Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns HTML code for a graph showing the dispersion of ancestors across grand-parents
  * @return string HTML code
 private function htmlAncestorDispersionG3()
     $ancestorsDispGen2 = $this->sosa_provider->getAncestorDispersionForGen(3);
     $size = '700x300';
     $color_motmot = 'ffd1dc';
     $color_motfat = 'b998a0';
     $color_fatfat = '577292';
     $color_fatmot = '84beff';
     $color_shared = '777777';
     $total_fatfat = array_key_exists(1, $ancestorsDispGen2) ? $ancestorsDispGen2[1] : 0;
     $total_fatmot = array_key_exists(2, $ancestorsDispGen2) ? $ancestorsDispGen2[2] : 0;
     $total_motfat = array_key_exists(4, $ancestorsDispGen2) ? $ancestorsDispGen2[4] : 0;
     $total_motmot = array_key_exists(8, $ancestorsDispGen2) ? $ancestorsDispGen2[8] : 0;
     $total_sha = array_key_exists(-1, $ancestorsDispGen2) ? $ancestorsDispGen2[-1] : 0;
     $total = $total_fatfat + $total_fatmot + $total_motfat + $total_motmot + $total_sha;
     $chd = $this->arrayToExtendedEncoding(array(4095 * Functions::safeDivision($total_fatfat, $total), 4095 * Functions::safeDivision($total_fatmot, $total), 4095 * Functions::safeDivision($total_sha, $total), 4095 * Functions::safeDivision($total_motfat, $total), 4095 * Functions::safeDivision($total_motmot, $total)));
     $chart_title = I18N::translate('Known Sosa ancestors\' dispersion - G3');
     $chl = \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath('fatfat') . ' - ' . I18N::percentage(Functions::safeDivision($total_fatfat, $total), 1) . '|' . \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath('fatmot') . ' - ' . I18N::percentage(Functions::safeDivision($total_fatmot, $total), 1) . '|' . I18N::translate('Shared') . ' - ' . I18N::percentage(Functions::safeDivision($total_sha, $total), 1) . '|' . \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath('motfat') . ' - ' . I18N::percentage(Functions::safeDivision($total_motfat, $total), 1) . '|' . \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath('motmot') . ' - ' . I18N::percentage(Functions::safeDivision($total_motmot, $total), 1);
     return "<img src=\"https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=p&chp=1.5708&amp;chd=e:{$chd}&amp;chs={$size}&amp;chco={$color_fatfat},{$color_fatmot},{$color_shared},{$color_motfat},{$color_motmot}&amp;chf=bg,s,ffffff00&amp;chl={$chl}\" alt=\"" . $chart_title . "\" title=\"" . $chart_title . "\" />";
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Render the Ajax response for the sortable table of Sosa family
     * @param AjaxController $controller
    protected function renderFamSosaListIndi(AjaxController $controller)
        global $WT_TREE;
        $listFamSosa = $this->sosa_provider->getFamilySosaListAtGeneration($this->generation);
        $this->view_bag->set('has_sosa', false);
        if (count($listFamSosa) > 0) {
            $this->view_bag->set('has_sosa', true);
            $table_id = 'table-sosa-fam-' . Uuid::uuid4();
            $this->view_bag->set('table_id', $table_id);
                jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort["unicode-asc"  ]=function(a,b) {return a.replace(/<[^<]*>/, "").localeCompare(b.replace(/<[^<]*>/, ""))};
				jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort["unicode-desc" ]=function(a,b) {return b.replace(/<[^<]*>/, "").localeCompare(a.replace(/<[^<]*>/, ""))};
				jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort["num-html-asc" ]=function(a,b) {a=parseFloat(a.replace(/<[^<]*>/, "")); b=parseFloat(b.replace(/<[^<]*>/, "")); return (a<b) ? -1 : (a>b ? 1 : 0);};
				jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort["num-html-desc"]=function(a,b) {a=parseFloat(a.replace(/<[^<]*>/, "")); b=parseFloat(b.replace(/<[^<]*>/, "")); return (a>b) ? -1 : (a<b ? 1 : 0);};
                jQuery("#' . $table_id . '").dataTable( {
					dom: \'<"H"<"filtersH_' . $table_id . '"><"dt-clear">pf<"dt-clear">irl>t<"F"pl<"dt-clear"><"filtersF_' . $table_id . '">>\',
                    ' . I18N::datatablesI18N(array(16, 32, 64, 128, -1)) . ',
					jQueryUI: true,
					autoWidth: false,
					processing: true,
					retrieve: true,
					columns: [
						/* 0-Sosa */  	   { dataSort: 1, class: "center"},
		                /* 1-SOSA */ 	   { type: "num", visible: false },
						/* 2-Husb Givn */  { dataSort: 4},
						/* 3-Husb Surn */  { dataSort: 5},
						/* 4-GIVN,SURN */  { type: "unicode", visible: false},
						/* 5-SURN,GIVN */  { type: "unicode", visible: false},
						/* 6-Husb Age  */  { dataSort: 7, class: "center"},
						/* 7-AGE       */  { type: "num", visible: false},
						/* 8-Wife Givn */  { dataSort: 10},
						/* 9-Wife Surn */  { dataSort: 11},
						/* 10-GIVN,SURN */ { type: "unicode", visible: false},
						/* 11-SURN,GIVN */ { type: "unicode", visible: false},
						/* 12-Wife Age  */ { dataSort: 13, class: "center"},
						/* 13-AGE       */ { type: "num", visible: false},
						/* 14-Marr Date */ { dataSort: 15, class: "center"},
						/* 15-MARR:DATE */ { visible: false},
						/* 16-Marr Plac */ { type: "unicode", class: "center"},
						/* 17-Marr Sour */ { dataSort : 18, class: "center", visible: ' . (ModuleManager::getInstance()->isOperational(Constants::MODULE_MAJ_ISSOURCED_NAME) ? 'true' : 'false') . ' },
						/* 18-Sort Sour */ { visible: false},
						/* 19-Children  */ { dataSort: 20, class: "center"},
						/* 20-NCHI      */ { type: "num", visible: false},
						/* 21-MARR      */ { visible: false},
						/* 22-DEAT      */ { visible: false},
						/* 23-TREE      */ { visible: false}
					sorting: [[0, "asc"]],
					displayLength: 16,
					pagingType: "full_numbers"
				jQuery("#' . $table_id . '")
				/* Hide/show parents */
				.on("click", ".btn-toggle-parents", function() {
					jQuery(".parents", jQuery(this).closest("table").DataTable().rows().nodes()).slideToggle();
				/* Hide/show statistics */
				.on("click",  ".btn-toggle-statistics", function() {
					jQuery("#fam_list_table-charts_' . $table_id . '").slideToggle();
				/* Filter buttons in table header */
				.on("click", "button[data-filter-column]", function() {
					var btn = $(this);
					// De-activate the other buttons in this button group
					// Apply (or clear) this filter
					var col = jQuery("#' . $table_id . '").DataTable().column(btn.data("filter-column"));
					if (btn.hasClass("ui-state-active")) {
					} else {
				jQuery("#sosa-fam-list").css("visibility", "visible");
				jQuery("#btn-toggle-statistics-' . $table_id . '").click();
            $stats = new Stats($WT_TREE);
            $max_age = max($stats->oldestMarriageMaleAge(), $stats->oldestMarriageFemaleAge()) + 1;
            //-- init chart data
            $marr_by_age = array();
            for ($age = 0; $age <= $max_age; $age++) {
                $marr_by_age[$age] = '';
            $birt_by_decade = array();
            $marr_by_decade = array();
            for ($year = 1550; $year < 2030; $year += 10) {
                $birt_by_decade[$year] = '';
                $marr_by_decade[$year] = '';
            foreach ($listFamSosa as $sosa => $fid) {
                $sfamily = Family::getInstance($fid, $WT_TREE);
                if (!$sfamily || !$sfamily->canShow()) {
                $mdate = $sfamily->getMarriageDate();
                if (($husb = $sfamily->getHusband()) && ($hdate = $husb->getBirthDate()) && $hdate->isOK() && $mdate->isOK()) {
                    if (FunctionsPrint::isDateWithinChartsRange($hdate)) {
                        $birt_by_decade[(int) ($hdate->gregorianYear() / 10) * 10] .= $husb->getSex();
                    $hage = Date::getAge($hdate, $mdate, 0);
                    if ($hage >= 0 && $hage <= $max_age) {
                        $marr_by_age[$hage] .= $husb->getSex();
                if (($wife = $sfamily->getWife()) && ($wdate = $wife->getBirthDate()) && $wdate->isOK() && $mdate->isOK()) {
                    if (FunctionsPrint::isDateWithinChartsRange($wdate)) {
                        $birt_by_decade[(int) ($wdate->gregorianYear() / 10) * 10] .= $wife->getSex();
                    $wage = Date::getAge($wdate, $mdate, 0);
                    if ($wage >= 0 && $wage <= $max_age) {
                        $marr_by_age[$wage] .= $wife->getSex();
                if ($mdate->isOK() && FunctionsPrint::isDateWithinChartsRange($mdate) && $husb && $wife) {
                    $marr_by_decade[(int) ($mdate->gregorianYear() / 10) * 10] .= $husb->getSex() . $wife->getSex();
                $listFamSosa[$sosa] = $sfamily;
            $this->view_bag->set('sosa_list', $listFamSosa);
            $this->view_bag->set('chart_births', FunctionsPrintLists::chartByDecade($birt_by_decade, I18N::translate('Decade of birth')));
            $this->view_bag->set('chart_marriages', FunctionsPrintLists::chartByDecade($marr_by_decade, I18N::translate('Decade of marriage')));
            $this->view_bag->set('chart_ages', FunctionsPrintLists::chartByAge($marr_by_age, I18N::translate('Age in year of marriage')));
        ViewFactory::make('SosaListFam', $this, $controller, $this->view_bag)->render();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * GeoAnalysis@dataTabs
 public function dataTabs()
     global $WT_TREE;
     $controller = new JsonController();
     $ga_id = Filter::getInteger('ga_id');
     $ga = $this->provider->getGeoAnalysis($ga_id);
     $sosa_provider = new SosaProvider($WT_TREE, Auth::user());
     $controller->restrictAccess($ga && $sosa_provider->isSetup())->pageHeader();
     $jsonArray = array();
     list($placesDispGeneral, $placesDispGenerations) = $ga->getAnalysisResults($sosa_provider->getAllSosaWithGenerations());
     $flags = array();
     if ($placesDispGeneral && $ga->getOptions() && $ga->getOptions()->isUsingFlags()) {
         $mapProvider = new GoogleMapsProvider();
         foreach ($placesDispGeneral['places'] as $place => $count) {
             $flags[$place] = $mapProvider->getPlaceIcon(new Place($place, $WT_TREE));
     $jsonArray['generaltab'] = $this->htmlPlacesAnalysisGeneralTab($ga, $placesDispGeneral, $flags);
     $jsonArray['generationstab'] = $this->htmlPlacesAnalysisGenerationsTab($ga, $placesDispGenerations, $flags);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get the list of Sosa numbers for this individual
  * This list is cached.
  * @uses \MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Functions\ModuleManager
  * @return array List of Sosa numbers
 public function getSosaNumbers()
     if ($this->sosa === null) {
         $provider = new SosaProvider($this->gedcomrecord->getTree());
         $this->sosa = $provider->getSosaNumbers($this->gedcomrecord);
     return $this->sosa;