Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function onDisable()
     $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::GREEN . "Saving plots");
     $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::BLUE . "Disabled the plot framework!");
     $this->getLogger()->critical(TextFormat::RED . "Shutting down to protect plots");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct(MyPlot $plugin, $cacheSize = 0)
     parent::__construct($plugin, $cacheSize);
     $this->db = new SQLite3($this->plugin->getDataFolder() . "plots.db");
     $this->db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plots\n            (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, level TEXT, X INTEGER, Z INTEGER, name TEXT,\n             owner TEXT, helpers TEXT, biome TEXT)");
     $this->sqlGetPlot = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, name, owner, helpers, biome FROM plots WHERE level = :level AND X = :X AND Z = :Z");
     $this->sqlSavePlot = $this->db->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO plots (id, level, X, Z, name, owner, helpers, biome) VALUES\n            ((select id from plots where level = :level AND X = :X AND Z = :Z),\n             :level, :X, :Z, :name, :owner, :helpers, :biome);");
     $this->sqlSavePlotById = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE plots SET name = :name, owner = :owner, helpers = :helpers, biome = :biome WHERE id = :id");
     $this->sqlRemovePlot = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM plots WHERE level = :level AND X = :X AND Z = :Z");
     $this->sqlRemovePlotById = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM plots WHERE id = :id");
     $this->sqlGetPlotsByOwner = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM plots WHERE owner = :owner");
     $this->sqlGetPlotsByOwnerAndLevel = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM plots WHERE owner = :owner AND level = :level");
     $this->sqlGetExistingXZ = $this->db->prepare("SELECT X, Z FROM plots WHERE (\n                level = :level\n                AND (\n                    (abs(X) == :number AND abs(Z) <= :number) OR\n                    (abs(Z) == :number AND abs(X) <= :number)\n                )\n            )");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function onDisable()
     if ($this->dataProvider !== null) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct(MyPlot $plugin, $cacheSize = 0, $cacheAll = false)
     parent::__construct($plugin, $cacheSize, $cacheAll);
     $mysqlhost = $plugin->getConfig()->get("mysqlhost");
     $mysqluser = $plugin->getConfig()->get("mysqluser");
     $mysqlpass = $plugin->getConfig()->get("mysqlpass");
     $mysqldb = $plugin->getConfig()->get("mysqldb");
     $this->db = new \mysqli($mysqlhost, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass, $mysqldb);
     $this->db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `plots`\n                 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY auto_increment, \n                  level TEXT, \n                  X INTEGER, \n                  Z INTEGER, \n                  name TEXT, \n                  owner TEXT, \n                  helpers TEXT, \n                  biome TEXT);");
     @$this->db->query("CREATE INDEX `XZ` ON `plots` (X,Z);");
     // upgrade database without locked column
     @$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `plots` ADD `locked` INTEGER;");
     $queryName = "GetPlot";
     // sii level, X, Z
     $sql = "SELECT id, name, owner, helpers, biome, locked FROM plots WHERE level = ? AND X = ? AND Z = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "GetPlotById";
     // i id
     $sql = "SELECT id, X, Z, level, name, owner, helpers, biome, locked FROM plots WHERE id = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "GetAllPlots";
     $sql = "SELECT id, X, Z, level, name, owner, helpers, biome, locked FROM plots;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "SavePlot";
     // siisiissss level, X, Z, level, X, Z, name, owner, helpers, biome
     $sql = "\n                REPLACE INTO plots (id, level, X, Z, name, owner, helpers, biome, locked) VALUES\n                ((select id from plots AS tmp where level = ? AND X = ? AND Z = ?),\n                 ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     // only to be used when we have a full cache ($this->cacheAll = true _
     $queryName = "SaveNewPlot";
     // siisiissss level, X, Z, level, X, Z, name, owner, helpers, biome
     $sql = "\n                INSERT INTO plots (level, X, Z, name, owner, helpers, biome, locked) VALUES\n                ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "SavePlotById";
     // ssssi
     $sql = "UPDATE plots SET name = ?, owner = ?, helpers = ?, biome = ?, locked = ? WHERE id = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "RemovePlot";
     // sii
     $sql = "DELETE FROM plots WHERE level = ? AND X = ? AND Z = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "RemovePlotById";
     // i
     $sql = "DELETE FROM plots WHERE id = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "getPlotsByOwner";
     // s
     $sql = "SELECT id, name, owner, helpers, biome, X, Z, level, locked\n                    FROM plots WHERE owner = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "getPlotsByOwnerAndLevel";
     // ss
     $sql = "SELECT id, name, owner, helpers, biome, X, Z, level, locked\n                    FROM plots WHERE owner = ? AND level = ?;";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "GetExistingXZ";
     // siiii level, size x 4
     $sql = "SELECT X, Z FROM plots WHERE (\n                    level = ?\n                    AND (\n                        (abs(X) = ? AND abs(Z) <= ?) OR\n                        (abs(Z) = ? AND abs(X) <= ?)\n                    )\n                )";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     $queryName = "GetFreeXZ";
     $sql = "\n                SELECT X, Z,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z LIMIT 1)) AS `xm1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z LIMIT 1)) AS `xp1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) AS `zm1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) AS `zp1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) AS `xp1zp1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) AS `xm1zm1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) AS `xp1zm1`,\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) AS `xm1zp1`\n                FROM `plots` WHERE\n                (\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) OR\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1))\n                ) \n                AND\n                (\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X + 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z - 1 LIMIT 1)) +\n                isnull ((SELECT id FROM plots AS sub1 WHERE sub1.X=plots.X - 1 AND sub1.Z=plots.Z + 1 LIMIT 1))\n                ) < 8 \n                AND level = ? \n                AND (  (`plots`.`X` < (? - 1))  OR  (`plots`.`X` > (? + 1))  )\n                AND (  (`plots`.`Z` < (? - 1))  OR  (`plots`.`Z` > (? + 1))  )\n            ORDER BY ABS(X)+ABS(Z) ASC\n                LIMIT 1;\n            ";
     $this->checkPreparedStatement($queryName, $sql);
     if ($this->cacheAll) {
         $this->plugin->getLogger()->info("Preloading ALL plot data");
         $this->plugin->getLogger()->info("Loaded plots - count is " . count($this->cache));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function onDisable()
     $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::GREEN . "Saving plots");
     $this->getLogger()->info(TextFormat::BLUE . "Disabled the plot framework!");