Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Deletes document with the specified primary key.
  * See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
  * @param mixed $pkValue primary key value(s). Use array for multiple primary keys. For composite key, each key value must be an array (column name=>column value).
  * @param array|CriteriaInterface $criteria query criteria.
  * @since v1.0
 public function deleteByPk($pkValue, $criteria = null)
     if ($this->_beforeDelete()) {
         $criteria = $this->sm->apply($criteria);
         $criteria->mergeWith(PkManager::prepare($this->model, $pkValue));
         $result = $this->getCollection()->remove($criteria->getConditions(), $this->options->getSaveOptions(['justOne' => true]));
         return $this->_result($result);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Finds document with the specified primary key. Primary key by default
  * is defined by `_id` field. But could be any other. For simple (one column)
  * keys use it's value.
  * For composite use key-value with column names as keys
  * and values for values.
  * Example for simple pk:
  * ```php
  * $pk = '51b616fcc0986e30026d0748'
  * ```
  * Composite pk:
  * ```php
  * $pk = [
  * 		'mainPk' => 1,
  * 		'secondaryPk' => 2
  * ];
  * ```
  * @param mixed $pkValue primary key value. Use array for composite key.
  * @param array|CriteriaInterface $criteria
  * @return AnnotatedInterface|null
  * @Ignored
 public function findByPk($pkValue, $criteria = null)
     $pkCriteria = new Criteria($criteria);
     $pkCriteria->mergeWith(PkManager::prepare($this->model, $pkValue));
     return $this->find($pkCriteria);