getPath() public method

Example: /sites/mysitecom/homepage/about
public getPath ( ) : string
return string The absolute node path
  * Matches if the selected node is a *descendant* of the given node specified by $nodePathOrIdentifier
  * Example: isDescendantNodeOf('/sites/some/path') matches for the nodes "/sites/some/path", "/sites/some/path/subnode" but not for "/sites/some/other"
  * @param string $nodePathOrIdentifier The identifier or absolute path of the node to match
  * @return boolean TRUE if the given node matches otherwise false
 public function isDescendantNodeOf($nodePathOrIdentifier)
     $nodePath = $this->resolveNodePath($nodePathOrIdentifier);
     if (is_bool($nodePath)) {
         return $nodePath;
     return substr($this->node->getPath() . '/', 0, strlen($nodePath)) === $nodePath;
  * Register a node change for a later cache flush. This method is triggered by a signal sent via ContentRepository's Node
  * model or the Neos Publishing Service.
  * @param NodeInterface $node The node which has changed in some way
  * @return void
 public function registerNodeChange(NodeInterface $node)
     $this->tagsToFlush[ContentCache::TAG_EVERYTHING] = 'which were tagged with "Everything".';
     $nodeTypesToFlush = $this->getAllImplementedNodeTypes($node->getNodeType());
     foreach ($nodeTypesToFlush as $nodeType) {
         $nodeTypeName = $nodeType->getName();
         $this->tagsToFlush['NodeType_' . $nodeTypeName] = sprintf('which were tagged with "NodeType_%s" because node "%s" has changed and was of type "%s".', $nodeTypeName, $node->getPath(), $node->getNodeType()->getName());
     $this->tagsToFlush['Node_' . $node->getIdentifier()] = sprintf('which were tagged with "Node_%s" because node "%s" has changed.', $node->getIdentifier(), $node->getPath());
     $originalNode = $node;
     while ($node->getDepth() > 1) {
         $node = $node->getParent();
         // Workaround for issue #56566 in Neos.ContentRepository
         if ($node === null) {
         $tagName = 'DescendantOf_' . $node->getIdentifier();
         $this->tagsToFlush[$tagName] = sprintf('which were tagged with "%s" because node "%s" has changed.', $tagName, $originalNode->getPath());
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get the rootline from the current node up to the site node.
  * @return array
 protected function getCurrentNodeRootline()
     if ($this->currentNodeRootline === null) {
         $nodeRootline = $this->currentNode->getContext()->getNodesOnPath($this->currentNode->getContext()->getCurrentSiteNode()->getPath(), $this->currentNode->getPath());
         $this->currentNodeRootline = array();
         foreach ($nodeRootline as $rootlineElement) {
             $this->currentNodeRootline[$this->getNodeLevelInSite($rootlineElement)] = $rootlineElement;
     return $this->currentNodeRootline;
  * Search all properties for given $term
  * TODO: Implement a better search when Flow offer the possibility
  * @param string|array $term search term
  * @param array $searchNodeTypes
  * @param Context $context
  * @param NodeInterface $startingPoint
  * @return array <\Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface>
 public function findByProperties($term, array $searchNodeTypes, Context $context, NodeInterface $startingPoint = null)
     if (empty($term)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('"term" cannot be empty: provide a term to search for.', 1421329285);
     $searchResult = array();
     $nodeTypeFilter = implode(',', $searchNodeTypes);
     $nodeDataRecords = $this->nodeDataRepository->findByProperties($term, $nodeTypeFilter, $context->getWorkspace(), $context->getDimensions(), $startingPoint ? $startingPoint->getPath() : null);
     foreach ($nodeDataRecords as $nodeData) {
         $node = $this->nodeFactory->createFromNodeData($nodeData, $context);
         if ($node !== null) {
             $searchResult[$node->getPath()] = $node;
     return $searchResult;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Check if the given node is already a collection, find collection by nodePath otherwise, throw exception
  * if no content collection could be found
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param string $nodePath
  * @return NodeInterface
  * @throws Exception
 public function nearestContentCollection(NodeInterface $node, $nodePath)
     $contentCollectionType = 'Neos.Neos:ContentCollection';
     if ($node->getNodeType()->isOfType($contentCollectionType)) {
         return $node;
     } else {
         if ((string) $nodePath === '') {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('No content collection of type %s could be found in the current node and no node path was provided. You might want to configure the nodePath property with a relative path to the content collection.', $contentCollectionType), 1409300545);
         $subNode = $node->getNode($nodePath);
         if ($subNode !== null && $subNode->getNodeType()->isOfType($contentCollectionType)) {
             return $subNode;
         } else {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('No content collection of type %s could be found in the current node (%s) or at the path "%s". You might want to adjust your node type configuration and create the missing child node through the "flow node:repair --node-type %s" command.', $contentCollectionType, $node->getPath(), $nodePath, (string) $node->getNodeType()), 1389352984);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Returns an array with the data needed by for example the Hallo and Aloha
  * link plugins to represent the passed Node instance.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return array
 protected function processNodeForEditorPlugins(NodeInterface $node)
     return array('id' => $node->getPath(), 'name' => $node->getLabel(), 'url' => $this->uriBuilder->uriFor('show', array('node' => $node), 'Frontend\\Node', 'Neos.Neos'), 'type' => 'neos/internal-link');
  * @param array $nextNodes the remaining nodes
  * @param NodeInterface $until
  * @return array
 protected function getNodesUntil($nextNodes, NodeInterface $until)
     $count = count($nextNodes) - 1;
     for ($i = $count; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         if ($nextNodes[$i]->getPath() === $until->getPath()) {
             return array_values($nextNodes);
         } else {
     return array_values($nextNodes);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param NodeInterface $rootNode
  * @param array<\Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeData> $nodes
  * @return array
 public function collectParentNodeData(NodeInterface $rootNode, array $nodes)
     $nodeCollection = array();
     $addNode = function ($node, $matched) use($rootNode, &$nodeCollection) {
         /** @var NodeInterface $node */
         $path = str_replace('/', '.children.', substr($node->getPath(), strlen($rootNode->getPath()) + 1));
         if ($path !== '') {
             $nodeCollection = Arrays::setValueByPath($nodeCollection, $path . '.node', $node);
             if ($matched === true) {
                 $nodeCollection = Arrays::setValueByPath($nodeCollection, $path . '.matched', true);
     $findParent = function ($node) use(&$findParent, &$addNode) {
         /** @var NodeInterface $node */
         $parent = $node->getParent();
         if ($parent !== null) {
             $addNode($parent, false);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $addNode($node, true);
     $treeNodes = array();
     $self = $this;
     $collectTreeNodeData = function (&$treeNodes, $node) use(&$collectTreeNodeData, $self) {
         $children = array();
         if (isset($node['children'])) {
             foreach ($node['children'] as $childNode) {
                 $collectTreeNodeData($children, $childNode);
         $treeNodes[] = $self->collectTreeNodeData($node['node'], true, $children, $children !== array(), isset($node['matched']));
     foreach ($nodeCollection as $firstLevelNode) {
         $collectTreeNodeData($treeNodes, $firstLevelNode);
     return $treeNodes;
  * Method which does the actual work of discarding, includes a protection against endless recursions and
  * multiple discarding of the same node.
  * @param NodeInterface $node The node to discard
  * @param array &$alreadyDiscardedNodeIdentifiers List of node identifiers which already have been discarded during one discardNode() run
  * @return void
  * @throws \Neos\ContentRepository\Exception\WorkspaceException
 protected function doDiscardNode(NodeInterface $node, array &$alreadyDiscardedNodeIdentifiers = [])
     if ($node->getWorkspace()->getBaseWorkspace() === null) {
         throw new WorkspaceException('Nodes in a in a workspace without a base workspace cannot be discarded.', 1395841899);
     if ($node->getPath() === '/') {
     if (array_search($node->getIdentifier(), $alreadyDiscardedNodeIdentifiers) !== false) {
     $alreadyDiscardedNodeIdentifiers[] = $node->getIdentifier();
     $possibleShadowNodeData = $this->nodeDataRepository->findOneByMovedTo($node->getNodeData());
     if ($possibleShadowNodeData instanceof NodeData) {
         if ($possibleShadowNodeData->getMovedTo() !== null) {
             $parentBasePath = $node->getPath();
             $affectedChildNodeDataInSameWorkspace = $this->nodeDataRepository->findByParentAndNodeType($parentBasePath, null, $node->getWorkspace(), null, false, true);
             foreach ($affectedChildNodeDataInSameWorkspace as $affectedChildNodeData) {
                 /** @var NodeData $affectedChildNodeData */
                 $affectedChildNode = $this->nodeFactory->createFromNodeData($affectedChildNodeData, $node->getContext());
                 $this->doDiscardNode($affectedChildNode, $alreadyDiscardedNodeIdentifiers);
  * Renders a request path based on the "uriPathSegment" properties of the nodes leading to the given node.
  * @param NodeInterface $node The node where the generated path should lead to
  * @return string A relative request path
  * @throws Exception\MissingNodePropertyException if the given node doesn't have a "uriPathSegment" property set
 protected function getRequestPathByNode(NodeInterface $node)
     if ($node->getParentPath() === SiteService::SITES_ROOT_PATH) {
         return '';
     $requestPathSegments = [];
     while ($node instanceof NodeInterface && $node->getParentPath() !== SiteService::SITES_ROOT_PATH) {
         if (!$node->hasProperty('uriPathSegment')) {
             throw new Exception\MissingNodePropertyException(sprintf('Missing "uriPathSegment" property for node "%s". Nodes can be migrated with the "flow node:repair" command.', $node->getPath()), 1415020326);
         $pathSegment = $node->getProperty('uriPathSegment');
         $requestPathSegments[] = $pathSegment;
         $node = $node->getParent();
     return implode('/', array_reverse($requestPathSegments));
  * Rebase the current users personal workspace onto the given $targetWorkspace and then
  * redirects to the $targetNode in the content module.
  * @param NodeInterface $targetNode
  * @param Workspace $targetWorkspace
  * @return void
 public function rebaseAndRedirectAction(NodeInterface $targetNode, Workspace $targetWorkspace)
     $currentAccount = $this->securityContext->getAccount();
     $personalWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName(UserUtility::getPersonalWorkspaceNameForUsername($currentAccount->getAccountIdentifier()));
     /** @var Workspace $personalWorkspace */
     if ($personalWorkspace !== $targetWorkspace) {
         if ($this->publishingService->getUnpublishedNodesCount($personalWorkspace) > 0) {
             $message = $this->translator->translateById('workspaces.cantEditBecauseWorkspaceContainsChanges', [], null, null, 'Modules', 'Neos.Neos');
             $this->addFlashMessage($message, '', Message::SEVERITY_WARNING, [], 1437833387);
             $this->redirect('show', null, null, ['workspace' => $targetWorkspace]);
     $contextProperties = $targetNode->getContext()->getProperties();
     $contextProperties['workspaceName'] = $personalWorkspace->getName();
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create($contextProperties);
     $mainRequest = $this->controllerContext->getRequest()->getMainRequest();
     /** @var ActionRequest $mainRequest */
     $this->redirect('show', 'Frontend\\Node', 'Neos.Neos', ['node' => $context->getNode($targetNode->getPath())]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Replace the node data of a node instance with a given target node data
  * The node data of the node that is published will be removed and the existing node data inside the target
  * workspace is updated to the changes and will be injected into the node instance. If the node was marked as
  * removed, both node data are removed.
  * @param NodeInterface $node The node instance with node data to be published
  * @param NodeData $targetNodeData The existing node data in the target workspace
  * @return void
 protected function replaceNodeData(NodeInterface $node, NodeData $targetNodeData)
     $sourceNodeData = $node->getNodeData();
     $nodeWasMoved = $this->handleShadowNodeData($sourceNodeData, $targetNodeData->getWorkspace(), $targetNodeData);
     // Technically this shouldn't be needed but due to doctrines behavior we need it.
     if ($sourceNodeData->isRemoved() && $targetNodeData->getWorkspace()->getBaseWorkspace() === null) {
     if ($nodeWasMoved) {
         // TODO: This seems wrong and introduces a publish order between nodes. We should always set the path.
         $targetNodeData->setPath($node->getPath(), false);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Internal method to do the actual copying.
  * For behavior of the $detachedCopy parameter, see method Node::createRecursiveCopy().
  * @param NodeInterface $referenceNode
  * @param $nodeName
  * @param boolean $detachedCopy
  * @return NodeInterface
  * @throws NodeConstraintException
  * @throws NodeExistsException
 protected function copyIntoInternal(NodeInterface $referenceNode, $nodeName, $detachedCopy)
     if ($referenceNode->getNode($nodeName) !== null) {
         throw new NodeExistsException('Node with path "' . $referenceNode->getPath() . '/' . $nodeName . '" already exists.', 1292503467);
     // On copy we basically re-recreate an existing node on a new location. As we skip the constraints check on
     // node creation we should do the same while writing the node on the new location.
     if (!$referenceNode->willChildNodeBeAutoCreated($nodeName) && !$referenceNode->isNodeTypeAllowedAsChildNode($this->getNodeType())) {
         throw new NodeConstraintException(sprintf('Cannot copy "%s" into "%s" due to node type constraints.', $this->__toString(), $referenceNode->__toString()), 1404648177);
     $copiedNode = $this->createRecursiveCopy($referenceNode, $nodeName, $detachedCopy);
     return $copiedNode;
  * Renders the URI to a given node instance or -path.
  * @param ControllerContext $controllerContext
  * @param mixed $node A node object or a string node path, if a relative path is provided the baseNode argument is required
  * @param NodeInterface $baseNode
  * @param string $format Format to use for the URL, for example "html" or "json"
  * @param boolean $absolute If set, an absolute URI is rendered
  * @param array $arguments Additional arguments to be passed to the UriBuilder (for example pagination parameters)
  * @param string $section
  * @param boolean $addQueryString If set, the current query parameters will be kept in the URI
  * @param array $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString arguments to be removed from the URI. Only active if $addQueryString = TRUE
  * @param boolean $resolveShortcuts INTERNAL Parameter - if FALSE, shortcuts are not redirected to their target. Only needed on rare backend occasions when we want to link to the shortcut itself.
  * @return string The rendered URI
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given node/baseNode is not valid
  * @throws NeosException if no URI could be resolved for the given node
 public function createNodeUri(ControllerContext $controllerContext, $node = null, NodeInterface $baseNode = null, $format = null, $absolute = false, array $arguments = array(), $section = '', $addQueryString = false, array $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString = array(), $resolveShortcuts = true)
     $this->lastLinkedNode = null;
     if (!($node instanceof NodeInterface || is_string($node) || $baseNode instanceof NodeInterface)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected an instance of NodeInterface or a string for the node argument, or alternatively a baseNode argument.', 1373101025);
     if (is_string($node)) {
         $nodeString = $node;
         if ($nodeString === '') {
             throw new NeosException(sprintf('Empty strings can not be resolved to nodes.', $nodeString), 1415709942);
         preg_match(NodeInterface::MATCH_PATTERN_CONTEXTPATH, $nodeString, $matches);
         if (isset($matches['WorkspaceName']) && $matches['WorkspaceName'] !== '') {
             $node = $this->propertyMapper->convert($nodeString, NodeInterface::class);
         } else {
             if ($baseNode === null) {
                 throw new NeosException('The baseNode argument is required for linking to nodes with a relative path.', 1407879905);
             /** @var ContentContext $contentContext */
             $contentContext = $baseNode->getContext();
             $normalizedPath = $this->nodeService->normalizePath($nodeString, $baseNode->getPath(), $contentContext->getCurrentSiteNode()->getPath());
             $node = $contentContext->getNode($normalizedPath);
         if (!$node instanceof NodeInterface) {
             throw new NeosException(sprintf('The string "%s" could not be resolved to an existing node.', $nodeString), 1415709674);
     } elseif (!$node instanceof NodeInterface) {
         $node = $baseNode;
     if (!$node instanceof NodeInterface) {
         throw new NeosException(sprintf('Node must be an instance of NodeInterface or string, given "%s".', gettype($node)), 1414772029);
     $this->lastLinkedNode = $node;
     if ($resolveShortcuts === true) {
         $resolvedNode = $this->nodeShortcutResolver->resolveShortcutTarget($node);
     } else {
         // this case is only relevant in extremely rare occasions in the Neos Backend, when we want to generate
         // a link towards the *shortcut itself*, and not to its target.
         $resolvedNode = $node;
     if (is_string($resolvedNode)) {
         return $resolvedNode;
     if (!$resolvedNode instanceof NodeInterface) {
         throw new NeosException(sprintf('Could not resolve shortcut target for node "%s"', $node->getPath()), 1414771137);
     /** @var ActionRequest $request */
     $request = $controllerContext->getRequest()->getMainRequest();
     $uriBuilder = clone $controllerContext->getUriBuilder();
     $uri = $uriBuilder->reset()->setSection($section)->setArguments($arguments)->setAddQueryString($addQueryString)->setArgumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString($argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString)->setFormat($format ?: $request->getFormat())->uriFor('show', array('node' => $resolvedNode), 'Frontend\\Node', 'Neos.Neos');
     $siteNode = $resolvedNode->getContext()->getCurrentSiteNode();
     if (NodePaths::isSubPathOf($siteNode->getPath(), $resolvedNode->getPath())) {
         /** @var Site $site */
         $site = $resolvedNode->getContext()->getCurrentSite();
     } else {
         $nodePath = NodePaths::getRelativePathBetween(SiteService::SITES_ROOT_PATH, $resolvedNode->getPath());
         list($siteNodeName) = explode('/', $nodePath);
         $site = $this->siteRepository->findOneByNodeName($siteNodeName);
     if ($site->hasActiveDomains()) {
         $requestUriHost = $request->getHttpRequest()->getBaseUri()->getHost();
         $activeHostPatterns = $site->getActiveDomains()->map(function ($domain) {
             return $domain->getHostPattern();
         if (!in_array($requestUriHost, $activeHostPatterns, true)) {
             $uri = $this->createSiteUri($controllerContext, $site) . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/');
         } elseif ($absolute === true) {
             $uri = $request->getHttpRequest()->getBaseUri() . ltrim($uri, '/');
     } elseif ($absolute === true) {
         $uri = $request->getHttpRequest()->getBaseUri() . ltrim($uri, '/');
     return $uri;
  * Adds the given node to the cache for the given identifier. The node
  * will also be added with is's path.
  * @param string $identifier
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return void
 public function setByIdentifier($identifier, NodeInterface $node = null)
     $this->nodesByIdentifier[$identifier] = $node;
     if ($node !== null) {
         $this->nodesByPath[$node->getPath()] = $node;