  * Listen to when an order has been completed and check to see whether the user that made the order has been
  * referred. If they have and the reward creation has triggered, it will then validate the order fulfills
  * any rules set by the constraints.
  * If the referral is valid and fulfills the specifications of the reward configuration, a discount code will be
  * generated and an event will be fired. If for some reason a discount code not be generated, the referrer
  * will be informed that they are eligible for a discount but its generation was not successful, and that they
  * should get in touch with the vendor. The referral will be marked with an error status.
  * @param OrderEvent $event
 public function giveReward(OrderEvent $event)
     $order = $event->getOrder();
     $referrals = $this->get('refer.referral.loader')->getByEmail($order->user->email, Statuses::PENDING);
     if (empty($referrals)) {
     foreach ($referrals as $referral) {
         if ($referral->hasTriggered(OrderEvents::CREATE_COMPLETE)) {
             foreach ($referral->getRewardConfig()->getConstraints() as $constraint) {
                 // Don't bother checking minimum order if currency does not match
                 if ($constraint instanceof MinimumOrder && $order->currencyID !== $constraint->getCurrency()) {
                 if (false === $constraint->isValid($referral, $event)) {
             try {
                 $discount = $this->get('refer.discount.discount_builder')->build($referral);
                 $discount = $this->get('discount.create')->create($discount);
                 if ($discount->id) {
                     // Save again because the emails don't save on create.
                     $discount = $this->get('discount.edit')->save($discount);
                     $event = new DiscountCreateEvent();
                     $this->get('event.dispatcher')->dispatch(DiscountRewardEvents::DISCOUNT_CREATE, $event);
                 } else {
                     throw new DiscountBuildException('Could not save new discount to database');
             } catch (DiscountBuildException $e) {
                 $this->get('refer.discount.failure_mailer')->report($referral, $e);