Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function importCsv($filepath, $separator = ';', $enclosure = '"', $skipline = 0, $lang = 'fr', $fields = '')
     self::$_lang = $lang;
     self::$_strings['Yes']['fr'] = 'oui';
     self::$_strings['Yes']['de'] = 'ja';
     self::$_strings['No']['fr'] = 'non';
     self::$_strings['No']['de'] = 'nein';
     $knowledge['fr'] = array('non renseigné', 'littérature, prospecté', 'littérature prospecté', 'sondé', 'fouillé');
     $knowledge['en'] = array('unknown', 'literature', 'literature', 'surveyed', 'excavated');
     $knowledge['de'] = array('unbestimmt', 'literatur, lesefund', 'literatur', 'sondiert', 'ausgegraben');
     $occupation['fr'] = array('non renseigné', 'unique', 'continue', 'multiple');
     $occupation['en'] = array('unknown', 'uniq', 'continuous', 'multiple');
     $occupation['de'] = array('unbestimmt', 'einzelphase', 'durchgehend', 'mehrphasig');
     $epsgCodes['wgs84'] = 4326;
     self::$_cache['period_start'] = array();
     self::$_cache['period_end'] = array();
     self::$_cache['realestate'] = array();
     self::$_cache['furniture'] = array();
     self::$_cache['landscape'] = array();
     self::$_cache['production'] = array();
     self::$_cache['siteperiod'] = array();
     self::$_cache['specialperiod'] = array();
     $stop = false;
     $uid = NULL;
     // Get user ID
     if ($_SESSION['login'] == 'admin') {
         $uid = 0;
     } else {
         $uid = \mod\user\Main::getUserId($_SESSION['login']);
     if (!is_int($uid)) {
         die("User ID cannot be found");
     if (!is_file($filepath) || !is_readable($filepath)) {
         // Check if filename is in current directory (for tests)
         $moduleDir = dirname(__FILE__);
         if (is_file("{$moduleDir}/{$filepath}") && is_readable("{$moduleDir}/{$filepath}")) {
             $filepath = "{$moduleDir}/{$filepath}";
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("File does not exist or is not readable: \"{$filepath}\"");
     if ($separator == '\\t') {
         $separator = "\t";
     $os = '';
     if (($handle = fopen($filepath, "r")) !== FALSE) {
         while (($content = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $separator, $enclosure)) !== FALSE) {
             $lines[] = $content;
             $os .= implode($content, '');
     // Retrieve special periods
     foreach (\core\Core::$db->fetchAll('SELECT "node_path", "pe_name_' . $lang . '" FROM "ark_period" WHERE "pe_name_' . $lang . '" IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('BRF3/HAC1', 'HAC2/HAD1', 'HAD3/LTA1', 'LTC2/LTD1', 'Grandes  invasions', 'Grandes invasions', 'Völkerwanderungszeit')) as $row) {
         self::$_cache['specialperiod'][$lang][$row['pe_name_' . $lang]][] = $row['node_path'];
     foreach ($lines as $datas) {
         self::$_current = array();
         self::$_csvDatas = implode(';', $datas);
         if (self::$_lineNumber != 0 && self::$_lineNumber <= $skipline) {
         $datas = array_map(array('self', '_cleanString'), $datas);
         // Skip blank lines
         if (!isset($datas[1])) {
         # 1 : Database
         self::_processDatabaseName($datas[1], $fields, $uid);
         # 0 : Site ID
         if (!self::_processSiteId($datas[0])) {
             self::_addError('No site unique ID provided');
         # 10 z
         $datas[10] = trim($datas[10]);
         if (!empty($datas[10]) && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $datas[10])) {
             self::_addError('Altitude invalid: String provided, Int expected: ' . $datas[10]);
         // Site not already processed
         if (!isset(self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']])) {
             // If this site code already registered as error we do not process it
             if (isset(self::$_siteErrors[self::$_current['code']])) {
                 self::_addError("Site with same id already registered as error, skipping.");
             # 2 : Site name
             # 3 : City name
             # 4 : City code
             foreach (array(2, 3, 4, 5) as $k) {
                 if (!self::_checkDifference($k, $datas[$k])) {
                     switch ($k) {
                         case 2:
                             $dataType = "Site name";
                         case 3:
                             $dataType = "City name";
                         case 4:
                             $dataType = "City code";
                     self::_addError("{$dataType} ({$datas[$k]}) is different from the one previously defined with same site id. ({$dataType})");
             # 5 : Projection SRID
             # 6 : x0
             # 7 : y0
             # 8 : x1
             # 9 : y1
             # 10 : z
             # 11 : centroid
             $stop = false;
             $datas[6] = str_replace(',', '.', $datas[6]);
             $datas[7] = str_replace(',', '.', $datas[7]);
             $datas[8] = str_replace(',', '.', $datas[8]);
             $datas[9] = str_replace(',', '.', $datas[9]);
             $coords = array();
             self::$_current['centroid'] = false;
             // Site defined as centroid
             if (strtolower($datas[11]) == self::$_strings['Yes'][self::$_lang]) {
                 self::$_current['centroid'] = true;
             if (empty($datas[6]) || empty($datas[7])) {
                 // City info not set: error
                 if (empty($datas[3])) {
                     self::_addError("Site has no coordinates and no city name provided.");
                 } else {
                     if (empty($datas[4])) {
                         self::_addError("Site has no coordinates and no city code provided.");
                     } else {
                         // Get city coords
                         try {
                             $cityInfos = \mod\arkeogis\Tools::getCityInfos($datas[3], $datas[4]);
                             $coords = array('x' => $cityInfos['x'], 'y' => $cityInfos['y'], 0);
                             self::$_current['city_id'] = $cityInfos['id'];
                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
                             self::_addError("Unable to find coordinates from city.");
             } else {
                 if (empty($datas[8]) && empty($datas[9])) {
                     $coords = array('x' => $datas[6], 'y' => $datas[7]);
                 } else {
                     // Get centroid coords
                     try {
                         $coords = \mod\arkeogis\Tools::getSquareCentroid($datas[6], $datas[7], $datas[8], $datas[9]);
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         self::_addError("Unable to find centroid coordinates.");
             // Compute coords
             if (isset($coords['x']) && isset($coords['y'])) {
                 if (empty($datas[5])) {
                     self::_addError("EPSG not provided");
                 $epsg = (int) $datas[5];
                 if ($epsg < 2) {
                     $os = strtolower($datas[5]);
                     if (!isset($epsgCodes[$os])) {
                         self::_addError("Unable to get EPSG from code {$datas['5']}");
                     } else {
                         $epsg = $epsgCodes[$os];
                 if (!empty($epsg) && $epsg != 4326) {
                     // Check if geom exists
                     if (!\core\Core::$db->fetchOne('SELECT count(srtext) FROM "spatial_ref_sys" WHERE "srid" = ?', array($epsg))) {
                         self::_addError("EPSG code provided not found ({$datas['5']}) it must be numeric, see http://www.epsg-registry.org/");
                     } else {
                         try {
                             $coords = \mod\arkeogis\Tools::transformPoint($coords, $epsg, 4326);
                             if (empty($coords)) {
                                 self::_addError("Unable to transform coordinates in WGS84.");
                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
                             self::_addError("Unable to transform coordinates in WGS84. Error: " . $e->getMessage());
                             $coords = null;
                 // Geom
                 # 5 EPSG
                 self::$_current['geom'] = is_array($coords) && !empty($coords['x']) && !empty($coords['y']) ? "ST_GeomFromText('POINT({$coords['x']} {$coords['y']} " . (!is_null($datas[10]) && $datas[10] != '' ? $datas[10] : -999) . ")', 4326)" : NULL;
             } else {
                 self::$_current['geom'] = 'NULL';
         // End of first time site processing
         # 12 : Knowledge
         if (in_array(strtolower($datas[12]), $knowledge[self::$_lang])) {
             $os = array_keys($knowledge[self::$_lang], strtolower($datas[12]));
             self::$_current['knowledge'] = $knowledge['en'][$os[0]];
         } else {
             if (!empty($datas[12])) {
                 self::_addError("Knowledge type ({$datas['12']}) is not referenced.");
             } else {
                 self::$_current['knowledge'] = NULL;
         # 13 : Occupation
         if (in_array(strtolower($datas[13]), $occupation[self::$_lang])) {
             $os = array_keys($occupation[self::$_lang], strtolower($datas[13]));
             self::$_current['occupation'] = $occupation['en'][$os[0]];
             self::$_current['period_isrange'] = 1;
         } else {
             if (!empty($datas[13])) {
                 self::_addError("Occupation type ({$datas['13']}) is not referenced.");
             } else {
                 if (!isset(self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']])) {
                     self::_addError("Occupation type not defined");
         # 14 : Period start
         # 15 : Period end
         // We have starting and ending period
         if (!empty($datas[14]) && !empty($datas[15])) {
             self::$_current['period'] = self::_processPeriod($datas[14], $datas[15]);
             // We do not have starting and ending period
         } else {
             // It's the first time we process this site: error
             if (!isset(self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']])) {
                 // No starting period
                 if (empty($datas[14])) {
                     self::_addError("Starting period not defined");
                 // No ending period
                 if (empty($datas[15])) {
                     self::_addError("Ending period not defined");
                 // We have already processed this site
             } else {
                 self::$_current['period'] = self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']]['period'];
                 self::$_current['period_isrange'] = 0;
             // Done with new site, next it's common to new/already processed site
         # 16 : Realestate level 1
         # 17 : Realestate level 2
         # 18 : Realestate level 3
         # 19 : Realestate level 4
         if (empty($datas[16]) && (!empty($datas[17]) || !empty($datas[18]) || !empty($datas[19]))) {
             self::_addError("Realestate level 1 not set but some other realestate fields are defined");
         } else {
             if (!empty($datas[16])) {
                 self::_processLtree($datas[16], $datas[17], $datas[18], $datas[19], 'realestate');
         # 20 : Depth
         if (!empty($datas[20])) {
         	if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/", $datas[20]) || $datas[20] < 10) {
         		self::_addError("Depth invalid ($datas[20])");	
         	} else {
         		self::$_current['depth'] = $datas[20];
         # 20 : Realestate exceptional
         self::_processExceptional('realestate', $datas[20]);
         # 21 : Furniture level 1
         # 22 : Furniture level 2
         # 23 : Furniture level 3
         # 24 : Furniture level 4
         if (empty($datas[21]) && (!empty($datas[22]) || !empty($datas[23]) || !empty($datas[24]))) {
             self::_addError("Furniture level 1 not set but some other furniture fields are defined");
         } else {
             if (!empty($datas[21])) {
                 self::_processLtree($datas[21], $datas[22], $datas[23], $datas[24], 'furniture');
         # 25 : Furniture exceptional
         self::_processExceptional('furniture', $datas[25]);
         # 26 : Production level 1
         # 27 : Production level 2
         # 28 : Production level 3
         # 29 : Production level 4
         if (empty($datas[26]) && (!empty($datas[27]) || !empty($datas[28]) || !empty($datas[29]))) {
             self::_addError("Production level 1 not set but some other production fields are defined");
         } else {
             if (!empty($datas[26])) {
                 self::_processLtree($datas[26], $datas[27], $datas[28], $datas[29], 'production');
         # 30 : Production exceptional
         self::_processExceptional('production', $datas[30]);
         # 31 : Landscape 1
         # 32 : Landscape 2
         # 33 : Landscape 3
         # 34 : Landscape 4
         if (empty($datas[31]) && (!empty($datas[32]) || !empty($datas[33]) || !empty($datas[34]))) {
             self::_addError("Landscape level 1 not set but some other landscape fields are defined");
         } else {
             if (!empty($datas[31])) {
                 self::_processLtree($datas[31], $datas[32], $datas[33], $datas[34], 'landscape');
         # 35 : Landcape exceptional
         self::_processExceptional('landscape', $datas[35]);
         # 36 : Biblio
         self::$_current['biblio'] = !empty($datas[36]) ? $datas[36] : NULL;
         # 37 : Comments
         self::$_current['comments'] = !empty($datas[37]) ? $datas[37] : NULL;
         // OK we check if we have at leat one carac
         if (!isset(self::$_current['realestate']) && !isset(self::$_current['furniture']) && !isset(self::$_current['production']) && !isset(self::$_current['landscape'])) {
             self::_addError('No characteristic defined for this site');
         // If no error
         if (!isset(self::$_siteErrors[self::$_current['code']])) {
             // If it's first time we process this site
             if (!isset(self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']]) || empty(self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']])) {
                 // Store site informations
                 try {
                     self::$_current['siteId'] = \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::addSite(self::$_current['code'], self::$_current['name'], self::$_database['id'], isset(self::$_current['city_id']) ? self::$_current['city_id'] : NULL, self::$_current['geom'], self::$_current['centroid'], self::$_current['occupation'], trim($datas[3], '" '), trim($datas[4], '" '), $uid);
                     self::$_nbSites += 1;
                     self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']] = self::$_current;
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Store site period informations
             $md5Period = self::$_current['code'] . self::$_current['period']['start'] . '-' . self::$_current['period']['end'];
             if (!isset(self::$_current['siteId'])) {
                 if (isset(self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']])) {
                     $siteId = self::$_stored[self::$_current['code']]['siteId'];
                 } else {
                     throw new \Exception('Unable to get site id for this period');
             } else {
                 $siteId = self::$_current['siteId'];
             if (!empty($siteId)) {
                 $existing = \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::getSitePeriod($siteId, self::$_current['period']['start'], self::$_current['period']['end']);
             if (!empty($existing)) {
                 self::$_cache['siteperiod'][$md5Period] = $existing;
             } else {
                 try {
                     self::$_cache['siteperiod'][$md5Period] = \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::addSitePeriod($siteId, self::$_current['period']['start'], self::$_current['period']['end'], isset(self::$_current['period_isrange']) ? self::$_current['period_isrange'] : NULL, NULL, self::$_current['knowledge'], self::$_current['comments'], self::$_current['biblio']);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
             foreach (array('realestate', 'furniture', 'production', 'landscape') as $carac) {
                 if (isset(self::$_current[$carac]) && !is_null(self::$_current[$carac])) {
                     try {
                         \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::addSitePeriodCharacteristic(self::$_cache['siteperiod'][$md5Period], $carac, self::$_current[$carac], isset(self::$_current[$carac . '_ex']) && self::$_current[$carac . '_ex'] ? 1 : 0);
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $existing = null;
             $siteId = null;
             self::$_linesDone += 1;
         // End of site treatment, next one.
     $nbLines = self::$_lineNumber - $skipline;
     $numErrors = self::countErrors();
     self::_postProcess($filepath, self::$_linesDone, $uid);
     return array("total" => $nbLines, "processed" => self::$_nbSites, "numErrors" => $numErrors, "errors" => self::$_siteErrors, "processingErrors" => self::$_processingErrors);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function editDatabase($params)
     if (!\mod\user\Main::userIsLoggedIn() || (!\mod\user\Main::userBelongsToGroup('Admin') && !\mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::isDatabaseOwner((int) $params['id'], \mod\user\Main::getUserId($_SESSION['login'])) || !$params['id'])) {
         return false;
     $acceptedParams = array('name', 'declared_modification', 'issn', 'scale_resolution', 'type', 'geographical_limit', 'geographical_limit_de', 'description', 'description_de', 'published');
     $dbParans = array();
     while (list($k, $v) = each($params)) {
         if (in_array($k, $acceptedParams)) {
             $dbParams[$k] = $v;
     if (isset($dbParams['declared_modification']) && empty($dbParams['declared_modification'])) {
     if (isset($dbParams['published'])) {
         $dbParams['published'] = $dbParams['published'] == 0 ? 'f' : 't';
     if (!\mod\user\Main::userBelongsToGroup('Admin')) {
     $owner_id = \core\Core::$db->fetchOne('SELECT uid FROM "ch_user" WHERE full_name = ?', array($params['author']));
     if ($owner_id) {
         $dbParams['owner_id'] = $owner_id;
     \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::updateDatabase((int) $params['id'], $dbParams);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function hook_mod_arkeogis_export_database($hookname, $userdata, $matches)
     $dbId = (int) $matches[1];
     if (!\mod\user\Main::userIsLoggedIn() || (!\mod\user\Main::userBelongsToGroup('Admin') && !\mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::isDatabaseOwner($dbId, \mod\user\Main::getUserId($_SESSION['login'])) || !$dbId)) {
         return false;
     $q = "SELECT si_id, si_code, si_name, si_description, si_city_name, si_city_code, ST_AsGeoJSON(si_geom) as coords, si_centroid, si_occupation, si_creation, si_modification";
     // ark_site
     $q .= ", da_name, da_description, da_creation, da_modification";
     // ark_database
     $q .= ", sp_id, sp_knowledge_type, sp_comment, sp_bibliography";
     // ark_site_period
     $q .= ", (SELECT node_path FROM ark_period WHERE pe_id=sp_period_start) AS period_start";
     $q .= ", (SELECT node_path FROM ark_period WHERE pe_id=sp_period_end) AS period_end";
     $q .= " FROM ark_site s LEFT JOIN ark_database d ON s.si_database_id = d.da_id LEFT JOIN ark_site_period sp ON s.si_id = sp.sp_site_id";
     $q .= " WHERE da_id = ?";
     $q .= " GROUP BY si_id, sp_id, da_id";
     $q .= " ORDER BY si_code, si_id, sp_id";
     $infos = \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::getFullDatabaseInfos($dbId);
     $name = str_replace(' ', '_', \core\Tools::removeAccents($infos[0]['name']));
     $author = str_replace(' ', '_', \core\Tools::removeAccents($infos[0]['author']));
     $filename = 'ArkeoGIS-export-' . date("d-m-Y-H-i") . '-' . $name . '-' . $author;
     \mod\arkeogis\ArkeoGIS::sitesToCsv(\core\Core::$db->fetchAll($q, array((int) $dbId)), $filename);