album: ";
             $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver("Nothing to update: ") . $this->pdo->log->primaryOver($artist . $mus['title'] . " (" . $mus['year'] . ")"));
     return $musicId;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Add a new blacklist row.
 public function addBlacklist($regex)
     $db = new Settings();
     $groupname = $regex["groupname"];
     if ($groupname == "") {
         $groupname = "null";
     } else {
         $groupname = preg_replace("/a\\.b\\./i", "alt.binaries.", $groupname);
         $groupname = sprintf("%s", $db->escapeString($groupname));
     return $db->queryInsert(sprintf("insert into binaryblacklist (groupname, regex, status, description, optype, msgcol) values (%s, %s, %d, %s, %d, %d) ", $groupname, $db->escapeString($regex["regex"]), $regex["status"], $db->escapeString($regex["description"]), $regex["optype"], $regex["msgcol"]));
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public function updateBookInfo($bookInfo = '', $amazdata = null)
        $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo);
        $book = [];
        $amaz = false;
        if ($bookInfo != '') {
            $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($bookInfo);
        } else {
            if ($amazdata != null) {
                $amaz = $amazdata;
        if (!$amaz) {
            return false;
        $book['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title;
        $book['author'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Author;
        $book['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN;
        $book['isbn'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ISBN;
        if ($book['isbn'] == '') {
            $book['isbn'] = 'null';
        $book['ean'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->EAN;
        if ($book['ean'] == '') {
            $book['ean'] = 'null';
        $book['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL;
        $book['url'] = str_replace("%26tag%3Dws", "%26tag%3Dopensourceins%2D21", $book['url']);
        $book['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank;
        if ($book['salesrank'] == '') {
            $book['salesrank'] = 'null';
        $book['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher;
        if ($book['publisher'] == '') {
            $book['publisher'] = 'null';
        $book['publishdate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->PublicationDate));
        if ($book['publishdate'] == '') {
            $book['publishdate'] = 'null';
        $book['pages'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->NumberOfPages;
        if ($book['pages'] == '') {
            $book['pages'] = 'null';
        if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)) {
            $book['overview'] = strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content);
            if ($book['overview'] == '') {
                $book['overview'] = 'null';
        } else {
            $book['overview'] = 'null';
        if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode->Name)) {
            $book['genre'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode->Name;
            if ($book['genre'] == '') {
                $book['genre'] = 'null';
        } else {
            $book['genre'] = 'null';
        $book['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL;
        if ($book['coverurl'] != '') {
            $book['cover'] = 1;
        } else {
            $book['cover'] = 0;
        $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM bookinfo WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($book['asin'])));
        if ($check === false) {
            $bookId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO bookinfo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(title, author, asin, isbn, ean, url, salesrank, publisher, publishdate, pages,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverview, genre, cover, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())", $this->pdo->escapeString($book['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['author']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['isbn']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['ean']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['url']), $book['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publisher']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publishdate']), $book['pages'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['overview']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['genre']), $book['cover']));
        } else {
            $bookId = $check['id'];
							UPDATE bookinfo
							SET title = %s, author = %s, asin = %s, isbn = %s, ean = %s, url = %s, salesrank = %s, publisher = %s,
								publishdate = %s, pages = %s, overview = %s, genre = %s, cover = %d, updateddate = NOW()
							WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->escapeString($book['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['author']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['isbn']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['ean']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['url']), $book['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publisher']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publishdate']), $book['pages'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['overview']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['genre']), $book['cover'], $bookId));
        if ($bookId) {
            if ($this->echooutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Added/updated book: "));
                if ($book['author'] !== '') {
                    $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Author: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($book['author']));
                echo $this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Title: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary(" " . $book['title']);
                if ($book['genre'] !== 'null') {
                    $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->alternateOver("   Genre: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary(" " . $book['genre']));
            $book['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($bookId, $book['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250);
        } else {
            if ($this->echooutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header('Nothing to update: ') . $this->pdo->log->header($book['author'] . ' - ' . $book['title']));
        return $bookId;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Add/Update upcoming row.
 public function updateInsUpcoming($source, $type, $info)
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT into upcoming (source,typeID,info,updateddate) VALUES (%s, %d, %s, now()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE info = %s", $this->pdo->escapeString($source), $type, $this->pdo->escapeString($info), $this->pdo->escapeString($info));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function add($menu)
     return $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO menu (href, title, tooltip, role, ordinal, menueval, newwindow ) VALUES (%s, %s,  %s, %d, %d, %s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($menu["href"]), $this->pdo->escapeString($menu["title"]), $this->pdo->escapeString($menu["tooltip"]), $menu["role"], $menu["ordinal"], $this->pdo->escapeString($menu["menueval"]), $menu["newwindow"]));
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * @param $seriesname
 public function addEmptySeries($seriesname)
     $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO thetvdb (tvdbid, seriesname, createddate) VALUES (0, %s, now())", $this->pdo->escapeString($seriesname)));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function data_add($content)
     return $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO content (role, title, url, body, metadescription, metakeywords, contenttype, showinmenu, status, ordinal) values (%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d )", $content->role, $this->pdo->escapeString($content->title), $this->pdo->escapeString($content->url), $this->pdo->escapeString($content->body), $this->pdo->escapeString($content->metadescription), $this->pdo->escapeString($content->metakeywords), $content->contenttype, $content->showinmenu, $content->status, $content->ordinal));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private function store_blob($nfometa, $blobhash, $removed)
     // This takes a array of blobs with their index id being
     // the release id;  In the event we fetch the data and deem
     // it no good, we need to add it to the skipped array which
     // must be passed into the function.
     $db = new Settings();
     foreach ($blobhash as $uid => $blob) {
         $query = sprintf("REPLACE INTO releasenfo (id, releaseid, binaryID, nfo) " . "VALUES (NULL, %d, 0, compress(%s));", $uid, $db->escapeString($blob));
         $id = $db->queryInsert($query);
         if (!$id) {
             if ($this->verbose) {
                 echo "!";
         } else {
             $query = sprintf("UPDATE releases SET releasenfoid = %d WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $id, $uid);
             $res = $db->queryExec($query);
             if ($this->verbose) {
                 echo "s";
     // Now we update the database with entries that have no nfo files
     // associated with the release
     foreach ($removed as $uid) {
         $res = $this->setNfoMissing($uid);
         if ($res <= 0) {
             if ($this->verbose) {
                 echo "!";
         } else {
             if ($this->verbose) {
                 echo "s";
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Check whether a title is available at Amazon and store its metadata.
 public function updateConsoleInfo($gameInfo)
     $gen = new Genres();
     $ri = new ReleaseImage();
     $con = [];
     $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($gameInfo['title'], $gameInfo['node']);
     if (!$amaz) {
         return false;
     //load genres
     $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(Genres::CONSOLE_TYPE);
     $genreassoc = [];
     foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) {
         $genreassoc[$dg['id']] = strtolower($dg['title']);
     // get game properties
     $con['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL;
     if ($con['coverurl'] != "") {
         $con['cover'] = 1;
     } else {
         $con['cover'] = 0;
     $con['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title;
     if (empty($con['title'])) {
         $con['title'] = $gameInfo['title'];
     $con['platform'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Platform;
     if (empty($con['platform'])) {
         $con['platform'] = $gameInfo['platform'];
     //Beginning of Recheck Code
     //This is to verify the result back from amazon was at least somewhat related to what was intended.
     //Some of the Platforms don't match Amazon's exactly. This code is needed to facilitate rechecking.
     if (preg_match('/^X360$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('X360', 'Xbox 360', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^XBOX360$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('XBOX360', 'Xbox 360', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^NDS$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('NDS', 'Nintendo DS', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^PS3$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('PS3', 'PlayStation 3', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^PSP$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('PSP', 'Sony PSP', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^Wii$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('Wii', 'Nintendo Wii', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('WII', 'Nintendo Wii', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^N64$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('N64', 'Nintendo 64', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/^NES$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('NES', 'Nintendo NES', $gameInfo['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     if (preg_match('/Super/i', $con['platform'])) {
         $con['platform'] = str_replace('Super Nintendo', 'SNES', $con['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
         $con['platform'] = str_replace('Nintendo Super NES', 'SNES', $con['platform']);
         // baseline single quote
     //Remove Online Game Code So Titles Match Properly.
     if (preg_match('/\\[Online Game Code\\]/i', $con['title'])) {
         $con['title'] = str_replace(' [Online Game Code]', '', $con['title']);
         // baseline single quote
     //Basically the XBLA names contain crap, this is to reduce the title down far enough to be usable
     if (preg_match('/xbla/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         $gameInfo['title'] = substr($gameInfo['title'], 0, 10);
         $con['substr'] = $gameInfo['title'];
     //This actual compares the two strings and outputs a percentage value.
     $titlepercent = '';
     $platformpercent = '';
     similar_text(strtolower($gameInfo['title']), strtolower($con['title']), $titlepercent);
     similar_text(strtolower($gameInfo['platform']), strtolower($con['platform']), $platformpercent);
     //Since Wii Ware games and XBLA have inconsistent original platforms, as long as title is 50% its ok.
     if (preg_match('/(wiiware|xbla)/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) {
         if ($titlepercent >= 50) {
             $platformpercent = 100;
     //If the release is DLC matching sucks, so assume anything over 50% is legit.
     if (isset($gameInfo['dlc']) && $gameInfo['dlc'] == 1) {
         if ($titlepercent >= 50) {
             $titlepercent = 100;
             $platformpercent = 100;
     //Show the Percentages
     //echo("Matched: Title Percentage: $titlepercent%");
     //echo("Matched: Platform Percentage: $platformpercent%");
     //If the Title is less than 80% Platform must be 100% unless it is XBLA
     if ($titlepercent < 70) {
         if ($platformpercent != 100) {
             return false;
     //If title is less than 80% then its most likely not a match
     if ($titlepercent < 70) {
         return false;
     //Platform must equal 100%
     if ($platformpercent != 100) {
         return false;
     $con['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN;
     $con['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL;
     $con['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank;
     if ($con['salesrank'] == "") {
         $con['salesrank'] = 'null';
     $con['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher;
     $con['esrb'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ESRBAgeRating;
     $con['releasedate'] = $this->pdo->escapeString((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate);
     if ($con['releasedate'] == "''") {
         $con['releasedate'] = 'null';
     $con['review'] = "";
     if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) {
         $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content));
     $genreKey = -1;
     $genreName = '';
     if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes) || isset($amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Genre)) {
         if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes)) {
             //had issues getting this out of the browsenodes obj
             //workaround is to get the xml and load that into its own obj
             $amazGenresXml = $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->asXml();
             $amazGenresObj = simplexml_load_string($amazGenresXml);
             $amazGenres = $amazGenresObj->xpath("//Name");
             foreach ($amazGenres as $amazGenre) {
                 $currName = trim($amazGenre[0]);
                 if (empty($genreName)) {
                     $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode($currName);
                     if ($genreMatch !== false) {
                         $genreName = $genreMatch;
         if (empty($genreName) && isset($amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Genre)) {
             $tmpGenre = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Genre;
             $tmpGenre = str_replace('-', ' ', $tmpGenre);
             $tmpGenre = explode(' ', $tmpGenre);
             foreach ($tmpGenre as $tg) {
                 $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode(ucwords($tg));
                 if ($genreMatch !== false) {
                     $genreName = $genreMatch;
     if (empty($genreName)) {
         $genreName = 'Unknown';
     if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) {
         $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc);
     } else {
         $genreKey = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO genres (`title`, `type`) VALUES (%s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genreName), Genres::CONSOLE_TYPE));
     $con['consolegenre'] = $genreName;
     $con['consolegenreID'] = $genreKey;
     $query = sprintf("\n\t\tINSERT INTO consoleinfo  (`title`, `asin`, `url`, `salesrank`, `platform`, `publisher`, `genreid`, `esrb`, `releasedate`, `review`, `cover`, `createddate`, `updateddate`)\n\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  `title` = %s,  `asin` = %s,  `url` = %s,  `salesrank` = %s,  `platform` = %s,  `publisher` = %s,  `genreid` = %s,  `esrb` = %s,  `releasedate` = %s,  `review` = %s, `cover` = %d,  createddate = now(),  updateddate = now()", $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $con['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['platform']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['consolegenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['consolegenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['review']), $con['cover'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $con['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['platform']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['consolegenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['consolegenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['review']), $con['cover']);
     $consoleId = $this->pdo->queryInsert($query);
     if ($consoleId) {
         $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($consoleId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250);
     return $consoleId;