Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function parseSysLog()
      * For parsing the syslog looking for sensord entries
      * POTENTIALLY BUGGY -- only tested on debian/ubuntu flavored syslogs
      * Also slow as balls as it parses the entire syslog instead of
      * using something like tail
     $file = '/var/log/syslog';
     if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
         return array();
     $devices = array();
     foreach (Common::getLines($file) as $line) {
         if (preg_match('/\\w+\\s*\\d+ \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} \\w+ sensord:\\s*(.+):\\s*(.+)/i', trim($line), $match) == 1) {
             // Replace current record of dev with updated temp
             $devices[$match[1]] = $match[2];
     $return = array();
     foreach ($devices as $dev => $stat) {
         $return[] = array('path' => 'N/A', 'name' => $dev, 'temp' => $stat, 'unit' => '');
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Do the job.
 public function work()
     $t = new Timer('dnsmasq leases extension');
     foreach (Common::getLines($this->_leases_file) as $line) {
         if (!preg_match('/^(\\d+) ([a-z0-9:]+) (\\S+) (\\S+)/', $line, $m)) {
         $this->_leases[] = array_combine(array('lease_end', 'mac', 'ip', 'hostname'), array_slice($m, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function _call()
     $this->_res = array();
     foreach ($this->_servers as $name => $path) {
         $lines = Common::getLines($path);
         if (count($lines) == 0) {
         $info = self::readgamestat($lines);
         $this->_res[] = array('name' => $name, 'info' => $info);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function indexAction()
     try {
         $settings = Common::getVarFromFile($this->linfoHome . 'sample.config.inc.php', 'settings');
         $settings["compress_content"] = false;
         $linfo = new Linfo($settings);
         $output = new \Linfo\Output\Html($linfo);
     } catch (FatalException $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function _call()
     // Time this
     $t = new Timer('CUPS extension');
     // Deal with calling it
     try {
         $result = $this->_CallExt->exec('lpstat', '-p -o -l');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // messed up somehow
         $this->_LinfoError->add('CUPS Extension', $e->getMessage());
         $this->_res = false;
         // Don't bother going any further
         return false;
     // Split it into lines
     $lines = explode("\n", $result);
     // Hold temporarily values here
     $printers = array();
     $queue = array();
     $begin_queue_list = false;
     // Go through it line by line
     for ($i = 0, $num = count($lines); $i < $num; ++$i) {
         // So regexes don't break on endlines
         $lines[$i] = trim($lines[$i]);
         // If there are no entries, don't waste time and end here
         if ($lines[$i] == 'no entries') {
         } elseif (preg_match('/^printer (.+) is idle\\. (.+)$/', $lines[$i], $printers_match) == 1) {
             $printers[] = array('name' => str_replace('_', ' ', $printers_match[1]), 'status' => $printers_match[2]);
         } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+)+ is (ready|ready and printing|not ready)$/', $lines[$i], $printers_match) == 1) {
             $printers[] = array('name' => str_replace('_', ' ', $printers_match[1]), 'status' => $printers_match[2]);
         } elseif (preg_match('/^Rank\\s+Owner\\s+Job\\s+File\\(s\\)\\s+Total Size$/', $lines[$i])) {
             $begin_queue_list = true;
         } elseif ($begin_queue_list && preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(.+)\\s+(\\d+) bytes$/', $lines[$i], $queue_match)) {
             $queue[] = array('rank' => $queue_match[1], 'owner' => $queue_match[2], 'job' => $queue_match[3], 'files' => $queue_match[4], 'size' => Common::byteConvert($queue_match[5]));
     // Save result lset
     $this->_res = array('printers' => $printers, 'queue' => $queue);
     // Apparent success
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function output()
     // Gain access to translations
     $lang = $this->linfo->getLang();
     // And info
     $info = $this->linfo->getInfo();
     // Say we're called more than once. Kill previous remnants
     if (count($this->_windows) > 0) {
     // Get dimensions and give lovely header text
     $fullscreen = ncurses_newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
     ncurses_getmaxyx($fullscreen, $x, $y);
     ncurses_mvwaddstr($fullscreen, 0, 0, 'Generated by ' . $this->linfo->getAppName() . ' (' . $this->linfo->getVersion() . ') (ncurses) on ' . date('m/d/Y @ h:i:s A (T)'));
     $this->_max_dims = array($x, $y);
     // Some important windows
     $core_wins = array(array('name' => $lang['core'], 'content' => array(array($lang['os'], $info['OS']), array_key_exists('Distro', $info) ? array($lang['distro'], $info['Distro']['name'] . ($info['Distro']['version'] ? ' ' . $info['Distro']['version'] : '')) : false, array($lang['kernel'], $info['Kernel']), array_key_exists('Model', $info) && !empty($info['Model']) ? array($lang['model'], $info['Model']) : false, array($lang['uptime'], str_ireplace(array(' ', 'days', 'minutes', 'hours', 'seconds'), array('', 'd', 'm', 'h', 's'), $info['UpTime']['text'])), array($lang['hostname'], $info['HostName']), array_key_exists('CPUArchitecture', $info) ? array($lang['cpu_arch'], $info['CPUArchitecture']) : false, array($lang['load'], implode(' ', (array) $info['Load'])))), array('name' => $lang['memory'], 'content' => array(array($lang['size'], Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['total'])), array($lang['used'], Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free'])), array($lang['free'], Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['free'])))));
     // Show them
     $h = 1;
     foreach ($core_wins as $win) {
         list($width, $height) = $this->_window_with_lines($win['name'], $win['content'], $h, 0);
         $h += $height + 1;
     // Makeshift event loop
     while (true) {
         // Die on input
         $getch = ncurses_getch();
         if ($getch > 0 && $getch == 113) {
             echo "\nEnding at your request.\n";
             // exit(0);
         // Stop temporariy
         // Call ourselves
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function ensureFQDN($hostname)
     $parts = explode('.', $hostname);
     $num_parts = count($parts);
     // Already FQDN, like a boss..
     if ($num_parts >= 2) {
         return $hostname;
     // Don't bother trying to expand on .local
     if ($num_parts > 0 && $parts[$num_parts - 1] == '.local') {
         return $hostname;
     // This relies on reading /etc/hosts.
     if (!($contents = Common::getContents('/etc/hosts', false))) {
         return $hostname;
     preg_match_all('/^[^\\s#]+\\s+(.+)/m', $contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     // Lets see if we can do some magic with /etc/hosts..
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         if (!preg_match_all('/(\\S+)/', $match[1], $hosts, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             // I don't want to expand on localhost as it's pointlesss
             if (strpos('localhost', $host[1]) !== false) {
             $entry_parts = explode('.', $host[1]);
             if (count($entry_parts) > 1 && $entry_parts[0] == $hostname) {
                 return $host[1];
     // Couldn't make it better :/
     return $hostname;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected function loadSettings($settings = array())
     // Running unit tests?
     if (defined('LINFO_TESTING')) {
         $this->settings = Common::getVarFromFile($this->linfo_testdir . '/test_settings.php', 'settings');
         if (!is_array($this->settings)) {
             throw new FatalException('Failed getting test-specific settings');
     // Don't just blindly assume we have the ob_* functions...
     if (!function_exists('ob_start')) {
         $settings['compress_content'] = false;
     if (!isset($settings['hide'])) {
         $settings['hide'] = array('filesystems' => array(), 'storage_devices' => array());
     // Make sure these are arrays
     $settings['hide']['filesystems'] = is_array($settings['hide']['filesystems']) ? $settings['hide']['filesystems'] : array();
     $settings['hide']['storage_devices'] = is_array($settings['hide']['storage_devices']) ? $settings['hide']['storage_devices'] : array();
     // Make sure these are always hidden
     $settings['hide']['filesystems'][] = 'rootfs';
     $settings['hide']['filesystems'][] = 'binfmt_misc';
     // Default timeformat
     $settings['dates'] = array_key_exists('dates', $settings) ? $settings['dates'] : 'm/d/y h:i A (T)';
     // Default to english translation if garbage is passed
     if (empty($settings['language']) || !preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}$/', $settings['language'])) {
         $settings['language'] = 'en';
     // If it can't be found default to english
     if (!is_file($this->linfo_localdir . 'src/Linfo/Lang/' . $settings['language'] . '.php')) {
         $settings['language'] = 'en';
     $this->settings = $settings;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function getUpTime()
     // Time?
     if (!empty($this->settings['timer'])) {
         $t = new Timer('Uptime');
     // Use sysctl
     $booted = strtotime($this->sysctl['kern.boottime']);
     // Give it
     return array('text' => Common::secondsConvert(time() - $booted), 'bootedTimestamp' => $booted);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function result()
     if (!$this->res) {
         return false;
     $rows[] = array('type' => 'header', 'columns' => array('Torrent/hash' . ($this->hideName ? ' (names hidden)' : ''), 'Size', 'Progress', 'Status', 'Seeds', 'Peers', 'Downloaded', 'Uploaded', 'Ratio', 'Speeds'));
     foreach ($this->torrents as $name => $info) {
         $rows[] = array('type' => 'values', 'columns' => array(($this->hideName ? '' : $info['TORRENT_NAME'] . '<br />') . '<span style="font-size: 80%; font-family: monaco, monospace, courier;">' . $info['TORRENT_HASH'] . '</span>', Common::byteConvert($info['TORRENT_SIZE']), Html::generateBarChart($info['TORRENT_PROGRESS'] / 10), $info['TORRENT_STATUS_MESSAGE'], $info['TORRENT_SEEDS_CONNECTED'] . '/' . $info['TORRENT_SEEDS_SWARM'], $info['TORRENT_SEEDS_CONNECTED'] . '/' . $info['TORRENT_PEERS_SWARM'], Common::byteConvert($info['TORRENT_DOWNLOADED']), Common::byteConvert($info['TORRENT_UPLOADED']), $info['TORRENT_RATIO'] > 0 ? round($info['TORRENT_RATIO'] / 1000, 2) ?: '0.0' : '0.0', Common::byteConvert($info['TORRENT_DOWNSPEED']) . '/s &darr; ' . Common::byteConvert($info['TORRENT_UPSPEED']) . '/s &uarr; '));
     // Give it off
     return array('root_title' => '&micro;Torrent <span style="font-size: 80%;">(' . Common::byteConvert($this->stats['downloaded']) . ' &darr; ' . Common::byteConvert($this->stats['uploaded']) . ' &uarr; ' . round($this->stats['uploaded'] / $this->stats['downloaded'], 2) . ' ratio)</span>', 'rows' => $rows);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static function tearDownAfterClass()
     self::$linfo = null;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function output()
     $lang = $this->linfo->getLang();
     $settings = $this->linfo->getSettings();
     $info = $this->linfo->getInfo();
     try {
         // Start it up
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><linfo></linfo>');
         // Deal with core stuff
         $core_elem = $xml->addChild('core');
         $core = array();
         if (!empty($settings['show']['os'])) {
             $core[] = array('os', $info['OS']);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['distro']) && isset($info['Distro']) && is_array($info['Distro'])) {
             $core[] = array('distro', $info['Distro']['name'] . ($info['Distro']['version'] ? ' - ' . $info['Distro']['version'] : ''));
         if (!empty($settings['show']['kernel'])) {
             $core[] = array('kernel', $info['Kernel']);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['webservice'])) {
             $core[] = array('webservice', $info['webService']);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['phpversion'])) {
             $core[] = array('phpversion', $info['phpVersion']);
         if (!isset($settings['show']['ip']) || !empty($settings['show']['ip'])) {
             $core[] = array('accessed_ip', isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : 'Unknown');
         if (!empty($settings['show']['uptime'])) {
             $core[] = array('uptime', $info['UpTime']['text']);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['hostname'])) {
             $core[] = array('hostname', $info['HostName']);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu'])) {
             $cpus = '';
             foreach ((array) $info['CPU'] as $cpu) {
                 $cpus .= (array_key_exists('Vendor', $cpu) && empty($cpu['Vendor']) ? $cpu['Vendor'] . ' - ' : '') . $cpu['Model'] . (array_key_exists('MHz', $cpu) ? $cpu['MHz'] < 1000 ? ' (' . $cpu['MHz'] . ' MHz)' : ' (' . round($cpu['MHz'] / 1000, 3) . ' GHz)' : '') . '<br />';
             $core[] = array('cpus', $cpus);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['model']) && array_key_exists('Model', $info) && !empty($info['Model'])) {
             $core[] = array('model', $info['Model']);
         if (!empty($settings['show']['process_stats']) && $info['processStats']['exists']) {
             $proc_stats = array();
             if (array_key_exists('totals', $info['processStats']) && is_array($info['processStats']['totals'])) {
                 foreach ($info['processStats']['totals'] as $k => $v) {
                     $proc_stats[] = $k . ': ' . number_format($v);
             $proc_stats[] = 'total: ' . number_format($info['processStats']['proc_total']);
             $core[] = array('processes', implode('; ', $proc_stats));
             if ($info['processStats']['threads'] !== false) {
                 $core[] = array('threads', number_format($info['processStats']['threads']));
         if (!empty($settings['show']['load'])) {
             $core[] = array('load', implode(' ', (array) $info['Load']));
         // Adding each core stuff
         for ($i = 0, $core_num = count($core); $i < $core_num; ++$i) {
             $core_elem->addChild($core[$i][0], $core[$i][1]);
         // RAM
         if (!empty($settings['show']['ram'])) {
             $mem = $xml->addChild('memory');
             $core_mem = $mem->addChild($info['RAM']['type']);
             $core_mem->addChild('free', $info['RAM']['free']);
             $core_mem->addChild('total', $info['RAM']['total']);
             $core_mem->addChild('used', $info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']);
             if (isset($info['RAM']['swapFree']) || isset($info['RAM']['swapTotal'])) {
                 $swap = $mem->addChild('swap');
                 $swap_core = $swap->addChild('core');
                 $swap_core->addChild('free', $info['RAM']['swapFree']);
                 $swap_core->addChild('total', $info['RAM']['swapTotal']);
                 $swap_core->addChild('used', $info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']);
                 if (is_array($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) && count($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) > 0) {
                     $swap_devices = $swap->addChild('devices');
                     foreach ($info['RAM']['swapInfo'] as $swap_dev) {
                         $swap_dev_elem = $swap_devices->addChild('device');
                         $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('device', $swap_dev['device']);
                         $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('type', $swap_dev['type']);
                         $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('size', $swap_dev['size']);
                         $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('used', $swap_dev['used']);
         // NET
         if (!empty($settings['show']['network']) && isset($info['Network Devices']) && is_array($info['Network Devices'])) {
             $net = $xml->addChild('net');
             foreach ($info['Network Devices'] as $device => $stats) {
                 $nic = $net->addChild('interface');
                 $nic->addAttribute('device', $device);
                 $nic->addAttribute('type', $stats['type']);
                 $nic->addAttribute('sent', $stats['sent']['bytes']);
                 $nic->addAttribute('recieved', $stats['recieved']['bytes']);
         // TEMPS
         if (!empty($settings['show']['temps']) && isset($info['Temps']) && count($info['Temps']) > 0) {
             $temps = $xml->addChild('temps');
             foreach ($info['Temps'] as $stat) {
                 $temp = $temps->addChild('temp');
                 $temp->addAttribute('path', $stat['path']);
                 $temp->addAttribute('name', $stat['name']);
                 $temp->addAttribute('temp', $stat['temp'] . ' ' . $stat['unit']);
         // Batteries
         if (!empty($settings['show']['battery']) && isset($info['Battery']) && count($info['Battery']) > 0) {
             $bats = $xml->addChild('batteries');
             foreach ($info['Battery'] as $bat) {
                 $bat = $bats->addChild('battery');
                 $bat->addAttribute('device', $bat['device']);
                 $bat->addAttribute('state', $bat['state']);
                 $bat->addAttribute('percentage', $bat['percentage']);
         // SERVICES
         if (!empty($settings['show']['services']) && isset($info['services']) && count($info['services']) > 0) {
             $services = $xml->addChild('services');
             foreach ($info['services'] as $service => $state) {
                 $state_parts = explode(' ', $state['state'], 2);
                 $service_elem = $services->addChild('service');
                 $service_elem->addAttribute('name', $service);
                 $service_elem->addAttribute('state', $state_parts[0] . (array_key_exists(1, $state_parts) ? ' ' . $state_parts[1] : ''));
                 $service_elem->addAttribute('pid', $state['pid']);
                 $service_elem->addAttribute('threads', $state['threads'] ? $state['threads'] : '?');
                 $service_elem->addAttribute('mem_usage', $state['memory_usage'] ? $state['memory_usage'] : '?');
         // DEVICES
         if (!empty($settings['show']['devices']) && isset($info['Devices'])) {
             $show_vendor = array_key_exists('hw_vendor', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['hw_vendor'] === false ? false : true : true;
             $devices = $xml->addChild('devices');
             for ($i = 0, $num_devs = count($info['Devices']); $i < $num_devs; ++$i) {
                 $device = $devices->addChild('device');
                 $device->addAttribute('type', $info['Devices'][$i]['type']);
                 if ($show_vendor) {
                     $device->addAttribute('vendor', $info['Devices'][$i]['vendor']);
                 $device->addAttribute('name', $info['Devices'][$i]['device']);
         // DRIVES
         if (!empty($settings['show']['hd']) && isset($info['HD']) && is_array($info['HD'])) {
             $show_stats = array_key_exists('drives_rw_stats', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['drives_rw_stats'] === false ? false : true : true;
             $drives = $xml->addChild('drives');
             foreach ($info['HD'] as $drive) {
                 $drive_elem = $drives->addChild('drive');
                 $drive_elem->addAttribute('device', $drive['device']);
                 $drive_elem->addAttribute('vendor', $drive['vendor'] ? $drive['vendor'] : $lang['unknown']);
                 $drive_elem->addAttribute('name', $drive['name']);
                 if ($show_stats) {
                     $drive_elem->addAttribute('reads', $drive['reads'] ? $drive['reads'] : 'unknown');
                     $drive_elem->addAttribute('writes', $drive['writes'] ? $drive['writes'] : 'unknown');
                 $drive_elem->addAttribute('size', $drive['size'] ? $drive['size'] : 'unknown');
                 if (is_array($drive['partitions']) && count($drive['partitions']) > 0) {
                     $partitions = $drive_elem->addChild('partitions');
                     foreach ($drive['partitions'] as $partition) {
                         $partition_elem = $partitions->addChild('partition');
                         $partition_elem->addAttribute('name', isset($partition['number']) ? $drive['device'] . $partition['number'] : $partition['name']);
                         $partition_elem->addAttribute('size', $partition['size']);
         // Sound cards? lol
         if (!empty($settings['show']['sound']) && isset($info['SoundCards']) && count($info['SoundCards']) > 0) {
             $cards = $xml->addChild('soundcards');
             foreach ($info['SoundCards'] as $card) {
                 $card_elem = $cards->addChild('card');
                 $card_elem->addAttribute('number', $card['number']);
                 $card_elem->addAttribute('vendor', empty($card['vendor']) ? 'unknown' : $card['vendor']);
                 $card_elem->addAttribute('card', $card['card']);
         // File system mounts
         if (!empty($settings['show']['mounts'])) {
             $has_devices = false;
             $has_labels = false;
             $has_types = false;
             foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) {
                 if (!empty($mount['device'])) {
                     $has_devices = true;
                 if (!empty($mount['label'])) {
                     $has_labels = true;
                 if (!empty($mount['devtype'])) {
                     $has_types = true;
             $mounts = $xml->addChild('mounts');
             foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) {
                 $mount_elem = $mounts->addChild('mount');
                 if (preg_match('/^.+:$/', $mount['device']) == 1) {
                     $mount['device'] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                 if ($has_types) {
                     $mount_elem->addAttribute('type', $mount['devtype']);
                 if ($has_devices) {
                     $mount_elem->addAttribute('device', $mount['device']);
                 $mount_elem->addAttribute('mountpoint', $mount['mount']);
                 if ($has_labels) {
                     $mount_elem->addAttribute('label', $mount['label']);
                 $mount_elem->addAttribute('fstype', $mount['type']);
                 if ($settings['show']['mounts_options'] && !empty($mount['options'])) {
                     $mount_elem->addAttribute('options', implode(',', $mount['options']));
                 $mount_elem->addAttribute('size', $mount['size']);
                 $mount_elem->addAttribute('used', $mount['used']);
                 $mount_elem->addAttribute('free', $mount['free']);
         // RAID arrays
         if (!empty($settings['show']['raid']) && isset($info['Raid']) && count($info['Raid']) > 0) {
             $raid_elem = $xml->addChild('raid');
             foreach ($info['Raid'] as $raid) {
                 $array = $raid_elem->addChild('array');
                 $active = explode('/', $raid['count']);
                 $array->addAttribute('device', $raid['device']);
                 $array->addAttribute('level', $raid['level']);
                 $array->addAttribute('status', $raid['status']);
                 $array->addAttribute('size', $raid['size']);
                 $array->addAttribute('active', $active[1] . '/' . $active[0]);
                 $drives = $array->addChild('drives');
                 foreach ($raid['drives'] as $drive) {
                     $drive_elem = $drives->addChild('drive');
                     $drive_elem->addAttribute('drive', $drive['drive']);
                     $drive_elem->addAttribute('state', $drive['state']);
         // Timestamp
         $xml->addChild('timestamp', $info['timestamp']);
         // Extensions
         if (count($info['extensions']) > 0) {
             $extensions = $xml->addChild('extensions');
             foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) {
                 $header = false;
                 if (is_array($ext) && count($ext) > 0) {
                     $this_ext = $extensions->addChild(Common::xmlStringSanitize($ext['root_title']));
                     foreach ((array) $ext['rows'] as $i => $row) {
                         if ($row['type'] == 'header') {
                             $header = $i;
                         } elseif ($row['type'] == 'values') {
                             $this_row = $this_ext->addChild('row');
                             if ($header !== false && array_key_exists($header, $ext['rows'])) {
                                 foreach ($ext['rows'][$header]['columns'] as $ri => $rc) {
                                     $this_row->addChild(Common::xmlStringSanitize($rc), $ext['rows'][$i]['columns'][$ri]);
         // Out it
         if (!headers_sent()) {
             header('Content-type: text/xml');
         echo $xml->asXML();
         // Comment which has stats and generator
         echo '<!-- Generated in ' . round(microtime(true) - $this->linfo->getTimeStart(), 2) . ' seconds by ' . $this->linfo->getAppName() . ' (' . $this->linfo->getVersion() . ')-->';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new FatalException('Creation of XML error: ' . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * getUpTime.
  * @return string uptime
 public function getUpTime()
     // Time?
     if (!empty($this->settings['timer'])) {
         $t = new Timer('Uptime');
     $booted_str = '';
     foreach ($this->wmi->ExecQuery('SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem') as $os) {
         $booted_str = $os->LastBootUpTime;
     $booted = array('year' => substr($booted_str, 0, 4), 'month' => substr($booted_str, 4, 2), 'day' => substr($booted_str, 6, 2), 'hour' => substr($booted_str, 8, 2), 'minute' => substr($booted_str, 10, 2), 'second' => substr($booted_str, 12, 2));
     $booted_ts = mktime($booted['hour'], $booted['minute'], $booted['second'], $booted['month'], $booted['day'], $booted['year']);
     return array('text' => Common::secondsConvert(time() - $booted_ts), 'bootedTimestamp' => $booted_ts);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function getUpTime()
     // Time?
     if (!empty($this->settings['timer'])) {
         $t = new Timer('Uptime');
     // Extract boot part of it
     if (preg_match('/^\\{ sec \\= (\\d+).+$/', $this->sysctl['kern.boottime'], $m) == 0) {
         return '';
     return array('text' => Common::secondsConvert(time() - $m[1]), 'bootedTimestamp' => $m[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    private function _call()
        // Time this
        $t = new Timer('apcaccess Extension');
        // Deal with calling it
        try {
            $result = $this->_CallExt->exec('apcaccess');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // messed up somehow
            Errors::add('apcaccess Extension', $e->getMessage());
            $this->_res = false;
            // Don't bother going any further
            return false;
        // Store them here
        $this->_res = array();
        // Get name
        if (preg_match('/^UPSNAME\\s+:\\s+(.+)$/m', $result, $m)) {
            $this->_res['name'] = $m[1];
        // Get model
        if (preg_match('/^MODEL\\s+:\\s+(.+)$/m', $result, $m)) {
            $this->_res['model'] = $m[1];
        // Get battery voltage
        if (preg_match('/^BATTV\\s+:\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)/m', $result, $m)) {
            $this->_res['volts'] = $m[1];
        // Get charge percentage, and get it cool
        if (preg_match('/^BCHARGE\\s+:\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)/m', $result, $m)) {
            $charge = (int) $m[1];
            $this->_res['charge'] = '
					<div class="bar_chart">
						<div class="bar_inner" style="width: ' . (int) $charge . '%;">
							<div class="bar_text">
								' . ($charge ? $charge . '%' : '?') . '
        // Get time remaning
        if (preg_match('/^TIMELEFT\\s+:\\s+([\\d\\.]+)/m', $result, $m)) {
            $this->_res['time_left'] = Common::secondsConvert($m[1] * 60);
        // Get status
        if (preg_match('/^STATUS\\s+:\\s+([A-Z]+)/m', $result, $m)) {
            $this->_res['status'] = $m[1] == 'ONBATT' ? 'On Battery' : ucfirst(strtolower($m[1]));
        // Load percentage looking cool
        if (preg_match('/^LOADPCT\\s+:\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)/m', $result, $m)) {
            $load = (int) $m[1];
            $this->_res['load'] = '
					<div class="bar_chart">
						<div class="bar_inner" style="width: ' . (int) $load . '%;">
							<div class="bar_text">
								' . ($load ? $load . '%' : '?') . '
        // Attempt getting wattage
        if (isset($load) && preg_match('/^NOMPOWER\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)/m', $result, $m)) {
            $watts = (int) $m['1'];
            $this->_res['watts_used'] = $load * round($watts / 100);
        } else {
            $this->_res['watts_used'] = false;
        // Apparent success
        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Get brand/name of motherboard/server through /sys' interface to dmidecode.
 public function getModel()
     $info = array();
     $vendor = Common::getContents('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor', false);
     $name = Common::getContents('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name', false);
     $product = Common::getContents('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name', false);
     if (!$name) {
         return false;
     // Don't add vendor to the mix if the name starts with it
     if ($vendor && strpos($name, $vendor) !== 0) {
         $info[] = $vendor;
     $info[] = $name;
     $infostr = implode(' ', $info);
     // product name is usually bullshit, but *occasionally* it's a useful name of the computer, such as
     // dell latitude e6500 or hp z260
     if ($product && strpos($name, $product) === false && strpos($product, 'Filled') === false) {
         return $product . ' (' . $infostr . ')';
     } else {
         return $infostr;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function getUpTime()
     $booted = $this->kstat['unix:0:system_misc:boot_time'];
     return array('text' => Common::secondsConvert(time() - $booted), 'bootedTimestamp' => $booted);
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Deal with it.
 private function _call()
     // Time this
     $t = new Timer('dhcpd3 leases extension');
     // We couldn't find leases file?
     if ($this->_leases_file === false) {
         Errors::add('dhcpd3 leases extension', 'couldn\'t find leases file');
         $this->_res = false;
     // Get contents
     $contents = Common::getContents($this->_leases_file, false);
     // Couldn't?
     if ($contents === false) {
         Errors::add('dhcpd3 leases extension', 'Error getting contents of leases file');
         $this->_res = false;
     // All dates in the file are in UTC format. Attempt finding out local time zone to convert UTC to local.
     // This prevents confusing the hell out of people.
     $do_date_conversion = false;
     $local_timezone = false;
     // Make sure we have what we need. Stuff this requires doesn't exist on certain php installations
     if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') && class_exists('DateTime') && class_exists('DateTimeZone')) {
         // I only want this called once, hence value stored here. It also might fail
         $local_timezone = @date_default_timezone_get();
         // Make sure it didn't fail
         if ($local_timezone !== false && is_string($local_timezone)) {
             $do_date_conversion = true;
         // Say we'll allow conversion later on
     // Get it into lines
     $lines = explode("\n", $contents);
     // Store temp entries here
     $curr = false;
     // Parse each line, while ignoring certain useless'ish values
     // I'd do a single preg_match_all() using multiline regex, but the values in each lease block are inconsistent. :-/
     for ($i = 0, $num_lines = count($lines); $i < $num_lines; ++$i) {
         // Kill padding whitespace
         $lines[$i] = trim($lines[$i]);
         // Last line in entry
         if ($lines[$i] == '}') {
             // Have we a current entry to save?
             if (is_array($curr)) {
                 $this->_leases[] = $curr;
             // Make it empty for next time
             $curr = false;
         } elseif (preg_match('/^lease (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+) \\{$/', $lines[$i], $m)) {
             $curr = array('ip' => $m[1]);
         } elseif ($curr && preg_match('/^starts \\d+ (\\d+\\/\\d+\\/\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+);$/', $lines[$i], $m)) {
             // Get it in unix time stamp for prettier formatting later and easier tz offset conversion
             $curr['lease_start'] = strtotime($m[1]);
             // Handle offset conversion
             if ($do_date_conversion) {
                 // This handy class helps out with timezone offsets. Pass it original date, not unix timestamp
                 $d = new DateTime($m[1], new DateTimeZone($local_timezone));
                 $offset = $d->getOffset();
                 // If ofset looks good, deal with it
                 if (is_numeric($offset) && $offset != 0) {
                     $curr['lease_start'] += $offset;
         } elseif ($curr && preg_match('/^ends \\d+ (\\d+\\/\\d+\\/\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+);$/', $lines[$i], $m)) {
             // Get it in unix time stamp for prettier formatting later and easier tz offset conversion
             $curr['lease_end'] = strtotime($m[1]);
             // Handle offset conversion
             if ($do_date_conversion) {
                 // This handy class helps out with timezone offsets. Pass it original date, not unix timestamp
                 $d = new DateTime($m[1], new DateTimeZone($local_timezone));
                 $offset = $d->getOffset();
                 // If ofset looks good, deal with it
                 if (is_numeric($offset) && $offset != 0) {
                     $curr['lease_end'] += $offset;
             // Is this old?
             // The file seems to contain all leases since the dhcpd server was started for the first time
             if (time() > $curr['lease_end']) {
                 // Kill current entry and ignore any following parts of this lease
                 $curr = false;
                 // Jump out right now
         } elseif (!$this->_hide_mac && $curr && preg_match('/^hardware ethernet (\\w+:\\w+:\\w+:\\w+:\\w+:\\w+);$/', $lines[$i], $m)) {
             $curr['mac'] = $m[1];
         } elseif ($curr && preg_match('/^client\\-hostname "([^"]+)";$/', $lines[$i], $m)) {
             $curr['hostname'] = $m[1];
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * @test
 public function getLines()
     $lines = array("lineone\n", "linetwo\n", "line3\n");
     $file = LINFO_TESTDIR . '/files/lines.txt';
     $this->assertEquals($lines, Common::getLines($file));
Ejemplo n.º 20
     * Return result.
     * @return false on failure|array of the torrents
    public function result()
        // Don't bother if it didn't go well
        if ($this->_res === false) {
            return false;
        // it did; continue
        // Store rows here
        $rows = array();
        // Start showing connections
        $rows[] = array('type' => 'header', 'columns' => array('Torrent', array(1, 'Done', '10%'), 'State', 'Have', 'Uploaded', 'Time Left', 'Ratio', 'Up', 'Down'));
        // No torrents?
        if (count($this->_torrents) == 0) {
            $rows[] = array('type' => 'none', 'columns' => array(array(9, 'None found')));
        } else {
            // Store a total amount of certain torrents here:
            $status_tally = array();
            // As well as uploaded/downloaded
            $status_tally['Downloaded'] = 0;
            $status_tally['Uploaded'] = 0;
            $status_tally['Ratio'] = '';
            // Go through each torrent
            foreach ($this->_torrents as $torrent) {
                // Status count tally
                $status_tally[$torrent['state']] = !array_key_exists($torrent['state'], $status_tally) ? 1 : $status_tally[$torrent['state']] + 1;
                // Make some sense of the have so we can get it into bytes, which we can then have fun with
                $have_bytes = false;
                if ($torrent['have'] != 'None') {
                    $have_parts = explode(' ', $torrent['have'], 2);
                    if (is_numeric($have_parts[0]) && $have_parts[0] > 0) {
                        switch ($have_parts[1]) {
                            case 'TiB':
                                $have_bytes = (double) $have_parts[0] * 1099511627776.0;
                            case 'GiB':
                                $have_bytes = (double) $have_parts[0] * 1073741824;
                            case 'MiB':
                                $have_bytes = (double) $have_parts[0] * 1048576;
                            case 'KiB':
                                $have_bytes = (double) $have_parts[0] * 1024;
                // Try getting amount uploaded, based upon ratio and exact amount downloaded above
                $uploaded_bytes = false;
                if (is_numeric($have_bytes) && $have_bytes > 0 && is_numeric($torrent['ratio']) && $torrent['ratio'] > 0) {
                    $uploaded_bytes = $torrent['ratio'] * $have_bytes;
                // Save amount uploaded/downloaded tally
                if (is_numeric($have_bytes) && $have_bytes > 0 && is_numeric($uploaded_bytes) && $uploaded_bytes > 0) {
                    $status_tally['Downloaded'] += $have_bytes;
                    $status_tally['Uploaded'] += $uploaded_bytes;
                // Save result
                $rows[] = array('type' => 'values', 'columns' => array(wordwrap(htmlspecialchars($torrent['torrent']), 50, ' ', true), '<div class="bar_chart">
							<div class="bar_inner" style="width: ' . (int) $torrent['done'] . '%;">
								<div class="bar_text">
									' . ($torrent['done'] ? $torrent['done'] . '%' : '0%') . '
						', $torrent['state'], $have_bytes !== false ? Common::byteConvert($have_bytes) : $torrent['have'], $uploaded_bytes !== false ? Common::byteConvert($uploaded_bytes) : 'None', $torrent['eta'], $torrent['ratio'], Common::byteConvert($torrent['up']) . '/s', Common::byteConvert($torrent['down']) . '/s'));
            // Finish the size totals
            $status_tally['Ratio'] = $status_tally['Downloaded'] > 0 && $status_tally['Uploaded'] > 0 ? round($status_tally['Uploaded'] / $status_tally['Downloaded'], 2) : 'N/A';
            $status_tally['Downloaded'] = $status_tally['Downloaded'] > 0 ? Common::byteConvert($status_tally['Downloaded']) : 'None';
            $status_tally['Uploaded'] = $status_tally['Uploaded'] > 0 ? Common::byteConvert($status_tally['Uploaded']) : 'None';
            // Create a row for the tally of statuses
            if (count($status_tally) > 0) {
                // Store list of k: v'ish values here
                $tally_contents = array();
                // Populate that
                foreach ($status_tally as $state => $tally) {
                    $tally_contents[] = "{$state}: {$tally}";
                // Save this final row
                $rows[] = array('type' => 'values', 'columns' => array(array(9, implode(', ', $tally_contents))));
        // Handle stats which might not exist
        if (is_array($this->_stats) && array_key_exists('downloaded-bytes', $this->_stats) && array_key_exists('uploaded-bytes', $this->_stats) && array_key_exists('seconds-active', $this->_stats)) {
            $extra_vals = array('title' => 'Transmission Stats', 'values' => array(array('Total Downloaded', Common::byteConvert($this->_stats['downloaded-bytes'])), array('Total Uploaded', Common::byteConvert($this->_stats['uploaded-bytes'])), $this->_stats['uploaded-bytes'] > 0 && $this->_stats['downloaded-bytes'] > 0 ? array('Total Ratio', round($this->_stats['uploaded-bytes'] / $this->_stats['downloaded-bytes'], 3)) : false, array('Duration', Common::secondsConvert($this->_stats['seconds-active']))));
        } else {
            $extra_vals = false;
        // Give it off
        return array('root_title' => 'Transmission Torrents', 'rows' => $rows, 'extra_type' => 'k->v', 'extra_vals' => $extra_vals);
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public function output()
        $lang = $this->linfo->getLang();
        $settings = $this->linfo->getSettings();
        $info = $this->linfo->getInfo();
        $appName = $this->linfo->getAppName();
        $version = $this->linfo->getVersion();
        // Fun icons
        $show_icons = array_key_exists('icons', $settings) ? !empty($settings['icons']) : true;
        $os_icon = $info['OS'] == 'Windows' ? 'windows' : strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', current(explode('(', $info['OS']))));
        $distro_icon = $info['OS'] == 'Linux' && is_array($info['Distro']) && $info['Distro']['name'] ? strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $info['Distro']['name'])) : false;
        // Start compressed output buffering. Try to not do this if we've had errors or otherwise already outputted stuff
        if ((!function_exists('error_get_last') || !error_get_last()) && (!isset($settings['compress_content']) || $settings['compress_content'])) {
            ob_start(function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null);
        // See if we have a specific theme file installed
        if (isset($settings['theme']) && strpos($settings['theme'], '..') === false && file_exists('layout/theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css')) {
            $theme_css = 'theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css';
        } elseif (($settings['theme'] = 'default') && file_exists('layout/theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css')) {
            $theme_css = 'theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css';
        } else {
            $theme_css = 'styles.css';
        // Proceed to letting it all out
        echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
	<title>' . $appName . ' - ' . $info['HostName'] . '</title>
	<link href="./layout/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" rel="shortcut icon">
	<link href="./layout/' . $theme_css . '" rel="stylesheet">' . ($show_icons ? '
	<link href="./layout/icons.css" rel="stylesheet">' : '') . '
	<script src="./layout/scripts.min.js"></script>
	<meta name="generator" content="' . $appName . ' (' . $version . ')">
	<meta name="author" content="Joseph Gillotti &amp; friends">
	<!--[if lt IE 8]>
	<link href="./layout/old_ie.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./layout/mobile.css" media="screen and (max-width: 640px)">
<body id="info">
<div id="header">
	<h1>' . $info['HostName'] . '</h1>
	<div class="subtitle">' . $lang['header'] . '</div>
<div class="col2">
	<div class="col">
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['core'] . '</h2>
        // Linfo Core. Decide what to show.
        $core = array();
        // OS? (with icon, if we have it)
        if (!empty($settings['show']['os'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['os'], ($show_icons && (file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/os_' . $os_icon . '.gif') || file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/os_' . $os_icon . '.png')) ? '<span class="icon icon_os_' . $os_icon . '"></span>' : '') . $info['OS']);
        // Distribution? (with icon, if we have it)
        if (!empty($settings['show']['distro']) && array_key_exists('Distro', $info) && is_array($info['Distro'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['distro'], ($show_icons && $distro_icon && (file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/distro_' . $distro_icon . '.gif') || file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/distro_' . $distro_icon . '.png')) ? '<span class="icon icon_distro_' . $distro_icon . '"></span>' : '') . $info['Distro']['name'] . ($info['Distro']['version'] ? ' - ' . $info['Distro']['version'] : ''));
        // Virtualization
        if (!empty($settings['show']['virtualization']) && isset($info['virtualization']) && !empty($info['virtualization'])) {
            $vmval = false;
            if ($info['virtualization']['type'] == 'guest') {
                $vmval = '<span class="icon icon_vm_' . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($info['virtualization']['method'])) . '"></span>' . $info['virtualization']['method'] . ' ' . $lang['guest'];
            } elseif ($info['virtualization']['type'] == 'host') {
                $vmval = '<span class="icon icon_vm_' . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($info['virtualization']['method'])) . '"></span>' . $info['virtualization']['method'] . ' ' . $lang['host'];
            if ($vmval) {
                $core[] = array($lang['virtualization'], $vmval);
        // Kernel
        if (!empty($settings['show']['kernel'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['kernel'], $info['Kernel']);
        // Model?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['model']) && array_key_exists('Model', $info) && !empty($info['Model'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['model'], $info['Model']);
        // IP
        if (!isset($settings['show']['ip']) || !empty($settings['show']['ip'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['accessed_ip'], $info['AccessedIP']);
        // Uptime
        if (!empty($settings['show']['uptime']) && $info['UpTime']) {
            $core[] = array($lang['uptime'], $info['UpTime']['text'] . (isset($info['UpTime']['bootedTimestamp']) && $info['UpTime']['bootedTimestamp'] ? '; booted ' . date($settings['dates'], $info['UpTime']['bootedTimestamp']) : ''));
        // Hostname
        if (!empty($settings['show']['hostname'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['hostname'], $info['HostName']);
        //Web server
        if (!empty($settings['show']['webservice'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['webservice'], $info['webService']);
        //Php version
        if (!empty($settings['show']['phpversion'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['phpversion'], $info['phpVersion']);
        // The CPUs
        if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu'])) {
            $cpus = array();
            foreach ((array) $info['CPU'] as $cpu) {
                $cpu_html = (array_key_exists('Vendor', $cpu) && !empty($cpu['Vendor']) ? $cpu['Vendor'] . ' - ' : '') . $cpu['Model'] . (array_key_exists('MHz', $cpu) ? $cpu['MHz'] < 1000 ? ' (' . $cpu['MHz'] . ' MHz)' : ' (' . round($cpu['MHz'] / 1000, 3) . ' GHz)' : '') . (array_key_exists('usage_percentage', $cpu) ? ' (' . $cpu['usage_percentage'] . '%)' : '');
                if (array_key_exists('usage_percentage', $cpu)) {
                    $cpu_html = '<div class="new_bar_left" style="margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;">' . self::generateBarChart($cpu['usage_percentage'], $cpu_html) . '</div>';
                } else {
                    $cpu_html .= '<br>';
                $cpus[] = $cpu_html;
            $core[] = array('CPUs (' . count($info['CPU']) . ')', implode('', $cpus));
        // CPU Usage?
        if (!empty($settings['cpu_usage']) && isset($info['cpuUsage']) && $info['cpuUsage'] !== false) {
            $core[] = array($lang['cpu_usage'], self::generateBarChart($info['cpuUsage']));
        // System Load
        if (!empty($settings['show']['load'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['load'], implode(' ', (array) $info['Load']));
        // CPU architecture. Permissions goes hand in hand with normal CPU
        if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu']) && array_key_exists('CPUArchitecture', $info)) {
            $core[] = array($lang['cpu_arch'], $info['CPUArchitecture']);
        // We very well may not have process stats
        if (!empty($settings['show']['process_stats']) && $info['processStats']['exists']) {
            // Different os' have different keys of info
            $proc_stats = array();
            // Load the keys
            if (array_key_exists('totals', $info['processStats']) && is_array($info['processStats']['totals'])) {
                foreach ($info['processStats']['totals'] as $k => $v) {
                    $proc_stats[] = $k . ': ' . number_format($v);
            // Total as well
            $proc_stats[] = 'total: ' . number_format($info['processStats']['proc_total']);
            // Show them
            $core[] = array($lang['processes'], implode('; ', $proc_stats));
            // We might not have threads
            if ($info['processStats']['threads'] !== false) {
                $core[] = array($lang['threads'], number_format($info['processStats']['threads']));
        // Users with active shells
        if (!empty($settings['show']['numLoggedIn']) && array_key_exists('numLoggedIn', $info) && $info['numLoggedIn']) {
            $core[] = array($lang['numLoggedIn'], $info['numLoggedIn']);
        // Show
        foreach ($core as $val) {
            echo '
					<th>' . $val[0] . '</th>
					<td>' . $val[1] . '</td>
        echo '
        // Show memory?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['ram'])) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['memory'] . '</h2>
					<col style="width: 12%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['used'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['free'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['percent_used'] . '</th>
					<td>' . $info['RAM']['type'] . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['total']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['free']) . '</td>
					<td>' . self::generateBarChart(round(($info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']) * 100 / $info['RAM']['total'])) . '</td>
            $have_swap = isset($info['RAM']['swapFree']) || isset($info['RAM']['swapTotal']);
            if ($have_swap && !empty($info['RAM']['swapTotal'])) {
                // Show detailed swap info?
                $show_detailed_swap = is_array($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) && count($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) > 0;
                echo '
						<td' . ($show_detailed_swap ? ' rowspan="2"' : '') . '>Swap</td>
						<td>' . Common::byteConvert(@$info['RAM']['swapTotal']) . '</td>
						<td>' . Common::byteConvert(@$info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']) . '</td>
						<td>' . Common::byteConvert(@$info['RAM']['swapFree']) . '</td>
						<td>' . self::generateBarChart(round(($info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']) * 100 / $info['RAM']['swapTotal'])) . '</td>
                // As in we have at least one swap device present. Show them.
                if ($show_detailed_swap) {
                    echo '
							<td colspan="4">
								<table class="mini center">
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>
										<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>
										<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
										<th>' . $lang['used'] . '</th>
                    foreach ($info['RAM']['swapInfo'] as $swap) {
                        echo '
											<td>' . $swap['device'] . '</td>
											<td>' . ucfirst($swap['type']) . '</td>
											<td>' . Common::byteConvert($swap['size']) . '</td>
											<td>' . Common::byteConvert($swap['used']) . '</td>
                    echo '
            echo '
        // Network Devices?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['network'])) {
            $show_type = array_key_exists('nic_type', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['nic_type'] : true;
            $show_speed = array_key_exists('nic_port_speed', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['nic_port_speed'] : true;
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable network_devices">
			<h2>' . $lang['network_devices'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['device_name'] . '</th>' . ($show_type ? '
					<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>' : '') . ($show_speed ? '
					<th>' . $lang['port_speed'] . '</th>' : '') . '
					<th>' . $lang['amount_sent'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['amount_received'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th>
            if (count($info['Network Devices']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['Network Devices'] as $device => $stats) {
                    echo '
					<td>' . $device . '</td>' . ($show_type ? '
					<td>' . $stats['type'] . '</td>' : '') . ($show_speed ? '
					<td>' . (isset($stats['port_speed']) && $stats['port_speed'] !== false ? $stats['port_speed'] . 'Mb/s' : '') . '</td>' : '') . '
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($stats['sent']['bytes']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($stats['recieved']['bytes']) . '</td>
					<td class="net_' . $stats['state'] . '">' . ucfirst($stats['state']) . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="5" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show temps?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['temps']) && count($info['Temps']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['temps_voltages'] . '</h2>
				<tr><th>' . $lang['path'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['value'] . '</th></tr>
            if (count($info['Temps']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['Temps'] as $stat) {
                    echo '
						<td>' . $stat['path'] . '</td>
						<td>' . $stat['name'] . '</td>
						<td>' . (array_key_exists('bar', $stat) && $stat['bar'] && $stat['unit'] == '%' ? '<div class="bar_chart">
								<div class="bar_inner" style="width: ' . $stat['temp'] . '%;">
									<div class="bar_text">
										' . ($stat['temp'] > -1 ? $stat['temp'] : '?') . '%
							' : $stat['temp'] . ' ' . $stat['unit']) . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show battery?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['battery']) && count($info['Battery']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['batteries'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['charge'] . ' %</th>
            foreach ($info['Battery'] as $bat) {
                echo '
						<td>' . $bat['device'] . '</td>
						<td>' . $bat['state'] . '</td>
						<td>' . self::generateBarChart((int) $bat['percentage'], $bat['percentage'] > -1 ? $bat['percentage'] . '%' : 'N/A') . '</td>
            echo '
        // Show services?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['services']) && count($info['services']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['services'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['service'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['pid'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['memory_usage'] . '</th>
            // Show them
            foreach ($info['services'] as $service => $state) {
                $state_parts = explode(' ', $state['state'], 2);
                echo '
					<td>' . $service . '</td>
						<span class="service_' . strtolower($state_parts[0]) . '">' . $state_parts[0] . '</span>
						' . (array_key_exists(1, $state_parts) ? self::fadedText($state_parts[1]) . '</span>' : '') . '</td>
					<td>' . $state['pid'] . '</td>
					<td>', $state['threads'] ? $state['threads'] : '?', '</td>
					<td>', $state['memory_usage'] ? Common::byteConvert($state['memory_usage']) : '?', '</td>
            echo '
        echo '
	<div class="col">';
        // Show hardware?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['devices'])) {
            // Don't show vendor?
            $show_vendor = array_key_exists('hw_vendor', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['hw_vendor'] === false ? false : true : true;
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['hardware'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>
					', $show_vendor ? '<th>' . $lang['vendor'] . '</th>' : '', '
					<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>
            $num_devs = count($info['Devices']);
            if ($num_devs > 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $num_devs; ++$i) {
                    echo '
					<td class="center">' . $info['Devices'][$i]['type'] . '</td>
					', $show_vendor ? '<td>' . ($info['Devices'][$i]['vendor'] ? $info['Devices'][$i]['vendor'] : 'Unknown') . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>' . $info['Devices'][$i]['device'] . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show drives?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['hd'])) {
            // Should we not show the Reads and Writes columns?
            $show_stats = array_key_exists('drives_rw_stats', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['drives_rw_stats'] === false ? false : true : true;
            // Or vendor columns?
            $show_vendor = array_key_exists('drives_vendor', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['drives_vendor'] === false ? false : true : true;
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['drives'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['path'] . '</th>
					', $show_vendor ? '<th>' . $lang['vendor'] : '', '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['name'] . '</th>
					', $show_stats ? '<th>' . $lang['reads'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['writes'] . '</th>' : '', '
					<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
            if (count($info['HD']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['HD'] as $drive) {
                    echo '
					<td>' . $drive['device'] . '</td>
					', $show_vendor ? '<td>' . ($drive['vendor'] ? $drive['vendor'] : $lang['unknown']) . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>', $drive['name'] ? $drive['name'] : $lang['unknown'], '</td>
					', $show_stats ? '<td>' . ($drive['reads'] !== false ? number_format($drive['reads']) : $lang['unknown']) . '</td>
					<td>' . ($drive['writes'] !== false ? number_format($drive['writes']) : $lang['unknown']) . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>', $drive['size'] ? Common::byteConvert($drive['size']) : $lang['unknown'], '</td>
                    // If we've got partitions for this drive, show them too
                    if (array_key_exists('partitions', $drive) && is_array($drive['partitions']) && count($drive['partitions']) > 0) {
                        echo '
					<td colspan="6">';
                        // Each
                        foreach ($drive['partitions'] as $partition) {
                            echo '
						&#9492; ' . (isset($partition['number']) ? $drive['device'] . $partition['number'] : $partition['name']) . ' - ' . Common::byteConvert($partition['size']) . '<br />';
                        echo '
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show sound card stuff?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['sound']) && count($info['SoundCards']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['sound_cards'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['number'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['vendor'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['card'] . '</th>
            foreach ($info['SoundCards'] as $card) {
                if (empty($card['vendor'])) {
                    $card['vendor'] = 'Unknown';
                echo '
					<td>' . $card['number'] . '</td>
					<td>' . $card['vendor'] . '</td>
					<td>' . $card['card'] . '</td>
            echo '
        echo '
        // Show file system mounts?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['mounts'])) {
            $has_devices = false;
            $has_labels = false;
            $has_types = false;
            foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) {
                if (!empty($mount['device'])) {
                    $has_devices = true;
                if (!empty($mount['label'])) {
                    $has_labels = true;
                if (!empty($mount['devtype'])) {
                    $has_types = true;
            $addcolumns = 0;
            if ($settings['show']['mounts_options']) {
            if ($has_devices) {
            if ($has_labels) {
            if ($has_types) {
            echo '
<div class="infoTable filesystem_mounts">
	<h2>' . $lang['filesystem_mounts'] . '</h2>
            if ($has_types) {
                echo '<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>';
            if ($has_devices) {
                echo '<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>';
            echo '<th>' . $lang['mount_point'] . '</th>';
            if ($has_labels) {
                echo '<th>' . $lang['label'] . '</th>';
            echo '
			<th>' . $lang['filesystem'] . '</th>', $settings['show']['mounts_options'] ? '
			<th>' . $lang['mount_options'] . '</th>' : '', '
			<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['used'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['free'] . '</th>
			<th style="width: 12%;">' . $lang['percent_used'] . '</th>
            // Calc totals
            $total_size = 0;
            $total_used = 0;
            $total_free = 0;
            // Don't add totals for duplicates. (same filesystem mount twice in different places)
            $done_devices = array();
            // Are there any?
            if (count($info['Mounts']) > 0) {
                // Go through each
                foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) {
                    // Only add totals for this device if we haven't already
                    if (!in_array($mount['device'], $done_devices)) {
                        $total_size += $mount['size'];
                        $total_used += $mount['used'];
                        $total_free += $mount['free'];
                        if (!empty($mount['device'])) {
                            $done_devices[] = $mount['device'];
                    } elseif (array_key_exists('duplicate_mounts', $settings['show']) && empty($settings['show']['duplicate_mounts'])) {
                    // If it's an NFS mount it's likely in the form of server:path (without a trailing slash),
                    // but if the path is just / it likely just shows up as server:,
                    // which is vague. If there isn't a /, add one
                    if (preg_match('/^.+:$/', $mount['device']) == 1) {
                        $mount['device'] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                    echo '<tr>';
                    if ($has_types) {
                        echo '<td>' . $mount['devtype'] . '</td>';
                    if ($has_devices) {
                        echo '<td>' . $mount['device'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $mount['mount'] . '</td>';
                    if ($has_labels) {
                        echo '<td>' . $mount['label'] . '</td>';
                    echo '
					<td>' . $mount['type'] . '</td>', $settings['show']['mounts_options'] ? '
					<td>' . (empty($mount['options']) ? '<em>unknown</em>' : '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $mount['options']) . '</li></ul>') . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($mount['size']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($mount['used']) . ($mount['used_percent'] !== false ? ' <span class="perc">(' . $mount['used_percent'] . '%)</span>' : '') . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($mount['free']) . ($mount['free_percent'] !== false ? ' <span class="perc">(' . $mount['free_percent'] . '%)</span>' : '') . '</td>
						' . self::generateBarChart((int) $mount['used_percent'], $mount['used_percent'] ? $mount['used_percent'] . '%' : 'N/A') . '
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="', 6 + $addcolumns, '" class="none">None found</td></tr>';
            // Show totals and finish table
            $total_used_perc = $total_size > 0 && $total_used > 0 ? round($total_used / $total_size, 2) * 100 : 0;
            echo '
		<tr class="alt">
			<td colspan="', 2 + $addcolumns, '">Totals: </td>
			<td>' . Common::byteConvert($total_size) . '</td>
			<td>' . Common::byteConvert($total_used) . '</td>
			<td>' . Common::byteConvert($total_free) . '</td>
				' . self::generateBarChart($total_used_perc, $total_used_perc . '%') . '
        // Show RAID Arrays?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['raid']) && count($info['Raid']) > 0) {
            echo '
<div class="infoTable drives">
	<h2>' . $lang['raid_arrays'] . '</h2>
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<col style="width: 30%;" />
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<col style="width: 30%;" />
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<th>' . $lang['name'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['level'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['status'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['devices'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['active'] . '</th>
            if (count($info['Raid']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['Raid'] as $raid) {
                    $active = explode('/', $raid['count']);
                    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_RAID_levels
                    switch ($raid['level']) {
                        case 0:
                            $type = 'Stripe';
                        case 1:
                            $type = 'Mirror';
                        case 10:
                            $type = 'Mirrored Stripe';
                        case 5:
                        case 6:
                            $type = 'Distributed Parity Block-Level Striping';
                            $type = false;
                    echo '
				<td>' . $raid['device'] . '</td>
				<td>' . $raid['level'] . ($type ? ' <span class="caption">(' . $type . ')</span>' : '') . '</td>
				<td>' . ucfirst($raid['status']) . '</td>
				<td>' . $raid['size'] . '</td>
				<td><table class="mini center margin_auto"><tr><th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th></tr>';
                    foreach ($raid['drives'] as $drive) {
                        echo '<tr><td>' . $drive['drive'] . '</td><td class="raid_' . $drive['state'] . '">' . ucfirst($drive['state']) . '</td></tr>';
                    echo '</table></td>
				<td>' . $active[1] . '/' . $active[0] . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Feel like showing errors? Are there any even?
        if (!empty($settings['show_errors']) && Errors::Singleton()->num() > 0) {
            echo '
	<div id="errorList" class="infoTable">
		<h2>' . $lang['error_head'] . '</h2>
				<th>' . $lang['from_where'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $lang['message'] . '</th>
            foreach (Errors::Singleton()->show() as $error) {
                echo '
					<td>' . $error[0] . '</td>
					<td>' . $error[1] . '</td>
            echo '
        // Additional extensions
        if (count($info['extensions']) > 0) {
            foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) {
                if (is_array($ext) && count($ext) > 0) {
                    // Decide how to show something extra
                    switch (array_key_exists('extra_type', $ext) && !empty($ext['extra_vals']) ? $ext['extra_type'] : false) {
                        // Table with a key->value table to the right of it
                        // Useful for stats or other stuff pertaining to
                        // the main info to the left
                        case 'k->v':
                            echo '
<div class="col2_side">
	<div class="col2_side_left">
	' . self::createTable($ext) . '
	<div class="col2_side_right">
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $ext['extra_vals']['title'] . '</h2>
                            // Give each value
                            foreach (array_filter($ext['extra_vals']['values']) as $v) {
                                echo '
					<th>' . $v[0] . '</th>
					<td>' . $v[1] . '</td>
                            echo '
                            // Nothing extra; just the table
                        // Nothing extra; just the table
                            echo self::createTable($ext);
        // Feel like showing timed results?
        if (!empty($settings['timer'])) {
            echo '
	<div id="timerList" class="infoTable">
		<h2>' . $lang['timer'] . '</h2>
				<th>' . $lang['area'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $lang['time_taken'] . '</th>
            foreach (Timer::getResults() as $result) {
                echo '
					<td>' . $result['id'] . '</td>
					<td>' . round($result['duration'], 3) . ' ' . $lang['seconds'] . '</td>
            echo '
        echo '
<div id="foot">
	' . sprintf($lang['footer_app'], '<a href="https://github.com/jrgp/linfo"><em>' . $appName . '</em></a> (' . $version . ')', round(microtime(true) - $this->linfo->getTimeStart(), 2)) . '<br>
	<em>' . $appName . '</em> &copy; 2010 &ndash; ' . (date('Y') > 2011 ? date('Y') : 2011) . '
	Joseph Gillotti ' . (date('m/d') == '06/03' ? ' (who turns ' . (date('Y') - 1993) . ' today!)' : '') . '&amp; friends. Source code licensed under GPL.
<div id="foot_time">
	<br />
	Generated on ' . date($settings['dates']) . '
Ejemplo n.º 22
 protected function loadDmesg()
     $this->dmesg = Common::getContents('/var/run/dmesg.boot');
Ejemplo n.º 23
require_once __DIR__ . '/standalone_autoload.php';
use Linfo\Exceptions\FatalException;
use Linfo\Linfo;
use Linfo\Common;
try {
    // Load settings file..
    // Support legacy config files
    define('IN_LINFO', 'true');
    define('IN_INFO', 'true');
    if (!is_file(__DIR__ . '/config.inc.php') && is_file(__DIR__ . '/sample.config.inc.php')) {
        throw new FatalException('Make changes to sample.config.inc.php then rename as config.inc.php');
    } elseif (!is_file(__DIR__ . '/config.inc.php')) {
        throw new FatalException('Config file not found.');
    $settings = Common::getVarFromFile(__DIR__ . '/config.inc.php', 'settings');
    $linfo = new Linfo($settings);
    if (isset($_SERVER['LINFO_NCURSES']) && php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
        $output = new \Linfo\Output\Ncurses($linfo);
    } else {
        switch (array_key_exists('out', $_GET) ? strtolower($_GET['out']) : 'html') {
            case 'html':
                $output = new \Linfo\Output\Html($linfo);
            case 'json':
            case 'jsonp':
                // To use JSON-P, pass the GET arg - callback=function_name
                $output = new \Linfo\Output\Json($linfo, array_key_exists('callback', $_GET) ? $_GET['callback'] : null);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function getUpTime()
     // Time?
     if (!empty($this->settings['timer'])) {
         $t = new Timer('Uptime');
     // Use sysctl to get unix timestamp of boot. Very elegant!
     if (preg_match('/^\\{ sec \\= (\\d+).+$/', $this->sysctl['kern.boottime'], $m) == 0) {
         return '';
     // Boot unix timestamp
     $booted = $m[1];
     // Give it
     return array('text' => Common::secondsConvert(time() - $booted), 'bootedTimestamp' => $booted);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function result()
     if (!$this->res) {
         return false;
     $rows[] = array('type' => 'header', 'columns' => array('VM Name', 'Status', 'RAM Allocation', 'CPUs', 'CPU Time', 'Autostart', 'Block Storage', 'Network Devices'));
     $running = 0;
     $allram = 0;
     foreach ($this->VMs as $name => $info) {
         $disks = array();
         foreach ($info['storage'] as $disk) {
             $disks[] = $disk['device'] . (isset($disk['file']) && isset($disk['capacity']) ? ': ' . $disk['file'] . ' (' . Common::byteConvert($disk['capacity'], 2) . ')' : '');
         $rows[] = array('type' => 'values', 'columns' => array($name, $info['state'] == 1 ? '<span style="color: green;">On</span>' : '<span style="color: maroon;">Off</span>', Common::byteConvert($info['memory'] * 1024, 2), $info['nrVirtCpu'], $info['cpuUsed'] ? $info['cpuUsed'] : 'N/A', $info['autostart'], $disks ? implode('<br />', $disks) : 'None', $info['nets'] ? implode('<br />', $info['nets']) : 'None'));
         if ($info['state'] == 1) {
         $allram += $info['memory'];
     // Give it off
     return array('root_title' => 'libvirt Virtual Machines <span style="font-size: 80%;">(' . $running . ' running - using ' . Common::byteConvert($allram * 1024, 2) . ' RAM)</span>', 'rows' => $rows);
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Get the PCI ids from /sys.
 private function _fetchPciIdsLinux()
     foreach ((array) @glob('/sys/bus/pci/devices/*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $path) {
         // See if we can use simple vendor/device files and avoid taking time with regex
         if (($f_device = Common::getContents($path . '/device', '')) && ($f_vend = Common::getContents($path . '/vendor', '')) && $f_device != '' && $f_vend != '') {
             list(, $v_id) = explode('x', $f_vend, 2);
             list(, $d_id) = explode('x', $f_device, 2);
             $this->_pci_entries[$v_id][$d_id] = 1;
         } elseif (is_readable($path . '/uevent') && preg_match('/pci\\_(?:subsys_)?id=(\\w+):(\\w+)/', strtolower(Common::getContents($path . '/uevent')), $match)) {
             $this->_pci_entries[$match[1]][$match[2]] = 1;
         } elseif (is_readable($path . '/modalias') && preg_match('/^pci:v0{4}([0-9A-Z]{4})d0{4}([0-9A-Z]{4})/', Common::getContents($path . '/modalias'), $match)) {
             $this->_pci_entries[strtolower($match[1])][strtolower($match[2])] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function getUpTime()
     // Time?
     if (!empty($this->settings['timer'])) {
         $t = new Timer('Uptime');
     // Short and sweet
     $booted = $this->sysctl['kern.boottime'];
     if ($booted == false) {
         return 'Unknown';
     // Is it not a timestamp?
     if (!is_numeric($booted)) {
         $booted = strtotime($booted);
     // Give it
     return array('text' => Common::secondsConvert(time() - $booted), 'bootedTimestamp' => $booted);
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public function output()
        $lang = $this->linfo->getLang();
        $settings = $this->linfo->getSettings();
        $info = $this->linfo->getInfo();
        $appName = $this->linfo->getAppName();
        $version = $this->linfo->getVersion();
        // Fun icons
        $show_icons = array_key_exists('icons', $settings) ? !empty($settings['icons']) : true;
        $os_icon = $info['OS'] == 'Windows' ? 'windows' : strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', current(explode('(', $info['OS']))));
        $distro_icon = $info['OS'] == 'Linux' && is_array($info['Distro']) && $info['Distro']['name'] ? strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $info['Distro']['name'])) : false;
        // Start compressed output buffering. Try to not do this if we've had errors or otherwise already outputted stuff
        if ((!function_exists('error_get_last') || !error_get_last()) && (!isset($settings['compress_content']) || $settings['compress_content'])) {
            ob_start(function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null);
        // See if we have a specific theme file installed
        if (isset($settings['theme']) && strpos($settings['theme'], '..') === false && file_exists('layout/theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css')) {
            $theme_css = 'theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css';
        } elseif (($settings['theme'] = 'default') && file_exists('layout/theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css')) {
            $theme_css = 'theme_' . $settings['theme'] . '.css';
        } else {
            $theme_css = 'styles.css';
        // Proceed to letting it all out
        echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
	<title>' . $appName . ' - ' . $info['HostName'] . '</title>
    <meta name="generator" content="' . $appName . ' (' . $version . ')">
    <meta name="author" content="Joseph Gillotti &amp; friends">

    body{font-family:arial,sans-serif;background-color:#fff;color:#000;font-size:12px}a{color:#666}a:hover{color:#000}table{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}table th{font-weight:normal;color:#444}table th,table td{border-right:1px solid #c3c3c3;border-left:1px solid #c3c3c3;border-bottom:1px solid #c3c3c3;padding:4px;background-color:#eee}table tr th,table tr.alt td{background-color:#ddd}.infoTable{margin:10px 5px 10px 5px;clear:both;box-shadow:none}.infoTable h2{margin:0;padding:5px;color:#fff;text-shadow:#2665a7 1px 1px 1px;border:1px solid #4a8fd6;background-color:#5c9ada}.infoTable,.infoTable h2{border-top-left-radius:3px;border-top-right-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius-topleft:3px;-moz-border-radius-topright:3px}.infoTable.collapsed{border-bottom-left-radius:4px;border-bottom-right-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:4px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:4px}.collapsed h2{border-bottom-left-radius:3px;border-bottom-right-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:3px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:3px}.collapsed table{display:none}#foot{margin:15px 0px 20px 15px;color:#444;float:left}#foot_time{margin:15px 15px 20px 0px;color:#444;float:right;vertical-align:bottom}h1{font-size:1.6em;margin:0;padding:0}h2{font-size:1.2em;margin:0}.col2{overflow:hidden}.col2 .col{float:left;width:50%}#info .center{text-align:center}td.none{text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:10px;color:#666}span.perc,span.faded{color:#666}span.caption{font-size:90%}td ul{margin:0;padding:0}td ul li{list-style-type:square;padding:0;margin-left:15px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;margin-right:0}.raid_normal{color:green}.raid_spare{color:blue}.raid_failed{color:red}.raid_unknown{color:purple}.margin_auto{margin:auto}table.mini{padding:0;font-size:90%;border-collapse:collapse}table.mini th,table.mini td{margin:0;padding:0;border:none}table.mini th{background-color:inherit;color:#444}.net_up{color:green}.net_down{color:red}.net_unknown{color:purple}#errorList,#timerList{font-size:75%;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px}.bar_chart{position:relative;margin:auto}.smaller_bar_chart{padding-bottom:2px}.smaller_bar_chart .bar_text{text-align:left !important}.bar_inner{border-radius:2px;-moz-border-radius:2px;min-height:18px;background-color:#b7cce2}.bar_text{position:absolute;line-height:18px;font-size:12px;text-indent:2px;text-align:center;width:100%}.new_bar_outer{position:relative;margin:auto;background-color:inherit}.new_bar_text{z-index:2;position:relative;padding:2px;text-align:center;color:#000}.new_bar_bg{border-radius:2px;-moz-border-radius:2px;z-index:1;height:100%;position:absolute;display:block;background-color:#b7cce2}.new_bar_left .new_bar_text{text-align:left}.alt .bar_inner,.alt .new_bar_bg{background-color:#96b4d5}.service_up{color:green}.service_down{color:maroon}.service_zombie{color:orange}span.toggler{line-height:24px;color:#8abdf2;float:right;font-family:"Courier New";cursor:pointer;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.4em;padding-top:0.2em;padding-right:0.4em}.infoTable span.toggler:hover{color:#fff}#header{padding:5px 0px 5px 5px}#header:before{float:left;content:url("icons/logo.png");display:inline-block;margin-right:10px}.subtitle{color:#999;font-size:12px}.time{padding:5px 15px 0px 0px;color:#999;float:right;text-align:right}.col2_side{overflow:hidden}.col2_side_left{float:left;width:80%}.col2_side_right{float:left;width:20%}

        @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {
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<body id="info">
<div id="header">
	<h1>' . $info['HostName'] . '</h1>
	<div class="subtitle">' . $lang['header'] . '</div>
<div class="col2">
	<div class="col">
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['core'] . '</h2>
        // Linfo Core. Decide what to show.
        $core = array();
        // OS? (with icon, if we have it)
        if (!empty($settings['show']['os'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['os'], ($show_icons && (file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/os_' . $os_icon . '.gif') || file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/os_' . $os_icon . '.png')) ? '<span class="icon icon_os_' . $os_icon . '"></span>' : '') . $info['OS']);
        // Distribution? (with icon, if we have it)
        if (!empty($settings['show']['distro']) && array_key_exists('Distro', $info) && is_array($info['Distro'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['distro'], ($show_icons && $distro_icon && (file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/distro_' . $distro_icon . '.gif') || file_exists($this->linfo->getLocalDir() . 'layout/icons/distro_' . $distro_icon . '.png')) ? '<span class="icon icon_distro_' . $distro_icon . '"></span>' : '') . $info['Distro']['name'] . ($info['Distro']['version'] ? ' - ' . $info['Distro']['version'] : ''));
        // Virtualization
        if (!empty($settings['show']['virtualization']) && isset($info['virtualization']) && !empty($info['virtualization'])) {
            $vmval = false;
            if ($info['virtualization']['type'] == 'guest') {
                $vmval = '<span class="icon icon_vm_' . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($info['virtualization']['method'])) . '"></span>' . $info['virtualization']['method'] . ' ' . $lang['guest'];
            } elseif ($info['virtualization']['type'] == 'host') {
                $vmval = '<span class="icon icon_vm_' . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($info['virtualization']['method'])) . '"></span>' . $info['virtualization']['method'] . ' ' . $lang['host'];
            if ($vmval) {
                $core[] = array($lang['virtualization'], $vmval);
        // Kernel
        if (!empty($settings['show']['kernel'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['kernel'], $info['Kernel']);
        // Model?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['model']) && array_key_exists('Model', $info) && !empty($info['Model'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['model'], $info['Model']);
        // IP
        if (!isset($settings['show']['ip']) || !empty($settings['show']['ip'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['accessed_ip'], $info['AccessedIP']);
        // Uptime
        if (!empty($settings['show']['uptime']) && $info['UpTime']) {
            $core[] = array($lang['uptime'], $info['UpTime']['text'] . (isset($info['UpTime']['bootedTimestamp']) && $info['UpTime']['bootedTimestamp'] ? '; booted ' . date($settings['dates'], $info['UpTime']['bootedTimestamp']) : ''));
        // Hostname
        if (!empty($settings['show']['hostname'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['hostname'], $info['HostName']);
        //Web server
        if (!empty($settings['show']['webservice'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['webservice'], $info['webService']);
        //Php version
        if (!empty($settings['show']['phpversion'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['phpversion'], $info['phpVersion']);
        // The CPUs
        if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu'])) {
            $cpus = array();
            foreach ((array) $info['CPU'] as $cpu) {
                $cpu_html = (array_key_exists('Vendor', $cpu) && !empty($cpu['Vendor']) ? $cpu['Vendor'] . ' - ' : '') . $cpu['Model'] . (array_key_exists('MHz', $cpu) ? $cpu['MHz'] < 1000 ? ' (' . $cpu['MHz'] . ' MHz)' : ' (' . round($cpu['MHz'] / 1000, 3) . ' GHz)' : '') . (array_key_exists('usage_percentage', $cpu) ? ' (' . $cpu['usage_percentage'] . '%)' : '');
                if (array_key_exists('usage_percentage', $cpu)) {
                    $cpu_html = '<div class="new_bar_left" style="margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;">' . self::generateBarChart($cpu['usage_percentage'], $cpu_html) . '</div>';
                } else {
                    $cpu_html .= '<br>';
                $cpus[] = $cpu_html;
            $core[] = array('CPUs (' . count($info['CPU']) . ')', implode('', $cpus));
        // CPU Usage?
        if (!empty($settings['cpu_usage']) && isset($info['cpuUsage']) && $info['cpuUsage'] !== false) {
            $core[] = array($lang['cpu_usage'], self::generateBarChart($info['cpuUsage']));
        // System Load
        if (!empty($settings['show']['load'])) {
            $core[] = array($lang['load'], implode(' ', (array) $info['Load']));
        // CPU architecture. Permissions goes hand in hand with normal CPU
        if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu']) && array_key_exists('CPUArchitecture', $info)) {
            $core[] = array($lang['cpu_arch'], $info['CPUArchitecture']);
        // We very well may not have process stats
        if (!empty($settings['show']['process_stats']) && $info['processStats']['exists']) {
            // Different os' have different keys of info
            $proc_stats = array();
            // Load the keys
            if (array_key_exists('totals', $info['processStats']) && is_array($info['processStats']['totals'])) {
                foreach ($info['processStats']['totals'] as $k => $v) {
                    $proc_stats[] = $k . ': ' . number_format($v);
            // Total as well
            $proc_stats[] = 'total: ' . number_format($info['processStats']['proc_total']);
            // Show them
            $core[] = array($lang['processes'], implode('; ', $proc_stats));
            // We might not have threads
            if ($info['processStats']['threads'] !== false) {
                $core[] = array($lang['threads'], number_format($info['processStats']['threads']));
        // Users with active shells
        if (!empty($settings['show']['numLoggedIn']) && array_key_exists('numLoggedIn', $info) && $info['numLoggedIn']) {
            $core[] = array($lang['numLoggedIn'], $info['numLoggedIn']);
        // Show
        foreach ($core as $val) {
            echo '
					<th>' . $val[0] . '</th>
					<td>' . $val[1] . '</td>
        echo '
        // Show memory?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['ram'])) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['memory'] . '</h2>
					<col style="width: 12%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<col style="width: 23%;" />
					<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['used'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['free'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['percent_used'] . '</th>
					<td>' . $info['RAM']['type'] . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['total']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($info['RAM']['free']) . '</td>
					<td>' . self::generateBarChart(round(($info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']) * 100 / $info['RAM']['total'])) . '</td>
            $have_swap = isset($info['RAM']['swapFree']) || isset($info['RAM']['swapTotal']);
            if ($have_swap && !empty($info['RAM']['swapTotal'])) {
                // Show detailed swap info?
                $show_detailed_swap = is_array($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) && count($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) > 0;
                echo '
						<td' . ($show_detailed_swap ? ' rowspan="2"' : '') . '>Swap</td>
						<td>' . Common::byteConvert(@$info['RAM']['swapTotal']) . '</td>
						<td>' . Common::byteConvert(@$info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']) . '</td>
						<td>' . Common::byteConvert(@$info['RAM']['swapFree']) . '</td>
						<td>' . self::generateBarChart(round(($info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']) * 100 / $info['RAM']['swapTotal'])) . '</td>
                // As in we have at least one swap device present. Show them.
                if ($show_detailed_swap) {
                    echo '
							<td colspan="4">
								<table class="mini center">
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<col style="width: 25%;" />
										<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>
										<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>
										<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
										<th>' . $lang['used'] . '</th>
                    foreach ($info['RAM']['swapInfo'] as $swap) {
                        echo '
											<td>' . $swap['device'] . '</td>
											<td>' . ucfirst($swap['type']) . '</td>
											<td>' . Common::byteConvert($swap['size']) . '</td>
											<td>' . Common::byteConvert($swap['used']) . '</td>
                    echo '
            echo '
        // Network Devices?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['network'])) {
            $show_type = array_key_exists('nic_type', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['nic_type'] : true;
            $show_speed = array_key_exists('nic_port_speed', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['nic_port_speed'] : true;
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable network_devices">
			<h2>' . $lang['network_devices'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['device_name'] . '</th>' . ($show_type ? '
					<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>' : '') . ($show_speed ? '
					<th>' . $lang['port_speed'] . '</th>' : '') . '
					<th>' . $lang['amount_sent'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['amount_received'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th>
            if (count($info['Network Devices']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['Network Devices'] as $device => $stats) {
                    echo '
					<td>' . $device . '</td>' . ($show_type ? '
					<td>' . $stats['type'] . '</td>' : '') . ($show_speed ? '
					<td>' . (isset($stats['port_speed']) && $stats['port_speed'] !== false ? $stats['port_speed'] . 'Mb/s' : '') . '</td>' : '') . '
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($stats['sent']['bytes']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($stats['recieved']['bytes']) . '</td>
					<td class="net_' . $stats['state'] . '">' . ucfirst($stats['state']) . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="5" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show temps?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['temps']) && count($info['Temps']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['temps_voltages'] . '</h2>
				<tr><th>' . $lang['path'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['value'] . '</th></tr>
            if (count($info['Temps']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['Temps'] as $stat) {
                    echo '
						<td>' . $stat['path'] . '</td>
						<td>' . $stat['name'] . '</td>
						<td>' . (array_key_exists('bar', $stat) && $stat['bar'] && $stat['unit'] == '%' ? '<div class="bar_chart">
								<div class="bar_inner" style="width: ' . $stat['temp'] . '%;">
									<div class="bar_text">
										' . ($stat['temp'] > -1 ? $stat['temp'] : '?') . '%
							' : $stat['temp'] . ' ' . $stat['unit']) . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show battery?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['battery']) && count($info['Battery']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['batteries'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['charge'] . ' %</th>
            foreach ($info['Battery'] as $bat) {
                echo '
						<td>' . $bat['device'] . '</td>
						<td>' . $bat['state'] . '</td>
						<td>' . self::generateBarChart((int) $bat['percentage'], $bat['percentage'] > -1 ? $bat['percentage'] . '%' : 'N/A') . '</td>
            echo '
        // Show services?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['services']) && count($info['services']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['services'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['service'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['pid'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['memory_usage'] . '</th>
            // Show them
            foreach ($info['services'] as $service => $state) {
                $state_parts = explode(' ', $state['state'], 2);
                echo '
					<td>' . $service . '</td>
						<span class="service_' . strtolower($state_parts[0]) . '">' . $state_parts[0] . '</span>
						' . (array_key_exists(1, $state_parts) ? self::fadedText($state_parts[1]) . '</span>' : '') . '</td>
					<td>' . $state['pid'] . '</td>
					<td>', $state['threads'] ? $state['threads'] : '?', '</td>
					<td>', $state['memory_usage'] ? Common::byteConvert($state['memory_usage']) : '?', '</td>
            echo '
        echo '
	<div class="col">';
        // Show hardware?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['devices'])) {
            // Don't show vendor?
            $show_vendor = array_key_exists('hw_vendor', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['hw_vendor'] === false ? false : true : true;
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['hardware'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>
					', $show_vendor ? '<th>' . $lang['vendor'] . '</th>' : '', '
					<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>
            $num_devs = count($info['Devices']);
            if ($num_devs > 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $num_devs; ++$i) {
                    echo '
					<td class="center">' . $info['Devices'][$i]['type'] . '</td>
					', $show_vendor ? '<td>' . ($info['Devices'][$i]['vendor'] ? $info['Devices'][$i]['vendor'] : 'Unknown') . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>' . $info['Devices'][$i]['device'] . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show drives?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['hd'])) {
            // Should we not show the Reads and Writes columns?
            $show_stats = array_key_exists('drives_rw_stats', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['drives_rw_stats'] === false ? false : true : true;
            // Or vendor columns?
            $show_vendor = array_key_exists('drives_vendor', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['drives_vendor'] === false ? false : true : true;
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['drives'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['path'] . '</th>
					', $show_vendor ? '<th>' . $lang['vendor'] : '', '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['name'] . '</th>
					', $show_stats ? '<th>' . $lang['reads'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['writes'] . '</th>' : '', '
					<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
            if (count($info['HD']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['HD'] as $drive) {
                    echo '
					<td>' . $drive['device'] . '</td>
					', $show_vendor ? '<td>' . ($drive['vendor'] ? $drive['vendor'] : $lang['unknown']) . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>', $drive['name'] ? $drive['name'] : $lang['unknown'], '</td>
					', $show_stats ? '<td>' . ($drive['reads'] !== false ? number_format($drive['reads']) : $lang['unknown']) . '</td>
					<td>' . ($drive['writes'] !== false ? number_format($drive['writes']) : $lang['unknown']) . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>', $drive['size'] ? Common::byteConvert($drive['size']) : $lang['unknown'], '</td>
                    // If we've got partitions for this drive, show them too
                    if (array_key_exists('partitions', $drive) && is_array($drive['partitions']) && count($drive['partitions']) > 0) {
                        echo '
					<td colspan="6">';
                        // Each
                        foreach ($drive['partitions'] as $partition) {
                            echo '
						&#9492; ' . (isset($partition['number']) ? $drive['device'] . $partition['number'] : $partition['name']) . ' - ' . Common::byteConvert($partition['size']) . '<br />';
                        echo '
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Show sound card stuff?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['sound']) && count($info['SoundCards']) > 0) {
            echo '
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $lang['sound_cards'] . '</h2>
					<th>' . $lang['number'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['vendor'] . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang['card'] . '</th>
            foreach ($info['SoundCards'] as $card) {
                if (empty($card['vendor'])) {
                    $card['vendor'] = 'Unknown';
                echo '
					<td>' . $card['number'] . '</td>
					<td>' . $card['vendor'] . '</td>
					<td>' . $card['card'] . '</td>
            echo '
        echo '
        // Show file system mounts?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['mounts'])) {
            $has_devices = false;
            $has_labels = false;
            $has_types = false;
            foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) {
                if (!empty($mount['device'])) {
                    $has_devices = true;
                if (!empty($mount['label'])) {
                    $has_labels = true;
                if (!empty($mount['devtype'])) {
                    $has_types = true;
            $addcolumns = 0;
            if ($settings['show']['mounts_options']) {
            if ($has_devices) {
            if ($has_labels) {
            if ($has_types) {
            echo '
<div class="infoTable filesystem_mounts">
	<h2>' . $lang['filesystem_mounts'] . '</h2>
            if ($has_types) {
                echo '<th>' . $lang['type'] . '</th>';
            if ($has_devices) {
                echo '<th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th>';
            echo '<th>' . $lang['mount_point'] . '</th>';
            if ($has_labels) {
                echo '<th>' . $lang['label'] . '</th>';
            echo '
			<th>' . $lang['filesystem'] . '</th>', $settings['show']['mounts_options'] ? '
			<th>' . $lang['mount_options'] . '</th>' : '', '
			<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['used'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['free'] . '</th>
			<th style="width: 12%;">' . $lang['percent_used'] . '</th>
            // Calc totals
            $total_size = 0;
            $total_used = 0;
            $total_free = 0;
            // Don't add totals for duplicates. (same filesystem mount twice in different places)
            $done_devices = array();
            // Are there any?
            if (count($info['Mounts']) > 0) {
                // Go through each
                foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) {
                    // Only add totals for this device if we haven't already
                    if (!in_array($mount['device'], $done_devices)) {
                        $total_size += $mount['size'];
                        $total_used += $mount['used'];
                        $total_free += $mount['free'];
                        if (!empty($mount['device'])) {
                            $done_devices[] = $mount['device'];
                    } elseif (array_key_exists('duplicate_mounts', $settings['show']) && empty($settings['show']['duplicate_mounts'])) {
                    // If it's an NFS mount it's likely in the form of server:path (without a trailing slash),
                    // but if the path is just / it likely just shows up as server:,
                    // which is vague. If there isn't a /, add one
                    if (preg_match('/^.+:$/', $mount['device']) == 1) {
                        $mount['device'] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                    echo '<tr>';
                    if ($has_types) {
                        echo '<td>' . $mount['devtype'] . '</td>';
                    if ($has_devices) {
                        echo '<td>' . $mount['device'] . '</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $mount['mount'] . '</td>';
                    if ($has_labels) {
                        echo '<td>' . $mount['label'] . '</td>';
                    echo '
					<td>' . $mount['type'] . '</td>', $settings['show']['mounts_options'] ? '
					<td>' . (empty($mount['options']) ? '<em>unknown</em>' : '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $mount['options']) . '</li></ul>') . '</td>' : '', '
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($mount['size']) . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($mount['used']) . ($mount['used_percent'] !== false ? ' <span class="perc">(' . $mount['used_percent'] . '%)</span>' : '') . '</td>
					<td>' . Common::byteConvert($mount['free']) . ($mount['free_percent'] !== false ? ' <span class="perc">(' . $mount['free_percent'] . '%)</span>' : '') . '</td>
						' . self::generateBarChart((int) $mount['used_percent'], $mount['used_percent'] ? $mount['used_percent'] . '%' : 'N/A') . '
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="', 6 + $addcolumns, '" class="none">None found</td></tr>';
            // Show totals and finish table
            $total_used_perc = $total_size > 0 && $total_used > 0 ? round($total_used / $total_size, 2) * 100 : 0;
            echo '
		<tr class="alt">
			<td colspan="', 2 + $addcolumns, '">Totals: </td>
			<td>' . Common::byteConvert($total_size) . '</td>
			<td>' . Common::byteConvert($total_used) . '</td>
			<td>' . Common::byteConvert($total_free) . '</td>
				' . self::generateBarChart($total_used_perc, $total_used_perc . '%') . '
        // Show RAID Arrays?
        if (!empty($settings['show']['raid']) && count($info['Raid']) > 0) {
            echo '
<div class="infoTable drives">
	<h2>' . $lang['raid_arrays'] . '</h2>
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<col style="width: 30%;" />
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<col style="width: 30%;" />
			<col style="width: 10%;" />
			<th>' . $lang['name'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['level'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['status'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['size'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['devices'] . '</th>
			<th>' . $lang['active'] . '</th>
            if (count($info['Raid']) > 0) {
                foreach ($info['Raid'] as $raid) {
                    $active = explode('/', $raid['count']);
                    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_RAID_levels
                    switch ($raid['level']) {
                        case 0:
                            $type = 'Stripe';
                        case 1:
                            $type = 'Mirror';
                        case 10:
                            $type = 'Mirrored Stripe';
                        case 5:
                        case 6:
                            $type = 'Distributed Parity Block-Level Striping';
                            $type = false;
                    echo '
				<td>' . $raid['device'] . '</td>
				<td>' . $raid['level'] . ($type ? ' <span class="caption">(' . $type . ')</span>' : '') . '</td>
				<td>' . ucfirst($raid['status']) . '</td>
				<td>' . $raid['size'] . '</td>
				<td><table class="mini center margin_auto"><tr><th>' . $lang['device'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['state'] . '</th></tr>';
                    foreach ($raid['drives'] as $drive) {
                        echo '<tr><td>' . $drive['drive'] . '</td><td class="raid_' . $drive['state'] . '">' . ucfirst($drive['state']) . '</td></tr>';
                    echo '</table></td>
				<td>' . $active[1] . '/' . $active[0] . '</td>
            } else {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="none">' . $lang['none_found'] . '</td></tr>';
            echo '
        // Feel like showing errors? Are there any even?
        if (!empty($settings['show_errors']) && Errors::num() > 0) {
            echo '
	<div id="errorList" class="infoTable">
		<h2>' . $lang['error_head'] . '</h2>
				<th>' . $lang['from_where'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $lang['message'] . '</th>
            foreach (Errors::show() as $error) {
                echo '
					<td>' . $error[0] . '</td>
					<td>' . $error[1] . '</td>
            echo '
        // Additional extensions
        if (count($info['extensions']) > 0) {
            foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) {
                if (is_array($ext) && count($ext) > 0) {
                    // Decide how to show something extra
                    switch (array_key_exists('extra_type', $ext) && !empty($ext['extra_vals']) ? $ext['extra_type'] : false) {
                        // Table with a key->value table to the right of it
                        // Useful for stats or other stuff pertaining to
                        // the main info to the left
                        case 'k->v':
                            echo '
<div class="col2_side">
	<div class="col2_side_left">
	' . self::createTable($ext) . '
	<div class="col2_side_right">
		<div class="infoTable">
			<h2>' . $ext['extra_vals']['title'] . '</h2>
                            // Give each value
                            foreach (array_filter($ext['extra_vals']['values']) as $v) {
                                echo '
					<th>' . $v[0] . '</th>
					<td>' . $v[1] . '</td>
                            echo '
                            // Nothing extra; just the table
                        // Nothing extra; just the table
                            echo self::createTable($ext);
        // Feel like showing timed results?
        if (!empty($settings['timer'])) {
            echo '
	<div id="timerList" class="infoTable">
		<h2>' . $lang['timer'] . '</h2>
				<th>' . $lang['area'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $lang['time_taken'] . '</th>
            foreach (Timer::getResults() as $result) {
                echo '
					<td>' . $result['id'] . '</td>
					<td>' . round($result['duration'], 3) . ' ' . $lang['seconds'] . '</td>
            echo '
        echo '
<div id="foot">
	' . sprintf($lang['footer_app'], '<a href="https://github.com/jrgp/linfo"><em>' . $appName . '</em></a> (' . $version . ')', round(microtime(true) - $this->linfo->getTimeStart(), 2)) . '<br>
	<em>' . $appName . '</em> &copy; 2010 &ndash; ' . (date('Y') > 2011 ? date('Y') : 2011) . '
	Joseph Gillotti ' . (date('m/d') == '06/03' ? ' (who turns ' . (date('Y') - 1993) . ' today!)' : '') . '&amp; friends. Source code licensed under GPL.
<div id="foot_time">
	<br />
	Generated on ' . date($settings['dates']) . '

Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static function tearDownAfterClass()
     self::$parser = null;
     Common::$path_prefix = false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Run a command and cache its output for later.
  * @throws Exception
  * @param string $name     name of executable to call
  * @param string $switches command arguments
 public function exec($name, $switches = '')
     // Sometimes it is necessary to call a program with sudo
     $attempt_sudo = array_key_exists('sudo_apps', self::$settings) && in_array($name, self::$settings['sudo_apps']);
     // Have we gotten it before?
     if (array_key_exists($name . $switches, $this->cliCache)) {
         return $this->cliCache[$name . $switches];
     // Try finding the exec
     foreach ($this->searchPaths as $path) {
         // Found it; run it
         if (is_file($path . $name) && is_executable($path . $name)) {
             // Complete command, path switches and all
             $command = "{$path}{$name} {$switches}";
             // Sudoing?
             $command = $attempt_sudo ? Common::locateActualPath(Common::arrayAppendString($this->searchPaths, 'sudo', '%2s%1s')) . ' ' . $command : $command;
             // Result of command
             $result = `{$command}`;
             // Increment call count
             // Cache that
             $this->cliCache[$name . $switches] = $result;
             // Give result
             return $result;
     // Never got it
     throw new Exception('Exec `' . $name . '\' not found');