Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param Form $form
 public function errorCallback(Form $form)
     if (!$form->isValid() && $this->uploadedImages) {
         foreach ($this->uploadedImages as $image) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
$form->addText('city', 'City')->addConditionOn($form['send'], Form::EQUAL, TRUE)->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'Enter your shipping address');
$form->addSelect('country', 'Country', $countries)->skipFirst()->addConditionOn($form['send'], Form::EQUAL, TRUE)->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'Select your country');
// group Your account
$form->addGroup('Your account');
$form->addPassword('password', 'Choose password')->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'Choose your password')->addRule(Form::MIN_LENGTH, 'The password is too short: it must be at least %d characters', 3)->setOption('description', '(at least 3 characters)');
$form->addPassword('password2', 'Reenter password')->addConditionOn($form['password'], Form::VALID)->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'Reenter your password')->addRule(Form::EQUAL, 'Passwords do not match', $form['password']);
$form->addFile('avatar', 'Picture');
$form->addTextArea('note', 'Comment');
// group for buttons
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Send');
// Step 2: Check if form was submitted?
if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
    // Step 2c: Check if form is valid
    if ($form->isValid()) {
        echo '<h2>Form was submitted and successfully validated</h2>';
        $values = $form->getValues();
        // this is the end, my friend :-)
        if (empty($disableExit)) {
} else {
    // not submitted, define default values
    $defaults = array('name' => 'John Doe', 'userid' => 231, 'country' => 'CZ');
// Step 3: Render form
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param Form
 public function save(Form $form)
     $this->form = $form;
     $this->entities = [];
     $this->execute(function () {
     $this->saveValues($this->applyOffset($form->getComponents(), $this->offset), $this->entity);
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
     $valid = TRUE;
     foreach ($this->entities as $entity) {
         try {
             $this->runValidation(function (ValidatorInterface $validator) use($entity) {
                 return $validator->validate($entity);
             }, $form);
         } catch (ValidationException $e) {
             $valid = FALSE;
     if ($valid && $this->getAutoFlush()) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Do the magic
 public function processActions()
     // WP_List_Table export
     // settings form
     if ($this->formSettings->isSubmitted() && $this->formSettings->isValid()) {
         $values = $this->formSettings->getValues(TRUE);
         // if there are cateogires selected, and ALL as well, uncheck remaining
         if (count(array_filter($values['cat'])) > 0 && $values['cat']['0'] == TRUE) {
             foreach ($values['cat'] as $key => $value) {
                 $values['cat'][$key] = FALSE;
                 $this->formSettings['cat'][$key]->value = FALSE;
             $values['cat']['0'] = TRUE;
             $this->formSettings['cat']['0']->value = TRUE;
             // if there is other category selected, unselect ALL
         } elseif (count(array_filter($values['cat'])) > 1) {
             $values['cat']['0'] = FALSE;
             $this->formSettings['cat']['0']->value = FALSE;
             // if there's no category selected, select ALL
         } elseif (!in_array(TRUE, $values['cat'])) {
             $values['cat']['0'] = TRUE;
             $this->formSettings['cat']['0']->value = TRUE;
         $this->addNotice('updated', 'Settings successfully saved.');
     } elseif ($this->formSettings->hasErrors()) {
         foreach ($this->formSettings->getErrors() as $error) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $error);
     // email template (saved in settings table tho)
     if ($this->formEmailTemplate->isSubmitted() && $this->formEmailTemplate->isValid()) {
         $this->addNotice('updated', 'Settings successfully saved.');
     } elseif ($this->formEmailTemplate->hasErrors()) {
         foreach ($this->formEmailTemplate->getErrors() as $error) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $error);
     // mass email
     if ($this->formEmail->isSubmitted() && $this->formEmail->isValid()) {
         try {
             $this->addNotice('updated', 'Email successfully sent.');
         } catch (EmailException $e) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $e->getMessage());
     } elseif ($this->formEmail->hasErrors()) {
         foreach ($this->formEmail->getErrors() as $error) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $error);
     // subscriber form
     if ($this->formSubscriber->isSubmitted() && $this->formSubscriber->isValid()) {
         try {
             $this->addNotice('updated', 'Subscriber successfully added.');
         } catch (RepositarySubscribersException $e) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $e->getMessage());
     } elseif ($this->formSubscriber->hasErrors()) {
         foreach ($this->formSubscriber->getErrors() as $error) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $error);
     // wp subscriber form
     if ($this->formSubscriberWp->isSubmitted() && $this->formSubscriberWp->isValid()) {
         try {
             $users = $this->formSubscriberWp->getValues(TRUE);
             $this->addNotice('updated', 'Subscriber(s) successfully added.');
         } catch (RepositarySubscribersException $e) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $e->getMessage());
     } elseif ($this->formSubscriberWp->hasErrors()) {
         foreach ($this->formSubscriberWp->getErrors() as $error) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $error);
     // email preview form
     if ($this->formEmailPreview->isSubmitted() && $this->formEmailPreview->isValid()) {
         try {
             $this->addNotice('updated', 'Email Preview successfully sent.');
         } catch (EmailException $e) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $e->getMessage());
     } elseif ($this->formEmailPreview->hasErrors()) {
         foreach ($this->formEmailPreview->getErrors() as $error) {
             $this->addNotice('error', $error);
Ejemplo n.º 5
use FileDownloader\Downloader\AdvancedDownloader;
use FileDownloader\FDTools;
use FileDownloader\FileDownload;
use Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger;
use Nette\Forms\Form;
// Generate form
$f = new Form("upload-form");
$f->getElementPrototype()->id = "frm";
$f->addSelect("speed", "Speed", array(1 => "1byte/s", 50 => "50bytes/s", 512 => "512bytes/s", 1 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "1kb/s", 5 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "5kb/s", 20 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "20kb/s", 32 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "32kb/s", 50 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "50kb/s", 64 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "64kb/s", 100 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "100kb/s", 128 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "128kb/s", 200 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "200kb/s", 256 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "256kb/s", 300 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "300kb/s", 512 * FDTools::KILOBYTE => "512kb/s", 1 * FDTools::MEGABYTE => "1mb/s", 2 * FDTools::MEGABYTE => "2mb/s", 5 * FDTools::MEGABYTE => "5mb/s", 10 * FDTools::MEGABYTE => "10mb/s", 0 => "Unlimited"));
$f->addText("filename", "Filename")->addRule(Form::FILLED, "You must fill name!");
$f->addSelect("size", "Size", array(1 => "1MB", 4 => "4MB", 8 => "8MB", 16 => "16MB", 32 => "32MB", 64 => "64MB", 128 => "128MB", 256 => "256MB", 512 => "512MB"));
$f->addSelect("log", "Log called events?", array(0 => "No", 1 => "Yes (may cause CPU load)"));
$f->addSubmit("download", "Download!");
$f->setDefaults(array("speed" => 50, "filename" => "Some horrible file name - ěščřžýáíé.bin", "size" => 8, "log" => 1));
if ($f->isSubmitted() and $f->isValid()) {
    // Log errors to file!
    $val = $f->getValues();
    $location = dirname(__FILE__) . "/cache/test-" . $val["size"] . "MB.tmp";
    if (!file_exists($location)) {
        generateFile($location, $val["size"] * 1024);
    /* Interface with getters and setters */
    $file = new FileDownload();
    $file->sourceFile = $location;
    $file->transferFileName = $val["filename"];
    $file->speedLimit = (int) $val["speed"];
    //$file->mimeType = $val["mimeType"];
    /* Functions defined in example_library.php */
    if ($val["log"] == 1) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * - for the best experience, use the latest version of browser (Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 4, Chrome 5, Safari 5, Opera 9)
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../Nette/loader.php';
use Nette\Forms\Form, Nette\Debug;
// Step 1: Define form with validation rules
$form = new Form();
$form->addText('query', 'Search:')->setType('search')->setAttribute('autofocus');
$form->addText('count', 'Number of results:')->setType('number')->setDefaultValue(10)->addRule(Form::INTEGER, 'Must be numeric value')->addRule(Form::RANGE, 'Must be in range from %d to %d', array(1, 100));
$form->addText('precision', 'Precision:')->setType('range')->setDefaultValue(50)->addRule(Form::INTEGER, 'Precision must be numeric value')->addRule(Form::RANGE, 'Precision must be in range from %d to %d', array(0, 100));
$form->addText('email', 'Send to e-mail:')->setType('email')->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Optional, but Recommended')->addCondition(Form::FILLED)->addRule(Form::EMAIL, 'Incorrect E-mail Address');
// ... then check email
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Send');
// Step 2: Check if form was submitted?
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
    echo '<h2>Form was submitted and successfully validated</h2>';
    $values = $form->getValues();
    // this is the end, my friend :-)
    if (empty($disableExit)) {
// Step 3: Render form
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
Ejemplo n.º 7
<div class="page-header">
    <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add a new station log
use Nette\Forms\Form;
use Kdyby\BootstrapFormRenderer\BootstrapRenderer;
$form = new Form();
$form->setRenderer(new BootstrapRenderer());
$form->addText('reporter', 'Nickname')->setAttribute('placeholder', 'anonymous')->setRequired();
$form->addText('datetime', 'When')->setAttribute('placeholder', '2014-01-01 14:00')->setDefaultValue(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setRequired();
$form->addText('station', 'Station designator')->setRequired()->setAttribute('placeholder', 'E11');
$form->addText('qrh', 'Frequency')->setRequired()->setAttribute('placeholder', '4625')->addRule(Form::FLOAT);
$form->addText('callnumber', 'Call # (leave empty if not captured)')->setAttribute('placeholder', '472 639 5 or 441/30');
$form->addText('callid', 'Call ID (leave empty if not captured)')->setAttribute('placeholder', '472 639 5 or 441/30');
$form->addText('gc', 'Group Count')->setAttribute('placeholder', '10');
$form->addTextArea('body', 'Message (leave empty if not captured)')->setAttribute('placeholder', '39715 12345');
$form->addSubmit('send', 'Add to our mighty database');
if ($form->isSuccess() && $form->isValid()) {
    $f = $form->getValues();
    $arr = array('time' => $f['datetime'], 'station' => $f['station'], 'qrh' => $f['qrh'], 'call_number' => $f['callnumber'], 'call_id' => $f['callid'], 'gc' => $f['gc'], 'body' => $f['body'], 'reporter' => $f['reporter']);
    dibi::query('insert into logs_new', $arr);
    echo "Log has been added. Thank you.";