buildPhpCommand() public static method

public static buildPhpCommand ( array $settings ) : string
$settings array The Neos.Flow settings
return string A command line command for PHP, which can be extended and then exec()uted
  * Run a standalone development server
  * Starts an embedded server, see
  * Note: This requires PHP 5.4+
  * To change the context Flow will run in, you can set the <b>FLOW_CONTEXT</b> environment variable:
  * <i>export FLOW_CONTEXT=Development && ./flow server:run</i>
  * @param string $host The host name or IP address for the server to listen on
  * @param integer $port The server port to listen on
  * @return void
 public function runCommand($host = '', $port = 8081)
     $command = Scripts::buildPhpCommand($this->settings);
     $address = sprintf('%s:%s', $host, $port);
     $command .= ' -S ' . escapeshellarg($address) . ' -t ' . escapeshellarg(FLOW_PATH_WEB) . ' ' . escapeshellarg(FLOW_PATH_FLOW . '/Scripts/PhpDevelopmentServerRouter.php');
     $this->outputLine('Server running. Please go to <b>http://' . $address . '</b> to browse the application.');