Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns the path to the template file.
  * The file locator is used to locate the template when the naming convention
  * is the symfony one (i.e. the name can be parsed).
  * Otherwise the template is located using the locator from the twig library.
  * @param string|TemplateReferenceInterface $template The template
  * @return string The path to the template file
  * @throws \Twig_Error_Loader if the template could not be found
 protected function findTemplate($template)
     $logicalName = (string) $template;
     if ($this->activeTheme) {
         $logicalName .= '|' . $this->activeTheme->getName();
     if (isset($this->cache[$logicalName])) {
         return $this->cache[$logicalName];
     $file = null;
     $previous = null;
     try {
         $file = parent::findTemplate((string) $template);
     } catch (\Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
         $previous = $e;
         // for BC
         try {
             $template = $this->parser->parse($template);
             $file = $this->locator->locate($template);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $previous = $e;
     if (false === $file || null === $file) {
         throw new \Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Unable to find template "%s".', $logicalName), -1, null, $previous);
     return $this->cache[$logicalName] = $file;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns a full path for a given file.
  * @param TemplateReferenceInterface $template A template
  * @return string The full path for the file
 protected function getCacheKey($template)
     $name = $template->getLogicalName();
     if ($this->activeTheme) {
         $name .= '|' . $this->activeTheme->getName();
     return $name;
  * @param FilterResponseEvent $event
 public function onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event)
     if (HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST === $event->getRequestType()) {
         // store into the cookie only if the controller did not already change the value
         if ($this->newTheme == $this->activeTheme->getName()) {
             $cookie = new Cookie($this->cookieOptions['name'], $this->newTheme, time() + $this->cookieOptions['lifetime'], $this->cookieOptions['path'], $this->cookieOptions['domain'], (bool) $this->cookieOptions['secure'], (bool) $this->cookieOptions['http_only']);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function loadStructures($webspaceKey)
     $before = $this->activeTheme->getName();
     $webspace = $this->webspaceManager->findWebspaceByKey($webspaceKey);
     $structures = [];
     $keys = [];
     foreach ($this->structureManager->getStructures() as $page) {
         /* @var PageBridge $page */
         $template = sprintf('%s.html.twig', $page->getView());
         if ($this->templateExists($template)) {
             $keys[] = $page->getKey();
             $structures[] = $page;
     $this->cache->save($webspaceKey, $keys);
     return $structures;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns the file path for a given resource for the first directory it
  * has a match.
  * The resource name must follow the following pattern:
  *     "@BundleName/path/to/a/file.something"
  * where BundleName is the name of the bundle
  * and the remaining part is the relative path in the bundle.
  * @param string $name  A resource name to locate
  * @param string $dir   A directory where to look for the resource first
  * @param bool   $first Whether to return the first path or paths for all matching bundles
  * @return string|array The absolute path of the resource or an array if $first is false
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the file cannot be found or the name is not valid
  * @throws \RuntimeException         if the name contains invalid/unsafe characters
 public function locate($name, $dir = null, $first = true)
     // update the paths if the theme changed since the last lookup
     $theme = $this->activeTheme->getName();
     if ($this->lastTheme !== $theme) {
         $this->setCurrentTheme($theme, $this->activeTheme->getDeviceType());
     if ('@' === $name[0]) {
         return $this->locateBundleResource($name, $this->path, $first);
     if (0 === strpos($name, 'views/')) {
         if ($res = $this->locateAppResource($name, $this->path, $first)) {
             return $res;
     return parent::locate($name, $dir, $first);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param string $fileName
  * @return string
 protected function getCacheFileName($fileName)
     return $this->appPaths->getCacheDir() . '/vsymfo_webui_config/' . $this->theme->getName() . '/' . str_replace(['/', '\\', '.'], '_', $fileName);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function createDocument(array $options = [])
     $document = new HtmlDocument();
     // used by Modernizr
     // meta viewport
     $viewport = $this->params["meta_viewport"];
     if (!empty($viewport)) {
         $meta = $document->element('viewport');
         $meta->attr('content', $viewport);
     // favicon
     $favicon = $document->element('favicon');
     $favicon->setBasePath($this->appPaths->url('web_theme') . '/favicons');
     if (file_exists($this->appPaths->absolute('web_theme') . '/favicons/favicon.html')) {
         $favicon->setFaviconTemplate(file_get_contents($this->appPaths->absolute('web_theme') . '/favicons/favicon.html'));
     // html lang
     $document->element('html')->attr('lang', $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getLocale());
     // resources
     $utility = $this->getUtility($this->params);
     $utility->createResOnAdd($document, "javascript", "default");
     $utility->createResOnAdd($document, "stylesheet", "default");
     $configDir = $this->appPaths->getRootDir() . '/document';
     if (file_exists($configDir . '/' . $this->theme->getName())) {
         $configDir .= '/' . $this->theme->getName();
     $locator = new FileLocator($configDir);
     $loader = $utility->createResourcesLoader($document, 'javascript', $locator, '/');
     $loader->load('html_resources.yml', 'framework');
     $loader->load('html_resources.yml', 'core');
     $locator = new FileLocator($this->appPaths->absolute('private_theme'));
     $loader = $utility->createResourcesLoader($document, 'stylesheet', $locator, $this->appPaths->getThemePath() . '/src');
     $loader->load('html_resources.yml', 'theme');
     $loader = $utility->createResourcesLoader($document, 'javascript', $locator, $this->appPaths->getThemePath() . '/src');
     $loader->load('html_resources.yml', 'theme');
     // js initializer
     $jsloader = $this->getJsLoader();
     $script = $document->element('script');
     $twig = $this->twig;
     $env = $this->env;
     $document->setScriptOutput(function (JavaScriptResourceManager $manager, array $translations) use($jsloader, $script, $twig, $env) {
         $output = $jsloader->render('html');
         if ($env === 'dev') {
             foreach ($jsloader->resources() as $resource) {
                 if ($resource instanceof CombineResourceInterface && $resource->getCombineObject()->getException() instanceof \Exception) {
                     throw $resource->getCombineObject()->getException();
         $output .= $twig->render('::head.html.twig', ["resources" => $manager->render('array'), "translations" => $translations]);
         if (!$script->isEmpty()) {
             $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $script->render() . '</script>';
             $script->update(function () {
                 return '';
         return $output;
     // translations used in theme
     if (file_exists($this->appPaths->absolute("kernel_root") . '/theme/' . $this->appPaths->getThemeName() . '/translations.yml')) {
         $trans = $this->translator;
         $locator = new FileLocator($this->appPaths->absolute("kernel_root") . '/theme/' . $this->appPaths->getThemeName());
         $loader = new TranslationLoader($locator, ['cache_dir' => $this->appPaths->absolute("kernel_cache") . "/vsymfo_document/translations", 'cache_refresh' => $this->env == "dev", 'document' => $document, 'trans_closure' => function ($text) use($trans) {
             return $trans->trans($text);
     return $document;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @covers Liip\ThemeBundle\ActiveTheme::__construct
  * @covers Liip\ThemeBundle\ActiveTheme::getName
 public function testGetName()
     $theme = new ActiveTheme('foo', array('foo'));
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $theme->getName());
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @dataProvider dataProvider
 public function testThemeAction($config, $assertion, $hasAlreadyACookie = true)
     $activeTheme = new ActiveTheme($config['active_theme'], $config['themes']);
     $device = null;
     if ($config['autodetect_theme']) {
         $device = $this->getDeviceDetectionMock('autodetect');
     $response = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response();
     $request = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request();
     if ($hasAlreadyACookie) {
         $request = $this->getMockRequest('cookie');
     $controller = false;
     if ($config['load_controllers']) {
         $controller = new ThemeController($activeTheme, $config['themes'], $config['cookie']);
     $listener = new ThemeRequestListener($activeTheme, $config['cookie'], $device);
     $listener->onKernelRequest($this->getEventMock($request, $response, 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\GetResponseEvent'));
     $this->assertEquals($activeTheme->getName(), $assertion['themeAfterKernelRequest']);
     if ($controller) {
         $response = $controller->switchAction($this->getMockRequest($assertion['themeAfterController']));
         $this->assertCookieValue($response, $assertion['themeAfterController']);
     // onResponse will not set the cookie if the controller modified it
     $listener->onKernelResponse($this->getEventMock($request, $response, 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\FilterResponseEvent'));
     $this->assertCookieValue($response, $assertion['themeAfterKernelResponse']);