Ejemplo n.º 1

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: HUSzanaI
 * Date: 2016.04.15.
 * Time: 9:54
// Közvetlen hívás esetén megjelenítjük az Object not found! oldalt.
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
\library\Language::setLang(array('Label.Text.Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'Label.Text.Username' => 'Username', 'Field.EmptyText.Username' => 'Username', 'Label.Text.Password' => 'Password', 'Field.EmptyText.Password' => 'Password', 'Label.Text.RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'Button.Attr.Text.PleaseWait' => 'Please wait...', 'Button.Text.Login' => 'Log In', 'Message.DoNotHaveLoginHeader' => '<b>Don\'t have a login?</b>', 'Message.DoNotHaveLoginMessage' => 'Not a member? Please contact your administrator to request an account or follow the <a href="#">setup wizard</a>.'));
Ejemplo n.º 2

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Pisti
 * Date: 2016. 05. 01.
 * Time: 20:25
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
\library\Language::setLang(array('APP.MENU.LOGO' => '<img style="position: relative;margin-top: -10px" src="' . __ROOT_URL__ . 'images/Atlassian_Logo.png">', 'APP.MENU.DASHBOARDS' => 'Dashboards', 'APP.MENU.SYSTEM' => 'System', 'APP.MENU.SERVER_MANAGEMENT' => 'Server Management', 'APP.MENU.DATABASE_MANAGEMENT' => 'Database Management', 'APP.MENU.MANAGE_USER' => 'Manage User', 'APP.MENU.MANAGE_RESPONSIBILITY' => 'Manage Responsibility', 'APP.MENU.MANAGE_RESPONSIBILITY_LOOKUP' => 'Responsibility Lookups', 'APP.MENU.MANAGE_METADATA' => 'Metadata', 'APP.MENU.PLUGINS' => 'Plugins', 'APP.MENU.PLUGINS_LIST' => 'Plugins List', 'APP.MENU.MODULE_LIST' => 'Module List', 'APP.MENU.INSTALL_PLUGIN' => 'Install Plugin', 'APP.MENU.INSTALL_MODULE' => 'Install Module'));
Ejemplo n.º 3

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: HUSzanaI
 * Date: 2016.04.15.
 * Time: 13:02
// Közvetlen hívás esetén megjelenítjük az Object not found! oldalt.
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
\library\Language::setLang(array('Button.Label.Upload' => 'Upload', 'Button.Label.Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'Button.Label.Addons' => 'Add-ons', 'Button.Label.VersionAndLicences' => 'Versions and licences', 'Button.Label.FindNewAddons' => 'Find new add-ons', 'Button.Label.ManageAddons' => 'Manage add-ons', 'Text.UploadInfo' => 'Upload the .zip file for a custom third party add-on here.
                          The .zip has to contains a pom.xml with the following information:', 'List.Element.GroupID' => 'GroupID', 'List.Element.ArtifactID' => 'ArtifactID', 'List.Element.Version' => 'Version', 'List.Element.Name' => 'Name', 'List.Element.Description' => 'Description', 'Text.ManageAddons' => 'Manage Add-ons', 'Text.InstallUpdate' => 'You may install update and enable/disable add-ons here.', 'Text.AddonData' => 'All add-on data displayed below is for the lates known product version.', 'Text.AddonCompatibility' => 'Add-on compatibility whith this version is unverified. Install add-ons at your own risk.', 'Select.Value.All' => 'All', 'Select.Value.PhpExtension' => 'PHP Extensions', 'Select.Value.CssExtension' => 'CSS Extensions', 'Select.Value.JavaScriptExtensions' => 'JavaScript Extensions', 'Select.Value.Framework' => 'Framework', 'Select.Value.Autoload' => 'Autoload', 'Button.Label.UploadAddon' => 'Upload Add-on', 'Text.AddonList' => 'Add-on list', 'Label.Text.UploadFromThisComputer' => 'From my computer', 'Button.Label.Section0' => 'Definitions', 'Button.Label.Section1' => 'Source Code', 'Button.Label.Section2' => 'Basic Permissions', 'Button.Label.Section3' => 'Protecting', 'Button.Label.Section4' => 'Conveying Verbatim Copies', 'Button.Label.Section5' => 'Conveying Modified Source Versions', 'Button.Label.Section6' => 'Conveying Non-Source Forms', 'Button.Label.Section7' => 'Additional Terms', 'Button.Label.Section8' => 'Termination', 'Button.Label.Section9' => 'Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies', 'Button.Label.Section10' => 'Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients', 'Button.Label.Section11' => 'Patents', 'Button.Label.Section12' => 'No Surrender of Others\' Freedom', 'Button.Label.Section13' => 'Use with the GNU Affero General Public License', 'Button.Label.Section14' => 'Revised Versions of this License', 'Button.Label.Section15' => 'Disclaimer of Warranty', 'Button.Label.Section16' => 'Limitation of Liability', 'Button.Label.Section17' => 'Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16', 'Button.Label.Terms' => 'Terms', 'Button.Label.Preamble' => 'Preamble', 'Button.Label.Howto' => 'How to'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Behelyettesíti a $_templateLanguage attribútumból a nyelvi elemeket a megfelelő helyre. A
  * nyelvi elemek {} között kell legyenek.
  * @param string $pin_Template              A template neve.
  * @return string                           A lefordítot template.
  * @version 1.0
  * @access private
 private static function _translateLanguageVariables(string $pin_Template) : string
     foreach (self::$_templateLanguage[$pin_Template] as $loc_MatchesValue) {
         $loc_Replaced = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('', ''), $loc_MatchesValue);
         $loc_Const = $loc_Replaced;
         if (\library\Language::getLanguageElement($loc_Replaced)->success) {
             $loc_Const = \library\Language::getLanguageElement($loc_Replaced)->element;
         } else {
             $loc_Const = $loc_Replaced;
         $loc_ReplaceArray[] = $loc_Const;
         $loc_PatternArray[] = '/{' . $loc_Replaced . '}/';
     if (isset($loc_PatternArray)) {
         $loc_ReplacedResult = preg_replace($loc_PatternArray, $loc_ReplaceArray, self::$_templateSource[$pin_Template]);
         return $loc_ReplacedResult;
     } else {
         return self::$_templateSource[$pin_Template];
Ejemplo n.º 5

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: HUSzanaI
 * Date: 2016.04.15.
 * Time: 12:51
// Közvetlen hívás esetén megjelenítjük az Object not found! oldalt.
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
Ejemplo n.º 6

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: HUSzanaI
 * Date: 2016.04.15.
 * Time: 9:50
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
\library\Language::setLang(array('APP_D_ROOT' => APPS_D_ROOT, '__ROOT_URI__' => __ROOT_URI__, '__ROOT_URL__' => __ROOT_URL__, 'MSG.ERROR.INVALID_FILE_NAME' => 'Invalid file name!', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.PROFILE_OPTIONS' => 'Profile Option', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.PROFILE' => 'Profile', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.MARKETPLACE' => 'Marketplace', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.HOME' => 'Home', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.DASHBOARD' => 'Dashboard', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.LOGOUT' => 'Log Out', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.ADMINISTRATION' => 'Administration', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.USER_MANAGEMENT' => 'User Management', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.ADDONS' => 'Add-ons', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.ISSUES' => 'Issues', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.SYSTEM' => 'System', 'MENU.ITEM.LABEL.AUDIT_LOG' => 'Audit Log', 'Form.Select.Option.Select' => 'Please Select One', 'Button.Label.Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'Button.Label.Save' => 'Save', 'Label.Text.Enabled' => 'Enabled', 'Label.Text.Disabled' => 'Disabled'));
Ejemplo n.º 7

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: HUSzanaI
 * Date: 2016.04.15.
 * Time: 13:02
// Közvetlen hívás esetén megjelenítjük az Object not found! oldalt.
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
\library\Language::setLang(array('Button.Label.AddGadget' => 'Add Gadget', 'Button.Label.EditLayout' => 'Edit Layout', 'Button.Label.Tools' => 'Tools', 'Button.Label.CopyDashboard' => 'Copy Dashboard', 'Button.Label.EditDashboard' => 'Edit Dashboard', 'Button.Label.DeleteDashboard' => 'Delete Dashboard', 'Button.Label.FindDashboard' => 'Find Dashboard', 'Button.Label.CreateDashboard' => 'Create Dashboard', 'Button.Label.Edit' => 'Edit', 'Button.Label.Minimize' => 'Minimize', 'Button.Label.Maximize' => 'Maximize', 'Button.Label.Delete' => 'Delete'));
Ejemplo n.º 8

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: HUSzanaI
 * Date: 2016.04.15.
 * Time: 9:54
// Közvetlen hívás esetén megjelenítjük az Object not found! oldalt.
if (count(get_included_files()) === 1) {
    echo "<html><head><title>Object not found!</title></head><frameset><frame src=\"./notfound\"></frameset></html>";
\library\Language::setLang(array('Button.Label.ServerManagement' => 'Server Management', 'Button.Label.Basic' => 'Basic Settings', 'Button.Label.Email' => 'Email Notification', 'Button.Label.ApplicationProperties' => 'Application Properties', 'Button.Label.LanguageLocalization' => 'Language and Localization', 'Label.Text.DatabaseType' => 'Database Type', 'Label.Text.HostName' => 'Hostname', 'Label.Text.PORT' => 'Port', 'Form.Select.Option.PostreSQL' => 'Postgre SQL', 'Form.Select.Option.MySQL' => 'MySQL', 'Form.Select.Option.OracleDB' => 'Oracle Database', 'Form.Select.Option.MSSQL' => 'MSSQL', 'Label.Text.Username' => 'Username', 'Label.Text.Password' => 'Password', 'Label.Text.Schema' => 'Schema', 'Button.Label.Test' => 'Test Connection', 'Button.Label.Ldap' => 'LDAP User Directory', 'Label.Text.Host' => 'Host name or IP address of the database server', 'Label.Text.Tcp' => 'TCP Port Number for the database server', 'Label.Text.UsernameInfo' => 'The username to access the database', 'Label.Text.PasswordInfo' => 'The password to access the database', 'Label.Text.SchemaInfo' => 'Specify the schema name for your database', 'Label.Text.ServerSettings' => 'Server Settings', 'Label.Text.LdapSchema' => 'LDAP Schema', 'Label.Text.Name' => 'Name', 'Label.Text.DirectoryType' => 'Directory Type', 'Label.Text.Hostname' => 'Hostname', 'Label.Text.Suffix' => 'Suffix', 'Label.Text.BaseDN' => 'Base DN', 'Label.Text.DomainController' => 'Domain Controller', 'Label.Text.LdapHost' => 'Hostname of the server running LDAP', 'Form.Select.Option.MicrosoftActicveDirectory' => 'Microsoft Active Directory', 'Form.Select.Option.Ldap' => 'LDAP', 'Label.Text.Description' => 'Description', 'Label.Text.FromAddress' => 'From Address', 'Label.Text.EmailPrefix' => 'Email Prefix', 'Label.Text.SMTPHost' => 'SMTP Host', 'Label.Text.Protocol' => 'Protocol', 'Form.Select.Option.SMTP' => 'SMTP', 'Form.Select.Option.POP3' => 'POP3', 'Label.Text.TLS' => 'TLS', 'Label.Text.Title' => 'Application Title', 'Label.Text.Title' => 'The name of the installation', 'Label.Text.Mode' => 'Mode', 'Radio.Label.Private' => 'Private', 'Label.Text.ModePrivate' => 'Only administrators can create new users', 'Radio.Label.Public' => 'Public', 'Label.Text.ModePublic' => 'Anyone can sign up'));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Elvégzi a szükséges osztályok inicializálását az oldal betöltése előtt.
  * @access proetcted
  * @version 1.0
 protected function _initClasses()