Author: Basil Suter (
Inheritance: extends yii\helpers\BaseFileHelper
 public function actionIndex()
     try {
         // sart time measuremnt
         $start = microtime(true);
         if ($this->verbose) {
             $this->output('[==================== VERBOSE ====================]');
         $container = new CrawlContainer(['baseUrl' => $this->module->baseUrl, 'filterRegex' => $this->module->filterRegex, 'verbose' => $this->verbose, 'doNotFollowExtensions' => $this->module->doNotFollowExtensions, 'useH1' => $this->module->useH1]);
         if ($this->verbose) {
             $this->output('[================== VERBOSE END ==================]');
         $timeElapsed = round((microtime(true) - $start) / 60, 2);
         $this->outputInfo('CRAWLER REPORT:');
         foreach ($container->getReport() as $type => $items) {
             if (count($items) > 0) {
                 $this->outputInfo(PHP_EOL . ' ' . $type . ':');
                 foreach ($items as $message) {
                     $this->output(' - ' . $message);
         $this->outputInfo(PHP_EOL . 'memory usage: ' . FileHelper::humanReadableFilesize(memory_get_usage()));
         $this->outputInfo('memory peak usage: ' . FileHelper::humanReadableFilesize(memory_get_peak_usage()));
         return $this->outputSuccess(PHP_EOL . 'Crawler finished in ' . $timeElapsed . ' min.');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->outputError('Exception in file "' . $e->getFile() . '" on line #' . $e->getLine() . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Create new migration, first param the name, second param the module where the migration should be put in.
  * @param string $name The name of the migration
  * @param string|boolean $module The module name where the migration should be placed in.
  * @todo replace module param with user teminal selection.
  * @see \yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController::actionCreate()
 public function actionCreate($name, $module = false)
     if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $name)) {
         throw new Exception('The migration name should contain letters, digits and/or underscore characters only.');
     $name = 'm' . gmdate('ymd_His') . '_' . $name;
     if (!$module) {
         $file = $this->migrationPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.php';
     } else {
         if (($folder = $this->getModuleMigrationDirectorie($module)) === false) {
             $this->stdout("\nModule '{$module}' does not exist.\n", Console::FG_RED);
             return self::EXIT_CODE_ERROR;
         $file = $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.php';
     if ($this->confirm("Create new migration '{$file}'?")) {
         $content = $this->renderFile(Yii::getAlias($this->templateFile), ['className' => $name]);
         if (!file_exists($folder)) {
             FileHelper::createDirectory($folder, 0775, false);
         file_put_contents($file, $content);
         $this->stdout("\nMigration created successfully.\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
         return self::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function getFindFilesDirectory()
     $path = Yii::$app->storage->serverPath;
     if (is_dir($path) && file_exists($path)) {
         return FileHelper::findFiles($path, ['except' => ['.*']]);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function actionIndex()
     $hash = time();
     $cacheFolder = Yii::getAlias('@runtime/exporter/' . $hash);
     $dump = new Mysqldump\Mysqldump(Yii::$app->db->dsn, Yii::$app->db->username, Yii::$app->db->password);
     $dump->start($cacheFolder . '/mysql.sql');
     FileHelper::copyDirectory(Yii::getAlias('@web/public_html/storage'), $cacheFolder . '/storage');
     $save = Yii::getAlias($this->module->downloadFile);
     ZipHelper::dir($cacheFolder . '/', $save);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function actionExportDownload($key)
     $sessionkey = Yii::$app->session->get('tempNgRestKey');
     $fileName = Yii::$app->session->get('tempNgRestFileName');
     if ($sessionkey !== base64_decode($key)) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid Export download key.');
     $content = FileHelper::getFileContent('@runtime/' . $sessionkey . '.tmp');
     @unlink(Yii::getAlias('@runtime/' . $sessionkey . '.tmp'));
     return Yii::$app->response->sendContentAsFile($content, $fileName . '-export-' . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . '.csv', ['mimeType' => 'application/csv']);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function run()
     $cmslayouts = Yii::getAlias('@app/views/cmslayouts');
     $layoutFiles = [];
     if (file_exists($cmslayouts)) {
         $files = FileHelper::findFiles($cmslayouts, ['recursive' => false, 'filter' => function ($path) {
             return !in_array(substr(basename($path), 0, 1), $this->ignorePrefix);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $fileinfo = FileHelper::getFileInfo($file);
             $fileBaseName = $fileinfo->name . '.' . $fileinfo->extension;
             $readableFileName = $this->generateReadableName($fileinfo->name);
             $oldTwigName = $fileinfo->name . '.twig';
             if ($fileinfo->extension !== 'php') {
                 throw new Exception("layout file '{$file}': Since 1.0.0-beta6, cms layouts must be a php file with '<?= \$placeholders['content']; ?>' instead of a twig '{{placeholders.content}}'");
             $layoutFiles[] = $fileBaseName;
             $layoutFiles[] = $oldTwigName;
             $content = file_get_contents($file);
             preg_match_all("/placeholders\\[[\\'\"](.*?)[\\'\"]\\]/", $content, $results);
             $_placeholders = [];
             foreach (array_unique($results[1]) as $holderName) {
                 if (!$this->verifyVariable($holderName)) {
                     throw new Exception("Wrong variable name detected '" . $holderName . "'. Special chars are not allowed in placeholder variables, allowed chars are a-zA-Z0-9");
                 $_placeholders[] = ['label' => $this->generateReadableName($holderName), 'var' => $holderName];
             $_placeholders = ['placeholders' => $_placeholders];
             $layoutItem = Layout::find()->where(['or', ['view_file' => $fileBaseName], ['view_file' => $oldTwigName]])->one();
             if ($layoutItem) {
                 $match = $this->comparePlaceholders($_placeholders, json_decode($layoutItem->json_config, true));
                 if ($match) {
                     $layoutItem->updateAttributes(['name' => $readableFileName, 'view_file' => $fileBaseName]);
                 } else {
                     $layoutItem->updateAttributes(['name' => $readableFileName, 'view_file' => $fileBaseName, 'json_config' => json_encode($_placeholders)]);
                     $this->addLog('existing cmslayout ' . $readableFileName . ' updated');
             } else {
                 // add item into the database table
                 $data = new Layout();
                 $data->scenario = 'restcreate';
                 $data->setAttributes(['name' => $readableFileName, 'view_file' => $fileBaseName, 'json_config' => json_encode($_placeholders)]);
                 $this->addLog('new cmslayout ' . $readableFileName . ' found and added to database.');
         foreach (Layout::find()->where(['not in', 'view_file', $layoutFiles])->all() as $layoutItem) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Create a new ActiveWindow class based on you properties.
 public function actionCreate()
     $name = $this->prompt("Please enter a name for the Active Window:", ['required' => true]);
     $className = $this->createClassName($name, $this->suffix);
     $moduleId = $this->selectModule(['text' => 'What module should ' . $className . ' belong to?', 'onlyAdmin' => true]);
     $module = Yii::$app->getModule($moduleId);
     $folder = $module->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aws';
     $file = $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $className . '.php';
     $content = $this->renderWindowClassView($className, $module->getNamespace() . '\\aws', $moduleId);
     if (FileHelper::writeFile($file, $content)) {
         return $this->outputSuccess("The Active Window file '{$file}' has been writtensuccessfull.");
     return $this->outputError("Error while writing the Actice Window file '{$file}'.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Create a new ActiveWindow class based on you properties.
 public function actionCreate()
     $name = $this->prompt("Please enter a name for the Active Window:", ['required' => true]);
     $className = $this->createClassName($name, $this->suffix);
     $moduleId = $this->selectModule(['text' => 'What module should ' . $className . ' belong to?', 'onlyAdmin' => true]);
     $module = Yii::$app->getModule($moduleId);
     $folder = $module->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aws';
     $file = $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $className . '.php';
     $content = $this->view->render('@luya/console/commands/views/aw/create.php', ['className' => $className, 'namespace' => $module->getNamespace() . '\\aws', 'luya' => $this->getLuyaVersion(), 'moduleId' => $moduleId, 'alias' => Inflector::humanize(Inflector::camel2words($className))]);
     if (FileHelper::writeFile($file, $content)) {
         return $this->outputSuccess("The Active Window file '{$file}' has been writtensuccessfull.");
     return $this->outputError("Error while writing the Actice Window file '{$file}'.");
  * Create a zip file with database dump and storage files/images and stores the zip in
  * the runtime folder.
  * @return void
 public function actionIndex()
     $hash = time();
     $cacheFolder = Yii::getAlias('@runtime/exporter/' . $hash);
     $this->verbosePrint("cache folder {$cacheFolder}");
     FileHelper::createDirectory($cacheFolder, 0777);
     $dump = new Mysqldump\Mysqldump(Yii::$app->db->dsn, Yii::$app->db->username, Yii::$app->db->password);
     $dump->start($cacheFolder . '/mysql.sql');
     $source = Yii::getAlias('@web/public_html/storage');
     $this->verbosePrint("storage source folder {$source}");
     if (is_link($source)) {
         $source = readlink($source);
         $this->verbosePrint("source is a symlink, readlink output: " . $source);
     FileHelper::copyDirectory($source, $cacheFolder . '/storage', ['dirMode' => 0777, 'fileMode' => 0775]);
     $save = Yii::getAlias($this->module->downloadFile);
     if (file_exists($save)) {
         $this->verbosePrint("a exporter file does already exists, unlink file: " . $save);
     ZipHelper::dir($cacheFolder . '/', $save);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Method to render twig files with theyr specific arguments, can be used inside the element closure depending
  * on where the closure was registered. Otherwhise the use of the element variable must be provided.
  * @param string $file The name of the file to render.
  * @param array  $args The parameters to pass in the render file.
  * @return string The render value of the view file.
 public function render($file, array $args = [])
     $twig = Yii::$app->twig->env(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($this->getFolder()));
     return $twig->render(FileHelper::appendExtensionToString($file, 'twig'), $args);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function getSizeReadable()
     return FileHelper::humanReadableFilesize($this->getSize());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function testGetHashFile()
     $this->assertSame(false, FileHelper::getFileHash('notexists.jpg'));
     $this->assertSame('7dff5cc5a1d8f04004b4a0075d3eeeae', FileHelper::getFileHash(__DIR__ . '/../../data/hashfile.txt'));
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Create Ng-Rest-Model, Controller and Api for an existing Database-Table.
  * @return number
 public function actionCreate()
     if ($this->moduleName === null) {
         $this->moduleName = $this->selectModule(['onlyAdmin' => true, 'hideCore' => true, 'text' => 'Select the Module where the CRUD files should be saved:']);
     if ($this->modelName === null) {
         $modelSelection = true;
         while ($modelSelection) {
             $modelName = $this->prompt('Model Name (e.g. Album):', ['required' => true]);
             $camlizeModelName = Inflector::camelize($modelName);
             if ($modelName !== $camlizeModelName) {
                 if ($this->confirm("We have camlized the model name to '{$camlizeModelName}' do you want to continue with this name?")) {
                     $modelName = $camlizeModelName;
                     $modelSelection = false;
             } else {
                 $modelSelection = false;
             $this->modelName = $modelName;
     if ($this->apiEndpoint === null) {
         $this->apiEndpoint = $this->prompt('Api Endpoint:', ['required' => true, 'default' => $this->getApiEndpointSuggestion()]);
     if ($this->dbTableName === null) {
         $sqlSelection = true;
         while ($sqlSelection) {
             $sqlTable = $this->prompt('Database Table name for the Model:', ['required' => true, 'default' => $this->getDatabaseNameSuggestion()]);
             if ($sqlTable == '?') {
                 foreach ($this->getSqlTablesArray() as $table) {
                     $this->outputInfo("- " . $table);
             if (isset($this->getSqlTablesArray()[$sqlTable])) {
                 $this->dbTableName = $sqlTable;
                 $sqlSelection = false;
             } else {
                 $this->outputError("The selected database '{$sqlTable}' does not exists in the list of tables. Type '?' to see all tables.");
     if ($this->enableI18n === null) {
         $this->enableI18n = $this->confirm("Would you like to enable i18n field input for text fields? Only required for multilingual pages.");
     $files = [];
     // api content
     $files['api'] = ['path' => $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'apis', 'fileName' => $this->getModelNameCamlized() . 'Controller.php', 'content' => $this->generateApiContent($this->getNamespace() . '\\apis', $this->getModelNameCamlized() . 'Controller', $this->getAbsoluteModelNamespace())];
     // controller
     $files['controller'] = ['path' => $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers', 'fileName' => $this->getModelNameCamlized() . 'Controller.php', 'content' => $this->generateControllerContent($this->getNamespace() . '\\controllers', $this->getModelNameCamlized() . 'Controller', $this->getAbsoluteModelNamespace())];
     // model
     $files['model'] = ['path' => $this->getModelBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models', 'fileName' => $this->getModelNameCamlized() . '.php', 'content' => $this->generateModelContent($this->getModelNamespace() . '\\models', $this->getModelNameCamlized(), $this->apiEndpoint, $this->getDbTableShema(), $this->enableI18n)];
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (file_exists($file['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file['fileName'])) {
             if (!$this->confirm("The File '{$file['fileName']}' already exists, do you want to override the existing file?")) {
         if (FileHelper::writeFile($file['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file['fileName'], $file['content'])) {
             $this->outputSuccess("Wrote file '{$file['fileName']}'.");
         } else {
             $this->outputError("Error while writing file '{$file['fileName']}'.");
     return $this->outputSuccess($this->generateBuildSummery($this->apiEndpoint, $this->getNamespace() . '\\apis\\' . $this->getModelNameCamlized() . 'Controller', $this->getModelNameCamlized(), $this->getSummaryControllerRoute()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Method to render twig files with theyr specific arguments, can be used inside the element closure depending
  * on where the closure was registered. Otherwhise the use of the element variable must be provided.
  * @param string $file The name of the file to render.
  * @param array  $args The parameters to pass in the render file.
  * @return string The render value of the view file.
 public function render($file, array $args = [])
     if ($this->renderEngine == 'php') {
         $view = new View();
         return $view->renderPhpFile(rtrim($this->getFolder(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . FileHelper::ensureExtension($file, 'php'), $args);
     } elseif ($this->renderEngine == 'twig') {
         // @deprecated 1.0.0-RC2 Marked as deprecated and will be removed on 1.0.0 release.
         $twig = Yii::$app->twig->env(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($this->getFolder()));
         return $twig->render(FileHelper::ensureExtension($file, 'twig'), $args);
     throw new Exception('Not supported render engine: ' . $this->renderEngine);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @todo its a copy from the old colde, refactor code
  * @param string $fileSource
  * @param string $fileName
  * @param int $folderId
 public function addFile($fileSource, $fileName, $folderId = 0, $isHidden = false)
     if (empty($fileSource) || empty($fileName)) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to create file where file source and/or file name is empty.");
     $fileInfo = FileHelper::getFileInfo($fileName);
     $baseName = Inflector::slug($fileInfo->name, '-');
     $fileHashName = Storage::createFileHash($fileName);
     $fileHash = FileHelper::getFileHash($fileSource);
     $mimeType = FileHelper::getMimeType($fileSource);
     $newName = implode([$baseName . '_' . $fileHashName, $fileInfo->extension], '.');
     $savePath = $this->serverPath . '/' . $newName;
     if (is_uploaded_file($fileSource)) {
         if (!@move_uploaded_file($fileSource, $savePath)) {
             throw new Exception("error while moving uploaded file from {$fileSource} to {$savePath}");
     } else {
         if (!@copy($fileSource, $savePath)) {
             throw new Exception("error while copy file from {$fileSource} to {$savePath}.");
     $model = new StorageFile();
     $model->setAttributes(['name_original' => $fileName, 'name_new' => $baseName, 'name_new_compound' => $newName, 'mime_type' => $mimeType, 'extension' => strtolower($fileInfo->extension), 'folder_id' => (int) $folderId, 'hash_file' => $fileHash, 'hash_name' => $fileHashName, 'is_hidden' => $isHidden ? 1 : 0, 'file_size' => @filesize($savePath)]);
     if ($model->validate()) {
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->_filesArray[$model->id] = $model->toArray();
             return $this->getFile($model->id);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Returns all controller files of this module from the `getControllerPath()` folder, where the key is the reusable
  * id of this controller and value the file on the server.
  * @return array Returns an array where the key is the controller id and value the original file.
  * @since 1.0.0-beta5
 public function getControllerFiles()
     try {
         $files = [];
         foreach (FileHelper::findFiles($this->controllerPath) as $file) {
             $value = ltrim(str_replace([$this->controllerPath, 'Controller.php'], '', $file), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
             $files[Inflector::camel2id($value)] = $file;
         return $files;
     } catch (InvalidParamException $e) {
         return [];
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected function getUploadFolder()
     $folder = Yii::getAlias('@runtime/flow-upload');
     if (!file_exists($folder)) {
         FileHelper::createDirectory($folder, 0777);
     return $folder;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Prepare a temp file to
  * @todo added very basic csv support, must be stored as class, just a temp solution
  * @return array
 public function actionExport()
     $tempData = null;
     // first row
     $header = [];
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->model->find()->all() as $key => $value) {
         $row = [];
         $attrs = $value->getAttributes();
         foreach ($value->extraFields() as $field) {
             $attrs[$field] = $value->{$field};
         foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
             if (is_object($v)) {
                 if ($v instanceof Arrayable) {
                     $v = $v->toArray();
                 } else {
             if ($i === 0) {
                 $header[] = $this->model->getAttributeLabel($k);
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $tv = [];
                 foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) {
                     if (is_object($vv)) {
                         if ($vv instanceof Arrayable) {
                             $tv[] = implode(" | ", $vv->toArray());
                         } else {
                     } elseif (is_array($vv)) {
                         $tv[] = implode(" | ", $vv);
                     } else {
                         $tv[] = $vv;
                 $v = implode(" - ", $tv);
             $row[] = '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $v) . '"';
         if ($i === 0) {
             $tempData .= implode(",", $header) . "\n";
         $tempData .= implode(",", $row) . "\n";
     $key = uniqid('ngre', true);
     $store = FileHelper::writeFile('@runtime/' . $key . '.tmp', $tempData);
     if ($store) {
         Yii::$app->session->set('tempNgRestFileName', Inflector::slug($this->model->tableName()));
         Yii::$app->session->set('tempNgRestKey', $key);
         return ['url' => Url::toRoute(['/admin/ngrest/export-download', 'key' => base64_encode($key)])];
     throw new ErrorException("Unable to write the temporary file for the csv export. Make sure the runtime folder is writeable.");
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Returns all controller files of this module from the `getControllerPath()` folder, where the key is the reusable 
  * id of this controller and value the file on the server.
  * @return array Returns an array where the key is the controller id and value the original file.
  * @since 1.0.0-beta5
 public function getControllerFiles()
     $files = [];
     foreach (FileHelper::findFiles($this->controllerPath) as $file) {
         $value = ltrim(str_replace([$this->controllerPath, 'Controller.php'], '', $file), '/');
         $files[Inflector::camel2id($value)] = $file;
     return $files;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Wizzard to create a new CMS block.
  * @return number
 public function actionCreate()
     if (empty($this->type)) {
         $this->type = $this->select('Do you want to create an app or module Block?', [self::TYPE_APP => 'Creates a project block inside your @app Namespace (casual).', self::TYPE_MODULE => 'Creating a block inside a later specified Module.']);
     if ($this->type == self::TYPE_MODULE && count($this->getModuleProposal()) === 0) {
         return $this->outputError('Your project does not have Project-Modules registered!');
     if (empty($this->moduleName) && $this->type == self::TYPE_MODULE) {
         $this->moduleName = $this->select('Choose a module to create the block inside:', $this->getModuleProposal());
     if (empty($this->blockName)) {
         $this->blockName = $this->prompt('Insert a name for your Block (e.g. HeadTeaser):', ['required' => true]);
     if ($this->isContainer === null) {
         $this->isContainer = $this->confirm("Do you want to add placeholders to your block that serve as a container for nested blocks?", false);
     if ($this->cacheEnabled === null) {
         $this->cacheEnabled = $this->confirm("Do you want to enable the caching for this block or not?", true);
     if ($this->config === null) {
         $this->config = ['vars' => [], 'cfgs' => [], 'placeholders' => []];
         $doConfigure = $this->confirm('Would you like to configure this Block? (vars, cfgs, placeholders)', false);
         if ($doConfigure) {
             $doVars = $this->confirm('Add new Variable (vars)?', false);
             $i = 1;
             while ($doVars) {
                 $item = $this->varCreator('Variabel (vars) #' . $i, 'var');
                 $this->phpdoc[] = '{{vars.' . $item['var'] . '}}';
                 $this->viewFileDoc[] = '$this->varValue(\'' . $item['var'] . '\');';
                 $this->config['vars'][] = $item;
                 $doVars = $this->confirm('Add one more?', false);
             $doCfgs = $this->confirm('Add new Configuration (cgfs)?', false);
             $i = 1;
             while ($doCfgs) {
                 $item = $this->varCreator('Configration (cfgs) #' . $i, 'cfg');
                 $this->phpdoc[] = '{{cfgs.' . $item['var'] . '}}';
                 $this->viewFileDoc[] = '$this->cfgValue(\'' . $item['var'] . '\');';
                 $this->config['cfgs'][] = $item;
                 $doCfgs = $this->confirm('Add one more?', false);
             $doPlaceholders = $this->confirm('Add new Placeholder (placeholders)?', false);
             $i = 1;
             while ($doPlaceholders) {
                 $item = $this->placeholderCreator('Placeholder (placeholders) #' . $i);
                 $this->phpdoc[] = '{{placeholders.' . $item['var'] . '}}';
                 $this->viewFileDoc[] = '$this->placeholderValue(\'' . $item['var'] . '\');';
                 $this->config['placeholders'][] = $item;
                 $doPlaceholders = $this->confirm('Add one more?', false);
     $folder = $this->getFileBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blocks';
     $filePath = $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->blockName . '.php';
     $content = $this->view->render('@luya/console/commands/views/block/create_block.php', ['namespace' => $this->getFileNamespace(), 'className' => $this->blockName, 'name' => Inflector::camel2words($this->blockName), 'type' => $this->type, 'module' => $this->moduleName, 'isContainer' => $this->isContainer, 'cacheEnabled' => $this->cacheEnabled, 'config' => $this->config, 'phpdoc' => $this->phpdoc, 'extras' => $this->extras, 'luyaText' => $this->getGeneratorText('block/create')]);
     if ($this->dryRun) {
         return $content;
     if (FileHelper::createDirectory($folder) && FileHelper::writeFile($filePath, $content)) {
         // generate view file based on block object view context
         $object = Yii::createObject(['class' => $this->getFileNamespace() . '\\' . $this->blockName]);
         $viewsFolder = Yii::getAlias($object->getViewPath());
         $viewFilePath = $viewsFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object->getViewFileName('php');
         if (FileHelper::createDirectory($viewsFolder) && FileHelper::writeFile($viewFilePath, $this->generateViewFile($this->blockName))) {
             $this->outputInfo('View file for the block has been created: ' . $viewFilePath);
         return $this->outputSuccess("Block {$this->blockName} has been created: " . $filePath);
     return $this->outputError("Error while creating block '{$filePath}'");
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Create a new frontend/admin module.
  * @return number
 public function actionCreate()
     $moduleName = $this->prompt("Enter the name of the module you like to generate:");
     $newName = preg_replace("/[^a-z]/", "", strtolower($moduleName));
     if ($newName !== $moduleName) {
         if (!$this->confirm("We have changed the name to '{$newName}'. Do you want to proceed with this name?")) {
             return $this->outputError('Abort by user.');
         } else {
             $moduleName = $newName;
     $appModulesFolder = Yii::$app->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules';
     $moduleFolder = $appModulesFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $moduleName;
     if (file_exists($moduleFolder)) {
         return $this->outputError("The folder " . $moduleFolder . " exists already.");
     $folders = ['basePath' => $moduleFolder, 'adminPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin', 'adminPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aws', 'frontendPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend', 'blocksPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blocks', 'blocksPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers', 'blocksPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views', 'modelsPath' => $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models'];
     $ns = 'app\\modules\\' . $moduleName;
     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
     $contents = [$moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '' => $this->renderReadme($folders, $moduleName, $ns), $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin/Module.php' => $this->renderAdmin($folders, $moduleName, $ns), $moduleFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'frontend/Module.php' => $this->renderFrontend($folders, $moduleName, $ns)];
     foreach ($contents as $fileName => $content) {
         FileHelper::writeFile($fileName, $content);
     return $this->outputSuccess("Module files has been created successfull. Check the README file to understand how to added the module to your config.");