add() public method

public add ( Neomerx\JsonApi\Contracts\Document\ErrorInterface $error )
$error Neomerx\JsonApi\Contracts\Document\ErrorInterface
 public function testCastBaseCollection()
     $error = new Error(null, null, 422);
     $expected = new MutableErrorCollection([$error]);
     $base = new ErrorCollection();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, MutableErrorCollection::cast($base));
 public function isValid(Request $request) : bool
     $this->errors = new ErrorCollection();
     /** @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator $validator */
     $validator = $this->validatorFactory->make($request->json(), $this->rules(), $this->messages());
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         // @todo put this somewhere else, this is getting messy
         // @see
         foreach ($validator->errors()->toArray() as $field => $errorMessages) {
             // get the pointer for an array so we can pinpoint the section
             // of json where the error occurred
             $field = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $field) . '/';
             foreach ($errorMessages as $message) {
                 $this->errors->add(new Error(null, null, 422, null, 'Invalid Attribute', $message, ['pointer' => $field]));
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Adds new Error object to the collection.
  * @param string     $code
  * @param string     $title
  * @param string     $detail
  * @param string     $method
  * @param string     $parameter
  * @param int|string $idx
  * @param array      $links
  * @param array      $meta
  * @throws \Exception
 private static function addError($code, $title = null, $detail = null, $method = null, $parameter = null, $idx = null, array $links = null, array $meta = null)
     $error = self::checkError($code);
     $requiredTitle = count($error) == 0 ? false : true;
     $title = $title ? $title : self::checkErrorData($error, 'title', $requiredTitle);
     $detail = $detail ? $detail : self::checkErrorData($error, 'detail');
     $method = $method ? $method : self::checkErrorData($error, 'method');
     $parameter = $parameter ? $parameter : self::checkErrorData($error, 'parameter');
     $idx = $idx ? $idx : self::checkErrorData($error, 'id');
     $links = $links ? $links : self::checkErrorData($error, 'links');
     $meta = $meta ? $meta : self::checkErrorData($error, 'meta');
     $links = self::checkLinks($links);
     $meta = self::checkMeta($meta);
     if (!$method) {
         $error = new Error($idx, $links, self::$statusCode, $code, $title, $detail, null, $meta);
     } else {
         $method = 'add' . ucfirst($method) . 'Error';
         $reflection = new ReflectionClass(self::$errorsCollection);
         if ($reflection->hasMethod($method)) {
             if ($reflection->getMethod($method)->getNumberOfParameters() == 8) {
                 if ($parameter) {
                     self::$errorsCollection->{$method}($parameter, $title, $detail, self::$statusCode, $idx, $links, $code, $meta);
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid property format errors given to MyJsonApiErrors. The method provided expects a parameter.');
             } else {
                 self::$errorsCollection->{$method}($title, $detail, self::$statusCode, $idx, $links, $code, $meta);
         } else {
             $allMethods = $reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
             $availableMethods = [];
             foreach ($allMethods as $method) {
                 if (substr($method->name, 0, 3) == 'add' && substr($method->name, -5) == 'Error') {
                     $availableMethods[] = lcfirst(substr($method->name, 3, strlen($method->name) - 8));
             $availableMethods = implode(', ', $availableMethods);
             throw new Exception('Invalid property format errors given to MyJsonApiErrors. Invalid method provided. Available methods: ' . $availableMethods . '.');
  * @param ErrorInterface $error
  * @return $this
 public function add(ErrorInterface $error)
     return $this;