  * @When I add the address to my address book
 public function iAddTheAddressToMyAddressBook()
     try {
         $this->customerAddress = $this->addressRepository->save($this->customerAddress);
         $this->saveAddressException = null;
     } catch (LocalizedException $e) {
         $this->saveAddressException = $e;
 public function testSaveAddressesCustomerIdInvalid()
     $proposedAddress = $this->_createSecondAddress()->setCustomerId('this_is_not_a_valid_id');
     try {
         $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
     } catch (NoSuchEntityException $nsee) {
         $this->assertEquals('No such entity with customerId = this_is_not_a_valid_id', $nsee->getMessage());
  *Set additional information for shipping address
  * @param \Magento\Checkout\Model\ShippingInformationManagement $subject
  * @param callable $proceed
  * @return \Magento\Checkout\Api\Data\PaymentDetailsInterface $paymentDetails
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
 public function aroundSaveAddressInformation(\Magento\Checkout\Model\ShippingInformationManagement $subject, $proceed, $cartId, \Magento\Checkout\Api\Data\ShippingInformationInterface $addressInformation)
     try {
         $carrierCode = $addressInformation->getShippingCarrierCode();
         $methodCode = $addressInformation->getShippingMethodCode();
         $shippingMethod = $carrierCode . '_' . $methodCode;
         $quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActive($cartId);
         $address = $quote->getShippingAddress();
         $validation = $this->checkoutSession->getShipAddressValidation();
         if (is_array($validation) && isset($validation['key'])) {
             if (isset($validation['validation_status'])) {
                 $additionalDetail['address_valid'] = $validation['validation_status'];
             if (isset($validation['destination_type'])) {
                 $additionalDetail['destination_type'] = $validation['destination_type'];
         $additionalDetail = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject();
         $extAttributes = $addressInformation->getShippingAddress()->getExtensionAttributes();
         //push out event so other modules can save their data TODO add carrier_group_id
         $this->eventManager->dispatch('shipperhq_additional_detail_checkout', ['address_extn_attributes' => $extAttributes, 'additional_detail' => $additionalDetail, 'carrier_code' => $carrierCode]);
         $additionalDetailArray = $additionalDetail->convertToArray();
         $this->shipperLogger->postDebug('ShipperHQ Shipper', 'processing additional detail ', $additionalDetail);
         $this->carrierGroupHelper->saveCarrierGroupInformation($address, $shippingMethod, $additionalDetailArray);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->shipperLogger->postCritical('Shipperhq_Shipper', 'Shipping Information Plugin', 'Exception raised ' . $e->getMessage());
     $result = $proceed($cartId, $addressInformation);
     if ($address->getCustomerId()) {
         $customerAddresses = $quote->getCustomer()->getAddresses();
         foreach ($customerAddresses as $oneAddress) {
             if ($oneAddress->getId() == $address->getCustomerAddressId()) {
                 if ($address->getValidationStatus()) {
                     $oneAddress->setCustomAttribute('validation_status', $address->getValidationStatus());
                 if ($address->getDestinationType()) {
                     $oneAddress->setCustomAttribute('destination_type', $address->getDestinationType());
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
 public function createAccountWithPasswordHash(CustomerInterface $customer, $hash, $redirectUrl = '')
     // This logic allows an existing customer to be added to a different store.  No new account is created.
     // The plan is to move this logic into a new method called something like 'registerAccountWithStore'
     if ($customer->getId()) {
         $customer = $this->customerRepository->get($customer->getEmail());
         $websiteId = $customer->getWebsiteId();
         if ($this->isCustomerInStore($websiteId, $customer->getStoreId())) {
             throw new InputException(__('This customer already exists in this store.'));
         // Existing password hash will be used from secured customer data registry when saving customer
     // Make sure we have a storeId to associate this customer with.
     if (!$customer->getStoreId()) {
         if ($customer->getWebsiteId()) {
             $storeId = $this->storeManager->getWebsite($customer->getWebsiteId())->getDefaultStore()->getId();
         } else {
             $storeId = $this->storeManager->getStore()->getId();
     // Update 'created_in' value with actual store name
     if ($customer->getId() === null) {
         $storeName = $this->storeManager->getStore($customer->getStoreId())->getName();
     $customerAddresses = $customer->getAddresses() ?: [];
     try {
         // If customer exists existing hash will be used by Repository
         $customer = $this->customerRepository->save($customer, $hash);
     } catch (AlreadyExistsException $e) {
         throw new InputMismatchException(__('A customer with the same email already exists in an associated website.'));
     } catch (LocalizedException $e) {
         throw $e;
     try {
         foreach ($customerAddresses as $address) {
     } catch (InputException $e) {
         throw $e;
     $customer = $this->customerRepository->getById($customer->getId());
     $newLinkToken = $this->mathRandom->getUniqueHash();
     $this->changeResetPasswordLinkToken($customer, $newLinkToken);
     $this->sendEmailConfirmation($customer, $redirectUrl);
     return $customer;
 public function aroundSaveAddressInformation(\Magento\Checkout\Model\ShippingInformationManagement $subject, \Closure $proceed, $cartId, ShippingInformationInterface $addressInformation)
     // Only validate address if module is enabled
     $quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActive($cartId);
     $storeId = $quote->getStoreId();
     if (!$this->config->isModuleEnabled($storeId)) {
         $paymentDetails = $proceed($cartId, $addressInformation);
         return $paymentDetails;
     // Only validate address if address validation is enabled
     if (!$this->config->isAddressValidationEnabled($storeId)) {
         $paymentDetails = $proceed($cartId, $addressInformation);
         return $paymentDetails;
     // If quote is virtual, getShippingAddress will return billing address, so no need to check if quote is virtual
     $shippingAddress = $addressInformation->getShippingAddress();
     $shippingInformationExtension = $addressInformation->getExtensionAttributes();
     $errorMessage = null;
     $validAddress = null;
     $customerAddress = null;
     $quoteAddress = null;
     $shouldValidateAddress = true;
     if (!is_null($shippingInformationExtension)) {
         $shouldValidateAddress = $shippingInformationExtension->getShouldValidateAddress();
     $customerAddressId = $shippingAddress->getCustomerAddressId();
     $enabledAddressValidationCountries = explode(',', $this->config->getAddressValidationCountriesEnabled($storeId));
     if (!in_array($shippingAddress->getCountryId(), $enabledAddressValidationCountries)) {
         $shouldValidateAddress = false;
     if ($shouldValidateAddress) {
         try {
             $validAddress = $this->validationInteraction->validateAddress($shippingAddress, $storeId);
         } catch (AddressValidateException $e) {
             $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
         } catch (\SoapFault $e) {
             // If there is a SoapFault, it will have already been logged, so just disable address validation, as we
             // don't want to display SoapFault error message to user
             $shouldValidateAddress = false;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->avaTaxLogger->error('Error in validating address in aroundSaveAddressInformation: ' . $e->getMessage());
             // Continue without address validation
             $shouldValidateAddress = false;
     // Determine which address to save to the customer or shipping addresses
     if (!is_null($validAddress)) {
         $quoteAddress = $validAddress;
     } else {
         $quoteAddress = $shippingAddress;
     try {
          * Regardless of whether address was validated by AvaTax, if the address is a customer address then we need
          * to save that address on the customer record. The reason for this is that when a user is on the "Review
          * & Payments" step and they are selecting between "Valid" and "Original" address options, the selected
          * address information is submitted to this API so that the customer address is updated and tax
          * calculation is affected accordingly.
         if ($customerAddressId) {
             // Update the customer address
             $customerAddress = $this->customerAddressRepository->getById($customerAddressId);
             $mergedCustomerAddress = $this->addressInteraction->copyQuoteAddressToCustomerAddress($quoteAddress, $customerAddress);
         } else {
             // Update the shipping address
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // There may be scenarios in which the above address updating may fail, in which case we should just do
         // nothing
         $this->avaTaxLogger->error('Error in saving address: ' . $e->getMessage());
         // Continue without address validation
         $shouldValidateAddress = false;
     $returnValue = $proceed($cartId, $addressInformation);
     if (!$shouldValidateAddress) {
         return $returnValue;
     $paymentDetailsExtension = $returnValue->getExtensionAttributes();
     if (is_null($paymentDetailsExtension)) {
         $paymentDetailsExtension = $this->paymentDetailsExtensionFactory->create();
     if (!is_null($validAddress)) {
     } else {
     return $returnValue;